Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 85

The first team of U17 walked on the mountain road of the training camp with different expressions. This expedition had some boring fights, which led to unsatisfactory results. At this time, three coaches were waiting in front of them.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, but I want to ask, where is the classmate of Byodoin?" Kurobe Yukio frowned and asked.

"The boss said he was going to travel around the world to seek a higher breakthrough. Now I don't know where he is wandering, but he said he will meet us in France during the world competition~" Tono Atsuki said directly.

"Tsk~ You are really uneducated. The seniors are all here, how can you, a first-year student, speak up!" A senior high school player with a No. 5 badge on his collar said.

"Huh? It seems that you want to experience my execution method. I will satisfy you now!" Tono Atsuki took out the racket directly from the backpack behind him.

"You can try it. Now that Byodoin is not here, no one can protect you!" At this time, Ito Hikaru, who was No. 2, said with a face full of anger.

"Be quiet! Now is not the time to quarrel. Go and prepare, and then meet the challenge of the second army!" Kurobe Yukio said indifferently.

"Hmph! Boring, when did those guys in the second army dare to challenge us? It's a waste of time!" Ito said disdainfully.

Now that Byodoin is traveling around the world, Ito feels that no one in the entire training camp can compete with him except the ghosts. In addition, he successfully set up Byodoin in this expedition, so the whole person has become extremely arrogant.

Since most of the first army are still senior players, even Tono Atsuki dare not be too ostentatious, otherwise he will not have a good result if he loses the suppression of Byodoin.

Although Tono Atsuki in the original work is very cruel, bloodthirsty and tyrannical, he is not a fool. On the contrary, he knows how to judge the situation and knows who can be offended and who must not be offended. Even Kimijima Ikuto has to rely on junior high school students to deal with him.

Tono Atsuki

"Well, the situation is a little different this time. You will understand when you enter the training camp. In short, the head coach has issued new rules this time. Anyone who is challenged by the first team is not allowed to refuse, otherwise they will be directly expelled from the training camp!" Saito Shi said slowly.

"Okay, the top ten players should go back to the dormitory first. Tomorrow is your reshuffle battle. The last ten players should be ready to accept the challenge of the second team. That's it!" Kurobe Yukio finally arranged.

When the people in the first team heard it, there was nothing they could do. Since the head coach had spoken, they could not resist. The three coaches in front of them were okay. As long as they were not completely offended, they would generally not cause trouble for them, but the head coach was different. He could make them go away in a minute.

At this time, in the No. 1 court, everyone was ready to attack the last ten of the first team. At this time, Kimijima Ikuto stood in front of everyone and said slowly:

"Those who are confident in their own strength can challenge the first team. Except for Tono Atsuki and Mitsuya Akuto, they are all our targets. Irie, you have to be serious this time!"

"Of course I will take it seriously, but my strength is too weak, so I can only challenge the 20th place!" Irie said a little frustrated.

Everyone was immune to his words. Only fools would take it seriously. They began to think about who they should challenge, including Akashi.

Seeing that no one responded to his words, Irie curled his lips in dissatisfaction and muttered:

"So I hate acquaintances who don't give me the opportunity to show my acting skills, but those seniors seem to be able to let me hone my acting skills!"

Just like that, everyone in Court No. 1 dispersed to find their opponents. Of course, most of the players stayed. They knew their own strengths. Even if they succeeded in the challenge, they couldn't keep their positions. So they didn't join in the fun and just waited for the reshuffle tomorrow.

10 minutes later, the sound of the game rang out in the vacant courts of the training camp. Obviously, the battle to challenge the first team officially started. However, Tono Atsuki was strolling leisurely. No one challenged him. First, his tennis style was too dangerous. Second, he was also in the first year of high school. Now was not the time for a civil war.

At this moment, Akashi looked at a high school student with the No. 11 badge opposite him, and a playful smile appeared on his lips. He didn't expect to find the No. 11 player directly, but it was okay. As long as he defeated him, his side quest would be completed, and the other dimension would be awakened.

The high school student who was stopped by Akashi

The third player was named Yabuki. He originally thought that no one would challenge him. After all, he was a top player at the national level. The people in the second team knew their strength very well.

But looking at the young boy in front of him, Yabuki was a little puzzled. Who was this boy opposite? Why had he never seen him before? It seemed that he was here to challenge him. When did a new person join the second team?

