Power Punch

Chapter 52 – Terror

<Helia's POV>

I take a deep breath and look around the battlefield with fifteen corpses of Water Serpents laying around, and let out the air in what probably is a sigh of disappointment. They attacked us when our guard was down, one of ours was absent because we didn't expect them to attack now, and what? No excitement, no thrill of battle.

I'll need to handicap myself next time, because what I enjoy is a challenge, not pointless slaughter.

I look to my side at Letty, who has already absorbed her blades and is similarly looking around the battlefield. I notice her field of Nihility being out and I see as she moves it around and into one of the corpses by her feet. She quickly locates the core in the back of its skull and another string of Nihility plunges there and pulls out the mana stone.

Wait, her field is moving?

Can't I... I'm so stupid. Hehe. Damn, why didn't I think of it before?

Can I do that? I might even be able to look inside myself if I make use of it. Let's see... first accelerate my perception a hundred times or so, because we don't want me spacing out here too much.

With that done, I focus on the edge of my perception field... it might be a good name actually, and I try to, hm, push it away? It doesn't work... Hm, but like it is with space, you can't really push it away, but you need to stretch it. So, can I do that?

I attempt to stretch out the edge of my perception field, and... it becomes thin and less clear. Not whole perception field, but the stretched out part. I assume that I have only certain, uh, perceptive power or something, and I can stretch out my field at the expense of reduced clarity of the image. That's still a good deal though, because in many cases I just need to know if something is in my vicinity, and if I know something is there, I can approach it and reduce the range to inspect it closely.

Hm, what about compressing my range? Let's do it on my whole field... I attmpt to compress the field and it gets reduced to like ten meters instead of twenty five, and the clarity of what I feel is much better. Not to the point of suddenly being able to see some incredible details, but I can, for one, more easily tell how much energy the people around me have in their cores. Letty, for example, I'm pretty sure used up around five percent of her reserve. Not sure where it went, but yeah.

With that said though, it doesn't really solve my issue with being unable to see my insides. I mean, technically it does, but if I attempted to stretch my field so much, I would only see a blurry spot where the star in me should be.

Though, hm, if I can stretch it out not uniformly, but only in certain place, as I did a moment ago, can I move it or something? I experimentally will my perception field to move to the side a bit, and it does. It's no longer centered on me, but right now on Catherine, who is standing on Letty's side and glancing at me.

Um, is it something important...? Nah, she's asking about the fight just now.

Let's get back to my studies. Though, wow, I did get lost in thought there.

Anyway, if I can compress and stretch out my field, I can move it, and I can change its shape, it seems I have pretty much complete control over it and I can do whatever with it. Or... can I compress it only from one side? Or, like, make a rod out of it?

Hm. I quickly manage to make this thing into an ellipsoid, but I'm not satisfied. I do some more mental gymnastics and get a cylinder in result. And an important thing is that the clarity of the field is still uniform, because I changed the shape of the field without affecting its volume, not stretched it into a cylinder.

So that is also doable. In short, I can do just about anything with the perception field.

Now let's use it to see inside me, which I wanted to do for a long while, but wasn't sure how. Now... I guess it would be best to move the whole sphere down my stomach... or actually, isn't it already inside my stomach? I mean, why would it get suddenly cut off? It should be reaching inside, but not detecting anything either because of lack of range or being stretched too wide. Or yet something else.

Hm, first, one more thing to check. Can I extend the perception field, uh, out of me? I attempt to move it far to the side... and yup. I can, and there is no problem with that apart from the fact that I don't see myself and my surroundings, which might be pretty dangerous.

So let's do the same with inserting it into my belly, I guess. Though, uh, now let's not get ahead of ourselves and stuff a ten meter sphere into a half a foot one, because I'm not sure how to go about that. I return the perception field to me and compress it to an inch, getting assaulted by a lot of unnecessary information about my muscle structure... that actually doesn't tell me anything because the focus is still too small, and push it into the sphere in my stomach.

...And I don't see anything. Ooops. Lemme pull it out... yup, no problems with that. Hm. Stretch it out, put it over my stomach, and compress while having it centered on my stomach... shit.

There is a dot inside. A speck of Primordial Energy in a sea of nothingness. Or no, there is a sort of haze on the edges, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe those spikes? And when I zoom in... around a thousand times, the dot grows into a small, dense ball, while I'm still aware that the tiny, compressed perception field is in the center of the sphere in my belly. Also, just like it is with stars, the outer layer is kind of bubbling lazily while the core is densest and most active.

Wow. Unfortunately, looking at it doesn't give me much insight into how it works, but the energy feels... both scary, like a predator, and kind, sharing. I'm guessing it has to do with that it seems to consume whatever comes inside and turn it into energy for me to use, which is a bit like a carnivorous animal living in symbiosis with a plant, like it is in one peculiar monster case somewhere on Beholder's Eye. Haven't seen the thing yet, but I saw it somewhere on forums.

Though, where are the spikes that I saw when Letty analyzed me? Hm. I attempt to move the sphere to the side and suddenly it gets filled with a rather low density of Primordial Energy. Hm. Yeah, it's probably that.

