Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 126

The two sides of the court are still in a state of panic.

Akagi, who was waiting to play on the sidelines, couldn't help but think of what happened just now. When he was warming up, Mifune suddenly called him and said that he had something to discuss with him.

"Akagi, I have something to discuss with you!" Mifune said directly on the phone.

"Oh? Head coach, you tell me!" Akashi was also a little curious about what Mifune would ask him.

"It's like this, the International Tennis Federation has officially issued a notice that all countries must allow junior high school students to participate in this year's world competition, and the number must not be less than 14, so many countries have started to take action recently." Mifune said in a somewhat solemn tone.

"Is that so? But I am confident that the strength of Japan's junior high school is stronger than any other country. We can definitely give them a surprise in the world competition." Akashi said calmly.

"Yes! Of course I know this, so I came to you this time to ask you to temporarily give up the No. 3 ranking. The expedition competition is about to start. Many countries are watching Japan. If they find that the No. 3 is missing, they will definitely find a way to investigate." Mifune directly stated the purpose of today's call.

"Of course, don't worry, kid. After your national competition is over and all the junior high school students come to the training camp, we will directly arrange to get your ranking back." Then Mifune immediately explained to Akashi.

"I have no opinion on the No. 3 ranking, but when I enter the U17, there is no need to make special arrangements for me. Just follow the normal process. In the reshuffle battle, let me play against Byodoin!" Akashi thought for a while and replied.

"Really? It seems that you are planning to get the No.1 ranking from Byodoin! That's no problem, but don't blame me for not reminding you, kid. If you lose to Byodoin, I won't speak up for you!" Mifune said in a joking tone.

"Don't worry! So far, I have never lost to anyone in anything, and I won't in the future!" Akashi said calmly and confidently.

Then Mifune told Akashi about the recent situation of Byodoin on the phone. That extreme approach has caused many people to withdraw from the training camp, so he asked Akashi to be careful when playing against him.

"The singles match will start next, with Akashi Seijuro Fudomine against Fuji Shusuke Aogaku. Please enter the court!"

The referee's voice interrupted Akashi's memories, and then Akashi and Fuji walked into the court together. When they came to the net to salute, Fuji looked at Akashi opposite him and smiled and said:

"It's rare to see Akashi-kun without a coat~"

"Be thankful! This is my recognition of your strength, Fuji!" Akashi said calmly.

"Really? It's my honor~ Let's have a good match this time! Akashi-kun!" Fuji opened his eyes and said very seriously.

In fact, after the fusion degree reached 100%, Akashi no longer had to deliberately imitate the behavior of Black and Blue Akashi. He only needed to maintain a certain degree and ensure his own development of the other dimension.

However, after imitating for so many years, some behaviors have become habits, allowing Akashi to do or say them naturally without knowing it.

After the two exchanged a few words, Akashi and Fuji began to guess who would go first. In the end, Fuji won the right to serve. Akashi no longer had any hope for this, but it didn't matter to him anyway.

"The game ends! Seigakuen serves first!"

Fuji stood at the baseline. At this moment, he did not keep his usual squinting eyes. He looked at Akashi on the opposite side with an extremely firm look and adjusted his own state to the best.

On the sidelines and outside the court, whether it was Seigaku or Fudomine members, they all focused their minds. They could not predict how this game would go.

Feeling the breeze on the court, Fuji felt a little relieved, and then he threw the tennis ball high up. With a sound of hitting the ball, the tennis ball flew straight to the left corner of Akashi at a very fast speed.

Fuji did not use the disappearing serve, because he knew that it was useless to Akashi, and it would be better to fight Akashi with real swords and guns.

Akashi came to the left corner with a flash, and backhanded the flying tennis ball. The tennis ball instantly crossed the net at a faster speed than when it came, hit Fuji's feet, and then bounced out of the court. Even Fuji did not react for a while.


"Sure enough, when facing Akashi, there can be no slackness!" Fuji said after losing the ball.

Qi said seriously.

Without thinking too much, Fuji stabilized his mind and sent the tennis ball again. It was still a high-quality serve, but it was useless for Akashi now. Except for Mach serve, other serves could not threaten Akashi, even Zero.

