
Chapter 27-Baal Zebub

The air was thick with tension, electric with the threat of violence about to break loose. Each of them stood on the edge of exhaustion, but none were willing to back down.

Mia’s cold laughter echoed, her voice a haunting contrast to the cruel smile on her face. The water swirling around her twisted and froze into deadly shards of ice, each one gleaming with a lethal edge, hovering as if waiting for her command. Jack clenched his fists, the blood seeping from reopened wounds beneath his armor fueling his power. The grotesque sword in his hand, a shifting mass of miniature blades, seemed to pulse with a hunger for the carnage to come. Every drop of blood made him stronger, every heartbeat a drumbeat to war.

Elizabeth stood behind him, flipping open the cursed pages of the Book of Unlovable Blessings. Her fingers danced across the ancient runes, each touch bringing forth a power that weighed down the surrounding air, making it heavy with malice. Mia could feel it, the draining force of Elizabeth’s ability, ready to sap her strength.

Mia's glowing eye flickered, the briefest vision of the future flashing before her. She could see it coming, Jack’s strike, but even with her foresight, she wasn’t fast enough.

With a roar that shook the ground, iron spikes erupted beneath Mia, ripping through the earth. One of them speared through her arm, but her body shifted like liquid, her water form absorbing the blow. Ice crystallized at her fingertips, launching toward Jack with deadly precision, but he was already moving. His sword became a whirlwind of steel, each miniature blade turning into a blur of slicing edges.

“You’re not escaping this time,” Jack snarled, his voice a low growl of fury. He charged forward, every muscle in his body tensed for the kill.

Mia’s gaze narrowed. She’d seen his path. Water burst from the ground, coiling around his legs in a suffocating torrent, trying to drag him under. But Jack’s blood continued to flow, and with every drop, his strength surged. His body flexed as the armor greedily drained his life force, the bindings of water shattering under his power.

Behind him, Elizabeth remained calm, her eyes locked onto Mia. Her fingers moved like a pianist’s across the pages of her cursed tome. “Slow,” she whispered, her voice soft but laced with deadly intent. The curse took hold instantly. Mia’s movements faltered, her water became slow and weak under Elizabeth’s ability.

For a fleeting moment, victory seemed close. But then Mia’s eye flared with a blinding intensity. She grinned, a predator baring its teeth. She had already seen this.

Ice appeared beneath Jack’s feet as it fractured with a sickening crack, and in the next instant, it exploded upward with brutal force. Jagged spears shot up, impaling his armor and sending him hurtling through the air. Blood sprayed from his wounds, painting the ground red as he crashed into the earth, his breath coming in ragged gasps, Elizabeth gasped, her hand instinctively outstretched, but Mia was faster. The water at Elizabeth’s feet surged forward, freezing instantly around her legs. The icy bonds constricted with unnatural speed, pinning her in place.

“I’ve already seen how this ends,” Mia's voice dripped with malice. Her grin widened, a look of pure, cold satisfaction on her face. “You can’t stop me.”

Jack’s roar of defiance echoed across the battlefield, but every movement sent fresh waves of agony through his body. His armor responded to his pain, spikes once again bursting from the ground, this time converging on Mia with deadly intent. They rose like a forest of iron, closing in from every direction.

Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed in focus as she gripped the Book of Unlovable Blessings tighter, flipping to a different page. She opened the Stomach of the Gluttonous Monarch, the artifact manifesting as a dark, yawning void. Its insatiable maw spread wide, devouring the ice around her legs with terrifying ease. The moment her feet were free, she surged forward, ready to rejoin the fight.

As the battle raged on, Jack pushed himself to his feet, blood spilling from his wounds like rivers, feeding the relentless power of his armor. His breathing was labored, his body trembling from the sheer pain coursing through him. But there was no hesitation in his eyes, only fury and the will to fight.

Elizabeth, her eyes filled with desperation, flipped through her book, trying to draw on as much power as she could manage. Every second felt like an eternity as the weight of her own exhaustion pressed down on her, the power of her artifact draining her with each use. Her legs still ached from where the ice had bound her, but she pressed on, knowing there was no time for rest.

Mia stood at the center of the chaos, a cold smile on her lips, her water-formed arm swirling menacingly. She watched Jack with an eerie calm, as if already knowing the outcome. “You’re fighting a losing battle,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of the water that churned around her.

