Power Punch

Chapter 9 – How it feels

I planned to make this and next chapter into one, but it turned out to be way too long (over 7000 words altogether) with all the things I wanted to include (and all probably unneeded descriptions my brain considered necessary at the time), so I split it in two. This one is much shorter.

Leaving Levia by the road, I go off to the forest and stop by the stream around a few hundred meters in, trusting the girl to stop anyone that would have the idea of coming here. And I’m right now having trouble with the outfit.

It's not like I don't know how to take it off, but it's awkward and I'm completely unaccustomed to such clothes. If I was a girl and had experience in wearing dresses I could probably take it off without any issues, but I right now I'm trying to understand how you are supposed to take this thing off.

Looking from downside it looks a fair bit like tight, very short pants or a girl's swimsuit, with the flexible fabric ending a few inches below my crotch and a bit further upwards as you get closer to the sides of my hips.

I’m not particularly opposed to wearing it since I have nothing to be ashamed of, and I like how it perfectly shows off my body, but if it covered a bit less, like those swimsuits that show whole hips up to your waist and barely cover more than underwear, I would get uncomfortable. Though I can't deny I'm self conscious of how much skin I have exposed.

Speaking of hips, there are also two large, curved metal plates on my hips. They are shiny black with small yellow engravings and look a tad like a metallic skirt, but they don’t cover my front and back at all, instead rounding whole hips from almost my waist to below crotch.

The similarities to swimsuits end at my hips though, because at the height of my pelvis the husky black fabric is cut off.

Upwards there are only two stripes of half a foot wide fabric that start above my ass cheeks, cross on my back, and wrap around my lower back and belly up to my boobs, leaving out a small triangle above my butt most likely for the tail. It also seems to have some kind of enhancement or whatever it is that makes the fabric stick to my skin no matter how far I bend, which is honestly really useful.

The two stripes slide under a large metal plate in the same style as the ones on my hips, covering most of my chest tightly and keeping it in place as I move, which I’m really thankful for since I’m not getting distracted by my boobs jiggling with each step. As a side note, it covers only my boobs and mostly from downside and front, leaving my cleavage largely exposed and armpits and ribs without any protection, instead preserving my flexibility.

The back is also scarcely covered since the two stripes of fabric keeping my upper dress in place are wrapped around my waist and are connected to the chest part on my midriff. There is instead a triangle of fabric covering my boobs and sternum and connected at the front with a small leathery collar on my neck that keeps the dress in place. It leaves my shoulders and collarbones completely bare.

I reach out my hands and open the collar, quickly discovering it has a small clasp on the back of my neck. I try to pull the dress off me and mostly succeed, though I quickly notice that the breastplate is supposed to be detachable so I put the collar back for a moment. I reach to the sides of my chest and fumble around for a while, finding two small straps on each side of the breastplate hidden under elongated pieces of metal.

I pull them aside and unfasten the straps, disconnecting the breastplate quickly and discovering that it is merely an addition supposed to be attached to the thing after you wear it and not a permanent part of the outfit.

Under the breastplate, as expected, is a stretch of thin, like, uh, quarter-transparent flexible fabric covering my whole boobs, same as above. It actually doesn’t look bad without the breastplate. I guess it would be a nice idea to wear it normally with another piece covering my boobs that would look more... representative and not sit there just for protection. And to keep my boobs in place.

And it looks surprisingly sexy and arousing like that. I mean, it’s that kind of fabric that gives you the impression of being a bit transparent, but isn’t indecent in any way. If you try to see below the fabric you won’t actually be able to make out anything because it’s black and just a bit too dense.

It’s only on my boobs like that though, the rest, including the two stripes connected to the piece under around my midriff, are colored in husky black.

Hm, I guess it's easier to take off than I anticipated. I take the collar off again and put my finger under the fabric, then pull it away from my skin. I reveal smooth skin of my boobs, accidentally stretching the fabric to the point of being almost transparent. Ooops.

Without thinking too much on the topic I pull it down to my belly and immediately get distracted by a funny, but... good sensation of my boobs getting released and finally resting naturally, which combined with the light breeze in the forest sends new feelings to my brain that take a while to get used to.

When I regain my composure I immediately stump on another problem, being the hip, uh, hip guards? How is this thing supposed to be called?

