Power Punch

Chapter 17 – Talks before the night

When we came back, first thing we did was to turn in to the Guild for our rewards. We received five silver for the request, which we promptly distributed between each of us with two silver coins going to me under other's insistence.

And I have to say, they were insistent due to my contribution, but also largely because of my show of power, which was, needless to say, intimidating. Even ignoring how scary I was according to them, the goblin I have killed wasn't some random goblin, but it was a variant called High Forest Goblin, or high goblin on daily basis. Don't mistake with hobgoblin, that's another thing. It's nothing very powerful, but despite hunting alone it is much more dangerous than a bunch of ordinary goblins due to its higher intelligence, high enough to know and use the concepts of sneak attack, ambush and weapons past clubs, and much higher individual strength reaching above that of an ordinary human in most cases.

Or, to put it short, the monster that can pose deadly danger to new players was disposed of by me so easily it couldn't even be called a proper fight. Then my regeneration, which, to be fair, I should have anticipated, but still surprised me a bit with my pierced neck healing in barely a second.

Anyway, going back on tracks, my pockets are now two and a half silvers heavier, bacause I got five large copper for the core of that one wolf. I didn't have any cores from the monsters we defeated earlier with Levia because she collected all of them. I kinda regret now not taking them from the monsters in Aver's Crossing, because I could get money in large silver if I took cores from everything I killed, but it completely slipped my mind at the time.

Oh, by the way, a thousand copper are a hundred large copper, ten silver or a large silver. And upwards in the same manner of each coin worth ten times more there is gold and white gold, or just white.

After concluding the business in the Guild I go to the inn to get myself a room while the rest walk away thier own ways with promise to talk on chat later. I approach the bartender, the same as before, with a small smile, and lean on the counter.

"Hello~." I ask since he has his back to me and is doing something behind the counter.

His head whips around in surprise and his eyes widen when he sees me, but he quickly composes himself and stands up, dusting his knees off. "Sorry 'bout that, didn't hear your steps. What can I do for ya?"

I gesture at the stairs. "You offer rooms for the night?" I half ask and half confirm since I don't see why he wouldn't.

"Yea, we do. We've..." He glances somewhere to his side. "A cheap one and a high quality left. Former for half a silver, latter for two." He looks back at me with raised eyebrows.

"I'll take the better." I reach out to my inventory and pull out two silver and place them onto the table, then they are swooped by the man quickly. "And another drink please, speciality, same as earlier." I place four large copper on the counter. Interesting that this drink is almost as expensive as a night in cheap room. I guess that's honey for you, because I don't think it's a cheap ingredient.

"Sure." He nods and reaches out for a mug, then starts preparing the drink. "Your room would be the first door to the right as you go upstairs. I you wanna ask something, someone will always be here. The door locked from inside." He places the drink on the counter and takes the coins with a nod.

"Alright." I take a sip and nod appreciatively.

"The trip went well, I guess? I see you've had some excercise. We also have baths, though they pay a silver separetely. If not that, then cold shower in public ones." The bartender raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we got seven wolves with the rest of the party." I mull over the offer for a moment, glancing down at myself. "Tempting offer. I'll probably take it, but not now." I stand upright. "Do you know a place here that would sell good clothes? Not for battle."

"Probably Little Rose next to the market. Search around southern side and you'll find." He replies after initial mild surprise.

"Thanks." I say, taking the drink, and walk away, looking for an empty table.

I sit down in a place somewhat in the middle where I have view for almost whole inn without the need to squirm in place and turn left and right all the time, and I try to listen to the conversations around me. At this time of the day, or maybe night considering sun's already set, many people have already hit the sacks to be refreshed in the morning, but there is still fair amount of people drinking and talking in a lively atmoshphere.

As I strain my ears though, I realize it's hard to make out each conversation. I don't have bad ears, they are in fact much better than in real life, but I'm not used to the noise here.

Can I do something about it? Maybe my Flame would help, huh? Or actually... I mull over the idea that appeared in my head originally as irony to how flexible and versatile my Flame seems to be. On second thought it's likely to be a viable solution. No harm in trying at least.

I reach to my Flame and direct it to my ears, to strengthen my hearing, to increase sensitivity and let me clearly hear what is said, and almost jump in surprise when I suddenly very distinctly hear eight or so conversations at once as if I was sitting next to the people talking.

Wow, that's even better than I anticipated. My Demonic Flame is turning out to be much more useful part of me than I initially thought, not only in the fighting department. Not like I mind, but to be honest it is starting to be a bit creepy. All my apparent insticts, the realistic behavior of people, the Flame's behavior and the changes in my mentality.

