Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 148

The game was over, but the game was over.

All the games today have ended, and everyone has returned to their accommodation, waiting for tomorrow's arrival. At this time, Akashi is thinking about the personnel arrangements for tomorrow's game.

Although Higachu is missing Mu Te, his strength is still acceptable, but unfortunately he is still not a match for Fudomine. Originally, the second-tier lineup would have been enough, but considering Mu Te, Akashi plans to put Mu Te on the list of players tomorrow.

Then there is the problem of Kintaro. Although today's game disappointed him, Kintaro still couldn't help wanting to play in tomorrow's game. After thinking about it, Akashi still wrote Kintaro's name on the list.

The next day, the quarter-finals of the national competition will be held today. Many spectators came to the competition site early to cheer for their favorite players.

When the Fudo Mine team came to the scene to complete the registration, the audience looked at them with admiration. This year, Fudo Mine is likely to complete the unprecedented three consecutive national championships.

After arriving at the competition venue, Akashi found that the people of Higachu were already waiting in the stadium, but their coach Saotome Harumi was nowhere to be seen. It seems that Mu Shou was quite heavy-handed yesterday.

So the coaching seat of Higachu was empty. Akashi didn't care about it at all. He went directly to the coaching seat of Fudo Mine and sat down, waiting for the start of the game.

After sitting down, Akashi glanced at the people of Higachu. He didn't see Kai Yujiro's figure, and immediately showed a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. It seems that his prediction yesterday was correct.

Time passed quickly, and the game was about to start. At this time, Kai Yujiro finally returned to the stadium, looking at the Fudo Mine player seat with sharp eyes. When he saw Mu Shou, his expression became angry again.

Soon, the referee also came to the court. Seeing that both players were almost ready, he climbed up to the referee's seat and announced the official start of the quarter-finals.

"The singles match will start next! Fudomine Kita Eishiro vs. Higachu Kai Yujiro. Please enter!"

Kita and Kai walked into the court. Before and after the net, Kai said directly to Kita:

"Just wait and see today. I will defeat you with my own hands! Eishiro!"

"Don't think that I will show mercy to you just because you have known me since childhood!" Kita looked at Kai with a gloomy look.

This made Kai instinctively feel a little cold, but he still tried to clench his fists, looking like he was gritting his teeth. Fortunately, the referee spoke in time and asked the two to start guessing the first point.

I don't know if Kai was too nervous. His hands were shaking when he turned the racket. With the end of the guessing, Kita won the serve.

"The game ends! Fudomine serves first!"

Ku Te came to the baseline, glanced at Kai on the opposite side, and threw the tennis ball in his hand up, and then everyone heard a sound like an explosion, and the tennis ball flew straight to the opposite half of the court with strong kinetic energy.

"Big Explosive Serve!"

Kai knew about this move. He had seen Ku Te use it before entering junior high school, but the power was still small at that time.

Looking at the tennis ball flying towards him, Kai immediately ran to the landing point, and then held the racket with both hands and swung it hard at the bouncing tennis ball, but the next second, Kai's racket was directly hit away, turned several times in the air and fell to the ground.


"Is this the strength you said you would beat me? Yujiro!" Ku Te said with disdain after scoring.

"Don't be so proud! I can hit it back with the next ball!" Kai responded without showing any weakness.

Mu Shou glanced at him calmly, and said nothing more. He threw the tennis ball in his hand high up, exerted force on his right arm, and hit the big bang serve again.

This time, Kai concentrated all his strength, and the muscles on his hands seemed to bulge a little. He met the bouncing tennis ball again, but unfortunately the result was no longer the same, and the racket was still hit by the tennis ball.


However, Kai did not give up. After picking up the racket, he still looked at Mu Shou fiercely, and Mu Shou did not hesitate and continued to hit the big bang serve without mercy.

This time, Kai tried his best and barely hit the tennis ball back. However, Akashi on the sidelines keenly noticed that Mu Shou's big bang serve just now was obviously underpowered.

After seeing Kai hit his serve back, Mu Shou appeared in front of the net in an instant, and then backhanded

With a swipe, the tennis ball flew to the left corner of Kai at a very fast speed.

Kai had just used too much force, so he couldn't recover for a while, and could only watch the tennis ball hit the left corner and then bounced out of the court.


When Mutate hit the fourth big explosion serve, Kai felt that he had completely adapted to Mutate's serve, and went directly to the landing point, holding the racket with both hands and hitting the tennis ball back with all his strength.

However, Mutate still appeared in front of the net with a shrinking method, and then hit it directly with his forehand, but Kai caught up with the tennis ball this time, and after running, he held the racket with his backhand.

The two started to attack directly, and then the audience saw a wonderful scene, seeing the two flashing back and forth on the court like teleportation, but Kai could only flash back and forth, while Mutate could appear in any corner of the court at will.

In the end, because of the huge difference in the two people's shrinking skills, Mu Shou seized the flaw when Kai hit back and directly hit a diagonal through ball. Kai used the shrinking skills to teleport to the baseline, and then suddenly ran to the right, but in the end he was still a step too late.

