Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 79

The game was over, but the game was over.

Just after the referee announced the end of the game, the organizer suddenly notified the suspension of the game. Because the venue was damaged, the court needed to be temporarily replaced.

To be honest, the organizers of the event and the staff of the Youth Tennis Association are very depressed. They originally built a high-standard court in the Green Forest Park for the Kanto Conference finals.

But who would have thought that such a situation would occur. The court was directly destroyed by the light shot. As members of the tennis association, they have connections with U17, so of course they can recognize the light shot. They also know that there was a terrifying existence in U17 before, who used a powerful light shot to make the whole training camp shaky.

However, I don't seem to have heard from that person recently. I don't know what happened. However, light hitting appeared again in the junior high school. This is the second time. Last week, a court was also destroyed. It was also Fudomine's game. It seems that it was this player named Akutsu.

Fortunately, the organizer of the event is not short of money. In addition, they know Akashi's identity. Since he is Akashi's player, naturally no one will go to Akutsu to hold him accountable.

Everyone followed the guidance of the staff and came to the court where Hyotei and Seigaku played in the morning. Fudomine and Rikkai University also entered the player seats of the court.

Yukimura is very upset now. He didn't expect that he had tricked Fudomine in doubles two, and Akashi actually tricked them in doubles one.

At this time, Kurasa and Yanagi Renji, who had finished warming up, also came to the court under the guidance of the staff. Kurasa didn't say anything and went directly to the sidelines to prepare for the game.

Yanagi Renji on the other side frowned, walked up to Yukimura, and said in a deep voice:

"Sorry, Yukimura! This time it was my prediction error that led to this situation!"

"No! Renji, I also have some responsibility, but now is not the time to talk about this, the result of this final depends on you!" Yukimura said solemnly.

"I know! I will do my best!" Yanagi Renji also responded solemnly.

In fact, when confirming the tactics at Rikkai University yesterday, Yukimura originally planned to play as the second singles player, but Yanagi Renji predicted that Akashi had a high probability of appearing in this position. If Yukimura and Akashi met, the outcome would be unpredictable. Once Yukimura lost, it would be a major blow to Rikkai University.

So Yanagi Renji was ready to play as the second singles player himself. If he met Akashi, then Yukimura, who was the first singles player, would be stable. Even if Tezuka Yukimura was confident of winning, even if Akashi was the first singles player, the situation would be the same as before, and Yukimura would decide the outcome in the end.

At the same time, in their expectation, Maori should be able to beat Akutsu in the singles three position, but unfortunately, everything is not going as they expected.

Akashi appeared in the doubles one, and he was still partnered with Tezuka. At the beginning, Yanagi Renji was very happy. As long as Maori beat Akutsu, even if he lost the game, Yukimura would have a 100% chance of winning whether he played against Kurasaki or Kikutsu.

Unfortunately, the power of the light shot far exceeded their expectations. Maori had no resistance to this move, and it was estimated that even Yukimura might not be able to block it. In the match with Akutsu in the training camp, Akutsu was deprived of his five senses by Yukimura before he could use the light shot, and lost his ability to play.

At this time, the referee of the game was in place, announcing the start of the singles two game, and letting the players from both sides enter the court for the pre-match salute.

Kurasaki and Yanagi Renji came to the net. Both of them were cold-hearted, so naturally they didn't say anything extra. They just shook hands calmly and then started to guess the first place.

This time Yanagi Renji won the serve. Kurasaki did not express anything, turned around with an indifferent look and came to the backcourt, ready to receive the serve. Yanagi Renji also came to the baseline, waiting for the referee to announce.

"The singles match will start next. The match ends in one round. Rikkai University Affiliated High School will serve first!"

Yanagi Renji stood on the baseline, looking at Kurasaki with an indifferent expression on the opposite side. It would be a lie to say that there was no pressure in his heart, but the current situation did not allow him to fail.

Young Yanagi Renji

Quickly serving the tennis ball, Yanagi Renji began to collect Kurasaki's data with all his strength to supplement the data model he had established in his mind before the game. Kurasaki hit back without any hesitation.

Facing the return of Kurasaki, who already had the top strength at the national level,

Even Yanagi Renji could only cope with it with difficulty, but he still tried his best to delay the game and seize every opportunity to collect data.

