Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 4

After leaving the apartment, he got into his car and drove back to his house, upon arrival Ana greeted him.

"Hello Mr. Damian, how was your day?"

"Well Ana, thanks for arranging everything for me."

"It's my duty," Ana said nodding slightly.

"Would you like to eat now?"

"Of course Ana, today for some reason I feel very hungry," Damian said strangely.

Damian sat at the table as he waited for his food and reflected on the hunger he felt, usually even if he didn't eat he won't feel a thing but ever since he saw Carol get into her car today he's been restless.

'Could it be that I finally need blood?' He thought with a little concern.

It's not that he was reluctant to drink human blood, he had accepted what it was and there's no use going against your own nature.

Not to mention that he was curious, does it taste good? will the person become a vampire? will it make me stronger?

Multiple questions had him eager for answers, he should find someone to experiment with, after all, I am a progenitor, and he should create some vampires to serve as my workforce.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Ana came over and bent down to serve him the plate.

Damian couldn't help but see her white and smooth neck, he felt his mouth-watering and just wanted to take a bite to see what he tasted, fortunately, he still had enough self-control to calm down quickly hoping no one would notice anything strange.

Luckily Ana was serving the plate so she didn't notice anything strange.

After Ana served the dishes and left, Damian began to reflect on the strange situation that had occurred.

With the bloodlust he felt towards Ana, he doesn't know if any woman or even man can make him feel that way, he hopes it's just women, he doesn't know if he has to find the woman attractive either.

'So many questions waiting for me to find the answer' he thought smiling.

'First, let's deal with the thirst I feel' Damian thought to himself.

After finishing eating he noted that he was still hungry so it was certainly blood that he needed.

He thought of Ana since she will be his assistant for many years and she is beautiful he suppose she is a candidate for drinking blood and if because of that she ends up becoming a vampire it is not all bad either.

'Only her contract will go on forever,' he thought jokingly.

Leaving the dining room he went to his study, it was a typical luxurious study.

He send for Ana and wait for her sitting behind the desk, after a few minutes she opened the door and a small head of black hair peeked out, seeing him she quickly entered and closed the door.

"Do you need me for anything Mr. Damian?" She said with her usually serious face.

"Yes Ana please have a seat"

"Of course"

"Well, Ana since you are my assistant I want to know about your family, a boyfriend? Or maybe a partner? Your plans for the future?'' Damián said, despite the fact that on the first day they introduced themselves and talked for a while, they did not go into personal details.

Ana was silent for a moment before she began to speak.

''I am an orphan, Mrs. Sophia took me in and taught me, so I could say that it is my only family''

''I don't have anything like a boyfriend, even though I don't have friends'' Ana said coldly.

''My only goal is to stay by your side'' Ana said looking at him with a certain longing within her expressionlessness.

Her beautiful face and that expression between innocence and coldness made Damian couldn't help but look at her carefully.

'This woman is somehow kind of adorable,' he thought speechlessly.

He also tested with his powers if she was lying, it didn't go into her mind, it just checked if there was any hint of a lie as she spoke.

"I see, you see Ana I need your help with something," Damian said with a serious face.

"Mr. Da-" Ana said before being interrupted.

"First of all from now on call me Damian" Damian interrupted.

"Yes... Damian, as I said, don't hesitate to ask me anything" She replied with a serious face.

"Perfect, then stand up and sit at the desk," Damian instructed.

Ana jumped up a little to sit at the desk as she looked at Damian.

"So?" She asks doubtfully.

"That's perfect, now unbutton your shirt a little" Damian said as he approached her.

Ana unbuttoned the first 2 buttons of her shirt and a large cleavage could be seen, she hesitated before asking with a serious face, "Am I being sexually harassed?"

"Hm that depends on how you look at it, do you have any objections if so?" Damian asked looking into her eyes, after all, he would never force a woman, if she pushed him and just left, the next day he would apologize and find someone else.

' Although It would just be a little awkward lol and I wouldn't know how to explain it to Sophia' He thought casually.

"Hm, if is Mr. Damian I have nothing to say," she said with a serious voice even though he could see that her cheeks were dyed red.