"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

The second game was Kai's serve. Kai turned the racket half a circle and returned to the normal grip. Then he threw the tennis ball in his hand high up and hit a good angle serve.

But this was completely ineffective for Mu Shou who had the shrinking skills. Mu Shou appeared at the landing point with a flash, and directly pulled the bouncing tennis ball, giving the tennis ball a complex rotation while hitting the ball.

The tennis ball crossed the net with a high-speed rotation, and suddenly began to shake in the air, and then the flying ball path became extremely weird in an instant, like a venomous snake, and the speed was still very fast.

"Fan Shiqian!"

Kai saw this and tried to see the flight path of the tennis ball. He was very familiar with Fan Shiqian's move, but the next moment, the tennis ball had hit the baseline and then twisted out of the court.


The speed of the ball was obviously beyond Kai's expectations. You should know that this move was taught to Ping Guchang Rin by him, so Kai knew that even if the ball path changed in a complicated way, he could still hit it back as long as he carefully distinguished it. He could hit it back during practice matches.

But the Fan Shiqian played by Mu Shou was obviously different. Not only was the ball path complicated, but the speed was also abnormally fast, leaving Kai with very little time to see the ball path clearly.

After discovering this situation, Kai's face also sank, but he did not waste time. He sent the tennis ball again and immediately turned the racket over to a backhand grip.

Mu Shou played Fan Shiqian again, but Kai instantly appeared in front of the net and hit the tennis ball back with a backhand before the tennis ball began to change.

Afterwards, the two sides started a quick attack again. However, the gap between Kai and Mu Te was quite large. Even though Mu Te had obvious let-up behavior, Kai was still defeated by Mu Te after a few rounds.


Kai knew that this would not work, so after sending the third ball, he appeared in the front court, waiting for Mu Te's counterattack. Mu Te did not hesitate to see this, and directly made a backhand slam, and the tennis ball turned into a residual image and flew to Kai on the opposite side.

Kai held the racket in reverse, pulled his left hand back, and when the tennis ball came in front of him, his left arm directly drew a semicircle from bottom to top in the air, and the tennis ball flew towards the opposite half of the court with a strange arc.

"Pirate's Horn!"

Because Kai held the racket in reverse, the hitting point and flying ball path of his move were completely different from ordinary counterattacks. If it were an ordinary player, he would have lost points due to misjudgment.

Unfortunately, the strength of Mu Te was far superior to Kai. He saw through the ball path with just a moment's pause and hit the tennis ball back directly. Kai was completely unable to react at this time, and his trick was easily cracked by Mu Te.

The tennis ball instantly passed by Kai, then hit the sideline and bounced out of the court. At this moment, Kai couldn't help but think of Mu Te's horror in his heart.


In the next ball, Kai did not give up and played the pirate's horn again, but Mu Te easily hit the tennis ball back. Unwilling to give up, Kai still tried to struggle, but he didn't last for a few rounds and lost the score.

"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

This time Kai finally knew the gap between himself and Mu Te, but he was unwilling to give up. He had worked so hard for so long just to prove that even in the Ryukyu Islands, they could become top tennis players, and there was no need to go to Tokyo.

In fact, as early as Mu Te's first grade, he had persuaded Kai to transfer to Tokyo, but unfortunately at that time

Kai was angry because of Mu Te's sudden departure, and decisively rejected Mu Te's invitation.

After knowing that Mu Te went to Tokyo for tennis, Kai secretly vowed that he would train hard in his hometown of Ryukyu Island, and then go to Tokyo to tell Mu Te that his choice was wrong.

The third game was Mu Te's serve, and Mu Te still played a big explosion serve that was not full of power. Kai did not give up and hit the tennis balls back one by one, but unfortunately under Mu Te's powerful offensive, it was just useless.

"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0! Change venue!"

When the game was suspended, Kai was angry in the coaching seat. He didn't understand why he was so much worse than Mu Te, and what his efforts in the past three years meant.

On the other side, in the coaching booth of Fudomine, Akashi looked at Kido and said calmly:

"It's not like you to hold back in the game. I won't interfere with what you want to do, as long as you can win the game~"

"I know that Yujiro has no chance of winning this game!" Kido responded lightly.

The timeout passed quickly, and the subsequent game was just as Kido said. No matter how hard Kai tried to attack, it was all meaningless to Kido.

"GAME! Fudomine! 4-0!"

"GAME! Fudomine! 5-0!"

In a blink of an eye, the game came to the sixth game. This game was Kai's serve. At this time, Kai's face was full of sweat, most of which was cold sweat. He was under extremely great psychological pressure now.

At this time, Mu Te on the opposite side suddenly said to Kai:

"Yujiro, haven't you always wanted to know why I went to Tokyo? Then you will see it for yourself next time!"

After hearing Mu Te's words, Kai didn't quite understand what Mu Te meant by saying this at this time, but the referee was already urging him to serve, so Kai had to suppress his doubts and send the tennis ball out.

Mu Te on the opposite side flashed to the landing point and hit the tennis ball directly. Before the tennis ball passed the net, it appeared in a large-scale twisted flight in the air. In Kai's astonishment, the tennis ball circled around him and then bounced out of the court.

