Prototype's Gate

Chapter 26

Lae'zel stopped and inspected some markings on a boulder.

"The creche is that way," she said, pointing to the right.

"Wait, can you smell it?" Alex asked.

Everyone took a few sniffs.

"Uh, something died somewhere around here," Astarion said.

"We should trust Astarion with this; he knows how a putrid cadaver smells," Shadowheart said from the side.

As Astarion and Shadowheart had a staring contest, Alex spotted something moving in the bushes to their left.

"Something is there, but I can't feel its mind," Alex thought.

The thing leaped from the bush, almost getting Astarion, but Alex kicked it away.

"What is a ghoul doing here?" Gale asked, with a small fire in his hand.

The ghoul appeared as an emaciated, roughly humanoid creature with an almost-hairless, mottled, decaying hide stretched tight over its bones. It had the sharp teeth of a carnivore and sunken eyes that burned as if they were hot coals.

"It's not alone," Alex said, unsheathing his blade and pointing to his left.

The party quickly got in formation with Lae'zel, Karlach, Glut, and Alex at the front; Shadowheart behind them; Gale in the center; and Wyll and Astarion in the back.

Twenty ghouls and ghasts came running toward them.

The ghasts looked similar to the ghouls but were more ghost-like.

Karlach was the first to strike, splitting a ghoul with ease.

"Don't let them touch you!" Wyll shouted as he struck a ghoul that leaped from a nearby tree with an eldritch blast.

The front fighters easily took care of the undead, with the rest supporting them with offensive spells and buffs.

Despite the numbers, they were easily taken care of.

"That wasn't very hard, but the smell, blah," Karlach noted.

Just as she said that, two death shepherds walked out from the bushes. The shepherds were large, armored skeletal figures that loomed over them, even over Karlach. Terrifying, ornate armor decorated with skulls and bone motifs shielded all parts of their bodies except the heads – white skulls that looked at the opponents with sinister malice. Both of them wielded greatswords and were surrounded by a sickly green aura, like a veil. It drifted from them to the undead they had just slain.

The slain undead's flesh mended and broken bones snapped back into place. In no more than a few moments, all the undead were back up on their feet.

"You had to jinx it," Astarion said.

A fireball came crashing down on both shepherds, turning a few undead into ashes.

"Nice shot, Gale," Wyll praised the wizard.

"Thanks, but I fear it wasn't enough."

Despite making the fireball as powerful as possible, it barely did any damage.

One of the shepherds raised their greatsword and pointed at the party.

All the remaining undead rushed at them, much more aggressively than before. Every time they slew one, it rose back up. Fortunately, being burned to ash and using spells imbued with holy magic killed them permanently.

The shepherds didn't stay idle while the ghouls and the ghasts clawed at the party.

"Ah!. This one hits like a bull," Karlach groaned as she blocked one of the shepherd's attacks.

"I know Shar is not the most holy deity, but don't you have a more powerful spell?" Gale asked as electricity flew from his hands, trying to hit one of the shepherds. Before it could hit the target, it dissipated by the green aura.

Shadowheart raised her hands. After a short incantation, a small ball of light flew from her hand and exploded, sending holy energy all around them. All the ghouls and ghasts turned to dust, burned by the holy energy; even the shepherds weren't immune to it.

Shadowheart put her hands on her knees, her breathing rough.

"Tsk," Lae'zel threw a glare at Shadowheart before rushing to the shepherds.

Now, without the undead they could revive, the fight became much easier.

Still, the shepherds gave the group a tough fight.

Lae'zel's flaming sword came crashing down, splitting the shepherd's skull in two.

As they turned to engage the other shepherd, the green veil surrounding it revived the shepherd they had just killed.

"Split up!" Wyll shouted.

Glut, Alex, and Wyll focused on the shepherd that was revived while the rest focused on the other.

"Finally," Karlach said as she took a seat on a boulder, looking at the piles of ashes around them.

"Do you think there are more rotted meat lurking around?" Glut asked Alex.

"Possible," Alex said, his eyes looking around while his senses were tuned to the limit.

