Power Punch

Chapter 57 – Beast

Time to uphold the promise from before the break.

So, condense, stay in shape, don't burn. Explode and turn to heat and flames when touched by Nihility.

"Alright. Gimme a bit of Nihility." I say and get a small stick made out of Nihility.

I poke the tiny ball that feels volatile to my magic sense and there is a loud sound as it explodes in a small, yellow flash and some heat that wafts to me. Yup, so that works.

Alright. Condense, stay in shape, don't burn, maintain the same temperature as its surroundings. Your purpose shall be to explode and turn to heat and flames when you get in direct contact with Nihility.

I look at the tiny ball of Primordial Energy in my hands containing around half a percent of my reserves. It feels... volatile, almost the same as before, so it should be good. I glance at Letty standing on my side behind a transparent shield. Nope, I'm not giving it to her in this state, because she'd only blow her hands apart.

Get a tiny bit of my reserves and form a layer around it with the same properties that would protect its insides from Nihility, and leave an open circle in the back. Hm, looks good. Though... Also, explode if the temperature around it increases drastically in a short moment. We don't want this energy going to waste, now do we? Now the shell also feels volatile, but sort of... milder? Hard to put it into words.

I take the empty shell of Nihility from Letty's outstretched hand and try to put the ball inside it, but as expected the shapes don't match. Hm. You compress itself... now it fits... so decompress a bit and stop when it sticks to the edges of the shell. Mhm, looks good. Now I have a container with a small hole on one side for the bullet, larger hole on the other that will be covered by the primer, and a highly volatile charge of Primordial Energy inside.

"Alright. That should work." I say to Letty and pass the container to her. "Put the bullet and the primer here, and check if it shoots. I set it to detonate when the inner part is touched by Nihility."

My girlfriend extends thin threads of Nihility with the bullet and the primer and quickly attaches them to the shell while holding it all before her shield. A tense moment later and she gets it around the shield and puts it into a small chamber in her forearm. The barrel, by the way, is in place of her index finger. Another point for Deus ex Machina. No need to hide weapons if you have them inside your body in the first place. Well, I guess I use only my body as a weapon, but the point stands that I don't think I would be able to do what she just did.

"You sure?" I ask her and she looks at me questioningly. "I mean, I don't know how powerful that explosion will be. It can very well disintegrate your arm." I raise my eyebrows suggestively and she blinks.

"Ah, alright." She nods and I see her arm splitting at the elbow and floating away on a few thin threads of Nihility. Well, that works.

When it gets around five meters away Letty aims it at a small target out of Nihility she put around fifty meters away.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Shoot." I reply and there is a loud booming sound and flash of light as the arm in the air jerks back and falls down to the ground.

Almost at the same moment I see the target gaining a fresh hole a lot off from its center with a loud sound of bullet piercing metal barely at the outer layer.

"Ow." Letty says and pulls the arm to her by a new set of threads. "That was a lot stronger than I expected." She glances at me and adds in quieter voice. "Almost as hot as you."

I smile in response, looking at the arm, and indeed, that explosion was something. Her arm was far from disintegrating, but far from remaining intact as well. I'd say half-melted. The center where the chamber is... or was, looks like it's missing a few large parts while what's left is red hot so out of shape it would be hard to tell what it was before if I didn't know. The two ends of the arm are connected by little more than the reinforced frame, which was still slightly bent out of shape. Additionally, the barrel is fractured, slightly widened, and steaming hot at the base. Actually, the whole thing is red from the heat radiating from it. And that definitely shouldn't have happened.

"Alright. You good? Can you go on?" I ask.

"Sure, just gimme a moment to rebuild it all." Letty says, sending two swarms of nanobots, one that starts dismantling the scrapped arm, and another to her forearm, which starts regrowing quickly.

