Chapter 46: Amethyst’s Unanswered Questions

Star Zaraki:

September 6, 2025

08:00 CST

Zaraki Mansion

Cedar Rapids IA.

The incessant beeping of what I could only guess was an alarm jolted me from my peaceful slumber. Memories of the night before swirled through my mind as I lifted my head from Cayro’s chest. Surprisingly, he was still sound asleep, despite the infernal noise. I peered over him, realizing the sound was coming from the suit box that had been brought in with our belongings. An LCD screen on the front of the box flashed the time: eight o’clock. I narrowed my eyes at the box, reaching behind me for something heavy on the nightstand. My hand found a blank journal—probably just a decoration. It would do. Cocking my arm back, I hurled the book, hitting the LCD screen with a satisfying thud. The screen cracked, and the beeping stopped. Cayro grunted at the noise, then rolled over, burying his face into the crook of my neck. Damn, this guy could sleep through a war.

“Was that necessary?” The A.I.'s voice crackled to life from the box.

“Was it necessary to wake us up?” I shot back, still half-grumbling.

“Actually, yes. Director Staroko and Dr. Volkova will be here shortly to pick you and Cayro up. I suggest you get ready so Cayro can eat breakfast before you leave,” the A.I. replied in that infuriatingly calm tone.

I let out a soft growl, then leaned down and nipped Cayro’s ear. Why I did it, I couldn’t say—it just felt right. He swatted at me lazily, trying to shoo me away. I grabbed his hand and bit the meaty part of his palm playfully, letting out a low growl of my own. His reaction was immediate. His eyes flew open, swirling between green and yellow. He growled, staring up at me with frustration, a look that sent a spike of pleasure racing down my spine. Without thinking, I leaned down and kissed his neck, trailing the tip of my tongue up his jawline to his lips. The beginnings of whiskers grazed my tongue—a sensation I found myself really liking. I placed a quick kiss on his lips before sitting up and climbing out of bed. Cayro tried to snag me with his arm, but I weaseled my way out of his grasp and padded over to our stuff. I could feel his eyes on me as I moved, and when I bent over to look for our bags, a contented grumble rumbled from him. He liked what he saw. I wasn’t used to sleeping completely naked, but if it got that kind of reaction from him, I could definitely get used to it. Remembering that Cayro had taken our bags to the en suite, I straightened up and turned to face him.

“Come on, we need to get up and get dressed,” I said.

“Mmm… But I’m enjoying watching you. If getting up means we have to get dressed, then I don’t want to,” he replied, his eyes roaming over me with unabashed appreciation. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

“As much as I enjoy you appreciating my body, we really need to get dressed. The director and the doctor are on their way,” I grumbled.

He growled in protest, tossing the covers off himself. “Fine, but I want you in my arms again tonight.”

I felt my cheeks heat up as I took in the sight of him. There was no way I’d ever get enough of him. Biting my lower lip, I turned away and headed into the en suite. If I didn’t, we’d never get ready in time.

Stepping into the ensuite, the aftermath of last night greeted me. Cayro’s armor pieces were scattered in every direction, our towels lay in a heap in the center of the floor, and our clothes were draped where we had left them, with our bags knocked over haphazardly. I made a mental note to clean up the mess later when we returned. A door connected to the ensuite caught my attention, distracting me from the chaos. Pushing pieces of armor out of the way with my foot, I opened the door. A light flicked on automatically, revealing a closet brimming with clothes. I blinked in surprise as I took it all in—everything from casual wear to dresses and gowns, all in styles I would actually wear. Despite being a bit of a tomboy, seeing a huge closet full of clothing that suited my taste excited me. Grinning from ear to ear, I dove in and started sifting through the options.

I quickly found a pair of black, tight-fitting spandex boy shorts and slipped them on, followed by a black sports bra and ankle socks. Continuing my exploration, I discovered a pair of black jeans and black cargo pants. I hesitated, weighing my options—jeans would show off my body for Cayro, but cargo pants were comfortable and had plenty of pockets. In the end, comfort won out. I slipped on the cargo pants, fastening them with a rigger’s belt. As I rummaged through the closet, I found a dark grey, tight-fitting camisole and a perfect green pullover hoodie that matched Cayro’s eyes. To complete the outfit, I chose a pair of black lace-up boots. Everything fit perfectly.

