Primordial Trap System

Chapter 22 – Battle of the Gods, Twins Talk*

They took turns to watch the nights, in case there was another invasion. There were several attempts at an infiltration, but they are defending a Goddess, even if she was a newborn one, she was still able to detect every other living creature that was approching their home base. She can also telepathically talk to them since they are connected through the system, it is one side only, but with her superior senses she can her them talk.

They move through the forest and hunt anyone moving on them that even mentioned hurting either of them, Jorm will guide them through the forest towards their area, it had a major advantage, since this world did not had cellphones or portable comunication devices, big towns had comunication towers that work similarly to radio towers were they can ask for help or required certain materials or ingredients. The guild also use it to connect every guild branch, but they are quite bulky since none of the reincarnators knew about the science behind radio waves nor how to built the recievers that were powered with magic... they all missed cellphones and other conviniences, but they are getting there... slowly.

They got rid of many that were after them, with systematic precision.... Shuiro was sniping towards the target that Jorm points to, she usually hits them on the first or second shot, since the area of effect was that of a cannon ball. Elizabeth was making huge explosions in the northen area were they were clustered. She would cast Nirvana with all her three staves active, burning everything that considers her an enemy, ignoring neutrals and healing those that considers her an ally. 

Louise was currently on an assassination spree, were she was to hunt strong leaders, that were usually at the back, he was currently fighting off a woman dress in all black like a ninja, she can't deal damage to him and what little she could do was healed almost immediately. He was slightly slower that her, but his attack were deadly, he was currently after the scouts of the enemy force. She was their leader which was a Lv726, just some levels above his. 

Their battle was a bit of a show, she tried to weave between different allies and monster to find an opening... the problem was that Louise just made a beeline towards her, some monsters also just got out of the way... either they were afraid of the death maiden that was cleaving through their numbers like a they were made of paper, or simply because were smart enough and they recognize that she was one of their ancestors beloved and tried to trip the ninja lady which was just running around.

'Hey Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi... would you girls like to help me corner a big slippery rat?' Louise asked the two Magatamas which were hanging on his wrist. 'They can fly so moving through the forest would be a lot easier, they have my stats, so they are really cool, it its just that the one week cooldown is insane and I might actually need them in emergencies....' He was reluctant but he has to finish their information squad. He thought while a bunch of limbs were flying through the air as he carve a path towards the ninja lady.

Blood just evaporated when it got near him, so he was surrounded by a deep red mist, that helped concealed some of his features, he activated his Magatamas which made the two Goddess Avatars appear out of nowhere, they looked older than when he first summoned them. They looked like teens and were now slightly taller than him and more womanly on their physical features, they were both Black haired beauties with some Japanese complexion they had a small sun and moon tattoo on their forehead respecfully, but they are bassically twins. They were using a small katana on opposite hands, and have a necklace with their Magatamas on top of their beautiful dress. 

They made a beeline from different directions and the ninja lady started to use her treasure to double her speed to report her findings before the side effects kick in and she became a temporary cripple with her leg muscles getting destroyed for running at such speed. She needed to get out of there, her master will avenge her fallen comrades and teach the Golden Valkerie a lesson... they might even sell his body to a certain prince...

Louise didn't rush since Jorm always told him where she disappear to. They reach a small camp that was lined with about 10 soldiers and a Thor looking clone... 'Seriously is he one of the leaders... he meets big sister's description. And he is a Lv750 Asguardian Berserker? He either has a system or a bloodline related to Thor or there is an actual Norse Mithology Pantheon on this world?' 

"Halt, crossdresser in the name of Gustav the Mighty Asguardian God of thunder I demand an explination, you are also in the way of my ascention to true godhood. Why are you in my way... your explanation has to better be satisfactory or you will taste the power of Mjölnir." He slammed his gigantic warhammer that looked exacly like the ones from the film but with a longer handle, about 2 and a halve time as long.

There was a huge rumble were the hammer landed on the ground some of the soldiers behind him wobbled of their feet, while Louise bonced on the ground a bit. He didn't loose his footing and both his two Goddess Avatars were looking at him like he was a clown, just floating behind him.

"Girls how about you go get rid of the soldiers behind him and find that little rat that has been giving us such a hard time... I want to test some of my skills with him, he is the higest Lv Hume I've met not counting Lord Bahamut since he became a Dragon.

"You think you alone can stand against the future killer of The World Eater, I will become a legendary entity like Lord Bahamut that managed to tame Tiamat the Mother of Monsters. It is on an old tale were the great Thor killed Jörmugandr and bathed in it's blood gaining formidable power in the process. I shall earn his name by following on his footsteps, I already have the Mighty Odinson System and the Asgardian bloodline, I will be made into a God." He went into monologue mode.

"You do realize that she is a newborn Goddess right now, and that the Creator herself gave her her blessing, and that killing her will bassically make the enemy of the entire God Comunity... you will not be able to reach Godhood since you need the Creator's approval... instead of forging your own path you are just copying the Path of Thor, who was already a god when he was born thanks to his father's favoritism. But more importantly, you are atempting to harm my Big sister, since she is a Goddess now she cannot interfere in the life or death of mortal not related to her.... so, for that sin... you have to die."