But, as much as it pains me to say, unless I want to spend a long while trying to understand this thing, I can only go back empty-handed. Surface analysis won't lead me anywhere past what I already know or have guessed. But, well, seeing the thing is already a sort of achievement in itself.

Also, hm, I'm pretty sure my brain works in the same manner, and Letty said it has a lot of room for growth, so I'd like to check it out as well in more detail than I did up to now.

And I feel a spike of pain in the back of my head and I suddenly black out. I mean, I lose the input from my eyes. My hearing and touch as well, if we're at it. I mean, what the hell?

I quickly decompress my perception field in alarm and the first thing I see is my body falling onto the ground with an ice spike flying out of my head and away while trailing golden blood.

Well, well, well. Someone seems not to value their lives, and it's not Daria.

I see the whole group looking at me, startled, and I see Letty letting out a panicked scream as she runs up to me. Oh, so painfully stretched out.

I feel the Wrath in me rise and blaze in rage, but I forcefully reign it in. Just a little. Don't want going out of control now, do we?

Before I heal myself of anything, I stretch out my perception field to find the assailant, because I assume the enemy, presumably an assassin, is still nearby. One hundred meters... two hundred meters... and there it is. A large concentration of mana, and although it lacks any details because of the range, I can still see it's a vaguely humanoid shape. It's up in the trees, and I'm pretty sure it's facing our group, though it's hard to tell.

Now, back to myself. Hm... focus the perception field, and first let's burn and cleanse the wound, then regenerate it all and close up the hole. Hm. I'm kinda really calm right now. Definitely calmer than I should by human standards, considering that I just had my head pierced.

Hm, alright, the would is closing up nicely, the skull is already healed, so I can regrow my brain back from my Flame...


Hm, oh, right. My brain only reduces the strain and energy usage for controlling my body, but the actual thinking is done in my Demonic Flame. Cool, cool. I dunno how I know that, but I appreciate the info... wait, that means I'm immortal. I mean, destroying my body doesn't mean anything if I can regenerate from my core.

Alright, cool. I like it.

Getting back to the issue at hand, I regrow my brain like it's supposed to be and use a bit of Primordial Energy to rise up from the ground and put myself upright. Paying attention to do it at normal speed. I smile at Letty, who is looking at me with an incredibly relieved expression and vestiges of tears in her eyes. Oh, man, you're so fucking dead, whoever did that.

So let's focus on the guy in the trees who seems to be preparing some kind of spell since some time ago. I tighten my perception field and shape it into a cylinder, and now I can see the man properly. He is short, rather slim, and is wearing a loose cape, but he has no weapons on him. Only magic, if I had to guess, though he has a lot of pouches on his hips and a belt going over his shoulder the contents of which I can't identify at first glance. All that points towards a scout or magical assassin, and the latter, needless to say, is more likely.

As I'm inspecting him, the spell goes off and sends another bolt in my direction, flying at around three hundred meters per second. Still subsonic, but barely. Would be a lot if not for my accelerated perception.

Funny. I stretch out my arm and catch the slightly larger bolt of ice heading straight at Letty's head with my fingers, nullifying it's force. Hm. It's a bit different than the last one? The mana in it feels really sharp and cold, and it also has a dark element inside. Don't tell me he didn't use his all on his first attack? Or her thought Letty is stronger? Either would be... a little pathetic.

No matter. I accelerate my perception of time back to what it is supposed to be, since I don't think I will need it accelerated, and I hear a cacophony of noises assaulting my ears. I ignore all of them since they are not from Letty, who has turned around from me to where I am looking with a huge frown, and get a lot of Primordial Energy to my wings.

And now beat my wings a few times to lift myself higher, tilt to the front, focus on the man's position as he jumps away... and beat my wings, with the Primordial Energy in them pushing me away through the air explosively. I'm feeling... a bit showy today.

A massive shockwave is created under my wings as I fly forward with no less a hundred meters per second of velocity, and flattens the grass and some of the people looking up at me. I ignore all that, adjusting my wings to fly straight at the man jumping between trees and my perception field to be focused on him, and I see his terrified face just before I fly up to him, grab him by the neck, and stop in place with a booming sound from my wings flaring open.

The assassin screams in pain as his head is close to being ripped off his neck, and the mana in his body starts rotating as he prepares some sort of spell. He kicks my leg and only manages to hurt his foot. Pffft, give me a break.

Rampage. The man screams piercingly in pain again as I see the mana in his body starting to thrash around uncontrollably and damaging his body. He starts bleeding... from everywhere, basically. Ears, eyes, mouth, nose, skin, nails. Oh, dear, we don't want him dying, do we?

Cease. The mana in his body stops for a moment and returns to its natural flow, and the man coughs out a mouthful of blood I offhandedly direct to my side and starts breathing deeply, sharply, as I hold his limp body in the air and contemplate what to do.

Before I am able to decide anything I notice Letty approaching me quickly from behind me and looking at me and the man I'm holding with a heavy frown.