The data analysis before the game also helped Yanagi Renji a lot, so that he would not be suppressed by Kurasaki in a short time. Kurasaki also noticed Yanagi Renji's intention and immediately strengthened the intensity of the attack.


Because of Akashi's previous words, Kurasaki had no intention of holding back, and would not easily give Yanagi Renji time to collect data. If you want to collect his data, then use the score in exchange.



"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

Facing Kurasaki's full-strength attack, Yanagi Renji, whose strength has reached the national level, was overwhelmed, not to mention that Kurasaki also used his best chasing ball, making Yanagi Renji even more difficult to resist, and always paying attention to avoiding vital parts.

However, Kurasaki did not intend to hurt his opponent intentionally. This was just his real style of play. He used chasing balls to force his opponent to be cautious. It was difficult for people who were not close to or superior to him to play against Kurasaki.

Yanagi Renji adjusted his somewhat chaotic breathing. The few balls just now had caused him tremendous pressure in his heart, which was brought by the honor of Rikkai University and the strong strength of his opponent.

Kurasaki standing on the baseline did not know what Yanagi Renji was thinking. Even if he knew, he would not care. What he had to do now was to defeat his opponent with all his strength and win the Kanto Championship for Fudomine.

He directly hit a high-speed serve, with a speed of at least 180 kilometers. Although Kurasaki had made rapid progress in strength under Akashi's guidance, he had not completely abandoned the elite concept he had developed in Germany since childhood, and would not allow himself to have any shortcomings.

Yanagi Renji quickly came to the receiving point and hit the tennis ball back. At the same time, he tried his best to collect Kurasaki's data. His brain was also frantically calculating various data and probabilities, which was almost overloaded.

This is a major weakness of data tennis. It takes time to collect relevant data. The data collected before the game can only be used as a reference at most. That's why doubles is more suitable for data tennis.

Of course, this weakness is not insurmountable. For example, Mitsutani can complete the data correction in just a few balls based on the pre-match intelligence. Some even make the opponent nowhere to hide at the beginning of the game, such as Germany's QP.

A player who has a strong brain power beyond ordinary humans as the cornerstone, and has absorbed the glory of the three heavenly clothes and evolved into the ultimate quality, is even more motivated to become Yukimura's father. (God of Tennis)

Q.P., the chief of staff of the German team

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Yanagi Renji tried to delay, the gap in strength was there after all. Kurasaki's fierce offensive became stronger and stronger, and he was determined not to give Yanagi Renji the opportunity to delay time.

"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

The third game was Yanagi Renji's serve. Although Kurasaki didn't give him too much time to collect data, he did collect some useful information. Now he could only use the data to counterattack in advance.

Yanagi Renji quickly sent the tennis ball and started running to the right, muttering:

"The probability of a straight ball is 34%, the probability of a diagonal ball is 58%, and the probability of a diagonal ball is 8%!"

This was also the first time Yanagi Renji used incomplete data to fight. There was no way. If he continued to collect data, the opponent's advantage would become greater and greater. In the end, even if the collection was completed, the probability of a comeback would not exceed 30%.

Fortunately, Yanagi Renji did not make a wrong prediction this time. Kurasaki really hit a diagonal ball and hit Yanagi Renji on the right side of the court. Yanagi Renji had already arrived at the landing point in advance and was still collecting Kurasaki's data while hitting back.

While collecting data, using the data to calculate the probability of the return ball path, and constantly correcting the data, even Yanagi Renji began to feel the strain on his brain.

"The probability of diagonal volley is 17%, the probability of short ball is 16%, and the probability of through ball is 67%!"

As Yanagi Renji said this, he ran to the backcourt. The tennis ball flew directly to the backcourt as Yanagi Renji expected. The opposite side looked at Yanagi Renji's actions and frowned slightly. In such a short time, has the opponent completed the collection of his data?

When Yanagi Renji returned the ball, he lowered the front part of the racket to the lowest, and made a move to hit a topspin ball. Zangtuzu was also on guard in advance, but in the end Yanagi Renji played a fast slice straight to the baseline.

"The probability of catching up with the tennis ball is 84%. According to data analysis, the probability of going to the net after returning the ball is 71%!" Yanagi Renji continued to analyze the data and calculate the probability.

Although Kurasaki was deceived by Yanagiri Renji's fake move for a moment, it didn't let him score directly. He turned around and quickly came to the baseline, hit a backhand straight shot, and then rushed to the front court without stopping.