Akashi easily hit Fuji's serve back again. The speed of the ball was still amazing, but this time Fuji focused his attention, quickly caught up with the tennis ball, raised the racket high, and cut the tennis ball from top to bottom, while using the racket face to increase the rotation of the tennis ball.

"The Phoenix Returns to the Nest!"

The tennis ball flew over the net with a strong rotation, then fell rapidly, bounced slightly after landing, and slid quickly forward, but was easily picked up by a racket the next moment.

Akashi's Emperor's Eye had long seen through Fuji's moves, but even Zero was ineffective against him, let alone Phoenix Returning to the Nest. Even after Akashi's return flew over the net, it fell directly, and then slid out of the court with a stronger kinetic energy than Phoenix Returning to the Nest.


"Fuji, is this your tennis now? This technique won't work in the world championship!" Akashi looked at Fuji indifferently.

Fuji glanced at the tennis ball outside the court, said nothing, and turned around and walked back to the baseline. Akashi's words just now reminded him of the scene when they first met.

"I didn't expect so many people to know the Minister's moves!" Ryoma said in surprise on the sidelines.

"No! Echizen! You're wrong, Akashi's move just now was not Phoenix Returning to the Nest, but Spanish Bullfighting!" Inui Sadaharu raised his glasses and said solemnly.

"Why is the name of this move so strange, and it looks similar to the Minister's!" Ryoma asked curiously.

"This is a move of a senior from high school. It looks similar to Fuji's Phoenix Returning to the Nest, but the effect is far more powerful than Fuji's. If you have a chance, you will meet that person!" Inui Sadaharu looked at Ryoma meaningfully.

Fuji, standing on the baseline, quickly sent out the tennis ball, and then gathered all his energy and spirit, staring closely at the movements of Akashi on the opposite side. Akashi still hit a diagonal ball easily.

Fuji quickly came to the landing point, and at the same time placed the racket horizontally, allowing the tennis ball to roll on both sides of the racket and accelerate the rotation. Then the tennis ball flew towards Akashi's half court with extremely violent rotation.

"Guardian of Hekatonkris!"

"This move is really good, but it is very simple to crack!" Akashi said calmly while looking at the flying tennis ball.

When Akashi's racket touched the tennis ball, the tennis ball suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, accompanied by a huge hitting sound, and the tennis ball blasted towards Fuji with great momentum like a cannonball.

"Light shot!"

Ryoma swallowed unconsciously on the sidelines. He had seen this move before when he was in the Fudomine Tennis Club. It seemed that the senior named Akatsu used it. He didn't expect that even Senior Akashi could do it.

The tennis ball shining with golden light flew over the net very smoothly. The rotation of the Guardian of Hekatonkris had no effect on it at all. After crossing the net, the tennis ball turned into a huge ball of light. Fuji looked very small in front of it.

However, Fuji did not have any panic on his face. He directly held the racket with both hands to meet the ball of light. The next moment, the huge ball of light disappeared. A tennis ball hit the racket frantically, but there seemed to be an invisible force on the racket surface, which quickly reduced the kinetic energy of the tennis ball.

"Empty, quiet and ethereal!"

Although Fuji used this move to reduce most of the power of the light shot, looking at his clenched teeth expression, it was obviously quite strenuous. After all, this is a skill-based move, not Tanejima's "Immortality".

Fortunately, Fuji had already mastered the super sweet spot technique, so it was no problem for him to block ordinary light shots. Then Fuji tried hard to hit the tennis ball back, but Akashi had already been waiting at the point where the ball landed. He hit it with a forehand, and the tennis ball exploded at Fuji's feet and flew out of the court.


Fuji was already expected to catch the light shot by Akashi, otherwise he would not have hit the light shot with so many spectators around him, and the moment Fuji caught the light shot, the Eye of the Emperor had already seen Fuji's next move.

"Even if you have mastered the super sweet spot technique, you still need to derive corresponding moves, otherwise even if you block the light shot, you still can't score!" Akashi spoke to Fuji again, as if he was instructing Fuji.