"I'm pretty sure I unnecessarily made it release more heat." I say thoughtfully. No normal explosion should melt so much of the gun. Blow apart, yes, if it is way too powerful for the gun, but not heat it to the degree it's red and steaming. And I have to add it's Letty's Nihility, which is pretty damn strong - at least from ordinary steel, because I'm not sure how magical metals would compare.

"Gimme another bullet?" I ask. "And put the primer in from the beginning. I need only one hole." Hm, let's hope she doesn't understand it the wrong way. It would certainly be good out of context.

"Alright." Letty answers and offhandedly makes another shell, this time already closed off from the back, then tosses it to me.

I catch it and already having the idea in my mind I smear the edges of the cartridge with flames that cling to things, I think that's just about the equivalent of Sticky Flame from my talent tree, and give it the same properties as the outer layer previously had, just that I make it explode into hot air, not just radiate heat. After that I fill the inside with normal volatile energy, also making it release as little heat as possible.

This time I use much less energy for that, around forty percent of the previous value, since I don't want it to blow Letty's arm apart if anything happens. And, in any case, it's better to have a weapon that's safe to use and doesn't destroy itself than one that is significantly stronger, but poses a danger both to itself and to the user.

"You could make them smaller, by the way. I can fit a lot of Primordial Energy in the air inside the bullet." I say to my girlfriend as I give a final check to the shell. "Actually, I should also be able to fill gunpowder with it? Can you make it?"

"No, I can't." Letty shakes her head, taking the bullet and putting it into the chamber on her forearm. "Or at least I didn't manage to do that, and I've tried."

 "Alright." I nod and look attentively as Letty disengages her forearm again and floats it a few meters away on the threads. "I made it much weaker than the previous one, by the way."

"Okay. Ready?" She raises her eyebrows, focusing and pointing the barrel at the target.

"Shoot." I nod and head two successive loud sounds, one from the gun, which jerks back distinctly, and other from the target as the bullet hits a little above the inner circle.

"Looks good." I comment. "No damage?"

"Negligible." Letty replies with a grin, pulling the arm back to her and attaching it where it should be. "Wanna test a bit more?" She asks with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Alright. Are we logging out now? Or is there something else you want to do?" I ask as Letty is sitting on my side and doing some fine-touching to the gun in her forearm.

"We can log out." She glances at me and nods after a moment, although she wanted to say something more judging from the slight flush of her cheeks. "I've still a few blueprints to check, but nothing dangerous like the gun. I'll be making more of them as well, but now that we know it works I can take my time."

Hm, yeah, it indeed works. We tested a bit more after the first successful shot and Letty managed to make a machine gun, basically. Since she already had the blueprint, she only built it in her arm and was able to shoot almost a hundred of my bullets in ten seconds. The only limiter is my speed of filling the shells, which is pretty damn slow. Even if I accelerate my perception by a thousand times, enabling me to make a few hundred bullets in seconds real time, it uses my whole Primordial Energy capacity. The real rate is around ten per minute, though that says a lot about the punch they pack.

When I was around it, I also finally checked how long it takes me to regenerate my energy to full. Letty counted a bit more than forty minutes, though I have no idea what and how will affect my regeneration, so that number is more for reference than anything else. Certainly not precise calculations.

By the way, her own time was just above an hour.

"Okay." I nod my head in response to my girlfriend's suggestion and bring out the panel with the log out button. I hover my finger over the thing and glance at Letty with a small smirk. "See you on the other side. Don't miss me." I mutter and give her a small kiss to her lips, then press the button.

The world becomes blank, and the next thing I notice is the quiet sound of the opening door to my pod and the liquid I was submerged in draining quickly. I walk out of the thing a bit unsteadily, dripping with the remains of the viscous fluid from the pod, and stretch my body a bit with a groan, then turn to the other pod, which is just opening.

I watch with a grin as Letty stumbles out of it with the liquid splashing around a bit and I catch her dripping body before she can regain her balance by herself. Not like she couldn't, but I definitely prefer it this way.

