Primal Wizardry - A Magic School Progression Fantasy

Chapter 119: White As Snow

[A picture of a landscape with a bright blue sky, over a field full of yellow flowers with the sun clear in the sky.]

Y is for yellow, while only a color, this author thinks it a one like no other. From daisies to rainbows to the sun in the sky, you will surely miss it if you must tell it goodbye.

-Sally Rider’s ABCs of Magic

“Three wheat makes a city!” Amara shouted, slamming a card down on the table. “I win!”

The discovery of board games—something not known on Stonehaven, but a regular staple of Kole’s own childhood, had awoken a fierce competitiveness in the typically passive Amara. What had started with a card game the night of her sister’s second disappearance had turned into an obsession and they’d spent almost every night of their break thus far playing progressively more complicated games to keep Amara from falling into a state of despondency—or more likely a tunnel vision marathon of invention culminating in some equally ingenious and horrifying device.

As Kole looked on at the triumphant Amara, and grumbling Rakin, he wasn’t sure if this was better.

“We’ve created a monster,” Zale said, but she was smiling proudly at the monster she made.

Amara had quickly become dominate of the group, while Doug was still trying to get his head around the rules. ASide from Amara, Kole was consistently the second best, while Zale and Rakin each had the odd game they excelled at while being decent at the rest.

Rakin, however, was a very sore loser.

“It’s not fair!” he shouted, as the lights in Zale’s home suddenly turned red, and a high pitched alarm sounded three times before going silent.

“Intruder!” Zale shouted, running to her room to grab her weapon while Kole did the same, running to his own room which had been absorbed into Zale’s home.

Kole came out with his blasting rod in hand to see Zale with a sword and shield and had supplied Doug a bow. Amara stood in the center of the three of them, her own blasting rod in one hand, shield device in the other.

“Upstairs,” Doug whispered, pointing up, and Kole thought he might have heard light footsteps.

Then a shrill voice called out, growing clearer until he heard,

“Snow princess, snow princess, must find the snow princess!”

Then, up above on the second level of the cylindrical library that made up Zale’s home, a diminutive figure peered over the edge. It could best be described as a frozen kobold. Like, a kobold that had been constantly sprayed with water as it stood out in the chill wind of the north.

It continued its muttering, until it spotted them

“White as snow!” it shouted, and leapt over the rail, clutching something in its clawed hand.

Kole, Doug, and an Amara who was becoming increasingly more proficient with her rod, all let loose on the felling monster

Zale pushed Amara out of the way, and Rakin and her stood on either side of its intended landing spot.

Rakin’s eyes had grown red with fire when he’d seen the creature, and as it landed with the sound of crushing ice.

Kole briefly thought he was smiling before Rakin’s flaming fist crashed into its chest.

Everyone stared at Rakin then, weapons ready, Amara switched her rod out for an extinguisher rune device in case there was a repeat of their last ice encounter. But, the dwarf took a deep breath, and the fire guttered out.

“I’m okay,” he said, more of a growl than words as he fught against the anger.

“White as snow,” the melting kobold said on the ground, holding up what they now saw was a charred scroll. “Daughter of the Queen of Frost.”

And then it died, rapidly melting into a dirty puddle.

“Mom?” Zale said snatching the note from the watery mess.

She undid the scroll, more black charred pieces crumbling away. Half the scroll was missing


I’m okay do not worry. I have discovered any enemy your uncle warned of from a

travel is dumb. I’m working to subvert their efforts, but you must prepare the school. This kobold is Flake, the least stupid

He has details on the attack to come. Paper that won'

o come by here but here is what I can share. Dagmar found me, she is here with

realm and has been for 800 years.

with an elemental army.

to breach the membrane between realms. I cannot leave, I

dded myself in the leadership of the ice people (the same Rakin battled) here while Dagmar is fomenting rebellion




Zale read the note aloud—what remained of it—tears rolling down her face.

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