"Little boy, who are you? Why have I never seen you before?" Yabuki still couldn't help but ask directly.

"You don't need to care who I am. Are you going to give up the No. 11 position now, or will I take it myself after being completely defeated?" Akashi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and said directly.

"How dare you talk to your senior like this? It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know what it means to respect your senior!" Yabuki was angered by Akashi's words.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish. Let's start the game quickly. I will give you the right to serve, so as not to waste my time!" Akashi said coldly.

After a long time, Yabuki let out an extremely shrill scream. Akashi stood there, looking coldly at Yabuki who was rolling on the ground with his ankles covered, without any sympathy on his face.

"No one can look down on me, you are too arrogant!"

After saying that, Akashi walked forward and stepped on Yabuki's chest to stop him from rolling. Then he pulled the No.11 badge from his collar and put it on his own collar, and then walked away.

Half an hour later, some figures came to the square of the training camp one after another. Everyone had a badge representing the first-class ranking on their collars, but none of the original senior players were gone, replaced by all the members of the first grade.

This surprised Tono Atsuki, who had been waiting for a long time, while Mitsuya, who was standing beside him, had a calm face, as if he had expected it long ago. When he saw Akashi's figure, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"When did you become the second army? And now you have defeated the original first army members!" Toono said in surprise.

"Do we need to report to you about what we are going to do?" Kimijima responded coldly. He had a very bad impression of Toono and thought that such a barbarian was not worthy of playing tennis.

"Kimijima! Are you tired of living? I will execute you now!" Toono's face suddenly became ferocious.

"Please move aside, you are blocking the way!" At this moment, a cold voice came from behind Toono. Toono turned his head angrily and saw a white-haired player with a height of more than 220cm standing behind him. It was Ochi Moonlight.

"Ochi, you guy, do you also want to try my execution method?" Toono looked up and looked at Ochi fiercely.

"Enough! Toono! This is not the place for you to act wild!" A loud roar came, and the burly figure of the ghost appeared in front of everyone.

"Tsk~" When Tono saw the ghost coming, he spat unhappily, but he didn't say anything else. After all, he didn't want to be lectured by the ghost.

"Long time no see! Akashi~" Mitsugaya walked up to Akashi and greeted him with a smile.

"Long time no see, Mitsugaya-senpai!" Akashi also responded with a smile.

The conversation between the two attracted Tono's attention. He turned his head to look at Akashi, and sure enough, a handsome face he had never seen before appeared in his eyes.

However, due to the deterrence of the ghost just now, he did not go forward to trouble Akashi, but since he called Mitsugaya a senior, he must be a junior high school student, and he was younger than Mitsugaya, but he was able to enter the training camp and got a position in the first army. It seems that he should find an opportunity to take good care of this junior.

At this time, there were a total of 9 people standing in the square, namely: No.11 Akashi Seijuro, No.12 Ochi Gekko, No.13 Tono Atsukyō, No.14 Kimijima Ikuto, No.15 Omagari Ryuji, No.16 Kaji Futa, No.17 Mutsu Yuma, No.18 Mutsu Yuho, No.19 Mitsuya Akutsu.

Only No.20 was missing, but when Akashi thought that it was Irie Kanata who challenged No.20, he knew it was Irie who started his performance again. He would not be serious if the competition was not delayed until the last moment.

After another 20 minutes, Irie finally staggered over, but he looked very embarrassed, his uniform was full of dust, his hair was messy, his face was full of sweat, and he looked like he was about to collapse.

When Akashi saw Irie like this, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart. You are really dedicated. You acted to this extent to hide your strength. No one else can do that.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long...I really...

The opponent was too strong, but I still won by luck~" Irie said while panting.

Everyone present, including Tono Atsushi, looked speechless. Is it fun to pretend like this? Although almost no one knows Irie's true strength, a mere No. 20 member of the First Army will only be crushed by Irie.

Saito Toshi walked out of the monitoring room with a loudspeaker and said to everyone:

"Okay, the First Army Challenge is over. Congratulations to everyone for officially becoming a member of the Neon U17 team. Tomorrow will start the top ten reshuffle. You can challenge the top ten of the First Army. In addition, Ghost can also join. It's time for you to take the position of the First Army!"

Ghost nodded and did not refuse. Since things have come to the last moment, he will certainly not give in again. This time he will completely kick those trash out of the First Army lineup.

