Chapter 12: Her Reality, His Abstracts

Star Zaraki:

August 22, 2025

10:05 EST

The Autumn

Off the northern coast of Cuba

Lying in bed with my tablet held above me, I reread the last message Cayro had sent. Today was supposed to be my day off, a time to relax and do nothing, but my thoughts were entirely consumed by our conversation. Each reply from him made my heart leap with a joy that was both unexpected and welcome. As I pondered over his words, my tablet buzzed, signaling a new email from him. Eagerly, I opened it.

Email: #4

FROM: CB-5522

TO: SZ-0117


You know who the cat is?


His message was brief and direct, focused on the cat. Why was he asking me about the cat? Then it hit me—the dream I had the other night wasn’t just my dream; it was his too. The cat had chosen to visit him instead of me. A pang of jealousy stabbed at my chest. The realization that the cat hadn’t come back to see me in so long stirred a mixture of emotions within me.

I wasn’t upset with Cayro; it wasn’t his fault. But I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment toward the cat. He used to be a regular visitor in my dreams, guiding me, teaching me, and now… nothing. I missed those visits more than I cared to admit.

Sitting up, I propped my pillows against the bulkhead, creating a soft backrest. My fingers hovered over the keyboard as I debated how much to reveal. After a moment of consideration, I decided to tell him everything. If the cat was visiting him, there had to be a reason, and perhaps Cayro deserved to know what that reason might be.

Email: #5

FROM: SZ-0117

TO: CB-5522


Yes, I know about the cat. He used to visit my dreams until about a year or so ago, always communicating through a notebook. He would emerge from a mirror in my dreams and teach me math, history, and so many other things as I grew up. The cat was always kind and never gave me any reason to fear him. If it’s the same cat I dreamt about, then he’s most likely trying to tell you something important. You might want to try and figure out what he wants.

Like I said, he never steered me wrong. He would often lead me through my dreams to solve puzzles, and I used to look forward to the adventures we’d have together. I hope you figure it out, C.


After sending the message, I set the tablet down on my nightstand and picked up the second book in the series I was reading. I’d finished the first book yesterday and was now halfway through the second, but I found it hard to concentrate. My thoughts kept drifting back to Cayro, the excitement of our conversation making it difficult to focus on anything else.

I managed to read another three pages before the familiar buzz of my tablet interrupted my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly reached for it, eager to see what Cayro had written next.

Email: #6

FROM: CB-5522

TO: SZ-0117


Did the cat ever appear in mirrors or on a computer screen while you were awake? He has several times for me, and it’s seriously freaking me out. He told me that he’s a part of me, which sent me into a panic attack a few days ago. He shows up here and there when I’m awake, but I’ve been ignoring him. In my dreams, he keeps trying to lead me into a mirror. Every time I try to follow him, I wake up. He’s starting to make my head spin. Do you have any advice?


I stared at the message, absorbing every word. The idea of the cat appearing while Cayro was awake was something I had never experienced. The cat had always been a part of my dreams, never crossing over into the waking world. No wonder Cayro was struggling—anyone would question their sanity if something like this were happening to them.

I could feel the weight of his confusion and fear through his words. He must be feeling utterly lost, and I wanted to help ease his worries. But how could I, when the cat had never been anything but a dream to me? I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding.

Email: #7

FROM: SZ-0117

TO: CB-5522


No, the cat has never appeared while I was awake. What you’re experiencing sounds really strange, even to me. Maybe when you follow the cat through the mirror in your dreams, and then see him while you’re awake, it’s his way of guiding you to something important, a puzzle he needs you to solve. Perhaps you should try following him in the waking world, see where he leads you. I wish I could give you better advice, but my knowledge of him is limited to my dreams. Please, keep me posted on what happens.


I hit send and watched the email transform into the familiar animation of a paper airplane, disappearing into the digital ether. Leaning back into my pillows, I felt a mixture of concern and curiosity. I hoped my advice would help him, but this was uncharted territory for both of us.

The thought of Cayro seeing the cat while awake reminded me of the strange event in my own bathroom mirror. Was there a connection between what he was experiencing and what I had seen? It felt like there were pieces of a puzzle scattered around us, and neither of us had the full picture.