"Let's go check where those undead came from," Wyll said after everyone had their short rest, his eyes scanning the foliage around them.

They walked a bit forward and turned left. It was better to move on the road as they had better vision.

"What happened here?" Karlach asked as she saw the massacre before them.

Dozens of corpses of various races lay scattered around.

"This was a battle between the Absolute cultists and githyanki," Alex said, pointing to one of the dead corpses laying around. It was wearing a necklace with the Absolute symbol on it.

"We should search them, maybe they have something that can explain what happened here," Gale proposed.

"Good idea," Wyll said as he crouched next to a cultist body.

"Guys, I found something," Astarion shouted after a few minutes of searching.

"What did you find?" Wyll asked.

"I found this letter on a drow," Astarion said as he brought forth the letter.

Wyll grabbed it and started to read it out loud.

"Duke Ravengard is to be delivered - unharmed, or mostly so - immediately. Moonrise Towers cannot fulfill its destiny until the Duke has been delivered. Those who succeed will be rewarded. Those who fail will face first my wrath, then Gortash's, then mine again. Signed by General Ketheric Thorm."

"Those are the basterds who kidnapped my father . " Wyll said anger in his voice .

Alex could spot Karlach tense a bit, and her flames burning brighter for a moment when Wyll mentioned the name Gortash.

"Do you guys know who Gortash and Ketheric Thorm are?" Alex asked.

He would have Bullet haul all those bodies somewhere for him to consume to gather more informations.

"Gortash is a black market dealer in Baldur's Gate. I never thought of him as the religious type," Karlach said, her flames blazing despite trying to keep a calm facade.

There was something between them, Alex thought.

"I heard his name a few times around Baldur's Gate. He is a rising political figure," Astarion noted.

"Of course, he is," Karlach murmured.

"I read about Ketheric Thorm in a book a while ago. He is the one who created the Shadowlands, but he was killed a century ago," Gale said.

"Things are getting complicated. But first, let's make sure the grove doesn't get attacked by the githyanki," Wyll said as he read the letter once more.

Lae'zel seemed pleased by Wyll's words.

They backtracked and this time turned right.

As they walked, they heard a woman shout to them.

"Hey!" she shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound. There was an older woman with long, white hair, typically tied back neatly. She had a stern, experienced expression with visible wrinkles that suggested wisdom and a life of significant experiences. Her attire was practical and armored, reflecting a seasoned warrior or adventurer. She had the symbol of an eye on it—the same symbol Blurg and Omeluum had on their robes.

The group walked to her with Wyll at the front.

"A friendly face!" she said as she eyed Lae'zel for a moment, then focused on Wyll. "Oh, you are a sweet blessing, my dear. You know, I've had nothing but trouble all day. I've been accosted, chased, insulted. Look over there. Do you see that wretched little hive?"

Everyone turned and looked to where she was pointing. A grand temple nestled within a mountainous landscape. The temple itself was an impressive architectural feat, with tall, pointed spires and intricate detailing. It sat on a rocky outcrop surrounded by lush green vegetation, which contrasted with the rugged, stony cliffs and towering mountain peaks in the background.

"It looks like a temple," Wyll said.

"Oh, it certainly looks that way, but inside it's swarming with brutish, stupid, rude githyanki."

"Brutish and rude by your wretched standards. But stupid? K'chacki," Lae'zel said from the side.

"Your charming companion would call it a creche. But it was built on what remained after the githyanki slaughtered all the monks. I'd call it a murderous training camp."

"Acutely observed on both counts," Lae'zel replied.

"Honestly, I was doing them a favor offering to buy one of their eggs. And how am I repaid? Attacked and run off like some transient."

"You tried to buy one of their children?" Wyll asked.

"What? No, of course not! I was merely—well... Look, it's just an egg. The Society of Brilliance asked me to acquire one of their roe so they can incubate it and, once it hatches, raise the spawn in their tradition."

"Please, do enlighten me. What is this tradition?" Lae'zel asked, not very pleased by what the woman was saying.

"The Society believes a githyanki raised in a peaceful, nurturing environment can overcome its violent nature. I'm sure your friend would agree. A githyanki is as likely to forsake its violent nature as a gnome is to fly."

