Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 41

The two sides quickly completed the registration. After arriving at the designated competition venue, Akashi and Atobe led their teams into the court from both sides. This time, Atobe did not step forward to continue to confront Akashi, because Akashi had already shaken hands with Sakaki Taro and greeted him.

"Hello, Coach Sakaki Taro! I hope both of us can have a wonderful performance in this game~" Akashi said with a polite smile on his face.

"Of course, Akashi is not only the head of Fudo Mine, but also a part-time coach. He is really young and promising. So today, let me experience the strength of your Fudo Mine!" Sakaki Taro said with a serious face.

Akashi nodded, and turned to his own player seat, without even looking at Atobe, which made the naturally arrogant Atobe feel extremely unhappy, but he didn't say much, and looked at Akashi's back sharply, and then turned to sit down in the player seat.

Teenager Atobe Keigo

"Atobe, I rarely see you with this expression. It seems that my previous guess was right. You and Akashi on the opposite side have known each other for a long time, right?" Oshitari said with a strange smile, looking at Atobe who came back.

"Huh? You should pay attention to the game later, Oshitari, as the first doubles second to appear, don't let us Hyotei lose a game right away!" Atobe said with a somewhat unhappy tone.

"Hehe~ I will try my best Atobe!" Oshitari did not continue to tease Atobe's nerves, and turned to warm up with Mukai Gakuto.

On the other side, Kurasaki looked at Atobe with some curiosity. From the conversation between Akashi and him just now, it seemed that the two had known each other since childhood. However, he had been in Japan for so long, but he had never heard Akashi mention it once. He only knew that the Atobe family and the Akashi family were both one of the two major consortiums in Japan.

The other regulars were also very curious. It seemed that their minister and the opposite Hyotei minister had a complicated relationship. They knew each other but hated each other. Could this be the legendary love-hate relationship?

If Akashi knew what they were thinking now, he would probably directly hit a light shot to let them know that there would be a heavy price to pay for making random assumptions.

In this weird atmosphere, the doubles players of both sides had finished warming up, and the game was about to start, and the referees were already in place.

Oshitari and Mukai came to Sakaki Taro with rackets and listened to his pre-match instructions. Sakaki Taro said with a serious face:

"In this game, the lineup of the opposite Fudomine has been adjusted compared to before, but you should all know the relevant information. There are two points to note. Tachibana Kihei's attack power in front of the net is very strong, so you must always pay attention. The movement speed of the wooden hand is very amazing, so don't hesitate when scoring!"

Sakaki Taro raised his arm elegantly, pointed forward, and stretched out the thumb, index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and Said:


After both Oshitari and Higashi responded, they walked to the court. At the same time, Kihei Tachibana and Kitade also walked into the court. Both sides came to the net to salute before the game. At this time, the arrogant Higashi Taketo said:

"I didn't expect that a school like yours could get to this point, but you should be satisfied. After all, you have already qualified for the Kanto Tournament. Just accept the failure honestly!"

"You dare to say that~ sister-headed boy!" Kihei Tachibana opened his mouth and hit hard.

"What did you say! Yellow-haired monster!" Higashi was furious when he heard it, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Calm down! Taketo! Don't let the other party's provocation affect your mood!" Oshitari on the side stopped Higashi who was about to explode.

Higashi Taketo, Oshitari Yuushi

"Hehe~ Enjoy this game, if you can walk out of this court alive!" Kihei Tachibana said with a fierce look.

The referee above couldn't stand it anymore, so he immediately asked both sides to guess who would go first. In the end, the right to serve was given to Fudomine. After watching both sides return to their own half of the court, the referee announced the start of the game.

"The second doubles match between Fudomine and Hyotei will begin. The first round of the match ends! Fudomine serves first!"

Tachibana Kihei came to the baseline, took out a tennis ball from his pocket, tested its elasticity, and then threw it high. After the tennis ball landed in the right position, he swung his racket suddenly, adding irregular rotation to the tennis ball. After crossing the net, the tennis ball began to shake rapidly in the air, and then instantly split into 5 phantoms and fell towards the opponent's half of the court.


"Rampaging lion!"

Tachibana Kippei had no intention of holding back. Perhaps Xiangri's words really annoyed him. He was very satisfied with his hair color. Now the boy on the opposite side dared to call him a yellow-haired monster? If he didn't teach him a lesson, he wouldn't be called Tachibana Kippei.

Xiangri on the opposite side was also shocked when he saw the five flying ball shadows. Although there were records in the previous data that Tachibana Kippei had used this trick when he played against Qingxue in the regional competition, he didn't expect these ball shadows to be so realistic. He quickly ran towards two of the ball shadows, and after swinging the racket in the air, he immediately reminded Oshitsuki behind him.

However, due to Xiangri blocking part of his vision, Oshitsuki didn't see all the ball shadows even if he saw them clearly, and the tennis ball eventually flew out of the court.


"You are really capable, Tachibana Kippei!" Oshitsuki adjusted his glasses and said in a somewhat indifferent tone.

"Sorry! Oshitsuki, this ball is my problem!" Xiangri also realized at this time that he might have blocked Oshitsuki's vision.