As I admired my reflection in the closet’s mirror, I noticed Cayro poke his head in to see what I was up to. He was already dressed and ready to go.

“Wow! You have a lot of clothes…” he remarked, sounding a bit jealous.

“I see that,” I replied with a smirk.

“Then why did you opt for your usual outfit?” he asked, eyeing the dresses hanging in the closet.

“Simple, comfort,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Why not wear something dressier?” he suggested, pulling down one of the dresses.

I turned to face him, glaring. “Are you saying I don’t look good in my current outfit?” I growled.

“…Uh… no, I just thought since you had the option to be more, um…” he began, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

“Cayro Jacob Bracton… If you finish that statement, you’ll be sleeping in the room they prepared for you tonight instead of with me,” I warned, cutting him off. He quickly hung the dress back up and shut his mouth with an audible click. I had planned to wear something more feminine this evening after we got through the day, but if he was going to be an ass about it, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me dressed up. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him out of the closet, shutting the door behind me.

I walked past him back into our room when a knock came at the door. Opening it, I found Dr. Volkova standing there with a soft smile.

“Good morning, Lady Zaraki. I hope you had a restful evening,” she greeted politely.

“Good morning, Doctor. We did,” I replied.

“That’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re well rested. If you wouldn’t mind, I need you and Cayro to hurry and get ready to leave. The medical team is waiting for you,” she said before turning to leave.

I felt Cayro walk up behind me, his arms wrapping securely around my waist. Without a second thought, I leaned back into his solid, comforting presence.

“What about breakfast?” he asked the doctor before she could walk away.

Dr. Volkova paused and turned back to us, her expression patient. “Star can’t eat before the procedure, but we have food waiting for you downstairs, Master Bracton.”

“Oh, okay,” he replied, his voice tinged with mild disappointment.

I looked up at him and offered a quick smile. “Come on, let’s go. I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

He nodded, and I slipped out of his embrace, following the doctor down the hallway.

As we descended the grand staircase into the foyer, we were greeted by a member of the house staff, who stood holding a tray. On it sat a glass Tupperware container filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and buttered toast, all neatly arranged. The butler handed Cayro the container with a slight bow before turning to leave. I noticed Cayro’s ears turn pink at the gesture, a reaction that didn’t surprise me. Having gotten to know Cayro, I understood that he was used to taking care of himself rather than being served. To be honest, the formal treatment was unsettling to me as well. Growing up on the Autumn, I was used to working, cleaning, and contributing wherever needed. Being treated like royalty here felt odd, and I empathized with how Cayro must have felt.

We stepped outside to find the same Tahoe that had brought us to the mansion the night before waiting in the driveway. Dr. Volkova opened the rear door and gestured for us to get in. Cayro waited for me to slide in first, then followed, and we both buckled ourselves in. I reached out and took his hand, feeling the familiar flutter of nerves in my stomach as the reality of what lay ahead began to settle in. Despite my efforts to push it out of my mind, the memory of what I had witnessed aboard the Death Reckoning loomed over me, filling me with a quiet dread. I had seen Cayro change—something primal and terrifying had surfaced within him, and I couldn’t shake the fear that I might undergo the same transformation. The thought of losing control, of becoming something feral, scared me more than I wanted to admit.

Feeling his hand slide into mine brought a sense of comfort, easing the knot of anxiety in my chest. I thought back to last night—the intensity of our connection had unlocked something within me, something raw and powerful that I had never experienced before. With Cayro right beside me, my worries seemed a little less daunting. He placed his breakfast container on the floorboard and leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

“It will be okay, Star. It wasn’t all that bad,” he whispered, his voice soothing.

I nodded solemnly and looked down at our joined hands. His pulse was steady, strong, and reassuring, displayed on the small monitor embedded in his arm. I had noticed it yesterday in the skycar, using it to monitor his condition as I cared for him. I knew I had the same implant in my arm—it was a tool designed to provide real-time data about our physical conditions, even outside our suits. Letting go of his hand, I gently pulled his arm into my lap and began tracing patterns on his skin, syncing my movements with the rhythm of his heartbeat. As I did, his pulse quickened, revealing how much he enjoyed my touch.