Just after Saito Toshi finished his announcement, the voice of the system sounded in Akashi's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and becoming a member of the Neon team. The reward is 2 dimensional fragments! It is detected that the host has collected 5 fragments. Do you want to open the alternate dimension? "

"Open!" Akashi communicated with the system to open the alternate dimension without any hesitation. He has been waiting for a long time.

"Extracting alternate dimension template, please wait..."

Akashi was stunned when he heard the system's words. Why is it another template? Akashi's template fusion degree is not full yet, only 98.7%. Is it time for a new template?

"Ding! The extraction is complete, the template has been integrated into the host's spirit, and the alternate dimension is opened. The information is as follows! ”

Name of the alternate dimension: Hero King - Gilgamesh

Current status: Heroic Spirit

Abilities of alternate dimensions:

1. The one who witnesses everything (after opening the alternate dimension, the five-dimensional attributes will have a certain degree of bonus)

2. Divinity (Gilgamesh has the highest level of divine adaptability among the heroes, greatly enhancing the power and resistance of mental power ball skills)

Skills of alternate dimensions:

1. Treasure of the King (a powerful ball skill that combines offense and defense, which can open the King's Treasure House at the moment of receiving the ball, absorb all the power on the tennis ball, and integrate mental power into the phantom of various treasures to double the return when hitting back! Note: The absorption ability has an upper limit, and the tennis ball with too much power exceeding the host's strength will not be able to activate this skill)

2. The omniscient and almighty star (can only be opened after possessing the perfect eye of the emperor of heaven, and can see through the effects of all ball skills at a glance, and no ball skills can be hidden in front of you)

3. The star of the opening of the separation of heaven and earth (not yet opened, please explore by yourself)

Hero King——Gilgamesh

Akagi looked at the information displayed by the system and fell silent. He had thought of countless possibilities before, but he had never thought that the system would give him such an alternate dimension. Where did this system get the template of Jin Shanshan from? Is it really okay to let Jin Shanshan be your alternate dimension?

Akagi in Black and Blue is already arrogant enough, but compared with Jin Shanshan, he is still too humble. This is the big boss in the pretentious world. No matter who he is, the first sentence is always a miscellaneous cultivator. He doesn't take anyone seriously, even God.

But the system won't let me imitate Jin Shanshan's behavior, right? That would offend people more than Black and Blue Akagi. If it's not done well, it will be a situation of no end. Just thinking about it, the system suddenly spoke again.

"The alternate dimension template is different from the character template. It does not require the host to imitate to increase the degree of fusion. When the character template reaches 100%, the host only needs to continue to maintain Akagi's words and deeds, and the alternate dimension template will automatically improve slowly! ”

Now Akashi understood. To put it simply, even if his fusion degree is full, he still has to maintain Akashi's personality, so that his other dimension will gradually increase. In other words, the system wants him to become the real Akashi Seijuro.

Just then, Irie came to Akashi and pushed him, which made Akashi come back to his senses instantly. Irie said with some sarcasm:

"What's wrong? Little Akashi! Are you too happy to become a member of the First Army? What are you in a daze~"

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, Irie-senpai. I just suddenly thought of some private matters and was a little absent-minded!" Akashi temporarily put aside the matter of the other dimension and responded to Irie's words.

Irie Kanata didn't say anything, but instead looked Akashi up and down. There was a hint of surprise and uncertainty in the depths of his eyes. Akashi was a little uncomfortable with Irie's eyes and asked:

"Why do you look at me like this, Irie-senpai? Is there something wrong? "

"I always feel that you are a little different from before, Akashi~ But I can't tell you what's different!" Irie said, holding his chin.

"What's different? By the way,

Senior Irie, why did you suddenly change the way you address me? "Akagi knew that Irie's insight was better than Atobe's, so he must have noticed something and quickly changed the subject.

"Well, don't you think that calling me this way makes us seem close?" Irie said with a smile without continuing the previous topic.

When Akashi returned to the dormitory, he found that his roommate was actually Mitsuya Akuto. It seemed that this was specially arranged by the coaching staff. After all, the only person Akashi knew at the training camp was Mitsuya.

"The coach originally arranged for me to take care of you, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary~" Mitsuya said with a smile.

"From now on, please give me more advice, Senior Mitsuya!" Akashi also said with a smile.

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