I fumble around them for a long while, looking for straps similar to those the breastplate was attached to, and after a while find eight of them, two each on my waist and two each on my hips, which is a bit annoying to get unfastened. I do it relatively quickly though and I’m left with all three metal pieces on the ground, then I carefully pull the dress down my hips and ass.

And after I step out of the dress and stand up quickly, throwing my hair behind me as if it was normal, an indescripable wave of tickles and soft, gentle brushes falls on my back, making my eyes widen and sending shivers through my whole body in how fantastic it feels. Fuck, why didn't I feel it before? Was it the dress doing something?

I don’t need help to instantly realize it’s my wild hair flowing down my back, and I reach out my hand to feel it.

And holy shit, it feels somehow so fantastic, so… Damn, I don’t even know how to describe it. But I'm grinning. Wide.

I pull a bunch of hair to my front and run my hand through it, immediately getting distracted by how it gently brushes my breasts and my nipples, sending another wave of tingles through my body, and I notice that my nipples even start hardening a bit, only making me further distracted.

Have you ever put your hand in a fluffy cushion or something and it felt so good you wanted to just keep running your hand through it?

It’s a bit similar feeling, but on my whole back, whole chest, and it’s my hair, and it doesn’t stop on feeling pleasant, it also feels good, and it feels right.


For a while I only turn my head around and run my hand through my hair, losing myself in the feeling.

After I collect myself with some effort, taking a deep breath to calm down my heart and something swirling in happiness in my stomach, I pick the dress up, my... my labia twitching lightly with that as I feel soft wind brushing it and my thighs rubbing together, sending a strange, new sensation to my brain. And I... don't mind it? I like it? I don't know what to make of my feelings right now.

I ignore it for now and take the dress to the stream, rubbing it in amateurish moves, since I know the theory, but have never washed anything past my body before, and letting water flow through it.

And constantly getting distracted by my boobs and my soft skin. Uh.

I then let the dress rest on a nearby rock, a pity sun is not shining here but it’s no surprise considering it’s a forest in the evening, and attempt to wash myself, which turns out to be, in a way, a hard task.

I have no basin or anything of the sort, so I crouch in the stream and gather water in my hands, then splash it on my skin and rub it, attempting to get rid of all the ashes, starting with my hair.

Holy shit, it feels so good.

Running my hands through my wet hair and cleaning it.

When I was a man, it didn’t feel half this good.

I get interrupted for a moment by my horns, that by the way are pleasantly hard and slick to the touch, and I clean them a bit with my hands, though I’m not sure what to do with them apart from that.

And they are really thick. I didn’t pay attention before, but they are thick enough for me to be unable to wrap my hands around them closer to the base, which is a lot even with my small hands. They are almost as thick as my forearms.

After cleaning my hair somewhat properly, to my knowledge at least because I don’t know a lot about it, and I’ll really need to learn, I then proceed to scrub the rest of my body from my head down.

I rub my shoulders and arms, surprising myself with my muscles that are firmer and stronger than you would expect from a girl, but not to the point of being tough and hard, only to that point where they give in a bit if you touch them and you can feel the strong muscle shifting under your hand if you press strong enough.

I then proceed to scrubbing my chest, and pause immediately at the difference I forgot to take into equation for a while that aches a bit from the rough touch.

My breasts.

As a side note, I now properly realize they are very firm. Round, more than you might expect, and sticking out slightly past my chest to the sides, but not like fucking melons, instead rather firmly embedded in my chest. Drooping a bit, of course, but less than you would expect from a human, a bit like jelly. Wow, my comaprisons are marvellous.

But, uh, what am I supposed to do with them?

I mean, fuck, wrong question.

I am supposed to rub them and clean them, maybe without rub, but, I’m not sure if I’m, like, prepared for that.

I carefully cup my hands around my boobs, my breath hitching for a moment as I feel my small hands, much smaller and more delicate than before and not even large enough to cover my whole breasts, pressing against the soft and firm at the same time skin.

I move my thumbs slowly, wondering at the semi-soft, uh, boob, that sinks significantly, but only under considerably large force.

It’s a strange feeling, and impossible for me to describe properly.

It kinda reminds of the time two years ago when I didn’t pay proper attention to my health and got some fat on me, then was lamenting over a moldable lump of fat on my stomach. I started training a bit then, and it was at this time that I discovered the joy of martial arts in VR.