Fuji let out a long breath, and felt the same way again. When he was still in junior high school and played against Akashi, he felt that Akashi could always predict his ball path in advance. Now Fuji's strength has far exceeded his own at that time.

, but the situation has not changed.

Standing on the baseline, Fuji felt the breeze blowing in his face and sent the tennis ball in his hand again. Akashi started running the moment Fuji hit the ball. When the tennis ball just passed the net, Akashi was already waiting at the landing point.

After hitting the tennis ball back easily, the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven keenly perceived Fuji's movements, and then Akashi knew what Fuji wanted to do, but this trick was also useless to him.

Fuji on the opposite side came to the landing point and backhanded the flying tennis ball. The tennis ball flew straight to the opposite side with a violent rotation, and suddenly rose to the sky just after passing the net.

"White Dragon!"

However, Akashi's figure had already appeared on the baseline. The Eye of the Emperor of Heaven directly saw through the rotation of the tennis ball and analyzed the direction of the tennis ball's rebound after landing.

The tennis ball fell straight to the baseline from a high altitude, and then bounced directly to the left, but Akashi directly intercepted the tennis ball and also made a backhand shot.

After the tennis ball flew over the net, it turned into a huge phoenix and flew straight into the sky. Then, in a burst of fire, the tennis ball hit the baseline and bounced out of the court.

"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

Fuji stared blankly at the tennis ball that Akashi hit back. Although he had seen this move before, he knew how powerful it was after experiencing it himself.

"Senior Inui, that move just now shouldn't be the White Dragon of the Minister, right?" Ryoma asked Inui Sadaharu who was in the coaching booth.

"Yes, that was the Egyptian Phoenix, and it was also the move of that senior!" Inui Sadaharu said with some surprise. He had already figured out what Akashi was doing.

Yes, the two moves just now were moves that Byodoin learned after traveling around the world. They were very similar to Fuji's double counterattack, but the power was incomparable.

In fact, Akashi did this to let Fuji feel the power of Byodoin in advance, and at the same time, he could also feel the strength of his country's captain in the world competition. He wanted to see if Fuji could still evolve in the game.

Although he already knew that junior high school students would participate in the world competition this year, Akashi's mood still fluctuated due to Mifune's phone call just now. Now Fudomine's strength is definitely the best in junior high school, and it is not difficult to win the national competition.

So it is time to find a way to stimulate top players such as Fuji and Atobe, at least to be able to compete with the top ten after entering the U17.

Since he comprehended the other dimension, Akashi rarely used any ability in the game with junior high school students, and basically relied on flat A to crush them. But in this game, Akashi used the information collected by the Eye of the Emperor of Heaven and his mental power to replicate the world-class tricks of Byodoin.

The second game was Akashi's serve. Akashi thought about it and immediately thought of Ochi's Mach serve. Although he could not do Ochi's 293 kilometers now, after all, the height difference was too big, but with the addition of mental power, he could still play a certain power.

I saw Akashi throw the tennis ball up and hit it. Then Fuji heard two sounds that were almost connected, one hitting the ball and the other hitting the ground.

"ACE! 15-0!"

Fuji turned his head and looked back in disbelief. A tennis ball was lying quietly outside the court. Ryoma on the sidelines was also dazed. Even though he knew Akashi was very strong, he didn't feel that Akashi had served the ball just now.

"2...275 kilometers! is it possible!" Inui Sadaharu said in shock.

Although Kikumaru was a little curious about how Inui Sadaharu measured the speed of the ball, he didn't have time to think about it now. He looked at Fuji on the court with some concern.

"I didn't even see Akashi's serve just now. How strong is he!" Tachibana Kihei said with a bitter smile.

"I'm afraid only Tezuka and Akutsu know a little bit~" Chitose said helplessly.

"The stronger Akashi is, the further he can lead us. Instead of considering Akashi's strength, it is better to find a way to improve ourselves!" Mu Te said calmly.

"Wow! I can't see it at all! The two moves just now are also very interesting! I must let Akashi teach me someday!" Kintaro was so excited at this time that he even forgot about Kurasaki behind him.