I glanced up to find him reclining in his seat, his eyes closed, clearly savoring the moment. Was this what it felt like to fall in love? To find someone who filled a void you never even realized was there?

“Why aren’t you eating your breakfast?” I asked softly, breaking the comfortable silence.

He cracked open his eyes and gazed at me before responding, his voice soft yet resolute.

“I’ll wait to eat until you can,” he said.

“Cayro, you don’t have to wait for me,” I replied, feeling a mix of warmth and concern.

He turned his entire body toward me, a gentle smile spreading across his face. “I will wait for you until the end of the world. Also, I won’t eat without you. We eat together,” he stated with absolute certainty.

My heart swelled at his words, the sincerity in his voice touching me deeply. I nodded, not wanting to argue with him. If he wanted to wait, I wasn’t going to push the issue.

It didn’t take us long to reach the on-site hospital at SkyTeam Aerospace Foundation. I knew that the Foundation had its own trauma care unit for the emergencies that could arise from the type of work and research they did. They even provided medical care for employees’ families to ensure the best support possible. SkyTeam Aerospace Foundation was known as one of the hardest companies to get hired by, but they made sure their employees were well taken care of. Learning that my father was the chairman of the company was a huge surprise to me. Slowly, I was starting to piece everything together—the reasons he was never there for me, why he would disappear without explanation, and why he left me in the care of the crew. He knew I would be hunted for the knowledge embedded within my body, just as he knew he would be hunted for his own. So, he built a company that allowed him to hide in plain sight while also providing everyone with the care they needed. But one question kept nagging at me: how did he travel without being tracked by surveillance?

Dr. Volkova parked the Tahoe in front of the hospital’s main entrance and got out, walking around to open our door. Sliding out after Cayro, I laced my fingers with his as the doctor led us inside. She nodded at the receptionist sitting at the information desk before heading toward the elevators behind it.

“Good morning, Dr. Volkova,” the receptionist chimed.

“Morning, Grace,” she replied curtly.

“Dr. Volkova, you know you can’t bring visitors here without checking them in,” the receptionist called after her, her tone professional but firm.

Dr. Volkova turned, narrowing her eyes at the receptionist before responding with a chilling tone.

“Grace… I suggest you check your email and verify who is expected to show up today.”

The receptionist closed her mouth, turning quickly to her terminal. A few audible clicks of the mouse later, she turned back to us, her expression shifting.

“It says here that one of the partners would be showing up today with the Chairman’s daughter,” she said, her voice tinged with surprise.

Dr. Volkova gave the receptionist a stern look, arching an eyebrow and tilting her head toward us. Cayro and I both offered the receptionist polite smiles.

I watched as the information registered, her eyes widening slightly.

“Oh… I was expecting the Chairman’s daughter to be younger, and he’s the partner?” she asked, her disbelief evident.

Dr. Volkova let out a long, drawn-out sigh of disappointment before replying.

“Grace, meet Mr. Jacob Bracton, the silent partner of SkyTeam Aerospace Foundation, and Tabitha Zaraki, the Chairman’s daughter,” Dr. Volkova said, introducing us by our middle, rarely used names.

A blush crept up my cheeks—no one ever called me by my middle name. It felt strange and uncomfortable to hear it now, especially from someone I barely knew. The receptionist quickly straightened, bowing slightly before returning to her duties. The elevator pinged, and the doors slid open for us. Stepping inside, followed by Cayro and the doctor, I turned to face the door. Cayro leaned in close, his breath warm against my ear as he whispered.

“Tabitha?” he asked softly, teasing the edge of a grin.

I growled, narrowing my eyes at him. “Remember what I told you earlier in the closet?”

“Yeah,” he replied, his voice tinged with amusement.

“Call me Tabitha, and I will uphold that threat,” I whispered back, my tone deadly serious.

The doctor turned her head slightly, catching our exchange with a raised eyebrow of curiosity.

“Who growled?” she asked, her voice calm but inquisitive.

Without hesitation, Cayro pointed at me.

“Impressive. I think even Director Staroko would be impressed,” she commented, as if the idea of me growling was an unexpected but noteworthy achievement.

I didn’t bother to respond, leaning in close to Cayro. “Traitor,” I hissed under my breath.

