Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 187

The two of them were in a state of panic.

"What a joke! Akashi! My master's evolution is advancing by leaps and bounds! Whether you are from another dimension or something else, I will surpass you all!" Atobe almost roared as he said this.

This surprised everyone on the sidelines of Hyotei. Is this still their extremely narcissistic minister? They have never seen such a loss of composure in Atobe, even when he lost to Akashi and Yukimura for the first time two years ago.

"Atobe..." Even Shishido Ryo, who has always been at odds with Atobe, couldn't say a complete sentence at this time. In fact, he understood Atobe's current feelings in his heart.

"Akashi Seijuro... It seems that I have to thank him after the game!" Sakaki Taro said softly in the coaching seat.

"Oh my~ It seems that Atobe-chan is a little angry!" Taneshima said in a playful tone in the audience, but his Kansai accent seemed very strange.

"Alas~ Who made Atobe-chan unlucky! Anyway, I will definitely walk around Akagi-chan in the training camp from now on!" Irie said confidently, but every time Akagi returned to the training camp, Irie always stayed by his side with Oni, so he just listened to what he said.

"Although Akagi-kun sometimes seems very unkind, according to the data, he is often extra patient with the talented players of the same class, so the probability that Akagi-kun did this for other purposes is 98%!" Mitsutani raised his glasses and spoke slowly.

'Just don't get hurt, rush forward with all your strength, Atobe! ' Although Ochi didn't say anything, he secretly cheered for Atobe in his heart. This is the former director of Hyotei - Ochi Moonlight! A person who looks cold, withdrawn and taciturn, but is very upright and responsible in his heart.

At the same time, looking at the completely angry Atobe on the opposite side, Akashi secretly felt that it was enough, and any further stimulation might be counterproductive, so he said nothing more and turned to his backcourt.

The fifth game was Atobe's serve. At this time, Atobe felt more and more weak. The oppression that existed all the time made him a little breathless, but he was the emperor of the Ice Emperor and he must not fall here!

Thinking of this, Atobe directly threw up the tennis ball in his hand. Now he could no longer play the Ice Emperor smoothly because he had been affected by mental pressure for too long, but Atobe still concentrated all his insight and hit the tennis ball at the ice crystal in his eyes, even though it had no effect.

"How many times do I have to say it, facing an opponent who is far stronger than you, your so-called blind spot is meaningless! Atobe!" Akashi instantly noticed Atobe's intention and spoke directly and bluntly.

What followed was the sound of ice crystals breaking and Akashi's racket hitting the ball. Atobe ignored Akashi's ridicule. He had no time to care about other things now. All he could do was keep chasing the tennis ball in his eyes.

And the inexplicable power in his body was getting more and more agitated. It was a pity that Atobe had no mind to pay attention to it now, and he didn't even notice it. With his tenacious willpower, Atobe kept intercepting all the tennis balls flying to his half of the court.

Looking at Atobe's embarrassed appearance, Hou Changtaro wanted to close his eyes a little reluctantly, but was scolded by Shishido Ryo on the side. Now the only thing they, the members of Hyotei, could do was to open their eyes and watch Atobe's game carefully.


Unfortunately, no matter how hard Atobe tried, he still couldn't stop himself from losing points. The tennis ball flew past him again. When Atobe wanted to turn around to intercept it, the tennis ball had already flown out of the court.

"You're not willing to give up even if it makes you so embarrassed? Atobe!" Akashi looked at the embarrassed Atobe opposite him, and said in a calm tone.

"Ha~ There is no word "give up" in my dictionary!" Atobe sneered in response to Akashi's words.

After saying that, he threw the tennis ball in his hand again, and still hit the ice crystals in his eyes without giving up. This made Akashi feel a little irritated, so he adjusted his body shape slightly, and all the ice crystals around him disappeared completely in an instant, sealing Atobe's ice world from the root.

"Tsk~ Even if you really have no blind spots, I will find them out!" Atobe's eyes have become extremely deep, his pupils have shrunk slightly, and the center is almost condensed into a point.

I don't know what Akashi is thinking. This ball is still dragged for several rounds like the previous one, but Tezuka, Yukimura and Fuji on the sidelines have noticed that Akashi's pupils

All of them have turned red. They have seen this state several times, which means that Akashi is ready to use his "full strength".

At this time, there is a slight flash of red arc in Akashi's pupils, but it is not the state of entering the zone, but the pseudo zone! Layers of mental power penetrate into the body of the opposite Atobe in a very hidden way, constantly guiding something, and only Akashi knows all this.


With the referee's announcement, Atobe lost another point, but compared to the score, his heart is extremely tormented at this moment. Atobe feels that he has tried his best, but still can't see even a glimmer of hope.

Atobe in despair in the snowstorm

'In fact, there is one thing I have to admit, in terms of tennis talent, I can't compare with you! Akashi! You have been at the top from the beginning, but because of this, you are the opponent I must defeat! 'Atobe thought while constantly trying to chase the tennis ball in front of him.

