Power Punch

Chapter 37 – Little things

"You can go now? Woken up?" Levia, my cute girlfriend who is currently finishing dressing herself up, looks at me from my back as I sit on the bed, messy after last night, and immediately furrows her eyebrows. "Nah, you're not going like that."

"That?" I look down on my body. The same beautiful body I've had in VOW, the thought of which brings a smile to my face. Correction, widens my current one, the one I didn't really manage to suppress since around ten minutes ago when Levia started grumbling to let her go and that I'll be able to cuddle her later.

Going back to my body, there is absolutely no problem with the body in itself, but Levia seems to have qualms about the nightshirt I have on me. And... that's it, yup. I put it on me just now for the sake of decency, but this might not be the best choice. Very... symbolic, in terms of my place and attitude, but I'd rather it symbolized something different, for example, how reliable I am in taking care of Levia, which I have quite proven to her last night. Actually, its state also says a lot about it, ehehe.

Is it weird that we haven't had sex till last night? Maybe. Certain types of lovers would probably jump on it the first chance they got, but I'm very happy just spending time with her. I am, after all, a Demon of Love, not Lust, and sex is just one of the things you can do to express love.

Oh, um, let's reply to Levia.

"I don't really have anything else?" I raise my eyebrows as I look at her, leaving the question unsaid, and she averts her eyes in embarrassment. We are right now in her guest room after having a good night in more than one way, and I've been either cuddling or eating her like ten hours straight without sleep until she forced me to get up with her cute pout. As cute as she is now, mhm. I don't really need to sleep now, and she does neither, so nightime isn't really a time of rest now. 

"Um, wait a moment." Letty squeaks out and runs out of the room quickly.

Well, okay. Makes me wonder why she didn't take me with her, but she probably has something she doesn't want to show me, at least yet. Her messy room, if I had to guess.

When she returns not two minutes later she is carrying a small stack of clothes and there is certain skip in her step. And her eyes are swimming a bit. I wonder why~.

"You can try those on, they're freshly made." She says as she puts the pile next to me on the sofa. "They weren't sized for you, but it's nothing tight-fitting or anything so it should be fine, and I made sure it will fit your wings." She looks at me critically and cocks her head a little as she looks me up to down, and suddenly she turns her head away with embarrassment. "I didn't take your measurments, so..."

Uhuh. Well... understandable. I'm sure we'll have fun with that later.

Also, I'm wearing only a nightshirt now. Do I take it down now? Yup, definitely. I wait a moment till Levia turns back to me and pull the shirt up to take it off, taking care not to pull to strongly for the straps keeping it on my back not to tear.

"He-Helia!" She exclaims, jumping and waving her arms in front of her and turning her head away.

"What?" I ask casually with a grin plastered on my face as I pull the shirt over my head, let it cover my boobs for now with my arms still inside, and look at Levia sneaking glances at me more or less as covertly as on a fashion show. In other words, just sneakily enough not to be staring, but still pretending not to be particularly interested, though in her case pretending to be uninterested is taken to a whole different level. A very cute level, I dare say.

"You didn't expect me to put all that over the nightshirt, hm?" I say with a teasing smile and pull the shirt down, making Levia squeak and turn even redder. I reach for the pile of clothes while she staring somewhere on my side and fidgeting awkwardly in place. She misses my pout.

I even took it off for her, and she dares not admire me, huh? I'll give her a good lesson later on in that regard, if what we did last night wasn't enough. Or maybe she's remembering it and that's why she's turning away? Hm. Reasonable, but not excusable.

I quickly unravel the pile of clothes and discover it is composed of a loose white shirt with short sleeves, short black pants made out of some stretchy material, plain white panties and plain white bra. All four with holes to accomodate for my wings and tail. My heart is gripped with something inexplicable as I see the undies offered to me and I almost squeak in excitement and something akin to feeling of accomplishment.

Panties! You hear me!? Panties! I've so much wanted to wear that dear little piece, but never actually got round to it in VOW. Or maybe I was unconsciously avaiding it for some reason? And in real life, um, in this world, you know, even ignoring my parents, it just would look stupid and wouldn't feel right.

Makes me wonder why wasn't I offered any undergarments as a set with my dress in VOW, but if I had to guess it is enchanted to make it feel good. Um, not feel bad. Feel good can have a bit... different meaning I'd rather not confuse. Not like I would mind it in certain circumstances, but... you know.

I immediately snatch the panties and the bra and turn to sit on the side of the sofa.

"You can look, you know?" I say to Levia happily as I pull the panties up my legs and stand up for a moment to put them in place.

Ehehe. I never thought a Demon could be so happy and giddy and squeamish because of a white piece of fabric.

But, for some reason, it feels so much better than wearing underpants in that male body it's just hard to descibe. I won't even be trying.

I begin to put the bra on directly afterwards, which, by the way, is strapless and kept in place by two pieces of fabric on my neck and lower back. It's almost perfect in size and a bit stretchy, and as I am putting it on I suddenly have an idea.