"Big Fantasia Qian!"


Even Ping Gu Chang Lin on the sidelines was stunned. Is this really the power that Fantasia Qian can have? He knew very well in his heart that he could never do it.

"I see! Are you trying to tell me that your strength has greatly improved since you came to Tokyo?" Kai said in a low tone while looking at Mu Te on the ground.

"Sometimes it is important to find the right noble person in your life!" Mu Te did not directly answer Kai's question, but said something that Kai did not understand.

When Kai sent the tennis ball again, Mu Te directly hit the flying tennis ball with a forehand shot, and at the same time, a sound of hitting the ball like an explosion sounded.

Kai was stunned, and then as if he had thought of something, he immediately held the racket with both hands to meet the flying tennis ball, but the next moment the racket was directly hit away, spinning in the air, and fell not far behind Kai.


"Big bang does not have to be used to serve!" Mu Te said lightly after scoring.

Kai looked at his numb arm and realized that Mu Te's big bang serve was not used with full strength before, otherwise he would never be able to hit it back.

This made Kai feel hesitant in his heart whether he had wronged Mu Te. Now Mu Te's tennis skills are not at the same level as his own.

Due to Kai's confusion, he made a low-level mistake when serving, and failed to cross the net for two consecutive serves.

"Serve error! Please serve again!"

"Double serve error! 0-40!"

The game has come to the end of the match. Fortunately, Kai finally stabilized his mind and did not make any more serve errors. The tennis ball successfully crossed the net and flew towards the opposite half of the court.

"Watch it! Tennis is not as simple as you think! Yujiro!" Mu Te said directly after arriving at the landing point.

Mu Te swung the racket at the tennis ball, and the tennis ball disappeared in an instant, and then the entire court was shrouded in darkness, which shocked Kai extremely.

But before Kai could figure out the current situation, a huge tennis ball emitting a dark light appeared in front of him. Looking at this huge ball of light, Kai even thought that he would have to explain here.

Then the next moment, the surroundings returned to light, and the tennis ball smashed cracks on the baseline, then bounced out of the court and embedded directly in the wire mesh.

"Dark Shot!"

"GAME! 6-0! Game over! Winner, Fudomine Junior High School!"

Kai slowly turned his head to look, with a look of disbelief on his face. At this time, he heard the voice of Mu Shou.

"The world of tennis is much bigger than what you see. I went to Tokyo to study to pursue my ambitions. I think you should know this."

After hearing Mu Shou's words, Kai turned his head and looked at Mu Shou with complicated eyes. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to start. Seeing this, Mu Shou's expression softened, and then continued:

"I invited you before, but it's a pity that you refused! But now it seems that it's all bad! You have become a very good tennis player, and you are also a qualified tennis club director!"

After Mu Shou finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to Kai. After Kai was stunned for a few seconds, he finally stretched out his hand and shook hands with Mu Shou, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome to return to Ryukyu Island anytime! Yongshiro!" Kai said to Mu Shou with a smile.

After the singles match 3, the childhood friends finally put aside their past grudges, but the match between Fudomine and Higachu was not over yet, and the next match was the doubles match 2.

Higachu played with Chinen Hiro and Tian Nishihui, while Fudomine played with Ibu Shinji and Fuji Yuta. Facing two national-level players, Chinen Hiro and Tian Nishihui had almost no chance to fight back.

And Yuta also knew the shrinking technique, which made the two people in Higachu extremely depressed. You know, the shrinking technique is their biggest weapon, but when they thought of Kido, who was also born in Ryukyu Island, they were relieved.

In the end, the doubles match 2 ended with a score of 6-1, and Fudomine won. I don’t know if Ibu and Yuta didn’t let Higachu lose too badly for Kido’s sake. Sometimes the game also requires human relations.

Now Higachu has lost two games in a row. If they can’t win the next singles match 2, then this year’s national competition will be over for Higachu.

Rin Hirakoba took the last hope and walked onto the court, but he soon faced complete despair, because the second player in the singles match against Fudomine was Kintaro Toyama.

For Kintaro, who simply wanted to play tennis happily, he didn't understand the ways of the world except for the power limit set by Akashi, and he would not let the opponent down.

Although Rin Hirakoba could barely catch up with Kintaro's tennis ball with the shrinking technique, his hands gradually became numb after hitting back again and again. Even if Kintaro limited his power, it was not something Rin Hirakoba could easily handle.

In other words, Kintaro was stubborn. After knowing that the opponent could move quickly back and forth, he didn't hit the ball to the left or right. Although Kintaro had already seen the shrinking technique of Kidou and Yuta, he still thought it was fun.

In this way, Rin Hirakoba could only use the shrinking technique again and again, and then gritted his teeth and insisted on hitting back Kintaro's shots. In the end, he fainted on the court and was carried off the court by medical staff.

The score was fixed at 4-0. Akashi didn't have too many thoughts about it. As long as Kintaro was happy, it was fine. Higanaka had lost three games in a row and was completely eliminated by Fudomine.

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