"I remember telling you to call me Damian," Damian said as he opened a space in her neck with his hand.

Damian decided to stop holding back and give in to all his instincts.

"I guess I'll have to give you a little punishment for insubordination," He said with a hoarse voice before licking her neck.

His fangs suddenly lengthened and his eyes turned red, and as if his instincts got the best of him, he bit down on her neck and hugged her waist, and for the first time, his mouth tasted the blood.

Ana was really nervous when her boss licked her neck and she expected all less than suddenly feeling a stab of pain before feeling the most pleasurable thing she had ever felt in her life, she felt like she just wanted to lose herself in that feeling so she just hugged the head of Damian as he let out sounds he would never admit to having made.

As Damian drank Ana's blood he felt like he was a full vampire now, somehow he could see hearts beating all over the house seeing the world in black and white, but he decided to leave that for another time and stop drinking Ana's blood or he might end up killing her.

'I guess I'm not a virgin vampire anymore' he thought jokingly.

His still red eyes could see the beating hearts and realized that it is a special vision for vampires to hunt, he quickly deactivated it as it was awkward if he didn't need it.

He looked back at Ana and realized that she had passed out with a red face and was clearly satisfied.

'I guess I'll have to explain it tomorrow' he thought to himself.

After carrying Ana into her room in his arms he debated whether he should change her after all something probably slipped and he wasn't talking about the blood.

He finally decided to leave her like this after all their relationship at the moment was a blood donor and blood drinker.

When he returned to his room he went to do his personal hygiene and then he knew that he was screwed, his eyes which should have been blue again were red and if you looked closely they were shining slightly.

'I can only hope that tomorrow they return to normality' Damian thought resignedly.

He was still too early to tell Carol the truth, he soon went to sleep or pretended he was asleep.


Carol for the first time couldn't fall asleep quickly, she only thought about her moments with Damian, that kiss that she stole from him, and her bold words.

She wondered if she would kiss him tomorrow, after all, he has to return the kiss she gave him, she couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

"Ahhh stop thinking about that," Carol said as she turned back and forth on her bed.

Carol decided that she couldn't sleep so she took her landline telephone and called Maria, after several minutes of ringing she was answered by an annoyed voice.

"!Who?" exclaimed an annoyed voice.

"Maria, it's Carol, I need to talk to you."

"Fuck Carol!, do you have any idea what time it is?" Maria said even more annoyed.

"I grabbed Damian by his shirt and kissed him before pushing him out of my house," Carol said abruptly.

"I don't care wh- what!?" Maria asked with a dumbfounded voice, she even almost woke up her daughter

"You're great Carol, maybe you scared away the only man who approached you," She said jokingly and not so upset anymore after hearing that fresh gossip.

"Tell me how the date went so that it ended in that," Maria said anxiously.

"It was all very nice, we went to the aquarium, we ate and talked, he also said that he supported me in fighting for my dreams, we also went to see a movie and finally I invited him to my apartment," Carol said excitedly.

"Wow girl, you work fast you already invited him to your apartment, should I expect to be an aunt soon?" Maria said jokingly.

"Not yet," Carol said without thinking.


"Forget what I said," Carol said in a threatening voice.

"So you're boyfriends or something?" Maria asked as if nothing had happened.

"it's just the first date," Carol said rolling her eyes.

"By the way, tomorrow we're going to your house for dinner remember to be ready," Carol said cheerfully.

"What!? Wai-"

"Good talk see you tomorrow bye" Carol interrupted and hung up the phone.

'I feel better, I guess I'll go to sleep, I'm looking forward to our meeting tomorrow' Carol thought as she touched her lips.


The next morning Ana woke up slowly, for some strange reason she felt very relaxed.

She soon remembered the dream she had with her boss and couldn't help a blush appearing on her serious and almost emotionless face, although she was raised by Sophia to dedicate herself totally to Damian, her only motivation is to be able to help him in everything, she didn't expect to have those kinds of dreams.

She soon realized that something was wrong, she was in work clothes and her shirt was slightly unbuttoned similar to that dream.

'I-It can't be, did it really happen?' Ana wasn't sure what to think.