He cracked a grin, pulling me closer to him as if to apologize in his own way. The doctor pressed a button marked B-2, and the elevator doors slid shut, beginning our descent.

“My apologies for Grace’s behavior earlier,” the doctor said as the elevator hummed softly. “She wasn’t completely briefed on the situation. We’ve been trying to keep your presence here under wraps, but now that she knows… Well, news travels fast around here.”

“Should we be worried about being discovered here?” Cayro asked, his tone serious.

“No, everyone here at SkyTeam Aerospace Foundation is loyal to the Zaraki bloodline,” she replied with an odd formality that made me uneasy. I shot a questioning look at Cayro, but he only shrugged, mirroring my confusion.

“Why did you mention the Director a few moments ago?” I asked, hoping to make sense of the strange atmosphere.

“Oh, that’s because he’s my mate,” she replied nonchalantly, then quickly clarified, “Sorry, I mean he’s my husband. We use the term ‘mate’ as a term of endearment.”

I didn’t ask any more questions. There was something off about all of this, and it only added to my growing unease.

The elevator came to a halt, and the doors slid open to reveal a well-lit hallway lined with several rooms. Dr. Volkova stepped out and motioned for us to follow. She led us down the hall to a set of large, imposing double doors that opened into a sterile, empty operating prep bay. The strong scent of antiseptic hit me as soon as we stepped inside. At the far end of the room, a large window overlooked the operating bay where several figures in scrubs were preparing medical equipment. Next to the window was another set of double doors leading directly into the operating room. As I approached the window, my heart pounded at the sight of the stainless steel table bolted to the floor, surrounded by machines eerily similar to those in the cybernetics lab aboard the Autumn.

A shiver of fear coursed through me, and I began to tremble. The thought of undergoing the procedure terrified me. What if I turned into a monster? What if I became feral like Cayro had and couldn’t snap out of it? The fear gripped me, threatening to pull me under.

“Star, what’s wrong?” Cayro asked gently, stepping up beside me and pulling me close.

I looked up at him, my voice shaky as I tried to voice my fears. “What if it doesn’t work? What if I turn feral like you did and can’t come back?”

He held my gaze, his voice steady and reassuring. “You won’t. Your spirit is too strong and pure.”

“But how do you know?” I asked, desperate for some kind of assurance.

He smiled softly, tapping his head and then his chest. “I can feel it—here and here.”

In that moment, I realized that the connection I felt in my mind was mutual. “You can feel me in your head?”

He nodded. “It’s like a warm, soft glow that’s always there, always comforting,” he explained, his tone tender. The way he described my presence in his mind was exactly how I experienced his—a constant, protective warmth that I could almost reach out and touch. Closing my eyes, I focused inward, letting my mind connect with his. His presence responded instantly, wrapping around mine with a sense of love and security that banished my fears.

Opening my eyes, I found him gazing at me, his emerald eyes glowing with the connection we shared. I leaned in and kissed him softly, drawing strength from the bond between us before stepping away to face the doctor.

“What do I need to do?” I asked, my voice firm with determination.

Dr. Volkova stood there, staring at the two of us, her mouth slightly open in shock. For a moment, she seemed completely taken aback, as if seeing something she never expected.

“Bond mates…” she whispered, almost to herself.

“What?” I asked, my confusion growing.

She didn’t move, her eyes darting between Cayro and me as if she were trying to solve a puzzle. Then, suddenly, she snapped out of it, her expression turning serious.

“Have you sealed the bond?” she demanded.

“What bond?” Cayro and I asked in unison, our frustration evident.

“The bond between you two. Did you do the binding ritual and bite each other?” she pressed, her tone urgent.

“Binding ritual? What the hell are you talking about?” we both blurted out, our irritation rising.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! Both of you, take your shirts off,” she ordered sharply.

“Why?” we asked, bewildered by the sudden command.

“Just do it,” she snapped, leaving no room for argument.

Reluctantly, we complied, pulling our shirts off and standing there, exposed and confused. Dr. Volkova’s reaction was immediate and unsettling.

“Oh, shit…” she muttered under her breath, her tone ominous.

We exchanged confused glances as she approached us, her eyes narrowing as she inspected our shoulders. Then, to our surprise, she leaned in and sniffed the air around us, her nostrils flaring as if picking up on something we couldn’t sense. It was an odd and uncomfortable experience, to say the least.

