Prehistoric: From Witch Soldiers to Hunyuan Wuji Luoxian

Page 27


The black shadow in the water roared, and Wu Yang took this opportunity to see the other person's appearance clearly.

"Xuanshui Hankun, I didn't expect it to be such a powerful beast."

Wu Yang's primordial spirit glanced around, and the opponent's strength remained at the early stage of the real fairyland, but it was comparable to his own.

The Xuanshui Hankun is a hundred feet long, and it is a powerful strange beast. Its physical body is no different from that of the dragons and unicorns.

However, facing this kind of strange beast, Wu Yang did not retreat but advanced, he turned into a flash of lightning to kill him.

"[Thunder Fist]!"

Wu Yang shot with all his strength, he didn't want to be entangled, he wanted a quick victory.

A trace of contempt flashed in Xuanshui Hankun's eyes. He has lived at the bottom of this cold river for thousands of years, and he has never met an opponent. This time Wu Yang stole his fairy grass and dared to compete with him. Han Kun was determined to destroy Wu Yang.

However, before Xuanshui Hankun erupted, Wu Yang's figure had already arrived.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and it was completely like a thunderbolt.


After the thunder light passed, Xuanshui Hankun was directly smashed by Wu Yang's punch, and even his body was put into the blood gourd.

It was also in the early stage of True Wonderland, Wu Yang could completely kill the opponent in seconds.

This is not because Xuanshui Hankun is weak, but because Wu Yang's physical body is too strong.

The physical body of the Wu Clan is already a top-notch existence among the creatures of the same rank, and Wu Yang is a top-notch existence among the same generation of the Wu Clan, so his strength is naturally enough to crush many creatures.

After killing Xuanshui Hankun of the same level with one punch, Wu Yang cleaned up the battlefield and continued to go deeper.

Now that he has collected a lot of Nether Cold Stones, the next step is to find out the location of the boundless blood sea and collect blood essence.

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless, and it is connected to Jiuyou Difu, so it shouldn't be too far away."

Wu Yang guessed according to the memory of later generations, he roughly found the right direction, and quickly dived deep underground.

The land of the Nine Nethers was bottomless, Wu Yang didn't know how long he had been walking, and gradually the blood gourd began to respond.

This has not yet reached the boundless sea of ​​blood, but the blood gourd has already begun to collect blood essence.

"It seems that this place is very close to the boundless sea of ​​blood, and the blood in the ground is beginning to increase."

Wu Yang was secretly delighted, he didn't expect the blood gourd to have such a great effect, and he could start absorbing it before it reached the place.

The Qi of the surrounding Wutu is extremely pure, and at the same time, there are traces of blood in the air.

Wu Yang mobilized the blood gourd thoroughly, quickly absorbing the surrounding blood energy.

Streams of blood were drawn into the treasure gourd, Wu Yang didn't stop there, he planned to go deeper and collect as much blood as possible.

"The blood gourd of good fortune consumes a lot. If you want to cultivate a good god stone, you must have enough blood."

After Wu Yang moved forward again, the absorption speed of the Good Fortune Blood Gourd really accelerated a lot, and a brand new area appeared before Wu Yang's eyes.

This Nine Nether Land is gray and gray. There are blood-colored lakes on the ground, there are blood rivers surging undercurrents, and underground vortexes that cannot be detected at all.

All of this was covered by the blood-colored weeds and vegetation. Those weeds looked like messy hair that quickly dried up after being stained with blood.

After Wu Yang came here, he completely let go of the blood gourd and quickly absorbed the blood.

"This is definitely not a good place. I'm afraid there will be evil creatures breeding in the blood rivers. It's better to collect blood as soon as possible."

Wu Yang's guess is correct, this kind of ferocious place has a lot of blood, and the essence in the blood can easily breed some bloodthirsty creatures.

When Wu Yang set foot in this area, he was already being targeted by some creatures.

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Chapter 046: A Thousand Miles of Blood


Wu Yang quickly absorbed the surrounding blood, and the blood turned into a long river, pouring into the gourd one after another.