With a swift motion, Mia’s water-arm shot forward, wrapping around Jack’s throat like a noose. His hands immediately flew to the liquid tendril, trying to pry it off, but the water only tightened its grip. He gasped, his strength surging as the armor drained more of his blood, but it wasn’t enough. The water wasn’t just holding him, it was seeping into his mouth, his nose, his lungs.

Jack’s eyes widened in terror as the realization hit him, she wasn’t just choking him, she was drowning him, just as she said she would.

“Mia!” Elizabeth screamed, her voice cracking with fear. She sprinted toward them, her hand outstretched, the book in her right hand glowing with the curses she was preparing to unleash. But her vision blurred, and her legs faltered. Blood stained the ground beneath her as she reached out with her left hand, only to remember it wasn’t there. She stared at the stump where her arm had once been as she realized something. Despite the power they gained from their artifacts, the cost of using them will be their reason for losing. She had forgotten, the desperation clouding her mind. She tried to move forward, but her strength was waning fast.

“Mia! Stop!” Elizabeth’s voice broke into a sob, she dropped her book onto the ground as she reached out with her right hand, desperate to save Jack.

Jack thrashed, his body convulsing as the water filled his lungs, the suffocating sensation overpowering the fire in his blood. His armor groaned under the strain, spikes bursting from the earth in one last, desperate attempt to pierce Mia, but the water swallowed them whole. His vision blurred as the world began to fade, his final gasps of air drowned in the torrent.

Elizabeth collapsed to her knees, her hand shaking as she tried to use the last of her strength to save him. But her vision darkened, her body giving in to the overwhelming pain. She could only watch, helpless, as Mia's water constricted tighter around Jack’s throat.

Mia’s face remained impassive as Jack’s struggles slowed. His body went limp, his eyes dulling as the life drained from him.

“I told you, that you would drown to death” Mia said coldly, her voice devoid of any warmth or remorse.

Jack’s body collapsed to the ground, lifeless, water still dripping from his mouth.

Elizabeth’s scream echoed across the classroom, raw and filled with the agony of loss. She reached out once more, her missing arm a painful reminder that there was nothing left for her to grasp. The weight of her failure crushed her, and as her sobs wracked her body, Mia turned her gaze toward her, the cruel smile never leaving her lips.

Elizabeth’s scream hung in the air, piercing the stillness that followed Jack’s death. His lifeless body lay crumpled on the ground, his once towering strength reduced to nothing but a hollow shell. Water still dripped from his mouth, pooling beneath him as the last traces of Mia’s lethal attack trickled away. Elizabeth could only watch, her heart splintering with each agonizing second that passed.

Mia stood over him, her face devoid of emotion, her glowing eye flickering with cold indifference. The smile on her lips was a ghostly mockery of the person she had once been. Jack was gone, another casualty in her wake, another life she had snuffed out without hesitation.

But as Mia turned her gaze toward Elizabeth, something dark and primal flared within the remaining fighter. Grief twisted into rage, a rage so fierce it threatened to tear her apart. She forced herself to her feet, her body trembling from the strain, the weight of the ability she had been channeling pressing down on her like lead. Her cursed artifact, the Stomach of the Gluttonous Monarch seemed to pulse in response to her fury, its insatiable hunger clawing at the air, thirsting for more.

The Stomach of the Gluttonous Monarch flared to life, its abyssal maw yawning wide as the surrounding air twisted and distorted. The ground beneath it cracked and shattered, sucked into the void as if the very earth itself was being consumed. A chilling wind swept across the classroom, carrying with it the weight of a hunger so powerful it threatened to swallow everything in its path, water, blood, ice, aura… even life.

Mia’s smile faltered for the first time. Her glowing eye flickered, catching glimpses of what was to come, but even she couldn’t predict how this would end. The Stomach surged forward, its black maw extending outward like a sentient shadow, reaching toward her with the promise of annihilation.

Elizabeth's eyes burned with fury as the artifact obeyed her command, devouring everything in its path. The air grew thick with the sound of cracking ice and rushing water as the artifact began to pull the frozen remnants of Mia’s previous attacks into its gaping void. It consumed the water, the debris, the blood from Jack’s body, and even the spikes of iron, Jack had summoned in his last moments. It was a void of endless hunger, and Elizabeth was ready to feed Mia to it.

“You killed him!” Elizabeth’s voice trembled, her body weak, but her spirit burning with a fury that refused to be extinguished. “I will erase you. I’ll devour every last piece of you until there’s nothing left.”