“When did you two bite each other?” she asked, her voice firm and demanding.

“Um… Last night,” I replied, feeling a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach.

Without another word, she stepped away, pulling out her phone and quickly tapping on the screen before bringing it to her ear.

“Stephan… Get your ass down here now! We have a situation,” she said urgently into the phone, her voice tinged with panic.

Cayro and I listened as she had a brief, intense conversation with the director. The only word that caught my attention was “bond mates,” which she mentioned in a tone that suggested this was something serious.

“I don’t know how. They’re supposed to be…” she said before trailing off, clearly troubled by whatever was happening. Then, without another word, she turned and stormed out of the room, the door slamming shut behind her.

I turned to Cayro, my mind spinning with confusion and worry. “What the hell was that all about?”

He shook his head, equally puzzled. “I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with the augmentation.”

“Could it be that the augmentation enhanced your emotions for me? That presence we both feel in our heads—could it be our neural implants communicating?” I suggested, trying to make sense of the situation.

Cayro considered this, his brow furrowing in thought. “That would make sense, except you haven’t completed your augmentation yet. So how could your implant be active?”

“That’s a good point… But then again, I used to communicate with Scuzball in my dreams when I was younger. Maybe my neural implant has been active since the first operation?” I speculated, trying to connect the dots.

“Maybe… But we should wait for the doctor to clarify when she comes back,” he replied, his tone calm but concerned.

It wasn’t long before the door opened again, and Dr. Volkova reentered the room with Director Staroko right behind her. His face was etched with concern as he approached us. By now, Cayro and I had found a counter to sit on, clear of instruments and equipment. I sat between his legs, leaning back against his chest, while he wrapped his injured arm around my waist, his free hand gently playing with my hair. As they approached, several questions raced through my mind—chief among them was whether Cayro truly loved me or if the augmentation was manipulating his emotions. I hadn’t undergone the procedure yet, so I knew my feelings were real. But could I be sure of his?

Dr. Volkova and the director stopped in their tracks as they saw how we were sitting, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. The tension in the room was palpable, and I could tell that whatever they had to say was going to be important.

“Come here, you two,” the director ordered, his voice calm but firm.

We both slid off the counter and walked toward him, leaving the doctor to her preparations. I could hear the soft sounds of her gathering tools and instruments from a set of cabinets as she prepared for my operation. The director led us back to the counter where we had been sitting, leaning against it as he folded his arms across his chest. He let out a deep sigh before speaking, his eyes serious.

“Do you believe in soul mates?” he asked, his tone probing.

“No,” Cayro answered immediately, while I hesitated, saying, “I don’t know.” I had never been religious or inclined to believe in concepts that weren’t grounded in reality.

“Hmm… If I told you that there was such a thing, would you believe me?” the director pressed, his gaze sharp.

“No, that’s just something from fantasy novels and fiction,” Cayro replied dismissively, his voice tinged with skepticism. I stood beside him, waiting to see where the director was going with this.

The director’s jaw tightened as he eyed Cayro, clearly displeased with his response. There was a tension in the air, thick and unsettling. What he said next took both of us by surprise.

“So, the fact that you can feel each other in your heads and read each other’s emotional states doesn’t make you reconsider?” the director asked, his voice edged with irritation.

I turned to Cayro, wide-eyed. How did the director know about that? I watched as Cayro’s expression shifted from calm skepticism to shock and concern.

“That’s what I thought,” the director continued, his voice blunt. “Your reactions confirm what I needed to know. There is more to this world than you realize.”

Cayro opened his mouth to ask how the director knew, but before he could get the words out, he suddenly turned around, his hand flying to his neck as he hissed in pain. My eyes darted to the doctor, who was standing behind him, holding an empty syringe. Cayro’s legs buckled, and before I could react, he collapsed. The director was there, catching him just before he hit the floor.

My instincts flared, driving me to protect Cayro, but before I could move, I felt a sharp sting in my neck. A wave of weakness swept over me, my strength draining away. I barely registered the arms that caught me as the world around me blurred and darkened. The last thing I was aware of was Cayro’s form crumpling beside me, and then everything went black.

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