Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 86: Derive the law Part 2

Since ancient times magiculus particles exits in the world of magic. It was way much later when they discovered it and stated using it. Every human develops a magiculus vessel with time which stores magiculus particles in the body.

At the center of this vessel exists a core which control the flow of magiculus particles in the vessel. It's pretty much impossible to see the core with normal means. But Xin had a way for it. In his past life, when he was working in the Research division he had devised a way to split open this core. Add programming into it and make it do different things inside the body.

Out of these many things, one was programing the core to release the black hole inside the core and make a living creature suck from the inside.

It may sound complicated but Xin had researched and mastered this method for this use. While reminiscing about the past Xin was dragged to reality after hearing Jia's derivation.

"In this world gravity predicts that black holes can send ripples of gravity through the fabric of space itself. Once a day, there is a dazzling flash in the sky. It is not a flash of visible light, but a flash of gamma rays, a high-energy form of light even more powerful than X-rays. These flashes, called gamma-ray bursts, come from the tremendous explosion of a star going "supernova." The event is the last gasp of a star's core before it collapses into a black hole with the release of Dark Energy. "

Xin was surprised that she even know about this. Her knowledge in this field was way much higher than any common people. Now he was reconsidering his previous guesses. 

"For a century now it's been known to human kind that the universe is expanding. What could be the reason behind it? What's the energy or the driving force to make it happen? The answer is unknown. But according to the assumptions made by human kind this energy is called Dark Energy. The expansion of the universe does not change fast enough for us to detect over our lifetime. We can only tell if the universe is speeding up by comparing its expansion today with how fast it was expanding in the distant past. 

Some might think it might be impossible to tell what the universe was doing in the past; no one was there to observe it. But amazingly, wonderfully, nature gives us a way to see the past directly. The universe is so large, that it takes a very long time for light to reach Earth from distant galaxies. Therefore, the image that we capture today shows us what the object looked like in the past, when light left it - not what it looks like now, when we are receiving that light. By observing the motions of galaxies at different distances, astronomers can tell how fast the universe was expanding at different times in the past." 

Xin understood what she was doing now. She was deriving a relation of dark energy and black holes.

"A key breakthrough was finding a technique to determine the distance to a galaxy, and therefore to tell how far back in the past we are looking. The technique rests on the happy accident that when a certain type of star dies, it explodes with a spectacular flash whose inherent brightness is known. These exploding stars, called supernovae, enable astronomers to determine the distance to the star and the galaxy in which it lives and dies: The dimmer the flash appears, the further away the star must be. In its death, a star is a beacon to all observers throughout our universe, marking out distance in the dark reaches of space.

From all this information, humankind have been able to piece together how fast the universe was expanding at different times in its history. The result is clear: Sometime around 5 billion years ago, the universe began accelerating - its expansion getting faster and faster, rather than gradually slowing down. The conclusion: Something, which scientists now call dark energy, must be driving the acceleration of the universe. The dark energy was presumably there since the beginning of the universe, but its effect becomes more important as the universe expands.

Humankind is able to determine how much dark energy there is as well, based on the measured rate of expansion of the universe. (They are able to do this because Einstein's theory of gravity relates the expansion rate of the universe to the total amount of all forms of mass or energy in the universe.) The result is that about 70% of the content of the observable universe must be dark energy. In other words, most of the universe is made of some mysterious form of energy whose nature is completely unknown."

In the world of magic at one moment people discovered that emptiness is not nothingness. And in this world Jia was first one to reach near the truth of it. Xin was an exceptional cause these things were not much of significance to him. 

But for normal people like Jia it was way much valuable for them.

"Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property of space that Jia discovered is that more space can actually come into existence. Her prediction: "empty space" can have its own energy. This energy would not be diluted as space expands, because it is a property of space itself; as more space came into existence, more of this energy-of-space would come into existence as well. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster as time passes. Unfortunately, no one understands why space should contain the observed amount of energy and not, say, much more or much less.

"A new form of energy, called "quintessence," that might be the dark energy. Quintessence is related to the idea of the energy of space itself, but unlike the energy of space envisioned by Einstein, quintessence would have the property that it could vary from place to place and moment to moment. Existing evidence tends to disfavor quintessence, but does not rule it out."

In the magicless world Einstein was the first one who tried to reach near this truth. But alas, he was unable to do so. Jia was taking help of Einstein's past knowledge and research to reach near her law.

How did she get to know about all these? Wasn't she a hunter by profession?

She was a hunter by profession. But thanks to the power of laws read by Xin and her dormant power she got to know all these theories.

"It is possible that the accelerating universe is not a sign of dark energy at all, but instead signals a new aspect of the law of gravity that Einstein overlooked. Scientists are hesitant to modify the known "laws" of physics – especially something like Einstein's theory of gravity, which has been very well tested over the past century. But with something as perplexing as dark energy, it is important to leave no stone unturned. Several leading scientists are now investigating the possibility that the most cherished laws of physics may need to be modified.

Humankind thinks that the universe has extra dimensions of space beyond the three dimensions which we see and in which we move. It is possible that one of these extra dimensions of space can mimic the effect of a dark energy by causing the expansion of our three-dimensional space to accelerate. The theory that predicts these extra dimensions, called "string theory," has not been tested experimentally. 

Dark energy has captured the imagination of scientists because it must be very different from anything we know. In order to understand it, we would have to have a much better understanding of how space, time, and matter are related. This is the kind of challenge that drives revolutions in science.

There are subtle questions as well. What is the purpose of dark energy? What role does it play in the unfolding universe?  Such questions may seem unscientific, yet scientists continue to be astonished at the connections and relatedness within the physical world – a kind of "ecology of the universe." It would be surprising indeed if dark energy were an afterthought on nature's part. 

One of the most perplexing questions is why the universe we observe today should contain an amount of dark energy comparable to the amount of normal matter. Why not much more or much less? What is special about this near-balance between dark energy and normal matter? No one knows yet."

At this point Jia was emitting enormous amount of energy from her body. It would have been a problem if it had hit someone near it. But Xin had predicted it before hand and formed a barrier around Jia.

A barrier that will redirect the energy into Xin's Dimensional Vessel.

The magiculus vessel that he had developed after combing his Dimensional Pocket and Magiculus Vessel. A two in one solution in short.

"It seems curious that dark energy should be discovered at just that time in history when we thought we had finally answered the ancient Greek question, "what is the world made of?" It took two thousand years to answer that question. 

First, we had to invent science along the way. Finally, we have studied and understood all of the chemical elements and many of the fundamental particles of which they are made. We have periodic tables and textbooks crammed with lists fundamental particles. Yet now we find that most of the universe is made of something completely unknown."

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