"As if a simple Crossdreser like you can go against the Mighty Future Son of Odin, with your measly level, you will be put to death for your sin to claim my prey for your own." He was a bit mad with white lightning covering his body and his platinum blonde hair was flowing upwards with the wind, his blue eyes were glowing with lightning. His muscles bulged a bit, he was wearing a nice silver armor that hugs his muscles and only leaves his arms and head free with a big red cape flowing freely on his back.

"For standing in my way to the top and making fun of my own way to power, face the wrath of Gustav A. Odinson!" He says and reapeared in front of Louise swinging his giant hammer downwards, wanting to smash his head to the ground. 

A silver mirror appeared infront of him and made contact with his hammer, when the two sacred artifacts made contact with each other, a huge wave resulted from the clash sending the still close soldiers that wanted to help their comander flying  around them, uprooting a bunch of trees on the way along the soldiers in a mixture of Lightning and Wind.

After the mini tornado settled down and a bunch of soldiers fell to their death from above, the still impossing Thor Wannabe and the Golden Valkerie remained standing.

"Guess I can try my best not worrying that you will be too weak to be fun." He used his last Magatama turning into the Mighty Susanowo, War God of the Storms and the Sea. They now both stood 7 feet tall one with huge muscles covered in wild lightning while the other with a lean athletic body surrounded by raging winds.

Louise now looked like a handsom young man with a golden skirt flowing freely on his waist tied by a thick red rope, while the rest of his body was bare with a bright red Magatama glowing on his bare chest. A black horn on his forehead pointing towards the heaven, his golden blonde hair was now spiky and untamed... he didn't like to use it much since his body was a lot denser and a lot less flexible.

"Now that I have used my Magatama I will show you, what a real God Look a like can do, a transformation that grants me a bit of Susanowo's strength, but this is just that, a transformation, my path towards godhood has to be unique to me, since there is already a Susanowo." Louise explained to the idiot while he spined his spear on one arm and then pointed at Gustav.

"I wonder who is stronger then, your logic or my conviction.... you may speak all you want about whatever you want, but I know that you are just a crossdresser, so you and I are not the same, I am the one and Only Thor since he doesn't excist in this world I will be the original." He rose his hammer high and a white lightning bolt fell on it charing the surrounding but making his hammer glow brightly. He then swung it down and Louise used his Spear ability to intensify his elemental damage and charge his Ame no Murakumo which was glowing like the sun lighing up the night sky.

Both of their Sacred Artifacts clashed and after a huge explosion both of them slid across the ground while they laugh like maniacs, they were using the powers of two of the greatest battle junkies in the history of different gods. So even if they wanted to kill the other, they still loved the battle. Their regeneration was also absurd, Gustav was healing his burns and slashing wounds at a rapid pace, including the deep hole on his chest while Louise's arm was reconstructing itself after it was smashed by his hammer. It was a battle of two real monsters were a single mistake could cost them their heads.

In the background were two teenager girls eating popcorn while they sat on top of an unconsious ninja girl whos legs were bent into weird angles... they were Lady Amaterasu and Lady Tsukuyomi who were waiting until their summoner either release them for the day or gives them new orders. They were enjoying the show were the two machos were duking it out like barbaric monsters.

"Man am I right?" Tsukuyomi said with slight disdain on her voice.

"I think it is cute to see lesser creatures fight to survive in this boring world, I rather live inside my room or having some fun with you at your place. But I don't like father so it is nice to be here watching my new master and his friends, they are super cute, specially the new one, that newly ascended Goddess." Amaterasu said with a handfull of popcorn.

"Yeah dad gives me creeps, ever since mom died he is been creepy as fuck... I wonder why is he trying to resurect her so bad... a God whos spark is shattered is dead for good... I also don't even know how she used to look, but her death brought us two into excistence... Luckily our brother sacrified his physical body to let us escape our crazy father or we would be sacrificed to bring our supposed mother back..." Tsukuyomi said a bit sad at their fucked up family.

"Maybe he will come around after we re-ascend again, Louise still think we are just Avatars of the originals made by his system, it is also weird how attached he is towards my underwear.... it is like his religion... luckily they were just replicas or I would be so embarased." Amaterasu said to her sister who was laughing her sacred ass off.

"Hehehehe, Yeah he is a weird one, but he is still our hope, he is also a direct descendant from the Creator herself. So his potential is still ridiculous, he is also fusing with brother's spark really well, but I think he will become a different God altogether." Tsukuyomi said between her laughter.

"Yeah, he is also really active, I also want him to be different from our brother, like he was cool and all, but he was too big for my taste, to much muscles and no brains always picking fights and pranking other Gods..." Amaterasu said.

"It has been several Millenia since our Pantheon dissapeared, like you were the last one to do that... you lasted several centuries on your own power alone." Tsukuyomi said with a nostalgic look on her eyes. 'It would be nice to have our own physical bodies again, unlike our brother whos body was destroyed, our bodies banished with the Pantheon... but thanks to the insurance policy of the Creator we were just sent to our own divine planes instead of dying.' She thought while also eating a handful of popcorn.

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