Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 91: The End


The user is compelled to desire multiple sexual partners. With each sexual partner, the user's healing regeneration will be passively and permanently boosted. Every week with this unfulfilled desire will decrease the user's regeneration until the user falls ill.

'2 skills!' Hestia exclaimed in her mind before being stunned as she read through the two descriptions of these skills. "This is ridiculous." She muttered before releasing a surprised shout "Uah!" as her first child rose slightly and looked at her over his shoulder.

"Done already?" He asked before she embarrassedly pushed his face back onto the pillow. Without hesitating she started to cross through the two skills until they weren't readable any longer.

She took several breaths to calm down as she glanced at the paper that had a ruined section at the bottom. A moment later she tore it off and gave him his stat sheet, "Here you go." He took it as she got off his back. With the sheet in hand, he leaned against the headrest.

For a moment, she was again stunned by the sight and couldn't help but admire his physique, his lush hair, and his eyes that were scanning his stat sheet. Her face heated up as she thought about the content of his skills. Just from the description, they were miraculous and it sounded like they complimented each other quite well. However! Why did it have to be t-that?!

How was she supposed to deal with this? She couldn't h-help with that! No way! She didn't even want him to pursue this kind of thing, but what was the alternative? Sending him to a brothel. It was out of the question! Besides the specifics weren't important, she needed to find a way to hide it! She hoped that Hephaestus would receive her...

"Why did you tear off the bottom?" He suddenly asked as he pointed to the sheet.

She knocked on her head and struck out her tongue, "I misspelled something and didn't want to show you only to embarrass myself." He raised an eyebrow at her explanation as if he found it suspicious. It made her push her chest out in false bravado, causing his eyes to wander to her cleavage.

His cheeks blushed slightly before he forced out a cough, "You don't have to be embarrassed about something like that- What about the guild, should we inform them now?" He tried to change the subject, hoping she hadn't caught him looking. Cute.

"Well, it's late already and even though they are available all day, I'm quite exhausted. How about doing it tomorrow?" She said that as she crawled toward him, only her ribbon kept her dress in place and prevented her from exposing herself.

He avoided looking in her direction and just nodded while keeping his eyes to the side as his blush remained. How could he be this easily flustered? Shouldn't he be chased regularly by women? He should already be used to a little teasing like this!

Hestia's mind prompted some questions, but it was mostly occupied with observing his shy reactions as she started to sit in his lap. Her arms around his neck as he blushed more deeply before she realized what position she had put herself in as something moved underneath her butt.

She had gone too far! What the hell was wrong with her?! "A-ah, sorry. How about w-we go to bed?" She jumped off his lap, lay beside him, and covered herself with the blanket. Her face had to be red as a tomato with the way it heated up. Her ears perked up as she heard him blow out the candle.

Before she could breathe out in relief, she felt him shuffle next to her. "Sleep well." He whispered and only then did she realize they would be sleeping in the same bed. There was only a couch left to lie on, but this was obviously too small for his build. So, they had no other choice but to sleep in the same bed!

Her mind churned with scenes, but after half an hour nothing happened. His breathing was low and steady as if he had already fallen asleep. "Are you asleep?" She asked as she turned toward him and lowered the blanket to look at his face. He was turned toward her, but remained unresponsive all the same. "Not fair." She muttered as she thought about how worried she was, while he just fell asleep in her bed!

"Hm? What's this?" Something poked her stomach. She pulled the blanket away, only to see something that caused her face and ears to fiercely smolder. It had pushed down his pants. "T-this is it even possible to get this big? ...A-are you really sleeping?" She asked again but was too afraid to move, glancing up to see his frowning expression.

Her mind wandered to his skills. 'It's probably e-erect because he is pent up from today. W-we need to go to the guild and he needs to be focused then, so… Also, the dungeon! Tomorrow he surely wants to enter it. How could she possibly let him enter it in such a state? I just use my hand, but what if he doesn't want her to? She couldn't just… It was to save his life!'

After convincing herself she reached out. Her hand could barely cover one side of the width, so she used both. She started to laboriously jerk her first member of the familia off. It was the first night and she was already doing something like this! She glanced up seeing the scrunched-up face of his ease slightly.