There is a huge space inside the Good Fortune Blood Gourd, and it is difficult to fill it up quickly.

"With this blood, there is a way to cultivate Nether Cold Stone."

Wu Yang secretly calculated that the amount of blood in front of him was huge, although it was not pure enough, the Good Fortune Blood Gourd could refine them one by one.

As long as all the blood is bred into life essence, it can be used at will.

However, at the time of Wu Yang's plan, some creatures entrenched in the depths of the blood pool had already set their sights on Wu Yang.

"Brother, the person from outside should be a witch clan, but I didn't expect him to come to our territory."

At the bottom of the blood pool, six creatures sat cross-legged together.

Their eyes were fierce, and they looked at Wu Yang above with ferocious eyes.

"There are very few people in the Xueze Lake in our [-] miles. If you want to fight the tooth festival, you have to fly a long way on weekdays. Now that someone has come to your door, naturally you can't just let him go!"

The leading evil spirit laughed. The six of them were originally the masters of this blood pool, and they were creatures bred by the essence and blood of heaven and earth. They were named: Scarlet Fox.

Now that the six blood-colored vicious raccoons have turned into human bodies, and their cultivation has also broken through to the realm of true immortals, in their view, Wu Yang is just a mere witch clan, and coming here is completely destined to die.

"Brother is right, I haven't eaten blood food for a long time, hahaha!"

The six monks hit it off immediately, and they rushed blood waves one after another, driving endless blood to fly from the bottom of the pool.

Wu Yang was absorbing blood at first, but when he saw a sudden strong wind in front of him, and the blood was romantic, he glanced with his divine sense and saw six figures.

"Bold witch clan, you dare to venture into the blood pool of a hundred thousand miles to extract the water of my blood pool, and hand over the treasure in your hand!"

The bloody fierce raccoon at the head roared angrily, as if he wanted to take down Wu Yang.

Wu Yang counted six of them, all of them were wearing blood-colored robes, and their long hair was wet and greasy, and they looked disgusting.

These six blood-colored raccoons are incomplete, and there are still many traces of beasts on their heads, which look neither fish nor fowl.

"Everyone, I come here to collect blood, and I don't mean to disturb you. The Hundred Thousand Miles of Blood Lake is not from your family. Why can't I come when you come?"

Wu Yang argued with them with his mouth, but his hands didn't stop.

The good fortune blood gourd absorbs very fast, and can absorb a lot of blood in an instant, Wu Yang naturally won't stop.

"Hmph, the six of my brothers have transformed here and have practiced here for thousands of years. This is our territory. Today you broke in without knowing your life and death, and you just took advantage of us!"

The blood-colored ferocious raccoon was conceived from the blood essence in the blood lake, and its aptitude is not too high, but it is obviously a certain talent to be conceived in this prehistoric early stage.

They stopped wasting words with Wu Yang, and the six brothers rushed over in an instant.

The bloody ferocious raccoon rides the blood wave and wind with incomparable speed.

Seeing this, Wu Yang cast the image of unfolding the heavens and the earth, revealing the true body of the 1000-[-]-foot-long Wu clan.

Waves of thunder light wrapped around Wu Yang's body, he clenched his fists vigorously, and immediately two thunder snakes coiled around his arms. ....


The bloody ferocious raccoon also turned into a thousand-foot real body, and the six of them gathered around one after another, obviously planning to surround and kill Wu Yang.

Faced with such a siege, Wu Yang didn't panic at all, and punched violently.

The blood-colored vicious raccoons didn't know how deep they were, they took advantage of Wu Yang's attack, and rushed forward to attack.


Wu Yang landed with one blow, and one of the bloody raccoons was instantly killed.

Infinite thunder bursts shot out, this thunder is mixed with blood, and it looks more cruel.

The remaining five blood-colored vicious raccoons were shocked immediately, with disbelief in their eyes.

One must know that the six brothers advance and retreat as one, cooperating tacitly with each other, but when Wu Yang made a move just now, they had no time to rescue them.

"Our strength is in the real fairyland, how could he obliterate Lao Liu?"