Mia's expression shifted as the Stomach drew closer, its pull relentless. She could feel the tug, the overwhelming force threatening to drag her into the abyss. The surrounding water churned violently as she attempted to resist, her control faltering. But Mia was no ordinary foe. She had seen this, had felt this. The future twisted in her mind, fragmented glimpses flashing before her, paths of survival, threads of escape. Her left eye flared, a pulse of light illuminating the dark battlefield.

With a sharp flick of her wrist, the water beneath her exploded upward, a surge of liquid force that momentarily broke the pull of the Stomach’s gravity. The torrent wrapped around her like a shield, forming a protective barrier as she struggled against the artifact’s immense power. Her arm, still formed of water, elongated, twisting in the air like a whip as she lashed out toward Elizabeth, intent on ending the battle before it could consume her.

Elizabeth’s right arm flew up in defense, her hand gripping the book tighter as she called upon her ability. “Silence,” she hissed, casting the debilitating power directly toward Mia. The ability struck true, slamming into Mia’s mind like a hammer, dulling her senses, slowing her movements. But Mia was prepared. Her water-arm snapped through the air, crashing into Elizabeth and sending her staggering backward, her body nearly crumpling from the force of the impact.

For a brief moment, the Stomach faltered, its pull weakening as Elizabeth struggled to regain control.

Mia seized the opportunity, her water form shifting once more. She reconstituted her arm, transforming it into a massive wave that surged toward Elizabeth, intending to sweep her off her feet and crush her beneath its weight. But Elizabeth, though battered, was relentless. With a snarl, she slammed the Stomach into the ground, the artifact’s maw widening once again as it renewed its assault, this time directly targeting Mia’s water-arm.

The pull was stronger now, more desperate, as if the Stomach itself sensed the growing power within Mia. The water-arm began to bend, inching toward the void as Mia fought to keep her form intact. Her eye glowed brighter, visions of her own death flashing before her, and for a moment, uncertainty crossed her face.

Elizabeth saw it, the momentary flicker of doubt, and pressed forward. “You’ll be devoured,” she spat, her voice hoarse. “You’ll die, you horrid murderer.”

Mia’s gaze hardened. “I’ve seen all of this before,” she whispered, voice cold and unwavering. With a final surge of power, her water-arm snapped free from the Stomach’s pull, retracting and reforming into a deadly spear of ice. Without hesitation, she thrust it forward, aiming straight for Elizabeth’s heart, determined to end this battle.

Elizabeth, too weak to dodge, could only brace herself for the inevitable strike. But just as the ice spear was about to pierce her chest, her artifact, the Stomach of the Gluttonous Monarch reacted. Its long, grotesque tongue shot out from the dark void, wrapping itself around the spear. With a vile, echoing laughter, the Stomach devoured the ice entirely, swallowing it whole. The artifact had a mind of its own, one driven by a monstrous hunger.

Before Elizabeth could comprehend what was happening, the artifact turned on her. The tongue, slick and writhing, slithered toward her head. In an instant, it coiled around her neck and yanked with savage force, ripping her head clean off. Elizabeth's body crumpled lifelessly to the ground as her severed head disappeared into the bag’s insatiable maw. Blood sprayed from her neck, pooling beneath her, but the Stomach was not finished.

The bag continued to laugh maniacally as it devoured the rest of Elizabeth’s body, piece by piece, with no hesitation. The air grew thick with the grotesque sounds of bones cracking and flesh being consumed, each bite more disturbing than the last. But the Stomach wasn’t done. It turned its attention toward Jack’s remains. Without pause, its tongue lunged toward his corpse, consuming him as well, body, blood, and the artifact he wielded. Everything disappeared into its dark void.

The classroom was now silent, save for the sickening sound of the Stomach finishing its gruesome feast. But something far worse was about to unfold. The bag began to writhe, contorting and twisting unnaturally. Its form bubbled and expanded, as if something inside was forcing its way out.

Mia’s glowing eye flickered in disbelief. This was not the future she had foreseen.

The Stomach of the Gluttonous Monarch began to melt into a thick black sludge, wriggling and pulsating as it morphed. The grotesque liquid twisted and coiled upon itself, growing taller and more defined, slowly taking shape. Limbs formed, stretching out from the mass, and features began to emerge from the twisting ooze.