She quickly went to clean up and get ready for today before going downstairs to see that she needed Damian, as well as of course trying to figure out if last night was real or some kind of lucid dream.

Not knowing that it was already too late.


Damian woke up and felt different from the other days, he felt good for some reason.

'I guess blood is really important' Damian thought.

Even though he only drank a small amount of blood yesterday he felt more energetic and his magic power grew slightly, his powers also felt smoother to use.

After preparing for today he could notice that his eyes returned to normal, he doesn't know if he will always pass or if it is because of the little blood he drank.

After going downstairs and asking for Ana and being told that she hadn't gotten up yet, he finally told a maid to bring him breakfast.

'I guess it was too intense for her, I'll wait for her to come down to talk' he thought to himself.

After breakfast, he decided to go to his study to continue learning about the world on the internet.

''When Ana comes down, tell her I want to see her in my study'' Damian said before leaving.

After 1 hour of looking at random things on the internet, he discovered that this world was similar to his previous world, although he was not clear about everything about his life, he could remember important companies, and he did not see many of them when he looked for them on the internet, reincarnations like to plagiarize things from their previous world, but he did not feel the need to do it, first, he was already very rich, and second, he would have to make an effort to do it, he decided to focus on technology, although he does not know anything about that subject he knows that in a few years the Kree will kindly send staffed ships for him to obtain.

This means that Damian more or less has to let things happen like in the movie.

So he plans to start a technological empire with alien technology.

While he was lost in his thoughts the door opened and Ana came in looking at him intently with doubt.

'' Mr. Damian, do you need me for anything?'' She asked as she looked at him intently.

Amused by her look, he just said: "I didn't tell you to call me just Damian?"

He could see Ana flinch briefly and her serious gaze falters a little.

''I see, I apologize Damian I had forgotten'' Ana said strangely.

''What? Did you think what happened last night was a dream?'' Damian asked amused.

''Excuse me for asking but what exactly happened yesterday?'' Ana said with doubt.

''Tell me, Ana, do you know about vampires?'' Damian asked.

Somewhat disconcerted by the sudden topic but still she replied: '' I only know the basics, they drink blood, they can't be in the sun and they're afraid of garlic?'' Ana said with doubt.

''Pff hahaha, well if something like that, you'll see I'm a Vampire'' Damian laughed as his eyes turned red and his fangs protruded.


"Hm, I see," she said deadpan.

"Aren't you surprised?" Damian said a little surprised.

''I'm very surprised, can't you tell?''



''So it wasn't sexual harassment?'' Ana asked, tilting her head to the side of her.

'' You seem disappointed... you could consider it sexual harassment '' Damian said without words, he would really like to know what was going through her head.

Ana nodded thought.

"So you drank my blood"


'' Taste well?''

''It was delicious''

''So you will drink regularly?'' Ana asked with a little expectation.

''Well, it would be ideal if you allow it''

''Hm, that felt good''

'She's taking everything surprisingly in stride though' Damian thought as he looked at her.

"Tell me what would happen if you became a vampire?" Damian asked seriously.

''Vampires are immortal right?'' Ana asked doubtfully.

''They have eternal life but they can be killed'' Damian clarified.

'' Then if I become a vampire I will be able to serve you forever '' Ana said with a faint hint of a smile on her serious face.

''Then let's wait and see what happens'' Damian said smiling at her

After their surprisingly calm conversation, Ana informed him of the news about his properties and businesses in this city.

It was quickly noon and they decided to have lunch together before Damian retired to his room to practice his electromagnetic powers until it was time to prepare for his date.

He was practicing shaping metals while orbiting them around, he soon started orbiting objects by moving them in different directions and heights, and he finally wanted to do something that would mark the first step in his most useful power in the modern age, trying to reproduce the waves of radio in his mind and be able to emit his radio waves, his ultimate goal was to be able to enter the internet with only his powers.

After practicing for several hours it was time to look for Carol so he showered and dressed before getting in his car and driving to the location.


Guys this is the fourth chapter and I hope you like it.

Some people have asked me to upload photos of the characters and I already have the photos of the canonical characters ready but regarding Sophia and Ana there are no images so I wanted to ask what you think if I look for images of some anime so that you have an image in mind.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.