"Go together!"

The bloody fierce fox roared, they did not expect Wu Yang to be so brave.

But at this moment, Wu Yang didn't give them any chance. After killing one person, he immediately attacked again to cull another bloody ferocious raccoon.

The monstrous waves of blood rolled up again, and this time their attack was even more ferocious, with streaks of blood covering the sky and the earth, and boundless blood filled the ten directions.

Wu Yang's movements were faster, he ignored the crowd's siege, and he found one of them to kill again.


Wu Yang shouted loudly, he was like a god of war descending from the earth, his whole body flashed with thunder and lightning, and his pair of magical fists directly took the enemy's head.


The fist splits the mountains and rivers, and the strength breaks the void.

Wu Yang landed a blow and killed an opponent again. At the same time, that violent fist smashed into the blood pool below, immediately kicked up bloody mud, and a rotten and foul stench filled all directions.

At the same time, the opponent's attack also landed on Wu Yang's body, but the armor shining on his body easily resisted everyone's attack.


Wu Yang made another backhand blow, killing one person again.

Facing the attack of six enemies, Wu Yang killed three of them in an instant, and the situation changed drastically in an instant.

The three blood-colored vicious raccoons who were alive were completely dumbfounded. At this moment, they no longer had the confidence to kill Wu Yang, and they did not dare to say anything to eat each other.

Wu Yang's strength has proved everything, he came forward again.

The bloody vicious raccoon completely lost confidence, they turned around and fled.

Wu Yang came in hot pursuit and struck again, clearing the battlefield in an instant.

The six blood-colored vicious raccoons were all beheaded, and none of them survived.

"This is the blood lake of a hundred thousand miles, which belongs to the edge of the boundless blood sea."

Wu Yang learned some news from the blood-colored vicious raccoon. The blood lake is next to the boundless blood sea, which is regarded as the peripheral area of ​​the blood sea.

There are few creatures in this blood pool, and there are only these blood-colored raccoons in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. After Wu Yang wiped them out, no one will bother them.

"The creatures in the blood pool are so rare, are they all eaten by these guys?"

Wu Yang's guess was right. The blood-colored vicious raccoons are bloodthirsty. As long as there are creatures around them, they will hunt them down. Over time, there are no other creatures in the blood pool.

At this time, there were no more disturbing creatures, so Wu Yang absorbed all the blood in the blood lake into the gourd.

The boundless blood water in the good fortune blood gourd swelled and swelled, and this time it was finally completely full.

Seeing that there was no more space, Wu Yang immediately got up and left.

"I have scoured the blood pool of a hundred thousand miles. It seems that the capacity of this blood gourd is only this big."

Wu Yang has collected enough blood this time, and he can carry out the next step of the plan only after returning back and conceiving all of them into life essence.

It's a pity that Wu Yang "evacuated" all of the Blood Lake of [-] Miles. If he wants to continue to come here next time, he will have to go deeper into a more dangerous place.

"Let's refine the blood this time first!"

Wu Yang glanced at the dried up blood lake, and quickly returned to the tribe.

Li Jiulang reminds you: Remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] after reading it. I will update it next time so that you can continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 047: The Acquired Treasure!


Returning to the tribe again, Wu Yang hid in the forging hall and went all out to run the blood gourd of good fortune to transform the blood inside into the essence of life as soon as possible.

The function of the Creation Blood Gourd is single, which also makes it very effective in transforming blood essence.

With Wu Yang's continuous efforts, the infinite blood water was quickly concentrated and refined, and quickly transformed into streams of pure life essence.

With these life essences, Wu Yang brought the ghost cold stones selected in advance and cultivated them with life essences.

"This good fortune blood gourd can quickly cultivate divine materials. This time, it is a good time to try it to see how far it can cultivate this ghostly cold stone."

Wu Yang put a huge amount of life essence into it, and went all out to cultivate the Nether Cold Stone.

The Nether Cold Stone he chose had the best qualifications among them. Now that it was bred by a large amount of life essence, the Nether Cold Stone really responded.

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