'Even if you are right in front of me now, I still can't sense your depth! But, I am Keigo Atobe! So concentrate and don't lose track of your opponent! Relax your mind and body and feel it with all your strength! ’


“Is that the end?” Tanejima looked at Atobe on the field and said unconsciously.

“No! Maybe something very interesting is going to happen soon! Shuji!” Irie’s eyes were shining with excitement.

“Oh? Well done, boy! Much better than my brat!” On the other side of the audience, Echizen Nanjiro looked at Atobe with interest and said softly.

On the court, Atobe stood at the baseline with his head down. No one knew what he was thinking at this time. Suddenly, Atobe's body trembled violently, and then his iconic laughter was heard.

“Hahahaha! The kingdom was destroyed? Don’t be ridiculous! Speaking of it, the kingdom is still too small and not worth mentioning! Then... Atobe Dimension!” As Atobe spoke, a colorful galaxy appeared behind Atobe, like a dimensional starry sky.

Dimensional Starry Sky

"I am now the emperor above the dimension!" Atobe laughed wildly and threw the tennis ball in his hand high up, then jumped up and spoke confidently in the air, while the starry sky behind him looked extremely bright!

Atobe Dimensional

The racket wrapped in the power of the other dimension fiercely smashed the falling tennis ball, and the tennis ball immediately blasted towards the opposite half of Akashi with brilliant starlight, causing a momentum far exceeding that of ordinary light shots!

A smash beyond the limit

Tennis ball with dimensional power

Akashi smiled slightly when he saw this, but no one present noticed that the tennis ball hit the ground and caused cracks, and then bounced up with powerful kinetic energy and rushed to Akashi's left side, but unfortunately it was intercepted by Akashi holding the racket with both hands the next second.

However, when the tennis ball hit the racket, it was still spinning and impacting, and the bright starlight around it did not weaken at all. Finally, after a short stalemate with the racket, the tennis ball directly penetrated Akashi's racket, hit the baseline and flew out of the court.

"ACE! 15-40!"

"My opponent has never been anyone else, it has always been you, Akashi Seijuro!" Seeing that he finally scored, Atobe shouted at Akashi with full fighting spirit.

"You finally took this step, Atobe! Now you are finally qualified to stand on a higher stage!" Although Akashi still had a cold expression, there was a hint of relief in his tone.

"Huh? Do you think you can decide the upper limit of this master? Next, experience it well, this power beyond the dimension!" Atobe's face once again regained his previous confident smile.

"I say... have you forgotten! It's just another dimension. It can't change your fate of defeat for me! Atobe!" Akashi saw that Atobe was getting too proud again, so he planned to cool him down.

Then, a huge shadow suddenly appeared behind Akashi, with dazzling golden hair, wearing a golden armor skirt, and golden earrings on his ears. He crossed his arms, and his ruby-like eyes were full of disdain and an overwhelming momentum!

"Another dimension-Gilgamesh!"


"Miscellaneous cultivation!" Many viewers who watched the match between Fudomine and Rikkai University a week ago once again heard familiar hallucinations in their minds.

"Is this your other dimension? Akashi! Just looking at it makes me unhappy!" Atobe said in a bad tone, and then he threw the tennis ball in his hand without any more nonsense, and once again called on the power of Atobe's dimension, and fiercely blasted the tennis ball towards Akashi on the opposite side.

"The King's Treasure - Heaven's Lock!"

Unfortunately, this time, Atobe's serve could no longer break through Akashi's interception, and a sense of restraint that he had never experienced before spread all over his body, making Atobe unable to move at all, and even his expression froze.

"GAME! Fudomine! 5-0!"

"How is this possible!!! What kind of power is this! I have obviously exceeded my limit!" Atobe said in disbelief after the effect of Akashi's Heaven's Lock disappeared.

However, Akashi did not answer Atobe's plan. He slowly came to the baseline and threw the tennis ball directly. The shadow of Gilgamesh behind him pointed in the air, and a void suddenly appeared, from which a strangely shaped sickle shot out.

"The King's Treasure - Blade of the Undead Slaughter!"

"ACE! 15-0!"

"ACE! 30-0!"

"ACE! 40-0!"

With three consecutive serves, Akashi fully demonstrated the power of the other dimension, making Atobe lose the last resistance. At this moment, the game has come to the end of the match. As Akashi's last ball was served, Atobe on the opposite side suddenly roared and burst out all his potential, and even the starry sky of the dimension became more and more dazzling.

Atobe who tried his best

"I will never give up like this!!! Akashi Seijuro!" Atobe rushed towards the tennis ball like crazy, and actually broke free from the powerful restraint of the treasure at this moment, but unfortunately, he was still a step too late. Atobe tried his best to jump forward, and the tennis ball was only a short distance away from the racket.

Atobe who jumped hard

"GAME! 6-0! The game is over! The winner is Fudomine Junior High School!"

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