Kurasaki looked at Kintaro jumping up and down, with an imperceptible smile on his face, and then coughed lightly, which immediately calmed Kintaro down.

Akashi stood on the baseline, as if nothing had happened just now, and took out a tennis ball again, and then threw it into the air. Just like before, Fuji didn't even see the flying trajectory of the tennis ball, and he had already lost points.

"ACE! 30-0!"

"ACE! 40-0


"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

It was Fuji's turn to serve again in the third game, but he hadn't recovered from the last game until the referee urged him.

Without hesitation, Fuji immediately sent the tennis ball. Facing Akashi's world-class strength, Fuji now felt an incomparable pressure.

Fortunately, Fuji's will is strong enough and he won't give up easily. You know, in the original work, after entering U17, Fuji once found Tezuka, who opened the Tianyi, to compete with him, and his purpose was to give up tennis.

It was after this game that Fuji completely changed. Playing style, turned on the super attack mode, now Fuji activated the desire to win in the first grade because of Akashi's intervention. Although his moves are still called Six-fold Return, except for the Void and Ethereal, the other offensiveness is not weak.

Moreover, he has developed Aoi Blowing Snow in advance, so even if he has no chance of winning against Akashi now, Fuji still intends to do his best to compete with Akashi to the end.

Looking at the tennis ball that Akashi hit back easily, Fuji lowered his racket and directly hit the tennis ball. The tennis ball was directly picked up by Fuji into the air and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Star Fireworks! "

Akagi did not go to see the fireworks in the sky, but activated the super-range defense and flashed directly to the baseline. In the next second, in his perception, a tennis ball fell towards the baseline very quickly.

Akagi, who had improved his nerve reaction speed, swung his racket and hit the tennis ball before it landed. The tennis ball instantly crossed the net and hit the left sideline of Fuji's half court, and then flew out of the court.


"Sure enough, this trick is also ineffective on you?" Fuji murmured.

Now all of Fuji's moves have no effect on Akashi. As for Kirin Landing and Aoi Blowing Snow, Akashi also needs to hit a smash. What Fuji can do now is to concentrate and think about ways to break the game.

"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0! Exchange venues! ”

In the next three balls, Fuji still had no ability to resist and was easily scored by Akashi. It can only be said that the gap between the national peak and the world class is too big.

During the break, Fuji lowered his head and tried to think, and Inui Sadaharu beside him did not mean to disturb him at all. He knew Fuji very well and did not need his analysis at all. Besides, he really could not help.

It was the first time that Ryoma saw such a minister. His understanding of Akashi's strength was raised several levels again. He originally thought that Akashi was only slightly stronger than Fuji and Sanada, but now it seems that they are not at the same level at all.

After the break, Fuji still lowered his head and changed courts with Akashi. Seeing Fuji like this, Akashi just stared at him for a while, and then prepared to play Mach serve again.

At this moment, Fuji was thinking frantically in his brain, and various pictures flashed one by one, but at this time Akashi had already sent the tennis ball. When Fuji reacted, the tennis ball had already flown out of the court.

"ACE! 15-0! "

The next ball, Fuji tried to focus his attention to the limit, his eyes did not move away from Akashi even for a millisecond, but Fuji still felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he heard the referee's score.

"ACE! 30-0!"

But Fuji was a little excited that although he still didn't see the tennis ball clearly, he at least caught a glimpse of it, which made Fuji more focused, and his brain was frantically analyzing the current situation.

"ACE! 40-0! "

When Akashi hit the Mach serve again, Fuji still had no reaction, but Fuji knew in his heart that he had just caught the trace of the tennis ball.

Akashi on the opposite side calmly took out another tennis ball and threw it high. At this moment, Fuji was extremely focused and his brain seemed to have become much clearer. At the moment when Akashi's racket hit the tennis ball, Fuji's senses were also raised to the limit.

All the scenes around slowed down, like slow motion, gradually becoming slower and slower, and then it seemed that the whole space was still, and everyone was frozen in place, including the tennis ball hit by Akashi.

"I really have to thank Akashi-kun! Wind attack skill - light wind!"

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