Right, changes in my mentality. It might be just something the game induces and nothing permanent, but only when I was taking it out of my inventory I realized it was a brain. Just the brain, not the skull, for all to see and without anything between it and my skin. Not to mention I carved out a head to get it, through fur, skin, blood, bone and whatever else was in the way.

What I am trying to say here is that I didn't even notice how gory it was whatever I was doing, and to top it off that I absolutely didn't react to it. Now I'm not saying it's bad, because I would very much mind getting my stomach emptied after that realization, putting aside that it was most likely empty all the way, but complete lack of reaction in my mind is another problem.

The thing is, I have no idea what is causing it, if it's just me or if there is some kind of outside factor. I was never a particularly delicate person, but, no matter how you look at it, I should have at least felt apprehension to the idea of cutting open the head of an animal that was still alive five minutes ago. Or should I? I was just cutting open a corpse for my goal, and that's it. Plain fact, plain action. The fact that the thought didn't even register as gory and disgusting in my mind and it doesn't really feel this way even now can have very many reasons and much more implications. I'm not inclined to open that can of worms now.

Shaking out of unproductive thoughts I listen to the people around me, ignoring the drunkard's mumblings and worthless conversations between some less savory and more vulgar people, and get to know a fair bit of information.

What first caught my attention is a talk about me. Heh. Not like I didn't expect people to talk about me, but it's still a surprise when it actually happens. As I listen to the group, I also realize it consists of two parts. One is a pair from the town and another is a pair of hunters who were in Aver's Crossing a week back. The latter are describing with great enthusiasm as some kind of demoness appeared suddenly from flames and started slaughtering monsters left and right while laughing evilly. How humbling.

The other group points out that I'm sitting in the inn and the first two shut up and scramble around, then the conversation awkwardly shifts to discussion about demons, what I want in Riverside and what to do if I get out of control.

Another group was talking about Wayfarers and their apparent pride, rudeness and lack of consideration to the locals. There was our group mentioned as one of the best out there. There were also people talking about Crimson, Daria and Catherine and discussing them. They are apparently one of the more popular Wayfarers here because there are few that combine good looks and polite behavior.

Some people also mentioned that monster attacks seem to be more frequent lately, the attack on Aver's Crossing being the cherry on top. Apparently there is at least twice the number of monsters there was a few weeks back, and I can agree with that seeing how many attacked me and Levia yesterday.

Apart from these things there were also other mundane topics, some local issues, personal problems and goals, complaints on some workshops and rulers, small talk on various topics and everything you expect to hear in a bar. A fair amount of more or less sexual topics as well, likely encouraged by alcohol.

From more important things I also learned why the posts on the gates were left empty today from a pair of guards talking. Apparently a heavily wounded group of hunters came back today and reported increased monsters sightings in the forest. Someone higher than guards in hierarchy apparently decided it's a good idea to place more people on the northern walls, and, quote, forgot to replace the guards at the gates. It was even more sarcastic than the thanks you give to a friend who was insistent he will solve a problem and confidently made it worse. There was also a fair amount of criticism towards said person.

Not like I disagree with the sentiment, because leaving a post empty seems stupid enough in any peaceful town, not to mention a place where monsters can come out of the forest and attack any moment and where many questionable people can roll through the gates.

But, well, that's not my thing to care about.

Another thing I noticed is lack of Wayfarers at this time. Not like it surprises me since it's late already and they would likely prefer a more typical bar or pub, but I expected someone to be here.

As I listen to the talks around me, I suddenly notice a distinct creak of wood under a heavy person's weight opposite to me. I raise my eye from the drink I hold in both my arms and notice an ogre sitting by the table.

He is very large in human standards, at least seven feet in height and not at all thin. Muscles bulge under his rough, bluish skin and while I definitely wouldn't call him bulky, he could almost be model on Gaia with how sculpted his body is. His face rounded by short and spiky black hair could be quite handsome with high cheekbones and not quite square jaw if not for a huge scar going from his left cheek through deformed nose to above right eye. Now it's only kind of scary. His sharp, gray eyes gaze at me with no hint of subtlety from under a pair of short, straight, dark blue horns.

I raise my eyebrows in question, looking at him with no friendliness I would offer had he concealed the wandering eyes and rough gaze.

"Mind if I sit for a while? There were rumors about you." He says with a smile that instantly triggers something unpleasant inside me.

"I won't chase you out yet." I smirk, hiding my true thoughts. That I'd rather him get his ass out of here soon. "Rumors there were and are, and I've no hope nor intention of getting rid of them."

I wait for him to start a topic, because I assume he came here for a reason and I have no intention to humor him, especially if he wants what I think he wants.