From the sludge, a figure rose, no longer an artifact but a young man. His hair was a dark, shade of purple, falling messily around his face, and where his eyes should have been, there were only empty, hollow sockets. Two sharp horns, like those of a ram, curved from his forehead, adding to his monstrous appearance. He wore a regal crimson robe, frayed at the edges, and beneath it, a maroon button-up shirt and dark dress pants. Small insect-like wings buzzed from beneath his robe, and a slender black tail with an arrowhead tip flicked idly behind him. His smile was sharp but imperfect, one of his fangs was missing, giving him an unsettling, lopsided grin.

“Though that meal was meager,” the man said, his voice smooth but laced with irritation, “it seems it was enough to revive me… though this state is rather pathetic.” He ran a hand through his purple hair, looking down at his newly-formed body with mild disdain. “This… is far from ideal.”

Mia’s shock quickly gave way to fury. She had not predicted this, had not seen this in any of her glimpses into the future. And now, both Elizabeth and Jack were gone, devoured by this twisted creature. With a scream of rage, she charged at him, her water-arm reforming into a massive wave that surged forward, ready to drown him.

But in an instant, the man’s arm shot out. Before Mia could react, his hand was wrapped around her throat. It wasn’t just a grab, her very neck seemed to have been sucked into his grasp, like her body was nothing more than vapor to him. His grip was impossibly strong, and no matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t break free.

“You seem like quite a tasty meal,” the man mused, his grin widening as he studied her with his hollow eyes. Then, without warning, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, slowly kissing her.

Mia’s body convulsed, her eyes widening in horror as she felt something inside her shift. The corruption that had tainted her, warping her form and mind, began to dissolve. The corruption was slowly drained into his mouth. The cracks in her skin sealed, the ominous glow in her eye faded, and her arm reformed from water back to flesh and bone. Her body, once twisted by the darkness she had wielded, was returned to its original, unblemished state.

Baal pulled back, his grip loosening as a smile of mild satisfaction played on his lips. “Much better,” he murmured, his voice soft but dripping with sinister amusement. He released Mia, and she collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, her body trembling from the shock of the transformation. The weight of what had just transpired settled on her like a stone. Baal looked down at her, and despite his hollow, eyeless gaze, there was an eerie, amused glint in his expression.

“You were quite a lovely meal.”

Mia, still struggling to catch her breath, stared up at him in disbelief, fear mingling with the shock coursing through her veins. Her body, once corrupted and powerful, had returned to its human form, leaving her feeling vulnerable.

“For that delicious meal you provided me,” The man continued with a lazy, cheerful tone, “I'll let you survive, madam. I should probably provide my name, that’s the least I could do for someone so… delectable. My name is Baal. Baal Zebub, the second Monarch of the Abyss, the Gluttonous Monarch.” He said it calmly, as though discussing the weather, yet the weight of those words sent a shiver down Mia’s spine.

The name alone filled Mia with dread. The Abyss was a realm few on Earth understood, but what little was known had always been shrouded in horror. Monsters from that twisted place had begun appearing on Earth, their worlds somehow linked, causing untold destruction. To hear that the man standing before her, no, the thing was one of their Monarchs ignited a primal fear in Mia. Her body felt cold.

“So, you’re the Sin of Gluttony,” Mia spat, trying to push through her fear. Anger flared up inside her. They had fought so hard to kill Invidia, the Sin of Envy, and now, another powerful being from the Abyss had appeared. Her hands clenched into trembling fists. “We worked hard to kill Invidia, and here’s another one of you bastards.”

Baal chuckled softly, a disturbingly casual sound. “Sin? Oh no, no, no, don’t place me on that level,” he said, waving her words away as though they were an amusing joke. “The Monarchs rule the Sins. And while I am no longer the official King of the Abyss… trust me, my power is more than enough to slaughter everyone here if I wished.” He grinned widely, revealing sharp, mismatched teeth. “But don’t worry, I don’t plan on it. I’ve taken a liking to you, human.”

Mia’s heart pounded in her chest, but there was nothing she could do at this moment. Her power was gone, and facing Baal, the Gluttonous Monarch, filled her with a terror she couldn’t shake.

“Now, come on,” Baal said cheerfully, his mood shifting with a disturbing swiftness. He reached out, grabbing Mia by the arm with a firm but not painful grip. “There’s a delicious buffet just ahead, and someone was kind enough to leave it behind for me.”

Mia stumbled as Baal began to drag her down the corridor, his steps light and eager, as though he were about to feast on a grand meal. They passed through the darkened hallway until they arrived at a horrifying sight, the corpses of A.E.G.I.S agents lay scattered across the floor, bloodied and broken. Among them were the unconscious bodies of her students.