Seeing the reaction, she felt empowered and continued on for several minutes. Her arms were getting tired, but his reaction grew more intense. She could feel that he was close. It was then she remembered what mess he would make if he blew his load. With no other choice, she enveloped his tip with her mouth.

Robes after robes started to paint her mouth white, quickly filling it and swallowing it before it spilled out. Several gulps later, she sighed in relief. Her mind was dazed and her crotch was urging her for something. Although she was a virgin goddess, she knew what her body wanted her to do.

Fortunately, she had gotten him off before she could do something stupid… "Why isn't it shrinking?" She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but just ended up inhaling the stench of sex. "A-as long as I don't insert it." Her mind was already clouded, making her unable to make a reasonable decision. She turned around and pushed her back against his stomach as she guided his cock between her legs.

With her hands, she continued to jerk off his tip while her hips moved to grind on it. "This is going to be a long night." She could tell since she wanted it to be.

"This is my wife, Albedo." Her darling gestured to her and she couldn't help but beam at him. She always felt giddy when he referred to her as his wife.

"I will be in your care." She smiled at the woman, who had pleasured her 'sleeping' hubby. The goddess bowed deeply, her face filled with regret and guilt.

"I-I'm sorry." Hestia, Azazel's current target, immediately apologized. Seemed like she wasn't the scheming type. "I-I d-did something. I betrayed your trust and I understand if you hate me-"

Albedo raised her hand to interrupt the kowtowing goddess. "You don't have to apologize. Your skills were sufficient to get him off a couple of times. With more practice, you will get better, so don't worry about it. Besides, he doesn't seem to be complaining." Although the two didn't have sex last night, it seemed like the two just didn't want to do it.

"W-what?" The goddess stared at her gobsmacked. "W-wait, I'm trying to say that I j-j-jerked him off!" She exclaimed to which she nodded.

"Ah, Hestia and I hadn't intended to do this. Seeing me erect, she landed me a hand… and then her thighs."

"Y-you were awake?!" Azazel looked at her and tilted his head in a familiar way before nodding. It was like he had expected her to know it.

"Of course, although I was asleep at first, it doesn't take much to wake me." Hestia's expression changed a couple of times as she looked at Azazel.

"So, you touched him, thinking that he wouldn't know?" Albedo narrowed her eyes at the shorter woman, who shrunk her head in at the sudden glare. "He was sleeping and you just started to jerk him off and then grind on his cock?" Usually, Albedo would give him a blowjob when he is sleeping, a thigh job wasn't something she had thought of since she wouldn't be able to keep herself from inserting it. This woman truly had some formidable self-control.

"Aren't you supposed to be a virgin goddess?" Hestia flinched at her question as she should. "Was this the first time you have done something like this?" The goddess nodded her head, causing Albedo to glare at her even more fiercely.

Despite being a virgin, the shorter woman seemed to have a knack for it. A natural talent. Perhaps Albedo should watch out that she didn't lose out in the skill department. It was the only thing that the other could beat her in. Although she was a goddess, Albedo was fairly confident in her looks and demeanor. At least, she wouldn't cower like the woman in front of her.

"Give her some slack." Azazel placated her, knowing that the other woman would have a long way to get close to Albedo's skills. Despite his efforts, Hestia had a defeated mindset and just shook her head, saying that she deserved this.

"Whatever punishment you have for me, I will take it." The goddess announced stunning Albedo for a moment. Although Hestia wasn't sufficiently skilled to please Azazel efficiently yet, there was no need for a punishment. Perhaps as a goddess, she had higher standards than mortals. Despite her thoughts, she snorted at her request.

"From now on you are Azazel's property, so there is no need for punishment. He will teach you all about having sex and all it entails until then just do your best." She said merciful, even though the other might be able to threaten her in skill, they weren't competitors. All for the glory of Azazel.

Hestia looked at her in shock at her magnanimous as she opened her mouth several times but was unable to speak. "I think there is a slight misunderstanding," Azazel interjected, making Albedo frown slightly. What was she missing?

"Hestia wants to apologize for having done it not because she couldn't do it well." What? Albedo glanced back to the goddess who was slowly nodding her head as if she had just realized what their misunderstanding was about, though it also looked like Hestia wanted to argue the point of not doing it well.

