Power Punch

Chapter 21 – Progressing

Tavensville is more or less how we anticipated it to be. A collection of wooden buildings, more tightly packed around the plaza in the center and somewhat spread out closer to the wooden walls rounding it from all sides. There are some people walking around, but it's a very small amount comparing to what was in Riverside.

"It's kinda cozy." Levia says from my side. "Though definitely not clean nor well-kept."

"Yep." I nod. "It's nice in its own way, but I wouldn't like to spend a long time here."


Most of the buildings look like they were built a few tens of years ago and since then only somewhat fixed if something started to act up, like a curved plank or badly working hinge. Those in the center are somewhat better, but are still a far cry from Hunter's Respite in Riverside. One of the largest buildings there has a distinct sign saying 'Hunter's Guild Tavensville Branch', and that's where we're headed now.

"Um." I feel something tugging my arm and look to my side to see Levia with embarrassed face. "Um, could you talk with the branch master? I'm not sure how to talk about this topic."

I raise my eyebrows a bit. Seems like she is uncomfortable talking about... what? Political matters? Serious topics? Well, no matter, not like I'm going to refuse her now, even more so with that cute face she's making. I'll ask her later for clarification, if I don't forget.

"Sure." I smile reassuringly. "But after that I'm giving the bat back."

"Mhm." She nods with a thankful smile.

We enter the building through a heavy wooden door and glance around what's inside. It's a bit dissapointing, to be honest, but I guess you can't expect much from such village. The room is small, a lot smaller than in Riverside, and offers a single counter manned by a bored looking middle-aged woman on the far side, two boards with a few requests hanging on the right side and a few tables on left side, currently completely empty.

The very moment we enter I notice the frowning stare of the receptionist, not the least bit friendly. Oh, right, it was mentioned that locals aren't friendly to other races, wasn't it?

That still doesn't justify that glare, but oh well.

We approach the counter and I stop a meter before it, looking at the woman. She is a former hunter judging from her good muscles and short hair that don't make her look any feminine. Her face is the warrior kind of rough and her eyes are sharp.

"We would like to meet the branch master." I say simply.

"He's not here." She replies instantly with a fair amount of hostility in her voice that makes me raise my eyebrows.

"We have important news." I try once again, trying to not show my annoyance.

"He's not here. Come back later." She replies dismissively.

I narrow my eyes. Well, that's a pity, cause my magic sense tells me he is there. An elderly man on the second floor of the building, sitting by a table and probably reading or writing something, though my sense isn't accurate enough yet to tell that.

"He is here. I hear him from the second floor." I say, looking the receptionist into her eyes and raising my eyebrows.

"He won't be meeting you." She replies, not showing even a shred of shame as she is caught lying, making my eyebrows rise even higher.

I mean, huh. I get somewhat unwelcome attitude, but that's practically open hostility.

I frown deeply and harden my gaze, then speak in low voice. "Riverside was attacked by a horde of goblins this morning. You have ten fucking seconds to go tell him that or I'll go there myself, you want it or not."

The woman raises her eyebrows in surprise momentarily and opens her mouth to say something before I interrupt her, directing a slight amount of demonic energy to my voice, making it throaty and dangerous. "Right. Now."

She frowns angrily and turns around, marching out of the room through the door behind the counter, not before shooting me a glare.

I sigh after the closing door and squeeze my eyes with my hand as I see her hastily going up the stairs and starting talking with the man.

"That's not what I expected." Levia says with a faint smile, looking up at me. "Both from her and from you."

I give her a glance, raising my eyebrow. "I'm a Demoness. Gotta act like one sometimes."

"I don't think that's the behavior of a Demon like you." She giggles, making me smile involutarily.

"If you're talking about Succubus part." I smirk, seeing her averting her eyes. Did she think I won't catch her meaning or something? "Then I don't really mind trying that as well, but that's not the kind of Demon I am." I finish and see her face visibly flushing.

I swear, she must have some better publically unknown fantasies to blush every time I touch these topics.

She turns to me with surprise as I finish speaking and asks with raised eyebrows. "You're not a Succubus? You look just like one though."

"Technically I am, but I'm classified as Battle Succubus." I explain. "Succubi like me still retain their typical characteristics, but, quote from the description, they left original path of lust and learned the craft of battle."

"Oh." Levia nods with a strange expression. It looks kinda like relief and dissapointment at the same time with some realization mixed in.

I wonder what she is dissapointed about? Don't tell me she wanted me to do something to her. No, bad girl, confess first, then fantasize and put into motion, not the other way around. Mmm, I need to do that soon. Today.

I am shaken out of my thoughts as the door opens quickly and a man walks in. He looks like a combination between veteran hunter and folded by age old man. He has wrinkled skin and white hair, a bit hunched stature and cheeks drooping like old people have, but he has strong muscles visible under his whitish skin mostly covered by a loose, formal attire. His gait is as energetic as his old body allows and his gaze strong and piercing, now with concern visible in his blue eyes.

His eyes take us in quickly, his expression shifting quickly from alarmed and suspicious to cautious and somewhat welcoming. The receptionist from before walks in behind him and steps back behind the counter, looking at me with a hostile glare I pointedly ignore and instead focus on the man I can only assume to be the branch master.