Yanagiri Renji seized the moment when Kurasaki was moving forward and hit the tennis ball with his backhand. The tennis ball passed the net with a very fast speed and rotation, hit the ground, and then flew straight to Kurasaki's abdomen.


Kurasaki was startled, but he still reacted quickly and intercepted the racket in front of his abdomen. The tennis ball hit the racket, spun wildly for a while, and then fell to the ground.


Kurasaki looked at the tennis ball at his feet, his expression did not change much, just glanced coldly at Yanagiri Renji on the opposite side, and turned to the backcourt.

Yanagiri Renji also knew that the Kamaweasel just now was just a surprise, and it would not have the same effect on Kurasaki next time, but he didn't expect to always rely on Kamaweasel to score.

Yanagi Renji came to the baseline and sent the ball out, and at the same time began to predict the return path of Kurasaki. With the support of data, Yanagi Renji gradually caught up with Kurasaki's rhythm and began to be evenly matched.

Seizing a chance again, Yanagi Renji directly put a short ball in the backcourt, but Kurasaki immediately rushed to the frontcourt. The tennis ball just passed the net and fell down. Just as Kurasaki was about to catch the bouncing tennis ball, he saw that the tennis ball actually rolled forward for a short distance and stopped, without any intention of bouncing.



Kusican looked at Kusican, which had a similar effect to the Zero short ball, raised his head and looked at Yanagi Renji, and for the first time spoke in a cold tone:

"This unexpected move can only be used once, you can't hold on for long, your defeat in this game is doomed to Rikkai University!"

"Nothing is doomed, even the most accurate data!" Yanagi Renji squinted his eyes and replied.

Then the two started a quick confrontation again. Thanks to the increasingly complete data, Yanagi Renji's predictions became more and more accurate, and he was evenly matched with Kurasaki.




"GAME! Rikkai University High School! 2-1! Exchange venues!"

Finally, relying on the data, Yanagi Renji won a game with difficulty, but Kurasaki's face had become completely gloomy. He was not going to keep any trump cards, and walked coldly to the player's seat to replenish water.

On the other side, Yanagi Renji also returned to the Rikkai University player's seat. After a short rest to restore his physical strength, Yukimura looked at Yanagi Renji and asked:

"Renji, are you sure?"

"The probability of winning is 32%!" Yanagi Renji said calmly.

"Is that so? But be careful, the opponent still has a trick to use!" Yukimura reminded.

"I know! Yukimura, I have a way to deal with that trick!" Yanagi Renji opened his eyes and said seriously.

Soon the pause was over, and the game started again. When the two exchanged courts and faced each other, Kasugano said indifferently:

"Your data tennis is indeed very powerful, but as long as you hit a ball that you can't hit back, no matter how much data you have, it's useless!"

"As long as the intelligence and data are sufficient, there is no ball that can't be hit back!" Yanagi Renji said without giving in, but he felt a little guilty in his heart. Apart from anything else, he couldn't hit back the light shot just now.

After that, the two passed each other directly without exchanging a word. Both sides came to their respective courts and prepared to start the fourth game.

Kasugano came to the baseline, without any delay, and directly hit a high-speed serve. Yanagi Renji started running before Kasugano served.

"According to calculations, the probability of serving to the left bottom corner is 81%!" Yanagi Renji's data has gradually improved, and the probability of prediction has also increased.

As expected, the serve of the Tibetan rabbit flew straight to the left bottom corner. Yanagi Renji had already waited at the landing point in advance, and quickly intercepted the ball when it rebounded. While hitting it back, he began to further predict the ball path.

When the Tibetan rabbit hit back, he made a subtle arm swing, and the tennis ball flew straight to Yanagi Renji's half court with a strong vertical rotation.

Yanagi Renji predicted accurately again, and quickly came to the landing point, and directly met the racket. At the moment when the tennis ball hit the racket, a strong vertical rotation force was transmitted to Yanagi Renji's wrist along the racket handle, causing him to instinctively let go of his hand, and the racket was directly hit by the tennis ball.

"Baptism of the whirlpool!"


The Tibetan rabbit looked at Yanagi Renji who covered his wrist, and his cold face seemed to have no temperature at all, and said lightly:


As I said, your data tennis is useless as long as you hit a ball you can't return! "

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