It feels kinda similar to that, but with the first and foremost difference being that it doesn’t feel bad at all, the opposite of that.

And I don’t mean in sexual context, but it, uh, it just feels good, damn it!

Don’t ask me to describe why it feels good to knead and rub my boobs, but I really like it.

As a side note, my first impression of my boobs stands.

I mean, they are firm, not exactly bouncy, and you don’t feel like you put your hand in a bag of water, more like milk actually, when you touch it, instead it’s more like, uh, between a ball of soft rubber and a jelly cushion? A bit like soft muscle, but not quite.

Damn, I don’t think I can accurately describe it, and I don’t think it’s how human breast should feel like and instead it’s something more or less unique to Star Demoness.

Oh well, let’s get back to some more productive topic, hm?

I continue rubbing my body, this time my back and belly, surprising myself once again with the firmness of the muscles on my back. I guess wings need some strong muscle to support them.

I then proceed down, and get stumped once again.

After short deliberation I decide it’s better not to leave that place out for a number of reasons, if only for my sanity and comfort afterwards.

I bite my lip lightly, and oh shit, that’s another thing. Only now I reach my fingers to my lips and feel them properly, and damn, that feels interesting. My lips are not really as plump as you would get if you had a surgery or how some people have, but are full and smooth, completely different from what I had as a man.

Shaking my head, I carefully spread my legs and reach my hand down, rubbing my fingers on the sides of my vagina, noticing offhandedly that the skin near it is pinkish with light yellow tinge, just like my nipples.

I carefully rub the sides, cleaning it thoroughly, maybe a bit too thoroughly, and trying to ignore the sensation my brain receives, and gasp in surprise and shock as one of my fingers accidentally slips inside, sending a bolt of lightning through my body.

Ow, ow, shit, wow, shit.

It’s not a bad feeling, but, fuck.

...I'm... hot down there. Why didn't I notice it earlier?

Uuuh, cool down, damn it. I don't need to... get horny before going back to Levia. To... to Levia. The image of her face appears in my mind like a damned popup ad, blows away a large part of my reason and I feel myself losing with... myself.

Levia... Levia...

Before I realize it I feel my arm on my itching, almost begging croth and rubbing it lightly, carefully, fearfully, and oh so soothingly and incredibly excitingly at the same time. And so... correctly. Fantastically. Oh god.

I hear a splash behind me and notice my ass in the water, my balance and consciousness already not in optimal state and becoming even less with each wave that shakes my whole body, flowing from my crotch and ending in a shiver in my toes and fingers. I steady myself with my other arm, but a moment later I don't consciously notice I lift it upwards until I touch my hard nipple lighty. I circle my sharp nail around it and I almost smile at another delightful sensation making a mess out of me.

Almost smile, because I moan loudly, unable to keep my voice without external support as I pinch my nipple and I arch my back, only in the corner of my mind noticing I have at some point fallen down to lie on my back. Maybe it's better this way.

I feel... incredible heat building up in me. I.. have never felt it... but I know what it means. I know what I feel, and I know...

My hips move on their own without a conscious thought from me and I slip a finger between the folds, my folds, and I don't even know at which point I started to groan loudly, delightfully when I move my finger slowly and faster with each moment. I feel the warmth building up, I barely even feel myself trying to press my begging for more core into something, to give myself more of... of... of something so clear and yet not really possible to put into words, but very much related to Levia, and at some point I realize I've been clawing deep ridges in the ground and shattering stones under my claws, and suddenly I...

I collapse with a spasm into the stream, my body shakes with delight, with pleasure dancing in my body and limbs like lightning and I think I'm moaning giddily with overwhelming euphoria and almost screaming in both happiness and dizzy pleasure, all this with one image burned into my mind and ruling my thoughts.

Holy fuck. I'd just... I'd just... masturbated. As a girl. And to a girl. To Levia. Holy fuck. I have no idea how I should feel about it.

Apart from the absolutely delightful sensation that still lingers in my body. In this matter I feel absolutely wonderful. Not only in the way of... what I feel, and I can't deny it's much better to my few times as a man, but I'm happy to just... experience it.

I'm relieved that I could put into action what I feel. And... a large bit of it is related to Levia. Oh, god damn.

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