Mia’s breath hitched. Her eyes widened in panic as she pulled away from Baal’s grip, rushing to her students’ side. Thoughts flooded her mind. “No… this wasn’t supposed to happen. They had been safe in the bunker. Why had they left? What had happened here?”

Mia knelt beside the nearest body, her hands trembling as she checked for a pulse. Relief washed over her when she realized they were alive, but barely. Their breathing was shallow, their bodies broken and battered, as though they had been caught in the crossfire of some unimaginable force.

Baal watched her with idle curiosity, tapping his chin. “Are these kids important to you?” he asked, tilting his head like a child observing a curious scene.

“Yes… very,” Mia replied, her voice unsteady.

“I see,” Baal mused, as if deciding on something trivial. “Well, since I’m in a good mood, and you’ve been so kind to feed me… I suppose I can heal them. But first, my meal.”

Mia’s heart sank as she watched Baal stretch his arm forward. His hand morphed, shifting grotesquely until a gaping mouth formed in the center of his palm. The corpses of the fallen agents began to float in the air, drawn toward the void-like mouth as it opened wide. With a sickening pull, the bodies were swallowed whole, disappearing into the abyss that was Baal's hunger.

Mia looked away, unable to stomach the sight.

Once Baal had devoured the corpses, he snapped his fingers, and the air shimmered with a strange green light. Particles, glowing like soft embers, rained down from the sky. Slowly, the wounds on her students’ bodies began to knit themselves together. Bones reset and bruises faded. Though they remained unconscious, their injuries were completely healed.

“There you go,” Baal said, dusting his hands off as if he had done nothing more than a minor favor. “They’ll wake up soon enough, good as new.”

Mia, still kneeling beside her students, looked up at Baal with a mix of gratitude and fear. “Who… what is he? And what did his revival mean for their world?”

Baal stretched, his long, gangly limbs cracking like ancient bones being disturbed after centuries. His casual air, almost nonchalant in its cruelty, sent a chill down Mia’s spine. “Now, what to do next?” he mused aloud, his tone teetering between a childlike sing-song and something darker, more predatory. “There are a lot of powerful individuals here. But, to be honest, after that meal, I’m feeling rather tired. Besides…” He glanced down at Mia, his missing eyes somehow focusing on her, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. “I don’t want to go anywhere without you. And you’re clearly attached to your little students, aren’t you?”

Baal’s tone was unsettling, like he was humoring her, a predator playing with its prey. Mia’s stomach churned. She had no idea what this demon truly wanted or how much longer she could endure his presence. But for now, she was powerless to resist.

“I’ll assist you in bringing them somewhere safe,” Baal continued, his voice oddly cheerful, as if they were discussing a mundane task, “then, I think I’ll take a nice, long nap.”

With a snap of his fingers, the air shimmered with a surreal energy. Slowly, the unconscious bodies of Mia’s students began to lift off the ground, suspended in the air like rag dolls caught in an invisible tide. Mia, too, felt herself rise, weightless and powerless. Her body drifted towards Baal, who opened his arms in mock tenderness. She landed gently, her form collapsing into his grasp, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

“I don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” Baal said, his voice a mockery of kindness as he cradled her, his smile too wide, too knowing. “So I’ll protect you.”

Mia felt a tremor of disgust ripple through her body. Her mind screamed at her to resist, but she was too exhausted, too drained from everything that had happened. Was she really supposed to trust this… thing? His power was terrifying, limitless compared to hers. She swallowed hard, gathering whatever courage remained in her.

“You don’t know where you’re going,” Mia muttered, her voice hoarse, the last remnants of her defiance flickering. “Just set me down. I’ll lead the way.”

For a moment, Baal stared at her, his expression shifting into one of exaggerated disappointment, as if a child had been denied a treat. “Oh, fine,” he sighed, sounding almost sad. He gently set her down, releasing her from his hold, though Mia could still feel his presence looming over her like a shadow.

Baal followed her with a mock regal air, his gaze sweeping over the facility as if it was some trivial amusement park. Mia, now on her feet but still shaky, led the way, her mind racing. She needed to find the others, and fast. Every second spent with Baal felt like walking on the edge of a razor blade.

As they moved through the cold, dimly lit corridors, the silence between them was unbearable. Baal’s humming, a soft, eerie melody, filled the void, setting her teeth on edge. The unconscious students hovered behind them, trailing in a grotesque parade of stillness.

