Primordial Trap System

Chapter 06 – Feast, Marriage and Status

'I was brought out of my sleep with the sound of the door opening and the smell of food... for some reason I feel like I starved for a week.' Looking at the four food trolleys that Elizabeth, who is all dressed up in black leather, brought inside next to him. 

"Just in time, lunch for 12 people comming up. Do you know that the better the bloodline, the higher the appetite, maybe this isn't enough since yours just awakened, I am kind of curious to know which bloodline you awakened, the Fires in my body were all over the place... also I am sorry, I guess I went overboard last night... I didn't even wait for you to agree or anything..." she was a bit sad. 

"Don't worry about it... my butt is just a bit sore, but... being pinned down... by a futanari was one of my dreams... on my previous life... but they didn't excist back on earth or so I think since I didn't find any... I must sound like a pervert right now." He said trying to think on another thing... he just remembered his status prompt.... '55... I... what?'

"It's ok... it was a bit wild, but I really enjoy it... guess you aren't the only one that had some kinky fantasy.... I was a tall girl back on earth... I also like how some onesans devoured the shotas... but reality was another thing... I wasn't as pretty as those onesans back then... so getting a boyfriend when I wasn't as pretty nor as smart as the other girls was super hard... I was also poor so I couldn't even be a Sugar Mama... also most of the younger boys that were legal weren't as cute as the ones on manga... so I died a virgin..." she looks back at the windows and finished in a low voice.

"No need to feel akward right now... if you want... you can Ara Ara~ me. Even if I am technically a Trap... I can still count as a Legal Shota... right?" He said giving her an embarased smile.

"You make resisting the urge to have sex with you so hard... thanks for that... I already see you like my little shota... My System has also deemed you my wife too.... if you are ok with that..." she was getting redder and redder. 'Why does he has to be so cute... what if he doesn't want to be my wife... there are other traps in this world but they were infuriating for some reason... but Louise is different amd his Bloodline is calling me over... like what the hell... is that normal?'.

"I don't mind being the wife, like I already feel like you are the one working. Anyway... let's uhhh... eat before it get cold." After he said he got two more pronpts from his own system. 'What was that and why is Elizabeth holding her crotch...'

"Wait why am I the husband... I wanted to be a wife too... this system is infuriating..." she checked her status again and was surprised by the rewards, then looked at him... "I was recognized by your system as your husband... I got some tickets as a reward.... maybe we can discuss how to spend our rewards while we eat... I am starving too..." she sat next to him and started eating from one of the trolley.

A bunch of different Sea food, Chicken, Pork and beef main dishes and their Dumplings, Rice and Noodles side dishes... 'A full Lunch menu... the portions are actually really big too... like how are we supposed to finish all this...' He looked at Elizabeth demolishing her food with finesse and speed, she is a master of chopsticks. He took his first bite of lobster and soon let his instinct take over, the food was so good he started crying silently... this food must've come from one of the 12 Legendary Cheffs...'

It only took them both around 57 minutes to finish all six main dishes, all twelve side dishes, their three desserts and half a gallon worth of three different teas.... almost 20 pounds worth of food in a single lunch each.

"That was really good... and to think I can eat food from all around my old home world, only by going to different parts of the town... this is heavens." He said while patting his stomach, finding out he was still on his underwear... 'Maybe I should ask Elizabeth if I can try out my new armament skill.' He asked her and she said it was ok. She was surprised unlock it for free, apparently it costed her 80 Ancestral points to unlock it, but her came with the Assault mode already unlocked. 

Her system is the Ancestral Futa System, so her Ability points are called Ancestral points because of her system type, while her Mutations, also known as Upgrades, are incharge of making her more into the best Futanari she want to be, hence why they are called Futa Points, those points are gained when they do certain tasks, like have sex if it has a sexual component like her Futa or his Trap components in their system's name.

He used his Amaterasu's Armament Skill to conjure his new armor. The first part to appear were a metalic pair of scaled, low heeled boots that reached just over his stockings and were made of a really pure gold color, along with a talon looking gauntlet over his right arm that reached just under his shoulder and a small gold bangle with three red tomoes over his left wrist.

On his chest a pair of golden claws were holding his small boobs just enough to cover his bra which isn't that much bigger than a string bikini top and his panties were covered barely by a scaled tong which is almost as covering as a bikini bottom, it was like the Underwear was design for this skill. On his waist a gold scaled belt that has a small pair of golden scaled shields that covered the sides while at the back has what looks like the short black feathered tail of a crow, covering just bellow his cute butt.

And to top it off a pair of majestic small black wings appeared over his shoulders as if it were a cloak with a black feathered hood that ends on a short golden crow beak over his forehead area, it was currently on the back but it can be pulled upwards to cover his head, it doesn't cover his lower back like a traditional cloak but who can be upset by his back view...

"I look so cool with this armor, like the knights of that anime I used to watch were they equip golden armors. I can even buy the Assault form for 100 Primordial Points, is it worth it to get that upgrade first, Eli?" He said while giving a small twirl.

