Beneath the Scalpel’s Gaze (Prologue Track 1)


"Under sterile lights, shadows fall,

A father’s plea, a whispered call."

This introduction captures the stark, clinical atmosphere Lt. Clark finds himself in. The sterile lights of the lab cast shadows, reflecting the cold, mechanical environment where life and death are decided. Though Clark isn’t the father here, he’s witnessing Dr. Zaraki’s desperate attempt to save his daughter. He watches as Zaraki fights against fate, trying to reclaim what the scalpel may take away.

Verse 1:

"I stand beside them, numb and still,

The air is thick with quiet will."

This is where we fully step into Clark’s shoes. He stands helpless, observing the procedures and decisions being made without his direct involvement. The weight of the moment is palpable; the children are undergoing a life-altering, dangerous experiment, and Clark’s quiet observation reflects both his concern and powerlessness in the situation. His stillness mirrors the tension that fills the room.


"Beneath the scalpel’s gaze, we pray,

For life or death to lead the way."

Clark can only watch as the surgeries commence. He knows that the fate of these children lies beneath the scalpel, and all he can do is hope. The chorus echoes his inner turmoil—knowing the outcome could go either way. Life and death are in the balance, and Clark, like everyone else, is praying that the risks taken will lead to survival, not tragedy.

Verse 2:

"I feel the weight of what we’ve done,

Beneath the lights, no one can run."

This verse reflects the growing realization within Clark. He knows what’s being done to these children is irreversible. The weight of their decisions presses down on him. Once this procedure is done, there’s no running from the consequences—these children, including Cayro and Star, will be changed forever. The lights of the lab bear down, reminding Clark of the irreversible nature of the experiment.


"Gods forgive me for the knife,

For what it costs to give them life."

Here, we feel Clark’s deep-seated guilt. Though he’s not the one holding the knife, he’s part of the process, part of the system that’s conducting these experiments. His role is not passive—he is complicit, even as he silently questions whether these children should be put through this. The "knife" here represents both the physical scalpel and the moral decisions being made, decisions Clark is struggling to accept.


"Beneath the scalpel’s gaze, we pray,

For life or death to lead the way."

Again, this powerful chorus brings us back to Clark’s central fear—what will be the outcome? He’s watching these young lives on the operating table, knowing that there’s no guarantee any of them will wake up. This line reflects the helplessness he feels, as the scalpel draws a literal and metaphorical line between life and death, fate and chance.


"Who will wake… when night is gone…"

This final line echoes the uncertainty Clark feels as the children are left in their comas. It’s not just about whether they’ll wake—it’s about what they will be when they do. Clark knows that whatever the outcome, these children will not be the same. The sinister tone of the outro mirrors Clark’s quiet dread, as he wonders what kind of future these experiments will create.

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