"Violence is taught, not inherited. You don't need to steal a child to know that," Wyll said.

"You've been sipping from the same goblet as the Society. Perhaps you'd be willing to help, then? To prove your point. They may have chased me away, but surely the gith would welcome a person with such sympathetic views to their creche. And once inside, you could simply... purloin an egg."

"Steal one of Gith's own? I will slit your throat for even suggesting it," Lae'zel threatened the woman.

"I'm not talking to you," the older woman replied to Lae'zel's threat before addressing Wyll. "You will be well compensated, of course. Just bring me an egg."

Before Wyll could answer, Alex intervened.

"Blurg and Omeluum are colleagues of yours?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"We met them in the Underdark. They tried to help us with a problem."

The older woman's stern expression softened slightly at Alex's words.

"Ah, Blurg and Omeluum, good souls they are. Always willing to lend a hand or a tentacle," she replied, nodding thoughtfully.

"They spoke highly of the Society of Brilliance and its goals."

The woman's eyes twinkled with interest. "The Society’s mission is one of understanding and enlightenment, though not without its challenges."

"What exactly do you plan to do with this egg once it hatches?" Wyll asked.

"The Society will raise the spawn, educate it, and observe its development. It will be treated with respect and care, unlike the harsh conditions of a traditional creche," she explained.

"Let’s say we agree," Wyll said cautiously. "How exactly do you propose we get this egg without causing a bloodbath? The githyanki aren't exactly known for their hospitality."

The woman smiled wryly. "That, my dear, is where your skills come into play. Diplomacy, subterfuge, a little bit of charm... whatever works. The githyanki may be fierce, but they are not invincible."

Astarion, who had been pondering quietly, spoke up. "And what do you plan to offer us in return for this risky venture?"

"A fair question," the woman acknowledged. "I can offer you gold, certainly. But I can also provide you with rare knowledge and magical artifacts from our Society’s collection. Things you won’t find elsewhere."

The group exchanged glances, weighing their options.

"So, what do you say? Will you help the Society of Brilliance?"

Wyll turned to the group, seeking their consensus. "What do you think? Shall we take this mission on?"

Alex nodded. This could be an opportunity to improve his psychic abilities.

"If we’re careful, we can do this without causing too much trouble. And the rewards sound promising," Karlach added.

Shadowheart sighed but nodded. "Let’s make sure we’re not walking into a trap."

Gale agreed, "Knowledge and artifacts could be invaluable to us. I say we proceed, with caution."

"Magic is not my cup of tea but it sounds worth it . " Astarion said with a small shrug.

Glute offered just a thumbs up.

Wyll turned back to the woman. "Alright, we’ll help you. But know this: we’ll be doing it on our terms. No unnecessary risks."

The woman smiled broadly. "That’s all I can ask. Thank you, truly. I’ll be waiting here for your return. Good luck."

With their decision made, the group walked towards the temple.

They stopped before a small ornate column with an inscribed stone plaque on it.

"Approach the ferry in Lathander's grace. May his gaze shine upon you, pilgrim."

"Lathander is a greater god with a vast portfolio including birth, renewal, spring and youth, as well as athletics, self-perfection, vitality and creativity," Gale told Alex.

The party stopped before a rudder next to a mechanism a cable was attached to it . At the end of the cable was a cable car that was resting close to the temple . Wyll walked to the rudder and tried to move it to bring the car from the other side, but it was stuck.

"Damn, completely stuck. I wonder when it was last used."

"Let me try it," Karlach said as she walked and grabbed the rudder horns. She struggled a bit but after some effort, it moved.

They heard a metallic screech as the rusted mechanism tried to bring the cable car.

Alex suddenly dashed and pushed Gale away. An arrow passed where Gale was standing. Everyone quickly unsheathed their weapons and prepared their spells.

"Those are githyanki, but what happened to them?" Wyll asked.

A group of githyanki was shambling towards them. Something like black-greenish mud was crawling all over their bodies and armor, with their eyes glowing with a sickly green light.

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