"You aren't mad that I did that with him?" Hestia asked for clarification and Albedo frowned more deeply now. She was apologizing for jerking him off, why…? Then it finally clicked for Albedo, she thought that Albedo would be jealous.

"No, that's fine. You aren't really to blame. No woman could resist him." Albedo waved her concern off, while Hestia just looked at her completely shocked.

"I-I… this…" Hestia didn't finish her words and just put her face into her hands to process what had happened. "I still did something I shouldn't. Even if you are fine with it, I didn't know… I shouldn't have done it in the first place." She finally said and the goddess seemed more mature than what he had told her.

"As I said you aren't to blame-"

"No, I shouldn-" Albedo raised her hand to interrupt the apologizing goddess.

"Let me finish. We are both angels and have a certain effect on normal people." Albedo began explaining as they had discussed beforehand. She didn't want Azazel to lie for her and so took it upon herself to reveal themselves as 'angels', even if it didn't fit for both of them.

"Angels?" Hestia tilted her head, "You look like humans though."

"Yes, you can see us as great spirits," Azazel interjected, making Hestia's eyes widen before looking overjoyed and then confused again. It was to be expected. Spirits were this universe's gods' favorites. Also, they were incapable of receiving blessings.

Albedo continued, "Usually, we suppress this effect of making mortals desire us but goddess like yourself who can't get pregnant can sense it."

Hestia looked confused and furrowed her eyebrows. "What does me being a goddess 'who' can't get pregnant have to do with sensing your angelness and being affected by it?"

"Well, since you want a child, you instinctively seek out those who can give you one." Azazel dropped the bomb, making the goddess freeze for a moment. Albedo chuckled internally as she saw the woman's brain rattle before her face lit up in shock and excitement. She could understand her, after all, she used to desire a child herself. She rubbed her belly which hadn't grown yet. A child of Azazel would take longer than a human's to grow, but she couldn't wait already.

Hestia's eyes shot toward Azazel, "I want a child!" She practically shouted then just before continuing her face paled, "W-we need to hide it! You can't tell anyone otherwise it will be a bloodbath. I doubt anyone will care about the rules then."

Azazel chuckled, "Don't worry, you are the only one who knows." His words made Hestia sigh in relief, slumping back onto the decrepit chair. It was clear that she was a bit overwhelmed with the situation, but didn't seem to want to back down. At least, 'their goddess' seemed somewhat responsible.

However, they had to do something with their living condition. Seriously, they needed to clean this up. There was no way Albedo would let Azazel live in this rundown church. "Alright, let's get to the guild and sort everything out, shall we?"

"Wait, Albedo don't you want me to bless you as well, or aren't you able to receive one?"

Albedo grimaced at the question in disgust. It wasn't anything personal against this goddess, but, "The only one allowed to bless me is Azazel."

Hestia blushed and held her cheeks, "Aw- I guess that's fine as long as you don't go into-" She said something but Albedo's attention was on Azazel who looked at her lovingly, causing her mind to go blank.

"You ready?" Azazel asked after having finished all the paperwork of the guild and persuaded the goddess to wait for them after they returned from their 'dungeon delving'. He had also convinced Hestia to not make a fuss about Albedo going into the dungeon. She hadn't paid much attention since he had hugged her at her waist, distracting her from paying attention to whatever was happening around them.

However, now that they had entered the dungeon and walked into the monster pantry that she had prepared with some summons, she went all business mode even if all she wanted was to be fucked after being separated from him for a full 12 hours.

"I'm ready." She solemnly said before Azazel swept her off her feet. In the next moment, they had entered the void again. Although he had wanted to take his time, for some reason a chain that dared to bind Azazel was solidifying. He emphasized that he needed to act quickly before it entangled him even further.

The void was incomprehensible to her, so she didn't realize how fast they were traveling. The only thing that mattered was that they were together, "So, what do you think? About Hestia?" She prodded. At least, she knew that he was at least somewhat fond of her.

His eyes narrowed, "She is nice. Smarter and more mature than I had anticipated. Also, the way they blessed someone with this Falna is interesting. I could probably replicate it and create my own familia." He noted though it left her puzzled.

"Didn't you dislike enslaving people?"

He raised an eyebrow at her question, "It's not enslaving people, is it? I mean they mark their souls, but the mind of the mortal is still their own and they can leave their familia and even join another if they are inclined to do so."