Sighing, I realized I couldn’t sit in my room any longer. The walls were closing in on me, and I needed to move. Pushing off the blankets, I walked over to my wall locker and pulled out a clean pair of cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and my usual sports bra. With practiced ease, I stripped off my old clothes, tossing them into the laundry hamper, and dressed quickly.

As I tugged on my shirt, my stomach growled, reminding me that it was time to eat. Grabbing the tablet from my nightstand, I padded barefoot out of my room, heading toward the ship’s galley to find something to eat.

The ship was quiet as I moved down the main corridor, the faint hum of the engines a comforting background noise. I walked lightly, out of habit more than necessity, enjoying the game of sneaking about the ship. It was a skill I had honed over the years, useful for pulling pranks on unsuspecting crew members who had crossed me.

Approaching the ship’s gym, I slowed my pace, tiptoeing to the door. The gym had a glass window set into the door, and I peeked through it to see who might be inside.

I peered through the gym's small window, spotting Nick, the ship’s IT specialist, standing behind his friend John, the ship’s weapons officer, who was currently bench pressing what looked to be two hundred and forty pounds. They were both focused on the task at hand, oblivious to my presence. But the Captain, running steadily on a treadmill with sweat glistening on his face, was facing the door. Ducking down with a grin spreading across my face, I quickly concocted a plan—a wickedly fun plan.

I slipped past the gym door, moving with the stealth of a cat. Two doors down, past the gym and just one door away from the galley, was the maintenance closet that housed the circuit breakers. My heart raced with excitement as I slid the closet door open and located the breaker labeled "Gym." The grin on my face widened as I flipped the breaker off, then quickly shut the door and dashed into the galley. In three swift strides, I was inside, closing the door quietly behind me.

The galley was empty, just as I had hoped. Still smirking, I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out my favorite box of cereal and some milk. As I poured my breakfast, I heard the distant sound of the maintenance closet door opening, followed by John's irritated voice.

“Damnit, Captain! Your treadmill tripped the breaker,” John shouted.

“I call bullshit!” the Captain yelled back, clearly annoyed.

I stirred my cereal, still grinning, and carried my bowl over to a table near one of the large windows. Setting the bowl down, I placed my tablet next to it, eyeing the screen, silently willing Cayro to reply to my last message. I took a spoonful of cereal, savoring the sweetness, when the galley door swung open, and the Captain stepped in, his eyes narrowed. John and Nick lingered just outside, peeking over his shoulder.

“Star… Did you flip the breaker to the gym?” the Captain asked, one eyebrow raised in suspicion.

“No…” I replied, my spoon still in my mouth, eyes wide as I attempted to look as innocent as possible.

“Huh…” he muttered, biting his lower lip as he considered my answer. “I’ll have to check the corridor cameras to see.”

My heart skipped a beat as I realized I had completely forgotten about the cameras. Damn it, Star, how could you forget the cameras? I thought, trying not to let my panic show.

“Uhhhh… Sir, the camera system is currently down for maintenance. I mentioned this earlier when you came into the gym,” Nick chimed in from behind the Captain, his British accent smooth as ever.

“You did?” the Captain asked, turning to look at Nick.

“Yes, Sir, I did,” Nick replied, his face the picture of confidence.

“I didn’t…” John began, but Nick quickly elbowed him in the side, shaking his head subtly as the Captain turned back to me.

“I guess it was the treadmill then, I suppose…” the Captain finally conceded, albeit reluctantly.

Nick gave me a quick wink and a sly smile, tapping something on his ever-present tablet. He and I had a longstanding alliance when it came to practical jokes, especially when they involved the Captain. He could never quite figure out how we managed to pull off our stunts. Pulling the spoon out of my mouth, I flashed the Captain my most innocent smile.

“Sir, you must have been tearing up those miles,” I said sweetly, throwing in a compliment to boost his ego and hopefully divert his suspicion.

“Uh huh… I’ll catch you one of these days. Just remember, payback’s a bitch,” he replied, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone as he left the galley.

Oh, Captain, you’ll never catch me, I thought with a grin as I watched him go. The game was too much fun, and I was always one step ahead.

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