Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 32

Congratulations to the master for completing the main quest: winning the divisional qualifier championship

Congratulations to the owner for getting 20,000 redemption points and a lottery.

At this time, Ye Changfeng has been taken to a nearby hospital by the Qingxue people, and this guy's hand is now completely unable to lift, and he doesn't care about the system's prompt at all now, he cares about his own hand!

"How did you inflict this injury?" asked a doctor in his mid-teens.

"Play tennis!" Night Wind moved his arm vigorously, but still didn't react at all.

"How can playing tennis be so traumatic?" the old man paused as he was writing medical records.

Shuiichiro Oishi hurriedly ran to the doctor, "Doctor, how is Changfeng's injury? Can we recover in a short time, we still have a big competition!".

"Huh, you guys are crazy!" the old man snorted coldly, "it will be a problem for this little guy's hand to be able to exert himself in the future, this injury is too serious, and how can a tennis ball without physical contact cause such a serious injury!".

"Ah!" The young scholars in the ward suddenly became nervous, and the joy of winning just now was also diluted by Ye Changfeng's illness.

Momojo grabbed the old man's shoulders and shook him vigorously, "Doctor, you must find a way! He's only a first-year, and he's so talented!"

"Hiss~quack, change a hospital!" Kaoru Kaido said.

Fuji Zhousuke's face was also full of worry, "Why don't you go abroad for treatment, I have a friend in the United States who is a specialist in surgery!".

"Nagakaze, how do you feel?" asked Takashi Kawamura.

"The misdiagnosis rate in domestic hospitals is 73.585%, and the degree of damage to Changfeng's arm may not be so high!" said Sadaharu Qian, pulling out the notebook he must bring.

Tezuka Kunimitsu didn't say a word, just stood behind everyone, silently looking at Ye Changfeng, but the depths of his eyes were full of regret, regretting that he couldn't stop Ye Changfeng from using such a desperate fluctuation ball!

"Bastard, I haven't defeated you yet, how can you escape first!" said Ryoma angrily.

Looking at the movements and words of Qingxue and several people, Ye Changfeng was very moved, and at this moment he suddenly felt something - a sense of belonging.

In the past, I was just in Qingxue to complete the task of system release, but at this moment, Ye Changfeng has a sense of home for the Qingxue Tennis Department.

"Okay, I'll go out first, you don't have to worry, don't forget what ancient country I come from, the Celestial Empire, this little injury in our Celestial Empire can be solved in a few minutes! This old man is talking nonsense, how could I miss the capital conference!"

"What do you say, stinky boy?" the old man glared at the doctor, "Are you doubting my medical ethics?"

Ignoring the old man, Ye Changfeng turned around and went to the bathroom.

"System, how's my hand doing?".

"Back to the owner, the junction of your right arm is 99% broken, and there is a serious tear, please treat it as soon as possible. "

"Do you have any good recommendations for the system?" Ye Changfeng believed that the Super God System must be omnipotent, otherwise he would not be able to use his arm to fight a ball.

"Back to the owner, the system recommends super recovery spray for you!".

Night Wind took a look at the properties of the Super Recovery Spray.

Item: Ultra Recovery Spray

Price: 20,000 exchange points

Effect: Instantly restores any surgical injuries with no side effects!

RI, it's really expensive, can the system be cheaper! Night Changfeng still wants to bargain!

Back to the master, the super god system is not a vegetable selling system, no bargaining!

In the previous life, there was a mobile phone manufacturer called vivo, which was actually a subsidiary of BBK, and their most commonly used slogan was "International manufacturers, no bargaining!".

It seems that this supergod system is also produced by an international factory, no, it should be a universe factory!

Okay!system, give me a super recovery spray!

In the hand of the night long wind, there is a white vial like Yunnan Baiyao spray!

The night breeze took the ultra-recovery spray in his left hand and sprayed it a few times on the wound in his right hand.

Ticking, it was only a second, Ye Changfeng felt his arm light, and then he raised his hand, and sure enough, he recovered, and there was no difference from before he was not injured, but he used all his strength!

"Haha! I'm done, let's go back!" the night breeze laughed and pushed the door in.

The Qingxue people looked at Ye Changfeng's raised right hand in surprise, "Changfeng, are you really okay?"

The night wind pushed Momojo, and Momojo took a few steps back and hit the wall!

"Haha, you're really okay!" Momojo scolded with a smile.

The old doctor, who was talking to Kunimitsu Tezuka, was so shocked that his pen fell to the ground, and he swore that it was the weirdest scene he had ever seen in his life.

The faces of the Qingxue people were stretched out at once, and everyone was very happy!

"The Celestial Empire is really a magical country!" said the data man Sadaharu for a long time.

"Good!" Tezuka Kunimitsu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose to demonstrate his smile, "Go eat!".

"Oh!" the crowd replied in unison.

Due to Qingxue's victory in the qualifiers, as well as the injury of the night long wind, the Qingxue people celebrated again at the restaurant opened by Takashi in Kawamura.

During this period, Ye Changfeng showed a legendary god-level cooking skill, which made everyone eat and swallow their tongues, including Takashi Kawamura's father!

I have to come to his restaurant after Ye Changfeng graduates, saying that he is willing to let Ye Changfeng inherit the restaurant, he will definitely be popular all over the neon or something, which makes Ye Changfeng very speechless.

Everyone made a fuss until late and then went home happily.

Well, what a good day, Long Wind thought to himself.

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