"Helia?" She asks hesitantly.

"Mhm, I'm fine." I say, turning to her with a smile. "Sorry for scaring you like that."

I see Letty wrinkling her nose and she rushes forward, hugging me tightly with tearful expression.

"I thought... I thought you died." She sobs quietly and I wrap my arms around her, dropping the man to the ground without a care, and trail my hand over her hair comfortingly.

"Mhm, sorry." I mutter softly. "But at least I learned I am practically immortal, so that's a plus. Even out of VOW."

"Huh? Seriously?" My girlfriend asks, looking at me with eyes wide open.

"Yup. Not that I'm itching to check, but I'm pretty sure I can regenerate from nothing as long as I have energy." I say with a grin and Letty hugs me tightly, taking a deep, shaky breath.

"...I'm glad." She mutters and smiles. "I don't want to lose you after all we went through."

"And all we have before us." I add with a grin and trail my finger over her belly to below her navel, making her sqeak quietly in surprise and look at me with accusation.

"Helia." She says sternly, though not without the happy and giddy undertone, and I grin, turning my hand around and placing it on her belly, and lean forward to give her a kiss on her lips.

We separate a moment leter, I returning to the serious demeanor from before and Letty smiling happily, when I notice Grant appearing in my perception field. I turn to him and notice the assassin's mana signature moving to Grant, who running quickly to us, while he is invisible to my eyes.

Oh, this fucking... My mood immediately drops down as the assassin appears behind Grant with a knife held to the latter's neck.

"You! Don't move, or I'll kill him!" He shouts, but I hear the quake of terror in his voice, and the hunter makes a terrified face I completely ignore.

I wait a few seconds as the assassin breathes heavily and a few more of our group come running from behind, Catherine and Daria at the forefront, and stop as they see the scene. "As far as I'm concerned, you were only a hired assassin before now." I say finally and both him and Grant look at me in confusion.

"Now, you're resorting to threats and hostages. Do you know what that means?" I ask with raised eyebrows and I see the man's mouth quivering nervously.

"Shut up! Back on the ground!" She shouts in response.

"No, I don't think I will." I say and command the mana in his arms to move to the sides. And drag the matter along.

His arm holding the knife is suddenly jolted to the side and torn off his shoulder, his other arm holding Grant, where I used a bit less force, only snaps to the side and gets broken from the looks of it, and the man himself screams and falls to the ground heavily. I then wave my arm and pull his body towards me, then hold him by his neck in front of me.

I grin, exposing my long fangs, and look into his terrified eyes impassively for a long while.

"What you did means that you are no longer only my enemy." I say slowly and he looks at me in confusion, before I tear away all the mana in his body, including that infused into it, and he lets out a short, piercing shriek of pain before his eyes roll to the back of his head and he goes limp in my arm. I get a bit of my flames to turn all mana from his body into Primordial Energy and refill a bit of my reserves with it.

Now, hm, focus my perception on his core, let a bit of Primordial energy inside... and mess it up, but leave it functioning. I hope my intent is clear enough? Hm, his core becomes sort of muddy and the mana stops flowing through it smoothly, instead seeping like through gravel. Good enough, I guess.

I fall back to the ground with a sigh and throw the assassin lightly to Grant's feet, who is looking at me with a mixture of fear, terror, and awe and flinches lightly when the body lands on the ground.

"He's yours. Interrogate him, kill him, whatever. I want to have him off my mind." I say and turn around. "Give me a moment to cool down." I say to the rest and beat my wings, shooting up into the trees and past them onto the open sky.

Letty joins me hesitantly a moment later, and I turn to her and hug her abruptly, burying my head in her chest. She raises her arms, for a moment unsure what to do, and then quietly wraps her arms around me and starts running her hand through my hair comfortingly.

I feel the suppressed Wrath in my core mellowing out and calming down slowly, and I sigh deeply.

"That was... funny." I mutter and feel Letty shifting in surprise. "I mean... I have fought a damn eldritch horror living under this island that could rip Black Harbor into pieces if it wanted, and now this guy comes and tries to do something. I expected my Pride to act up, but it didn't, and I think... it's because he was just so funnily weak. He wouldn't even scratch me if I wasn't distracted."

"Ah. So you're not angry at him?" Letty asks.

"...A bit. I'm much more angry at myself for allowing myself to be hit and for worrying you." I mutter. "I'm sorry."

I raise my head and kiss her lightly on her lips, looking into her violet eyes and smiling as her face splits into a wide, embarrassed smile. I hug her again and we stay like that in the air for a long while, enjoying each other's embrace.

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm a little like with many things I do, but better late than never.

I have some unimportant news to tell you all along with that. I'm turning eighteen this month! That means no minor problems, no needing parents' approval for various things (mostly law things), and generally it's good for me. I might also get a Patreon set up, if I'm on that? I know I've said that way too long ago and did nothing, so I'm actually not gonna promise anything. I'll instead give an update if I actually get something substantial done, which might take a long while cause I'm an unmotivated lazy bum at the moment.

Anyway. Happy New Year.

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