Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 82: Virtual Studio Magiculus Encapsulation Code

"Moonlight bloom when light night grow forever and sleeping. Light night bloom when forever grow and sleeping. Light of the moonlight…."

Jia was already at her last breath. Every time when she makes a sentence part of her mental psyche was getting depleted by it. Till now she had already tried thousands of combinations and not a single of them had a balance energy level as expected.

She was trying again and again with her last breath only to get failed repeatedly. Then suddenly, in time of her pinch, a sound echoed in her mind.

"Hey girl, can you hear me?"

Before she replied something to that voice another message echoed in her mind, "Nevermind, I am sure you can hear me. Listen to me carefully to what I am saying. It's a long, lengthy explanation and I can't repeat it again for you."

Jia nodded and concentrated her utmost attention towards that sound. Her mental energy recovered by 5% just by listening to that mysterious voice.

In the outside world, Xin sat back again in his seat where he was sitting earlier and formed a mental thread with Jia, besides her. Mental thread, it may sound somewhat similar to telepathy but its way much different from it.

In the world of magic, telepathy used to exist in the early stage of development. People used to do telepathic connections with each other for talking about things in secret and avoid eavesdropping of a third party.

But as the society began to learn and understand the fundamentals of magic it was only a matter of time when scholars and prodigies discovered the shortcoming of using telepathy.

First of all, it the telepathy channel can be hacked by anyone. As long as they knows some basic coding and some mathematics, they can easily hack a channel and eavesdrop on it.

Second, a telepathy channel can be broadcasted to a lot of people using a simple laptop or computer as long as they have a wifi connection around them.

So countering all these shortcomings and to add many new features the Magiculus Development Society came up with a new way of communication called Mental Thread.

Generating a Mental Thread involves a lot of complex calculations and some bits of coding. Xin took less than one nanosecond to generate one and connect it with her target, Jia.

As mentioned before, Mental Thread communication technique comes with lots of features, and one such feature was called Power Sharing/ Energy Sharing.

Through this a user can transfer his/her power to the other side and can even pull energy from the other side.  Xin was using the Divine Speech voice module to communicate with the other party.

Divine Speech, as the name suggests, refers to a type of speech in which the user embeds his voice with his own luck and magiculus particles. 

Whoever listens to this voice gets his/her energy recovered just within a fraction of seconds. The more they listen the faster will be the progress of recovery.

Inside her inner world, Jia had almost recovered one-third of her strength. She was listening to the voice with utmost concentration and trying to understand as much as possible.

But to her dismay she couldn't understand a single word being spoken by the voice. Truthfully it was not her fault in the first place. Xin was using the language of VSME Code to explain everything to her.

VSME Code or Virtual Studio Magiculus Encapsulation Code was a type of magic development language used in the world of magic.

In the early stage of magic development, society needed something to control the magiculus energy in their society and that was the time when spells and chants were constructed. 

Though spells and chants were good enough in the beginning but as the society progressed they became more and more inefficient on their uses.

The first problem was related to power consumption, and the second was related to energy output of magiculus particles. While casting a spell some users may consume 100 megabytes of magiculus and produce 20 megabytes of energy as an output.

On the other hand some may consume 100 megabytes of magiculus and produce 99 megabytes as output. This was one of the major problem of the past centuries and was tackled by introducing programming language in application of magic.

In the beginning engineers and programmers designed equipments embedded with programs which can absorb a specific amount of energy and release the same amount as an output.

Specially designed equipments became the ace of the century. Everyone started using them and the power input, output problem came to an end. 

But this was not the true end of the story. Some years later the new generation of kids started showing the trait of Quantum Memory. With the help of this they can remember the entire program embedded on the Specially designed equipment and use it without any external means.

During this time, many new programming languages were developed and the one standing at the peak was VSME Code or Virtual Studio Magiculus Encapsulation Code.

Xin was encapsulating a variety of energy, including the divine speech energy inside his VSME Code and delivering it to the inner world of Jia.

Now that Jia was full of energy, she was getting impatient to try out the riddles again. She was hoping to get some sort of clue from that mysterious voice but to her dismay something like that didn't happen.

Suddenly the divine speech echoing in her mind stopped and Xin started speaking in human language.

"Miss Xeng, are you here? Listen to me, I will recite the riddles first and tell you some clues afterwards. Don't get distracted or stop me in between."

Jia nodded and like the first time paid her utmost attention towards the voice.

"Moonlight blooms as day grows slight


Black and purple shroud your sight


You could follow plaintive cries


Into darkness, into night

Falling, diving from the heights


Will you drown, or will you rise?


Moonlight blooms as the day grow slight,


Into darkness, into night,


Secrets that are dark

Unnoticed movement


Unnoticed whispering


Whispering from beyond

Seas so ancient and wide


Seas to contain the sleeping


Sleeping as they were placed


Sleeping, but not forever


Forever they will always exist


Forever in the back of your mind" 

The riddles were coming to an end and Jia was about to take a breath of relief. It was nerve wrecking to listen those riddles again and again and make some sense out of it.

A warm smile was to bloom on her face when dark clouds of despair appeared before her. Xin didn't stop at that and continued further reciting some poems from the second riddle.

" Debate and rate


With added weight


While patterns picked




A crime of rhyme


Debating time


The pros and cons


In sad sublime


The base of space


With time will race


Future coming


It's pacing grace


Fulfilled from where


In Space or air


Separate lives


Two fabrics fare?

There is no single, objective reality, but infinite realities without beginning or end.


When ten people view a glass, ten glasses are seen, everyone creating their own universe


Within their own perspective, in

a different space continuum -

determined by the number

of observers in a



Without a singular or absolute flow of linear

time in relation to space - as indicated by

Einstein's Relativity Theory


Applied in quantum science - postmodern

philosophers refer to the Myth Of The

Given – the error of assuming


A modern Newtonian machine clock universe

out there in which space-time is absolute,

linear, singular, and primary


Which is wrong, of course - Relativity established

the Subjectivity of Time's Passage while

Quantum Mechanics challenges

Time as a Prime Concept

rplacing it with Causal



Modern sciences have been transformed into

postmodern sciences with a viable

Theory Of Consciousness


The Outer Ego co-creates within its own

Perspective, Space-Time Continuum,

Subconscious and Inner Ego


A unique Version of Objects and Space-Time

called the MULTIVERSE, therefore

our bodies and minds are a kind of

Space-Time Machine….


Space time matter


Objects, cause and


Effects all are mine


And I belong to all.


How can I detach myself?


All are mine


And I belong to all.


I am the concept,


I am the nature,


I am seeing all,


I am observing all,


I am experiencing


My life with all.


I am telling all


And I am asking myself


Who I am and where


I am going at this moment


With all.


I am testing all colours


Including black and white,


I am trying to keep


Contact with all


In their space…..


Spare me not


The astronomy


It lingers in my thought


Rattling my whole anatomy


The black holes


In my thought


Drilling huge holes


The continuum I fought


Cast it's shadow as my dice falls


What is it all about


Should it be what I can do


Or what I should have done


Perhaps what it should do


The shooting star


Shoots again


It has a gun in its hand…."



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