He nods in response. "Geru is my name, I'm one of the stronger hunters out there."

"Helia, a Demon new to these lands." I reply, causing his eyebrows to rise a bit.

"There were indeed rumors about you. I've heard what happened in Aver's Crossing, is it true the village got destroyed?"

"That couldn't be more true. Most of it burned to the ground, though the bridge fortunately survived. It was a monster attack." I answer, sipping my drink.

"And you were there?" He asks curiously. "Some people said there was a demoness killing monsters with joy there."

I snort from above my drink, looking at him. "I've heard some less humbling descriptions, but it was likely me. I haven't noticed any other demons at least, and haven't noticed Wayfarers having as much fun as I do when I have something to punch."

He remains silent for a while, likely not sure how to respond to what I said. "Would you mind a friendly spar then?"

I immediately look at him with interest, the new feeling of anticipation for battle sprouting in my mind. "When?"

"Whenever you're good with it." He says with a disgusting victorious smile, and my impatience immediately fades, replaced by disgust. "Tomorrow good as any."

I frown a bit. Levia.

"I'm not sure if I'll be available, I'm meeting someone tomorrow." I say. "But if you're up in the morning, I'll probably be free. No promises though. What's the reason for the spar?"

He shrugs in response. "Better to train with a person than stupid monsters, and it's always more interesting. And fighting someone stronger than you can always help."

I raise my eyebrows at that, wondering who is the stronger one here. I mean, I am stronger, because I don't see him surviving my Flame, but I wonder what's his opinion.

"See you tomorrow then, if currents allow." He stands up and walks away with a small smile.

I fake a nod in resonse to his expression that only makes me disgusted and go back to my drink and the converations around me.

If currents allow. Interesting phrase.

My thoughts wander to Levia. I'd like to have her sitting her with me, and I really miss her. Is it possible to miss a person you separated from barely a few hours ago? Yeah, it definitely is.

I wonder when she will be logging in. I hope she doesn't end up getting delayed.

Well, my mind also tries to tell me that she might be meeting someone, but I squash that thought as soon as it appears. Not like it's impossible, but something tells me it's not that. My Flame agrees.

I don't have time for thoughts or for spiralling though because the door suddenly swings open and a person I know appears in it.

Small stature in a blue robe, round face, large innocent eyes and characteristic bluish wings on her back. Maala.

She seems to also notice me as her eyes snap wide open and she pauses the moment she enters the building, looking at me. I smirk and raise my eyebrows and she looks away and closes the door.

I watch her as she somewhat uncertainly approaches the counter and orders a drink, then turns around and with hesitation written all over her face and starts approaching my table. I wave her to come and sit and she instantly speeds up and plops down on a seat opposite to me.

"Hello, Maala, it's been some time."

"Um, yeah, hello." She replies a bit bashfully and pauses, fidgeting in the silence. "...When did you arrive in Riverside?"

"Earlier today. I didn't have time to log in before afternoon."

"Oh. I came here two days ago."

I look at her with a grin. "You're going to school properly I hope?"

"Huh?" She raises her eyes in surprise and turns red quickly. "I, I do! Why you..."

"Don't mind." I giggle. "Anyway, you spent some time in Aver's Crossing? What's the situation there?"

"Oh, um..." Maala composes herself for a while. "It's not bad, I guess. A bit over third of the people survived, when I left with some other people they were starting to rebuild and reorganize the village."

"Good then." I nod. "I left quickly so I wasn't sure about the details." I take a sip of my drink and look at her with raised eyebrows. "And how's the game? You satisfied with your half-Fae?"

"Um, yeah, I guess. I'm having trouble with magic, but apart from that it's fantastic. Better than any other VR game I've played, and I've played a fair number." She smiles brightly. "And I really like this character. It feels really good. Oh! And I can fly! It was hard at first, but I learned to glide and it feels fantastic. It's really hard to gain attitude though."

"I can relate to that." I smile lightly, looking to the side. "It's the best game I've played."

We both don't say anything for a while till Maala clears her throat awkwardly. "Um, are you doing requests in the Guild?"

I glance at her and notice she is suspiciously red. Don't tell me it's what I think it is, because I've no intention of dealing with it on top of what I already have. "I did one with my friends."

"Oh. Um, would you like to play together tomorrow? If you're free?" She asks, and I need to supress a sigh.

"I wouldn't mind, but I'm meeting a friend tomorrow and I've no idea if she'll be fine with it. I'll ask her tomorrow if she would like extra company. If she agrees, we'll meet you here, okay?"

"Oh... okay!" She begins with disappointment and her mood immediately skyrockets as I finish. No way.

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