Albedo immediately pulled out her notebook and started writing down what he said. Although she usually did it in secret since she was embarrassed by her hobby of noting down every word of his, she couldn't hide it while being in his arms.

Also, despite being able to memorize everything after hearing his words once, she didn't want to delay it since she felt this was vital information and wouldn't want to risk even the minuscule chance of her misremembering it, "So, if it is in the form of a contract like those between an employer and employee, then it's fine?"

"I guess you can say that… damn that place is far." Azazel squinted as he looked through the void as if he was observing something. She remained quiet as her thoughts raced about a future plot she was brewing.

"We are here." He said barely a few seconds later. In the next moment, they entered another universe again and almost immediately she felt gravity take hold of her. They fell through the clouds for a moment before they stopped. It was impossible to see anything and it was only after they broke through the layer of clouds that she was able to witness the catastrophic environment. Fortunately, Azazel shielded them since she wouldn't be able to last long in such an area.

"I think this is one of those planets that you called a gas giant, right?" Azazel nodded as his eyes narrowed. With her still in his arms, he started flying out of the atmosphere. They flew past some ring systems before more planets started to pass by them. Azazel glanced at them with some interest. It was truly marvelous since most universes were comparable small and consisted only of a dozen planets, but this one seemed larger. A lot larger.

"So, what were you thinking just now?" He asked as they idly flew through this universe.

"I was thinking about something?" She asked as innocently as she could, but the snort he released made her know, she couldn't possibly fool him. Not that she thought that she could, but she had hoped that he would drop it, so she could surprise him later. "We have been away for two days already and we slept only four times. I was thinking about how I could… persuade you to not leave the house and just fuck."

"Geez, and here I was giving myself that Insatiable skill. I should have given it to you."

"Thank you."

"Not a- You know what? You're welcome, so your grand plan?"

"Yes, since you deserve every woman in the entire omniverse and I want you to fuck me at the same time. I figured that having you do something cumbersome as fetching them personally would be too much wasted time. It would be best if I send people and fetch women for you, teleport them to your divine realm, and then we could fuck more."

"… Right and you thought about enslaving the women or the ones you wanted to send?"

"Well, both, but I figured you might not like it." He had spoken at length that he disliked enslaving a soul for all eternity, at least if they didn't want it. However, seeing him accepting that Falna idea, she thought about using that to accomplish her goals.

"Good guess." Azazel nodded his head as he dodged some meteorites.

"So, now I was thinking about employing some people across the omniverse and they would search for those you would like to fuck. We bless them with your powers and whoever is influenced will be teleported to your realm." If the women wanted to leave after meeting Azazel, they could do so, but Albedo doubted there would be anyone who would want to.

"Hm, sounds rather complex. Not to mention where do you find people that could judge what I would find attractive and motivate them to go through with this? …Either way, since you want to do it just notify if you need something for your… grand mission. I give you everything you need." Albedo nodded happily as she got his approval, noting it down for future reference. Although he hadn't said it, she realized what he was subtly hinting at.

He might not have the heart, but he knew he could rely on her, so in brackets, she wrote down her interpretation of his words.

'Do whatever is necessary to accomplish it.'

A plan was already forming in her mind, especially how she would control them without enslaving them outright. As long as there was a way out, Azazel should be fine with it. Also, the women needed to be untouched, perhaps a decoy process to keep them from sullying the women before they reached him-

"You got a name for your little project?" Azazel's voice cut through her thoughts.

"I do have some, what would you like to call it?" Given the model that was forming in her mind, she could think of several descriptors as titles, but since it was for Azazel's sake, she wanted his input.

"Just keep it simple." He said nonchalantly as they landed on a blue planet.

"Okay, how about The Company?"

"Sounds good," I answered only for her to scribble away in her notebook. This girl was sometimes too enthusiastic, but I couldn't say that I hated it. In fact, I loved it! "You can ask for Demiurge's help to manage your project. He might have some good business ideas, though keep the reins."

I didn't want to accidentally release a nightmare onto the omniverse, while I was busy fucking. However, since I made my morals somewhat clear to Albedo, there shouldn't be any stupid misunderstandings. "Leave it to me." She thumped her chest, causing it to wiggle hypnotically.

