Primordial Trap System

Chapter 01 – The Adventure begins, First kill

In the middle of a dense forest, a gigantic sprout from the sacred Tree of Life. Under it's roots a glowing fruit was resting, growing and growing by the second. In the last 48 hours said fruit went from being the size of a watermelon to the size of a small car with the shape of an egg. 

After 2 more hours of growing it started to dissolve into light particles leaving behind a sleeping boy. The boy had a face that would make several women cry in shame, surrounding his delicate face was his golden blonde hair that reached to his shoulders. He looked like a small and delicate girl, with an almost flat chest and wider hips and thicker thighs that also makes his butt stand for attention. 

The boy was about 5 feet tall and had delicate looking hands and feet, it was wearing a distinctive golden chain bikini that covers only the important bits that doesn't leave much to the imagination and a leather coat that covers the back and arms up to the elbows with a thicker padding on the shoulders and elbows, it also skin tight which also helps drawing the curves of the boy, it has the mark of the Giant Tree of life in its back, but it is partially covered by a hoodie. 

Around the waist area, the coat looks a bit like a mini skirt, with two belts around the stomach for connecting both halves in the front. Covering his legs are some golden chain stockings that hug his legs from the middle of his thighs and end with a soft leather like material that covers the underside of his feet. 

The boy stirred under the direct light of the sun finally waking up. After  stretching and yawning he stood up and tested his new body, yes this is Louise Croix and he had finally left the confines of the Life Pod. He did a coupple of sit ups and push ups just to discover that his body is pretty light, or that at least he could lift several times his weight with both his arms and specially with his legs. 

He ate one of his 10 fruits, which was really good, not to the point of having a food-gasm like in some food related novels he used to read, he then used his only spell to make a long spear made out of his Gold Mana, he gave a coupple of clumsy thrust with it before the 15 minutes wore off. The reason he chose the spear over the sword is quite simple, with a spear you can hit targets that are a bit away from him, thus making dodging a bit easier for him. 

After practicing a while he decided to open up his coat in the front since it was getting in his way of his practice. He felt a bit embarased but he was alone so he calmed his mind a bit... he improved a bit but not by much... he still kept summoning his spears every 15 minutes. His Mana Regen was so high that he was always about full when the time to summon another spear came. He doesn't want a stupid goblin or an orc to have his way with him like in most of the novel were the Mc has a Trap System. When it was sun down he went to sleep near the giant sprout which he considers a safe zone.

------- One good sleep later -------

'Good morning new world, today I hope to find a nice shelter, though this tree is supposed to be a safe zone, sleeping on the ground is kinda bad for my back. This body is awesome though, it is so nimble and flexible, I no longer have that horrible pain on my lower back nor my right knee... those bastards... hope they suffer a lot back on my old world, calling me names because I looked like a girl... because of them all the girls avoided me too, some even beat me up for beaing prettier than them... like I didn't even want to stand out but....' he inhaled some air and try to calm down after exhaling it.

'Whatever this is my new life. A life in a fantasy world were magic and treasures of all kind are real, even if I looked even more girly than before... hope I get a girlfriend in this life, like I don't want to be a virgin on my second death....' some more dark thoughts tried to bring him down a notch before looked at his inventory.

'I wonder if my money is enough to live in an inn somewhere. I also need to hunt for food since I only have 9 more fruits.' Closing his inventory he started to get excited again.

"Well let's go world!" He said and started running towards the underbrush, looking for a nice source of food and levels in this starting area.

'I summoned my magic spear and stalked my first prey... a rabbit with a horn on it's forehead, sorry mister rabit but I need to kill you now...' after he reached a certain distance he lunged forward and stabbed forth missing the white rabit and hitting the ground next to it instead, startleting the rabbit who then do a takle towards him but with a swing of his spear he smacked the rabbit on it side. There was no blood nor gore, only light particles and a message...

Female Horned Rabit Lv. 10 killed
100 exp and 10 Coppers received
Level up! 5 Free Status Point, 1 Primordial point received
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Soft White Fur received
Material: Rabit Jagged Horn received
Material: Lucky Rabit Foot received
Food: Raw Tender Rabit Meat x2 received

'Nice! I gain a level and with it 5 points for my stats which I put in to dexterity since I need to have more precision to hit my enemy, the idea of piercing my enemies from afar while staying out of their reach sounds nice since I don't want to feel pain.... a bow was a nice idea at first but I didn't have any arrows and using my magic to make a single arrow sounds ludicrous... maybe I'll try it after I get more level and have more Mana to spare.' He though while serching for more monsters to hunt.