"Levia~, could you help me with the bra?" I ask, concealing the tease and silly happiness in my voice to the best of my abilities. I look behind me with my arms holding the straps on my back and see Levia looking at me with nervous expression.

"Um, okay." She says in a tiny voice and walks around the sofa. "Um, turn around." She squeaks out as I'm staring at her and admiring her face. Ooops.

I turn around so that she faces my back and wait a moment as Levia takes the straps from me gingerly and slowly connects them on my back. When she's done I relax my arms and make a circle to make sure everything is alright, and I whirl around and jump onto Levia and hug her tightly, drowning a happy squeak in her chest.

"W-what?" She asks, averting her eyes, but wraps her arms around me nonetheless. Yeah, no shying away from your girlfriend!

"I'm so happy. More like giddy." I say as I raise my head a bit, my voice distinctly higher than normal, and I spot a soft smile on her face. "I didn't even realize I wanted this so much." I squirm around a bit and reach Levia's head and kiss her lightly on the cheek. "Thanks."

"Um, you don't have to." She says, embarrassed. "I just..."

"Yup yup, I'm your girlfriend and all that. I know you're just doing it for me because you want it, and I don't really have anything else I could use." I grin as her eyes widen a bit in surprise and conflict. "But as of now I haven't gifted you anything past trouble. And pleasure? I'm itching to do something just for you. Something silly, simple, but meaningful, but I can't."

"Oh, um..." She turns her head to the side, but doesn't deny what I said. "You don't have to..." She mutters and I melt into her chest with a fuzzy feeling in mine.

"That's the problem! You'll spoil me too much~." I whine lovingly, pulling back and sitting on the sofa, keeping my eyes on her face. Beautiful.

I reach out behind me to where I feel the pants Levia gave me to be and freeze as I realize what I just did. I turn slowly to look at the pants, and yup, they are exactly where I saw them. Felt them? What I'm absolutely sure about is that I knew where they were without looking back. And I think I know why.

I focus on my magic sense, and sure enough. It works. Well, damn. It's like... you expect it to work, but it's still a surprise when you try and it actually does. The moment I focus on it, though, I'm too surprised by what I feel to pay attention to my magic sense itself.

The ship's walls are lined with conduits of some sort of extremely weak energy, and the same energy is all around the ship in smaller or larger amounts. And by extremely weak I mean that it's much weaker even than mana, around three times actually, which makes it a pathetic hundred times weaker than my Primordial Energy, but it's there. I can also see the general outline of the ship this way, and what I see in my range of around twenty meters on the left side and most likely somewhere in the middle of the ship, most likely on the second deck counting from the top.

The pants, by the way, are filled with a miniscule amount of that energy I probably wouldn't even pay attention to if I wasn't speciafically trying to see if there is anything in them. What's more important, though, is Levia's head. It's densely filled with the same energy that flows within the ship.

"Um, Levia? Remember you told me that there is some special fluid Mechanical have in their heads that works like brain?" I ask with a frown.

"Um, yeah? What about it?" She replies, fidgeting in place and making me realize I'm staring at her forehead.

I look down into her eyes and say seriously. "I can see it with my magic sight."

I look at her as her expression morphs through lack of understanding, confusion, shock, momentarily anger and finally settles on a determined frown a second later. "How does it look?"

"It's..." I take a closer look. "Greenish, calm, mild. Feels like it's pulsing. It's three or so times weaker than mana, so it's very weak."

Levia thinks intensely for a while and her eyes open wide at some point. She slams her palm into her forehead. "Damn, it makes so much sense now. I know why mom didn't want to tell me about it." She mutters. She looks up at me with a little conflicted expression. "Alright, I'll need to ask my parents about it. Mom told me when I asked a few years back that they'll explain it to me when I'm three cycles old. Oh, um, one cycle is almost seven Gaia's years. I'm two point nine now, but with you here... As much as I don't want it to sound this way, with your presence and your... power, we'll definitely get answers."

"Oh, okay." I nod. That's definitely something interesting going on here. I already knew that Mechanical are something more than humans put in machine bodies, but that one discovery changed my attitude from curious to very interested. Especially since now it indirectly concerns me, unlike before when it was just a part of who Levia was.

"Well, get dressed and we can go introduce you." Levia shakes her head and smiles brightly. "For now we can relax, questions will come later."

"Mhm." I nod with a smile and stand up to put on my pants... yeah, I guess they are my pants now. They are really stretchy, and good thing they are. If they weren't, they would be at least two sizes too small for me. Seems Levia still underestimated my hips. They feel really similar to how my dress sticks to my skin, though they are longer.

Next is the loose shirt I leave in a curtain since it wouldn't look any good to stick it into my pants. The wings aren't really hard to accomodate as the shirt has a large hole on the back and I can easily hide my wings for a moment for them to fit in the hole. When I'm finished I turn to Levia with a grin. "Hey, can I see your room?"

"Um." She averts her ayes again. "I... would rather not show you..."


"Um, I haven't had visitors in, like, two years. It's a mess, I didn't manage to tidy it all up." She says, embarrassed, and I narrow my eyes.