"I'm Krom, the branch master of Hunter's Guild in Tavensville. I was told you have some important news. Please follow me." He says and turns around, starting to walk away without waiting for anything. Hm. I'm... very tempted to refuse, a spark of anger in my heart. But let's go for now.

I glance at Levia, nodding, and we follow the man inside the building through a wide corridor and upstairs. He enters the first door on the left and stands by the door, waiting for us to go in. We do so and stand in the small room, taking it in, while he closes the door behind him and sits behind a desk strewn with various papers.

"Please sit. I'm Krom, as I said, you can call me that. Apologies for Dahlia, the locals aren't exactly welcome to people like you, especially those who lost their families to monsters." He says apologetically and I nod in understanding.

We sit on a couch on the opposite side of the room and look at him.

"I'm Helia, and she is Levia." I say, taking the lead. "That means you're not of the locals?"

"I've come here forty years ago from Titan's Gorge where Beastkin are in majority. People like you would certainly be more welcome there." He says with a smile. "People similar to you started coming here a week ago. We've had a Blood Elf, a Lionkin, and a Hellcarver if I remember correctly, and not everyone left a good impression, on top of general aversion to people of differing characteristics that's here for decades, if not more."

I nod in understanding.

Interesting that the Blood Elf and Hellcarver are most likely Crimson and... Robert, whatever his name in game is. I actually forgot to ask. I wonder if it was them who didn't leave a good impression. Though, a Lionkin... I'd associate them with pride and arrogance, and that with problems, so don't mind me saying it was most likely that one.

"Why do you assume that we're like them?" I ask with a faint smile. In my opinion, he is treading on thin ice right now. Unless he knows more about us than we have shown up to now.

He seems to visibly hesitate for a moment, but eventually nods lightly. "A small ability of mine. You surely understand I won't describe it, but I can tell with it you are Wayfarers."

"Oh, interesting." I wriggle my eyebrows. It means that if a player pretended not to be one, he would be able to tell easily. Quite like in our case. I wonder though what else it tells him. "Well, you're right. Have you heard what happened to Aver's Crossing?" I ask seriously, ceasing the pleasant talk.

"That I did." Krom's face twists in a deep frown. "Whole village burned down, save for a few buildings and the bridge, barely third of its people alive. Is it connected with the news you're bringing?"

I tilt my head, unsure. "Maybe, maybe not. Hard to tell, but I wouldn't be surprised." I sit up straight and look into his eyes seriously. "Riverside was assaulted by a horde of goblins this morning, with multiple shamans and high hobgoblins." His eyes open wider. "It wasn't destroyed fortunately, but large part of the town is badly damaged and casualties most likely reach hundreds. I don't know the reason for the attack, but it was planned and coordinated."

I see his face morphing through various expressions, finally setting on acceptance and suspicion. "This morning you say? We still have morning, I believe."

I lean forward and I let out my wings, stretching them lightly. "I'm very fast when I want to." I see his face lighting up for a moment and he nods in understanding. "We left the town quickly after clearing one side to inform the autorities. We're planning to go to Black Harbor today, but we thought you should be informed as well since Tavensville is directly next to Riverside."

"I see. I hope you're not lying, but that will be confirmed soon enough. Thank you for that information. Is there anything important you would like to mention as well?" He asks in serious tone, talking out a paper from his desk and starting to write something.

"For whatever reason there were almost only goblins among the monsters." Levia says. "But there was also one Beisvart that attacked humans and goblins alike. Hard to say what it means, but it might be worth noting." Krom makes an alarmed expression for a moment and then nods.

"It is very likely that someone from inside wanted the town to be destroyed." I say after her. "Some soldiers were sent to Aver's Crossing instead of hunters, the posts weren't maintained properly and the gates were left open when the monsters poured in." I pause for a moment. "I think that's all from important matters."

The branch master freezes and frowns deeply. He doesn't speak for a long while. "That... might be a much more serious issue than I initially assumed." He finally says, rubbing his forehead anxiously, then shakes his head and looks back at us. "Can you estimate how many goblins were there?"

I hesitate for a moment. "...I'm not sure, but hundreds at least, maybe over a thousand. It's hard to say because I saw only one street properly and the rest is a guess. There were also at least five shamans and ten high hobgoblins, likely much more."

"...I see." He nods. "Well, thank you for information." He stands up and shows us out amidst some casual talk.

We walk out of the Guild and then out of the village aide by side in silence and I look at Levia with a grin. "Ready? This time it will be much longer." I see her face heating up and she mumbles something unintelligible.

"What?" I ask, pulling closer to her ear.

"Could you..." Her face turns red like a tomato. "Fly..." She trails her voice and finishes in a voice so small I would miss it if I wasn't leaning closer to her. "...Faster...?"

"Why?" I ask with a teasing smile she probably doesn't see and pull back a bit, then step behind her.

"Um, well, it's faster and more... exciting then." She mumbles.

"In that case, I would love to." I wrap my arms around her quickly and whisper into her ear.

She makes a small, girly, cuuute~ squeak in surprise that extends significantly and gains in volume as I push demonic energy into my wings and shot up from the ground abruptly with a booming sound.

A shortie today, there wasn't much to say about this topic. But doesn't make this chapter any less important for the future plot.

The next one will be really long though.

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