"Welcome back." I say with a wide smile and plant a kiss on her lips wet from the fluid, making it a completely foreign experience. No less fantastic.

"Mmm." Letty mumbles with flushed cheeks and a slight twinkle in her eyes when we separate. "Let's go dress ourselves."

I follow her without protests as she walks through the corridor and to the bathroom. "I'll need to switch things up here." She mutters.

"Hm?" I prompt her to continue.

"Um, there is a bit too little space here, and I can't put everything I want without cramming it. I'll probably need to use some of the lower deck, and I think I could do a lot more than some refurnishing if I'm already going to put a hole through the floor."

"And you have your Nihility." I comment and she nods in confirmation, opening the door to the simple white bathroom. "Actually wait, do we really need to shower?" I blurt out at a sudden thought and Letty looks at me, opening her mouth to reply, and closes it.

"...Hm, yeah, we don't." She nods after a while and blushes slightly, glancing at the shower. "Do you want to do it anyway?"

"Nah." I reply with a grin. "I'd rather do that in bed." Did I guess right? Her thoughts, not mine.

A blink. And a beet red face. I grin even wider when Letty stays silent and her mind seems to be rebooting after a critical error.

"Um, okay. Cool." She squeaks out and a swarm of Nihility rushes out of her and covers her body. When she is revealed again, her skin completely clean of the liquid, though I see that she dumps it into the shower instead of absorbing it into her body. Hm.

"Could you clean me up as well?" I ask and Letty turns to me with wide open eyes and hesitates for a long while. "Your Nihility is much better for that." I think. Maybe.

"...Okay." She mumbles finally and another swarm of Nihility rushes out of her to me, and I close my eyes as it flows over me and lightly scrubs every vestige of the liquid. Mhm, niiice~, though she could be a bit... rougher. Ehehe.

"Hm, I never asked before, what is this liquid actually for? My pod didn't have it." I ask curiously, though Letty could also use a distraction now.

"Um, those are vertical pods, so submerging the body in a liquid of the same density is the easiest way to hold it upright. And it is also filled with some agents that prevent any damage to the body, and in your case a lot more things, like something that would keep your skin nice and smooth. And many other things that are really hard to do otherwise." Letty explains as she somewhat hesitantly heads out of the bathroom and to the next door, being our bedroom.

"Why hold it upright though?"

"It's uh... I'm not sure, they were minor things. Not like we need it now, but it mattered before. I'd need a moment to recall the details." My girlfriend mumbles, closing the door behind us and turning to me, then stopping in place and not knowing what to do, with her eyes hesitant and yet eagerly devouring my visible features and curves, making my heart beat a little faster. Damn, I've kinda really been waiting for... that. For us to be alone. I don't think I exactly want it... but I really feel like it.

"Been waiting for this?" I ask quietly with a smirk and with a tiny shiver of anticipation. Can't stop myself, huh?

"...Mmm." She nods her head, not needing words to convey the suppressed emotions now spilling to her expression.

I step up to her with a smile and narrowed eyes and wrap my arms around her body, then kiss her lightly on her small, full, cold lips. She seems to finally get some confidence and reciprocates happily with a swirl of unintelligible emotions in her eyes locked with mine, kissing my lips, then going to the side and to my jaw, then to my neck. I exhale a hot, shaky breath as she looks back up with slightly... predatory expression. And eyes.

Galaxies, really. No matter how long I look at them, I can't get bored of them. Bottomless.

I barely notice Letty move before she leans forward and locks our lips again, this time much more quickly and hungrily. I finally snap out of it when she presses my lips open with her tongue and starts to explore my mouth eagerly, sending tingles down my spine. Oh my.

I trail my hands down her back to her little ass and lift her up as we are still connected with our lips, and I quickly turn around and take my girlfriend to the bed. I feel her arms around me as she holds me tight, and I feel her body against mine as she shifts slightly to deliver yet another delightful graze and little bite.