"You look kinda cute in those... like hella cute... and yes you should... save for the assault mode, but not all the points, be sure to get it before level 150 though, that is the first mark to reach, were some skills and upgrades might evolve with you, that is known as entering the Earth Realm by the locals of the world, since to them breaking level 100 is a lot harder if they don't have talent, the next is in the 500 were we reach the Heavenly Realm and trancend as inmortals. Some say that at level 1,000 we break the Heavens and reach Godhood, but that hasn't been tested. Lord Bahamut is the highest leveled individual and he is only 860. He also helps his wife level up... Imagine the face of the Emperor when he heard that Lord Bahamut, the strongest hume of this world helping a Calamity-type Dragon evolve, ahahaha, it was precious... and my biological father wants me to marry that coward's son." She finished her Hot History Teacher Seccion in a sad look, thinking of her dad...

"Aren't we technically married? So who cares what that prince wants." I tried to make her smile again.

"That is sweet of you, thanks I feel a lot better now... you see, the Prince was the one that demanded that I be wedded to him to be his third wife, he also has seven concubines. Like what could I do but to run away, that womanizer threatened my dad with the dissolution of our clan, but the Emperor intervene and said that me running away was not the fault of the patriarch since he did signed my marrige over... now I am a traitor but my clan was pardoned.... I need to break through to the level 500, I know I will be stronger than the Emperor even if he is a level 780 I would still be a threat to his empire. I wasn't one of the Nova Stars for nothing." She told him her reasons for reaching level 500, he gave her a small hug and she trembled a bit and returned the hug...

"Don't worry about it.... isn't it a... wife duty to support... her man... or futanari... in my case. I got to be the luckiest man alive... to have such a beauty as my... husband... that came out weird... Whatever, that Prince is gonna get what is comming to him... even if you don't want to do nothing... I'll not let the bastard that hurt you alive... so please don't be sad." He hugged her a bit and she returned the hug but this time she put a bit more strength on it and she let her tier fall in a silent weep...

"A husband... shouldn't be crying in front of her cute wife... thanks for that... I wanted too return home... so bad... I miss my family really bad... I know dad was forced to sign me away... to bad him that... I am now married." She said in a low voice while closing her eyes and lowering her face.

She shared a kiss with him, she just met him less than a day ago, but she swore to herself, that the boy in front of her will be with her until Death herself do them appart. Even if their roles were reversed... he also felt the same as her but unlike her, to him, he was starting to accept his role as her wife. They stay like that for halve an hour then started to examine all their gains and disscusing it between them

The Proxy of Change had deemed Elizabeth Douglass as the Husband of Louise Croix Until Death, you may now entertain your husband.
For cumming 55 times while having sex the user has gained 5,500,000 and 550 Gold Coins recieved
Level up X10! 50 Free Status Points 550 Trap Points and 10 Ancestral Points recieved.
Your husband has cum inside you 15 times in a row the user has gained 1,500,000 Exp and 150 Gold Coins and 150 Trap Points recieved

"I gained ten levels after our little sexy time, like it took me a week to gain six levels... did you gain any levels by the way." He asked her after he read the level notification. She told her her gains and that she has 1,500 Futa points and her possible upgrades she can get.

He was surprised by the amount of points she got, but all her skills and upgrades cost a staggering amount of points. He then continued reading his Systems Log and was surprised again...

For loosing your Anal Virginity you have gained a free Mutation Ticket 
For accepting on becoming Elizabeth Douglass's Wife, the User has gained a free Ability Ticket and a free Mutation Ticket

Now I have three tickets, I told her and she got the a similar pront when I accepted being her wife but not for loosing her virginity, she wasn't a virgin with her penis? But she said it was her first time having sex.

"I got my penis when I awakened the system when I reached 17 years old, maybe it is because of that. Well tonight we will see if you gain a reward when you loose yours." She said with a lewd smile.

'I can't wait for night time then. Now my status... what to buy, what to buy.... I got my lost points back by puting 21 in Strength, 14  in Dexterity and 7 in Vitality. Now it is like I haven't lost anything with 8 points to strengthen some other stats, maybe I should put more into Endurance and Vitality, they are way behind my Magic stat. That would boost my Health and Stamina along with my regeneration too.'

Name: Louise Croix

Level: 021 (012/100%)

Main Class: Primordial Trap Dancer Lv 10

Charisma +3, Dexterity +2, Agility +2, Magic +2, Luck +1 and Evasion Correction+ per Class Lv

Sub Class: Golden Crow Spearman Lv 0

Strength +4, Dexterity +3, Vitality +2, Luck +1 and Spear Mastery++ per Class Lv

Free Stat Points: 0

Strength: 84 (42 + 100%)

Dexterity: 120 (60 + 100%)

Agility: 80 (40 + 100%)

Endurence: 54 (27 + 100%)

Vitality: 54 (27 + 100%)

Magic: 120 (60 + 100%)

Charisma: 160 (80 + 100%)

Luck: 50 (25 + 100%)

Health Points: 1,280 ((54 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Stamina Points: 1,280 ((54 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Mana Points: 2,600 ((120 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Health Regen: 153.6 per minute (12.80 + 200% + 300%)

Stamina Regen: 153.6 per minute (12.80 + 200% + 300%)

Mana Regen: 312 per minute (26 + 200% + 300%)

Trap points: 700

Primordial Points: 16

"Now, what upgrades and skills should we get? We also have a couple of tickets too, any ideas were to use them? Maybe I can use my Ability ticket on my Assault Form, should save me some time, since using 90 Primordial Points seems wasteful." He asked and then they started disscusing about their upgrades and skills shopping spree.

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