"Have you seen my room?" I ask inquisitively.

"I, um." Her eyes start swimming as she stammers and... doesn't manage to come up with a response. Yup, as I thought.

"I thought so." I grin. "It's only fair I'll get to see yours. Besides..." I step up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and standing high, now looking at her from above. "When I'm done with you tonight, both you and your room will be an even worse mess." I say in low voice and she squeaks and covers her face in embarrassment, but I lean forward and kiss her lips despite that, pushing her arms away with my sheer strength she can't oppose at all.

"Gimme a quick tour, and we're going to meet your parents, okay?" I say with a grin as we pull apart.

"Um, okay." She squeaks out, wiggling out of my embrace and saving last bits of her dignity by interlocking our fingers and dragging me out of the room to the corridor. Only because I allow her, mind you, because with my control over momentum and energy I could easily stay in place to embarrass her further. Not now though, I'll be seeing more of her cute faces later, and I've had a share a few hours earlier.

The corridor is around ten meters long and around two wide, painted in black and plain without a single decoration.

"Stairs are to the left." Levia says, waving her hand in said direction. "To the front there is a storage and docks. I'll probably show it to you later, and to the right is... my apartment, I guess."

She drags me from the door in front of the one we just went through to the other end of the corridor where there are four doors side by side on each wall, two on the right one.

"This one." Levia waves her hand at the leftmost one. "Is where I have my workshop. I don't use it much though, especially now. And, um, this room is a huge mess because I haven't been cleaning it for like five years." Her face scrunches up in embarrassment. "Anyway, to the front I have a living room and a kitchen, though I don't use either much, and here's the bathroom. It's mostly for show though." She points at the next door to the right, which is a fair bit larger and looks to be slid open. "Aaand here's my room. It's a bit of a mess, because I didn't manage to tidy it all up yet." She opens the last door, rightmost, and stands to the side like she had no idea what to do apart from showing me the inside.

And what a room it is. "Wow." I say as I see the large space, almost as large as the previous one, painted in black with white dots most likely representing stars on the ceiling, with a simple large bed in the far right corner and a large desk next to it, plus one huge piece of furniture on the other side just to my right, combining a wardrobe, a few drawers, and probably something more. Almost all black in color with white and violet details, but stylized to look and feel like wood, unlike the matte walls. There is also what looks like a custom-made pod embedded into the left corner, a slick, all black shape closed by a large lid.

Then it hit me. "Um, a bed?" I ask Levia, turning to her in confusion. "Do you need sleep?"

"I, um." She makes a hesitant face. "I... don't need. I mean, I wouldn't say I need to sleep, but it's nice to enter meditation state from time time and it helps keep track of things. I'm registering things during it, just that I'm not... um, not aware of them? Does that make sense?"

"Oh, okay. It does, I think." I nod and look back at the room. I assume she means it helps her to memorize things and sort her memories by days, and if her brain has any resemblance to a computer, it should help her keep everything in her head in order. Then the latter part probably means that her brain, comparing to a computer, saves the memories of her meditation, but doesn't process them immediately.

The mess she was talking about earlier is most likely referring to a stacks of papers on the desk and on third of the floor with some other things strewn around, like pens, some small containers and a lot of other things. And... Oh holy shit. These papers are... very colorful. In the way that they are paintings and drawings ranging from huge, detailed landscapes to small, barely scratched sketches. Of very varied themes and styles.

"Wooow~." I exclaim. "You're drawing? Painting?" I look at Levia, who meanwhile averts her eyes and refuses to look straight at me. Hmpf. "Heeey~." I whine next to her ear as I pull her to me, startling her. "You're drawing, right? Did you draw me?" I narrow my eyes as smile lightly and look into her pair that turns to me in panic, then darts to the pile of papers and goes back, and she turns head aside, pursing her lips.

"You did." I grin and kiss her on the nose, making her lean back and look at me with this kind of happy annoyance on her face. "When you make a drawing of me you're proud of, show it to me." I say with a grin.

"Oh, um, okay." Levia nods, again averting her eyes and smiling embarrassedly. Hm. She's been really shy lately. Maybe she's more self-conscious now? Actually, I could think of at least three more reasons why she would be more shy now. But she's cute, so I don't complain.

"You said I'd be living here? Does that still stand?" I pull back a bit and look at her with raised eyebrows.

"Um, yeah. You can sleep here with me or on the sofa..." Levia's voice trails off as I stare intently into her eyes. "...What?" She asks timidly.

"Do you want me to choose?" I ask with raised eyebrows and she freezes for a moment, then her head snaps to the side and she shrinks in embarrassment. And she gets so red I would think she's overheating.

"Um, I, uh, um." Levia stammers, her brain seemingly rebooting after a critical error. She then raises her head, looking up into my eyes and instantly averting her eyes, and takes a deep breath. "Um, I'd like you to... sleep with me." She squeaks out in a tiny voice.

"Never expected anything else." I grin and pinch her cheek, making her squeal happily and pull away.

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