When I finally put her on the bed and straddle her lap, Letty suddenly pulls me to the side and throws me onto the bed. And the next thing I notice as she jumps to me and sits on my hips is something pressing my horns down. I growl into my girlfriend's lips as she pushes them further and my head tilts back, but all I can feel is not anger, but... excitement.

Or horniness, or eagerness, or however you want to call it, point is, she is turning me on. Am I really so simple?

I put my arms around her again and bite her lips a bit, but all I earn is a new pair of arms growing under Letty's already occupied pair, and she practically slams my arms down and holds them in place. Oh holy fuck.

I stretch my wings and cover us with them blocking most of the light and hiding our figures in a shade, and at this point Letty grows a third pair of arms and reaches to my body. Oh gosh. She's going to...

My girlfriend places her hands over my breasts and grazes them lightly, making me puff out hot air into her lips with a shudder, and if initially hesitantly, she starts increasing her pace and intensity. Oh wow. Holy shit. I need... okay, I have my tail still. And lips.

I bite Letty's lips again lightly and stretch my tail to her neck, then trail it over her spine slowly. I see the surprise in her eyes and momentary rigidness in her body when I just barely graze her spine, and growl in satisfaction at the already distinct pause in her moves when I get to her lower back.

A moment later I moan inadvertently when she pinches my nipple and I notice she slides a bit down, looking at me somewhat nervously and growing the fourth pair of arms, and... oh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh oh my gosh she going to do that. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.

And I feel her finger on my navel and I snarl like a beast and growl, snapping my head upwards and pushing Vi up with enough strength to flip us around. She lands heavily with her legs spread wide, and I lie on top of her, holding myself up with my arms and growling with my chest heaving up and down, shivering like after waking up from a nightmare.

I look into eyes wide open in surprise, shock, and almost fear, and I wait a moment for my breathing to slow down, then pull myself onto her belly with a probably animalistic grin.

That felt so... amazingly conflicting. It was hurting my Pride. I wanted to satisfy Letty, and it didn't let me. And yet it was... euphoric. It was absolute bliss, and at the same time it was so... defyingly... fuck. I can't fucking describe it! It's like... it's like... quite like drugs, frankly. But better. I don't fucking know!

It's just...

I'm pressing my girlfriend down, grinning with exposed teeth and breathing hot air, and staring down at her with such intense gaze it would melt if it could. So dominating, you would think, and so... begging, needy, and horny like a Demoness in heat. I don't know if that's a thing, but if it is, then I'm probably even worse now.

I'm practically boiling. Even my Demonic Flame is blazing like I've never seen. Fuck, I was never so horny in my life. And so excited. And so... just fucking everything. And I think I know why.

"Vi." I growl and she flinches lightly with apologetic expression.

"I'm so-."

"Bring me down." I growl in a tone not permitting any refusal, and I wait for her, bringing my hands to her belly and rubbing it lightly.

I watch intensely as Letty looks up at me uncertainly, and I see as her eyes shift from hesitance and apology, through realization and understanding, to intense, eager gaze drilling into me when she slowly wraps her hands around my horns. Oh fuck, again. And now that we're both focusing on it, it's...

And she lifts me up by my horns, and I let out something between an angry snarl and a loud moan at the moment she kisses my neck vigorously and trails her lips upwards.

Oh fuck yes.

When Vi locks our lips in an intense, leading kiss, I growl and try bringing my arms up to her body. This time... I don't even reach to her chest before another pair of arms catches mine and holds them up in the air, exposing my boobs in all their glory, and I have only my tail and lips to use.

I reach out with my tail and place the flat of it on Letty's belly, and she retaliates with a bite that takes a whimper out of my mouth, and she leans into an intense, steaming kiss as another pair of arms grazes the downside of my boobs and sends another inexplicable wave of feelings down my spine that makes me shiver.

Oh fuck yes. Just- like that.

Fight me!

Defeat me!

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