'So far I haven't found anything but that horned rabit... I hear some mumbling behind some bushes and I went to checked it out.' Behind of the bush there were two naked male Goblins punching each other figthing over something. 'They look to be fighting for a random black mushroom, why are the naked though... I can see their dangling bits.... they also smell really bad... even from this distance...' he decided to get behind them, closer and closer.

One of the goblins threw the other towards a tree trunk and went to finish him off, but the other goblin simply picked up a thick tree branch from the ground and whack the other one, square in the side of the head and was about to hit him again whike he was down when a random Trap rushed in and stabbed him through his back, near the area were the humans usually have their heart and he quickly turned into light particle, but before the other could act, said Trap also stabbed him on his face through his eye, but again, before there was any gore he also turned in to light particles.

Male Goblin Lv 6 killed
20 exp and 2 Coppers received
Material: Goblin Ear x2 received 
Material: Black Girthy Shroom
Male Goblin Lv 6 killed
20 exp and 2 Coppers received
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Goblin Ear x2 received

'Super Gold Digger skill activated again, sweet. That mushroom name though... apparently it is a rare ingredient for a specific pill... apparently quite valuable, those ears can be used to make soil more fertile and be exchanged at the guild for 10 Coppers per ear set. I need another 160 experince to level up.' When he finished inspecting his drops he decided to continue forth on his journey.

After killing seven more goblins, he was 20 experience off for another level, 'I've been wondering when will I be able to get my second class though, I get profficiency on dodging but I have to dodge enemy attacks to level my Dancer Class. But I am not confident in my attacks so I will try and keep killing them from mediun range until I am more confident in surviving a failed dodge, luckily all my regeneration keeps me topped off.'

And there is another Goblin... this one is different though, he is a bit taller than me unlike the other Goblins who were about a head shorter than me. He is also clothed with a fur loin cloth and sone bones covering his torso, unlike the others and is armed with halve of a longsword, that is rusted and chipped in a coupple of places, the other halve of the sword has a wrap along the broken edge in a makeshift handle, which gave it a look close to a dagger.

'He looks kinda tough and is smelling the air and inspecting the ground. Maybe he is a scout for a Gobling hunter group.' He decided to follow him slowly while keeping his distance.

After about 10 minutes Louise decided to summon his spear which had gone from many itterations trying to make his perfect spear using his magic skill. He made the head more slender with a long double edged blade that is a third of the spear lengthwise and since it is more slender it is also quite a bit sharper than his first spear. It's handdle has a slender rectangular octagon shape with rounded edges to prevent the spear from spining in his hand when he slashes a tough enemy, making cutting easier and gives more control over it's power.

With a small hop forward, Louise stabbed forward towards the weird goblin.... sensing his attack the weird goblin rolled to the side drawing his makeshift dagger and his rusted halve sword. They locked eyes for a second... 

The weird goblin lunge at him, swinging his rusted halve sword with an over head slash. Louise did a a side hop swinging his spear sideward, cutting through his opponent's arm off, like it was a hot knife through butter.

Seeing his arm falling to the ground the weird gobling started panicking slashing like a mad man with his makeshift dagger. Louise just jumped back out of the range of the goblin and stabbed forth, using his superior range to safely stabbed at the goblins stomach, cutting between the bone ornament's and skewering him turning into light particles.

Male Goblin Scout Lv 11 killed
100 exp and 14 Coppers received
Level up! 5 Free Status Point, 1 Primordial point received
Primordial Trap Dancer class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Cha +2 Dex +2 Agi +2 Mag +1 Lck 
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Goblin Ear x2 received
Material: Iron Scraps x2 received
Material: Bone Scraps x3 received
Armor: Ruined Loincloth received

'Really nice, a level up and a class level up and a gold coin, now I need 320 exp for my next level. Not sure what I need to use my points yet, and why the hell do I need his smelly loincloth for, those scraps can be used to make armors and weapons, but I don't think I will be needing any of that for the time being.' He closed his inventory after taking one of his fruit and eating it. 

'Second fruit down, the rabit gave me raw meat but I don't know how to cook it, there was a novice cooking skill but using the primordial points to buy those seems kinda wasteful... I also don't have any cooking tools.' He pondered a bit before continuing forth on his journey.

He continue searching for the next prey and the exit of the forest. He encountered a small group of 3 horned rabits but they were easy prey, only giving about 20 exp each since they were only level 7 and the usual drops of meat, fur and horn. He also found some berries that were safe to eat accourding to his System's description, they were pretty good so he store them, getting about an extra day worth of food. 

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