Proof of Longevity

Chapter 55

Chapter 56 hunting

Zhang Shiyang said: “This group of children has been practicing martial arts for a while, but after all, martial arts are going to fight with others. Now it is good to ask the children to see blood. I mean, these children are not strong enough now. It is inferior to adults. It is better to ask experienced hunters to take these children to hunt in the mountains, so that they can see blood, and they will never grow up to adults without the baptism of blood. Moreover, when the children have rich experience in the future, After the strength is strengthened, you can go hunting in the mountains in groups, so that you can exercise your children and reduce the burden of flying in some villages. Moreover, the hunted fur can be sold in the town, so that you can exchange some daily necessities for the village. The village chief sees if this plan is feasible?”.

After hearing this, the village chief did not immediately answer, instead he was meditating there alone, thinking about whether Zhang Shiyang’s plan was feasible. Zhang Shiyang was not in a hurry. He took the cup of tea and took a sip. When the tea was blowing and the tea was about to bottom out, the village head raised his head and looked at Zhang Shiyang: “This plan is feasible, as long as there are rich hunters. Leading the team is not afraid of any danger to these children, but we need to discuss this matter with everyone and see what you have to say.”

When he said that, he walked out of the house and shook the bell hanging on the high pole. The sound came round and round. The villagers in the village walked out of the house and walked towards the village chief’s house, but they were wondering whether they knew this in their hearts. What happened to the village chief one morning. Although the village is very big, everyone came quickly. Although it is almost spring time, it is still a bit cold outside. There are so many people in the village chief’s house, so let’s go to the school together. The school is big enough and should be able to be held easily.

In previous meetings, everyone set fire to the yard in advance. A group of people moved from the village head’s house to the school hall. When everyone was seated, the village head said: “Everyone, call everyone so early today. If there is something to discuss, we will discuss and get a charter.” Seeing everyone listening quietly to their own speech, the village chief continued: “Everyone knows the situation in the village. Since the children have learned martial arts, they have to eat a lot of meat and use a lot of precious medicinal materials for medicinal baths. You must know that the village was not rich before, but everyone has gritted their teeth and persevered in order for their children to be more productive in the future, but think about it, everyone.”

“This martial arts practice is not a matter of one day or two days, one month or two months, but a matter of several years. Now everyone is having a hard time. I’m afraid that everyone’s body will be dragged before the child becomes a talent. It broke down, so today my husband made an idea about the current situation in the village. The husband said that the children of the group are no less powerful than adults. In total, this group of children should be exercised so that the best hunters in the village can be separated. Take this group of children to hunt. Behind our village is an endless mountain. Inside, there are inexhaustible and inexhaustible medicinal materials and wild beasts. This way, you can exercise the group of children and bring some to the village. Income can change the predicament in the village. After all, a young eagle who does not experience wind and rain will never grow up. I carefully considered the opinion of my husband and think this method is feasible, but this is not a matter of one person after all. It’s a major event for the whole village. I think I need to discuss it with everyone. If someone disagrees, I won’t force it. There are so many things. Let’s put it all together and make an idea.”

As soon as the village chief’s voice fell, a buzzing sound began to sound in the school, and a group of people began to accumulate each other, and a man said: “What should I do if I am still accidentally injured, after all, my family is a lone seedling.” Another hungry and thin man retorted: “What’s wrong with Du Miaomiao? I haven’t heard the village chief. You can’t grow up without wind and rain, and since you have practiced martial arts, you will always fight with others in the future. Now you see blood. , Maybe you can save one more life in the future.” A man with a beard next to him said at this moment: “That’s right, that’s the reason, and Du Lao San, you are still worried about your family’s lone seedlings. Your family will not be able to eat. Your mother-in-law doesn’t make peace every day. You are so noisy.” The group of people next to him laughed, and the man named Du Lao San was as red as coal, muttering not to speak, looking embarrassed. About the time when there was a cup of tea, the old village chief clapped his hands, and when everyone was quiet, he asked, “I don’t know how you are thinking?”

The old man Du was the first to speak: “The village chief, we listen to you and your husband. Now everyone’s life is really difficult. Let’s act according to the plan of the village chief and husband.” “Yes, just listen to it, sir. How can a young eagle not experience wind and rain grow up?” “Yes, village chief, we have made a decision, you can quickly order.” As soon as the village chief’s voice was over, a group of people were below Echoing it, the village head saw that everyone had no comments and said: “Then everyone will go back first, and I will discuss the specific implementation plan with my husband.” Zhang Shiyang watched everyone leaving, and stood up and said: “Everyone, tell your kids that today’s course has been cancelled. Ask everyone to review it at home, but the village chief and I have something to discuss.” .

After listening to a group of people, they walked outside with shouting. Which brazier Zhang Shiyang went to lit up the fire, and the school was immediately warmed up. After serving a cup of tea to the village chief, Zhang Shiyang looked at the village chief: “Li Bo, no Do you know how many hunters there are in our village? The village chief groaned after hearing the words: about 400 or so, most people have several brothers, so the village has more manpower.” Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words, and then said: “If you don’t need so many people, then divide these people into four groups. Whoever has the time will **** the children up the mountain to hunt. It is estimated that every time there are more than ten people leading the team. Enough, I will go back and divide the children into four groups, and then ask them to take the children up the mountain separately.”

After the two people discussed, Zhang Shiyang wanted to stay with the village chief for dinner, but was rejected by the village chief. The two of them just walked out of the school and saw Widow Horse cleaning the yard. The village chief nodded, and then said to Zhang Shiyang after walking past Widow Horse with Zhang Shiyang. “Mr. is a great virtue. Everyone in the village knows the hardships of Widow Ma’s family, and the hardships of a woman with a child. People in the village want to help, but they don’t dare. One is afraid of being broken. The feast of Widow Horse, the second is that everyone’s days are relatively tight, so they haven’t put it into action. Now everyone in the village admires Mr.”.

Zhang Shiyang smiled when he heard the words, “The village head is too much to show his love, and he is just reluctant to lose his disciple Ma Hao, but Ma Hao is a creative talent, if it is because of the material things that make him fall. what a pity”. The village chief was surprised when he heard this: “Mr. is so optimistic about Ma Hao?”. Zhang Shiyang nodded: “If there is no accident, he will be in the top three.” The village chief sighed after hearing the words: “In this way, it is the great fortune of our village.”

The village chief Zhang Shiyang returned to the house but found that the breakfast had been prepared, presumably the horse widow made it. Zhang Shiyang shook his head after eating breakfast and walked out of the yard and saw that the horse widow was still busy. She stepped forward to help. The horse widow said: “Sir. It’s better to take a break, and it’s a rare holiday. I’ll just do it.” Zhang Shiyang smiled and looked at the figure of the horse widow Miao Man: “It’s okay, regular exercises will save you from rusty bones.” Hearing that Widow Ma is not discouraging, but sweeping the yard intently. Zhang Shiyang went to feed his baby rabbit. After a rare day of rest, Zhang Shiyang got up early the next day, made breakfast and tidied up, and when he arrived at the school, he saw that all the children had arrived. Zhang Shiyang did not go in, and directly called out the group of children: the young eagles that have not survived the wind and rain cannot grow up after all. I think your parents have already told you things after returning home, so I won’t make too many statements. Up. Now you will be divided into groups, and then you will learn to hunt and train yourself with the hunters in the village. Then Zhang Shiyang divided the group of children into groups. After the group was divided, there was another exhortation, and then a huge, long-lasting hunting operation began.

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