Standing at the baseline, Tachibana Kihei had taken out the tennis ball again and threw it high. With the sound of hitting the ball, it was still the runaway lion. The tennis ball once again split into five shadows and flew towards Xiangri and Oshitari.

However, this time, Xiangri, who was mentally prepared, jumped high from the left side of the court, turned a somersault in the air, and landed on the right side of the court. At the same time, he intercepted all the shadows and successfully hit back Tachibana Kihei's runaway lion.

Tachibana Kihei was also stunned when he saw it. He never thought that his trick would be cracked in this way. Before, he always thought that in addition to looking at the shadow, only multiple balls could be cracked, but today Xiangri's method was a little beyond his expectations, but that kind of action was not something that ordinary people could do.

Although Tachibana Kihei was half a beat slower because of his daze, Mushou did not hesitate at all. He quickly ran to the landing point and hit the ball back directly. When Oshitari received Mushou's return ball, he frowned and thought to himself: It's so heavy! However, he, who possessed a variety of tennis skills, successfully removed the force from the tennis ball.

Then the two sides began a fierce confrontation. This was also the first time that Fudo Mine encountered an opponent who could compete with them head-on in an official match. In the end, Fudo Mine won the ball. After all, Kihei Tachibana was a national-level master, and his strength was one level higher than that of Hibiki and Oshitsuki, although he and Kido might be slightly inferior to each other in doubles tacit understanding.


With Kihei Tachibana serving again, the two sides began a new round of confrontation. After Kido hit back once, Oshitsuki, who was originally in the backcourt, suddenly stepped forward and intercepted the tennis ball in front of the net, and then swung his racket with both hands, and the tennis ball flew to the left bottom corner of the opposite side at a very fast speed.

"F•A•S! (Flat net drive)"

The tennis ball went straight over Kihei Tachibana's side. Fortunately, Kido used the shrinking technique to instantly appear at the point of the ball and hit the ball back. However, Mukai Mukai, who was in front of the net, suddenly jumped high, looking like he was flying. Mukai Mukai adjusted his posture in the air, head down, feet up, and intercepted the tennis ball very flexibly, while hitting the ball to the right sideline.

"Moon Return!"

Dance-style shot

Even Kido Mukai didn't react to this ball. Mukai Mukai's action was too amazing. Although they knew that Mukai Mukai's jumping ability was amazing before, they were still surprised when they saw it in person.


However, Kihei Tachibana and Kido Mukai's expressions did not change much. The two sides started to fight again. Although Mukai Mukai's dance-style shot was still agile and elegant, it did not have the effect of the first ball for Kihei Tachibana and Kido Mukai, who had already seen it. The strength gap between the two sides was there, and Mukai Mukai and Oshitari began to lose points slowly.


"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

Tachibana Kihei and Kidou won their serve game. Now it was Hyotei Oshitsuki's turn to serve. Oshitsuki stood at the baseline with a gloomy face. In the previous game, he clearly found that the two opponents were extremely strong, especially Tachibana Kihei. He had only felt that kind of oppression from Atobe.

But now he and Xianghi can only fight with all their strength. Thinking of this, Oshitsuki did not hesitate any more. He took out a tennis ball and threw it high. At the moment of hitting the tennis ball, he gave it a strong rotation. After the tennis ball passed the net, it suddenly flew to the left when it landed and bounced.

"S•S•A•S! (Side topspin serve)"

But it had little effect on Kidou who had the shrinking technique. Kidou dodged and intercepted the tennis ball flying out of the court. He twisted his wrist quickly and gave the tennis ball a complex rotation. After the tennis ball hit the net, the trajectory of the flight suddenly began to change strangely, twisting up and down, left and right, like a snake.

"Issue Qian!"

Miraculous didn't expect the tennis ball to change suddenly. He didn't notice it for a moment, and the tennis ball exploded at his feet and flew out of the court.


Ku Te's Issue Qian surprised everyone except Fudomine, even Atobe. This move was not recorded in the pre-match investigation data. It seems that the opponent's strength is stronger than they expected.

Seeing that Mu Te even used this move, Tachibana Kihei did not hesitate and completely let go of his offensive. Of course, he did not use the explosive ball dance. This move is still too dangerous for Mu Te and Oshitari now.

Slowly, the situation on the court became more and more unfavorable to Hyotei. Although Mu Te intercepted in various postures at the net and Oshitari also used various techniques, he still couldn't stop himself from losing points.




"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

In the wooden hand serving game, he used the big explosion serve without any suspense. Not to mention Mukai Taketo's slender arms, even Oshitsuki's racket was knocked down several times.

"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0!"

After the exchange of venues, Mukai Taketo's breathing became much heavier. The long-term use of dance-style hitting made him consume a lot of physical strength. Although he was not exhausted for the time being, Oshitsuki knew that Mukai could only hold on for two games at most.

After the game started again, the situation did not change much. On the contrary, Mukai's jumps began to decrease slowly, and Oshitsuki's defensive pressure increased accordingly. He had expected that their chances of winning this game were almost zero.

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