"Good." After saying that we teleported to the building which my chain pointed at. It had been solidifying when I had entered the Danmachi universe, but now that I was here it faded again.

I glanced behind me and found a construction site, opening the ground to perhaps rebuild the sewers or start building a subway. My eyes wandered to the car on the side road. I couldn't believe that I was back in a modern world. Not sure what universe this was, but I had a strange feeling well up in my stomach.

After scanning the internet with my mind, the history of this Earth I couldn't find any differences. Even if there were some slight differences compared to my past life, they weren't big enough for me to notice them.

We entered the building and started walking up the stairs. The chain stopped and pointed through a door on the third floor. The lock opened as I turned the door handle. I stepped inside the hallway and took several steps before I could peek around the corner.

I had expected many things, especially since it was the last chain. The others needed me to understand a part of reality... I guessed that this too revealed a layer of reality.

The chain pointed directly toward a man on his computer.

"I see," I spoke though only Albedo heard me.

"Is he binding you? Should I kill him?" Albedo asked raising her axe, but I pushed her arm down.

"No, it's fine. He doesn't need to die." I stepped closer, standing right behind him, watching what he had typed, 'Chapter 82 Stalling – The Emanations I have understood…'

"Besides, he does have some good taste." I couldn't help but snort at the sight of his writings and after going through his computer I couldn't help but snort. "Not bad taste indeed."

Without wasting more time, I raised my hand. A light shot out of my finger, entering his mind and changing his intentions, turning his enthusiasm into indifference. The countless ideas of potential adventures were snuffed out. A potential endless adventurer crumbling abruptly.

The man frowned slightly as he tapped his finger on the table, trying to come up with something next but being unable to.

A connection toward my existence instantly severed and I saw the chain shatter in front of my eyes. With it came a realization. I couldn't help but smile at the sight as I turned around and walked toward the door only to see Albedo in the bedroom, crouching down in front of an opened closet to put something beneath some trousers. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my first employee. Since he has good taste, might as well use it." I raised my eyebrow as I watched her for a moment before shaking my head amused.

"We can leave now," Albedo said after she closed the closet, making me nod.

"Go out without me first, I will be with you in a moment." She wanted to ask questions but decided to not ask them and instead leave quietly. I glanced around the bedroom for a moment before finding a ring on the nightstand. The Regal Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown floated off my finger before shooting toward the ring on the nightstand, merging with it in an instant.

"I wonder if you were the one who changed it or if I did. Also, was it really necessary to make me forget its backstory? Either way, I don't need it anymore." In the next moment, I appeared outside, hugging the waist of my wife, who was bearing my unborn child. "Let's go back to the Danmachi universe, I want to fuck some goddesses."

"Are we done here?" Albedo asked carefully, making me glance toward the apartment's window.

"Yep, all good. Let's hold a large gangbang in that other universe with the others after I fucked Hestia and Hephaestus. Oh, besides the goddesses we should also take a look at the Amazoness…"

With excitement, I rose into the air, ascending until I entered the void and left this universe for an infinite more, but this wasn't a tale shared with you...

Regal Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown

A custom ring made for the sole prince of Nazarick. It holds all the advantages of a normal ring of Ainz Ooal Gown with the addition of the power of transcendental fate. With this ring, the threads of destiny will be subtly altered around its wearer, ensuring they are always in the right place at the right time. Even in the most perilous situations, the wearer finds that circumstances inexplicably turn in their favor, protecting them from what would otherwise be certain doom. Even past events would be retrospectively altered to fit the wearer's needs without them knowing.

This ring is effective and cannot be stolen as long as the wearer needs it. Once the wearer transcends the plot itself, he can remember its true purpose.


A/N: I guess this is it. It feels a bit weird to introduce Hestia and some setting of the Danmachi world knowing that this is the last chapter. However, I do find it fitting story-wise since it gives a sense that there is an untold story, that it continues on with a specific world without us.

Don't know, I liked it and I have a strong feeling that this should be the way to end it. Initially, I had planned some future visits to other worlds with Danmachi being the first, but at one point I didn't feel like it anymore…

As always, I might go more in-depth of my thoughts of this novel in the Afterword as well as give some announcements of future plans, but as for the story of the Prince of Nazarick, this is it.

Anyway, thank each of you for reading. It was a pleasure!

Sincerely, Draugzel.

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