After what felt like an eternity, they turned a corner, and relief washed over Mia like a wave. Ahead of them was Wallace, his ever-diligent expression clouded with concern, flanked by Iris and Charles. The sight of them felt like a lifeline. Wallace’s eyes widened as he took in the scene, the floating students, Mia’s exhausted form, and Baal, standing tall and ominous behind her.

“Charles, Iris, I’m so glad you too are alright, when all this chaos happened, I was worried something happened to you,” Mia said, her eyes filled with joy.

“Mia, what happened?” Wallace’s voice was firm, though there was an undercurrent of unease. His gaze flicked to Baal, instinctively assessing the threat, his body tense.

Mia opened her mouth to respond, but Baal cut her off with a cheerful wave. “Hello, hello!” he called out, his voice as light and carefree as ever, as though he were greeting old friends at a party. “No need to be alarmed. I’m just here to help, after all.” His grin widened as he took in their confusion and fear, clearly enjoying himself. “Your friend here,” he continued, motioning to Mia, “was in a bit of a bind. I’ve taken the liberty of helping her and her dear students out of a… tricky situation.”

Wallace’s sharp gaze narrowed, his protective instincts kicking in as he stepped forward. “Who are you?” he demanded, his tone low and dangerous. There was an edge to his voice, a readiness to act, that was unmistakable. His eyes flicked between Mia and the towering figure beside her, assessing the threat that had seemingly come out of nowhere.

Baal’s grin didn’t waver for a moment. In fact, it widened, as though he relished the tension in the air. With a theatrical flair, he gave a mock bow, one hand sweeping to the side as if addressing a court of jesters. “Baal Zebub,” he announced with amusement dripping from every syllable. “Second Monarch of the Abyss. Gluttonous Monarch, if you prefer. But please, no need for formalities.” He straightened, and then his smile grew even more unsettling. “I only wish to protect my new bride.”

The room fell into a stunned silence. Out of all the unsettling things Baal had said, that word, bride, was the one that froze them all. Wallace, Iris, Charles, even Mia, couldn’t help but react in disbelief.

“Bride?” they all echoed, their voices overlapping in a unified chorus of bewilderment.

Baal turned to Mia, his tone light and nonchalant, as though they were discussing the weather. “Yes, of course! I’ve decided to make you my bride. So,” he tilted his head, smiling sweetly, “won’t you please marry me?”

Mia blinked, utterly speechless for a moment. She opened her mouth, searching for words, before finally sputtering, “We’ve only known each other for at most half an hour! We can’t just get married!”

Wallace, clearly drained from the day's overwhelming chaos, ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. “So much is happening today,” he muttered, his exhaustion palpable. “Listen, the whole facility is a mess, I almost got poisoned, and now we have a Monarch proposing marriage. Let’s just focus on surviving, alright?” His tired eyes conveyed how done he was with the absurdity of the situation.

Mia nodded, grateful for the distraction. “We were thinking of heading to the Bookkeeper’s library after we found you,” she suggested, her voice steadying.

Wallace raised a brow. “The Bookkeeper? He might let us in, especially after today. He even took down a member of Noir.” His words were tinged with respect, though the fatigue in his voice lingered.

“That’s unlike him,” Mia replied, her tone thoughtful. “The Bookkeeper rarely takes action. I also killed one of the Noir members. Baal handled the other.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Baal interjected with a disturbing cheerfulness. “I ripped her head off.”

Wallace winced slightly, his eyes flicking to the unconscious students nearby. “Yeah… that’s nice, Baal. Just don’t get too graphic in front of the kids. Anyway—” He turned, raising his voice to address the unseen presence he knew was always watching. “Hey, Bookkeeper, I know you’re listening. Let us into your library.”

As Wallace strode toward a nearby door, he reached for the handle. The door creaked open, but what lay beyond wasn’t the usual corridor. Instead, an expansive library stretched out before them, filled with towering bookshelves that seemed to stretch on forever. A grand hall of knowledge, silent and still, yet radiating a subtle power that permeated the air.

And there, seated comfortably in an ornate chair, was the Bookkeeper. His small, sharp eyes glinted with amusement, as if he had been anticipating their arrival. His lips curled into a knowing smile, fingers steepled together as he watched them with interest.

“Well, well,” the Bookkeeper said, his voice smooth and inviting, “it seems you've had quite the eventful day.”

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