Power Punch

Chapter 14 – Riverside

After my breakdown I talked a bit with Levia, describing my problems in more detail, under her pressure I have to say. I didn't intend to divulge as much as I did, but she seemed very insistent and... almost too caring. Even now I get butterflies recalling how cutely angry she got after I described my parents. We agreed that she will try not to bring these topic in the future and treat me just like Helia, nothing else, and I'm really grateful for that.

She also promised she will help me if she will be able to, though I don't get my hopes too high since I have no idea how she would help me. And, as much as I would appreciate if she took me in or something, I'm not nearly shameless enough to ask directly for so much help with nothing to repay her with. Yet, at least, because I have no idea what future holds, and knowing my parents I might need to take some drastic measures if I slip up somewhere.

After the talk we resumed our journey to Riverside, which apparently was not as far as I thought it would be since we saw the first signs of town less than hour after setting off. Kinda... embarrassing, but who could have known without a map.

As we approach the wooden walls, Levia grabs my arm lightly and I stop to look at her with raised eyebrows.

“Um, so, I should have said that earlier.” She begins apologetically, averting her eyes and instantly giving me a bad feeling. “Um, I only logged in now to come to Riverside with you and I need to log out real soon, like, now.”

Oh. Great disappointment sprouts and a suspicion of betrayal appears in my mind, but I squash the latter faster and more decisively than a chameleon catches a fly and don’t let too much of the former show on my face.

“Okay, I’m not keeping you here.” I nod, looking at her reassuringly. “When will you log back in?”

“Uh, probably tomorrow morning or a bit later? I’m not sure how long I’ll spend out, but I’ll definitely be back around noon or earlier.” She looks at me kind of anxiously.

“Okay~.” I hug her lightly, earning me a suppressed yelp of surprise. When I pull back I continue, looking at her flushed face with a smile. “I’d like to spend more time with you, but I have my friends to catch up with, so you would kinda be a third wheel there. Or sixth? Anyway, you do your things, come back quick and I’ll introduce you to them later so we both will be more comfortable with it, alright?”

“Oh, okay.” She nods lightly.

“Do you want my ID? If you got delayed or something? Or just wanted to talk?” I ask her with raised eyebrows and hopeful expression I try not to let to the front row.

A quick advice there, don’t ask your crush for her ID, number or whatever. Offer yours instead, since it’s much less pressure and gives more freedom. Got it from Alex, by the way, who once got rejected after asking for number and hasn’t heard from the girl since. Not like she was any good, but the point stands.

“Um. Uh…” I watch Levia’s face get a bit more red as she looks between my face and something to the side. “Okay!” She finally responds a bit too loudly. What delusions does she have?

I quickly give her my ID. “It’s on the name ‘Zen’, but don’t bother with that. That’s my… old name I don’t really like, but I can’t really change it without my parents and friends getting suspicious ahead of time. I haven’t told them I’m transgender yet.” I explain quickly with a fair amount of suppressed disgust.

“Oh, okay.” She nods vigorously, clicking on things on her screen censored to my eyes. “Um, okay. I… need to log out now, soo…” She looks at me awkwardly while biting her lip.

“Go, go, I’m not stopping you from doing your things.” I smirk. “But I expect you to compensate me when you get back.”

“Oh, um, okay… Um, bye then? I’ll be back tomorrow?” She looks at the ground, seemingly not even registering the latter part.

“See you later~.” I say with a smile, looking at her shuffling though the windows and awkwardly looking between me and them.

“Um, bye. Sorry about that.” She squeaks out with completely beet red face and presses the button to log out.

I watch her body quickly compress into the Spirit Mark, this time much less spectacular than when she was logging in, and sigh deeply with sadness and disappointment, but not directed at Levia. Rather at the circumstances. I don’t know what she has to do, and I doubt it’s anything that would put a wench in my plans, but I just… really wanted to spend time with her.

Well, better get going, don’t wallow in misery or whatever. Actually, lemme see the chat. I hope they are still in Riverside.

I quickly open both chat with Alex and one with all five of us and see a message displayed prominently at the beginning of the first one. It’s from fifteen minutes ago.

Alex: Hey, when will you arrive in Riverside? We’re wondering if we should wait for you.

Zen: Sorry, didn’t see you wrote. I’m actually at the gate right now. I hope you’re still in the town?

I don’t have to wait even ten seconds for the reply to arrive.

Alex: Yeah, we are, come on in.

Alex: Who should we look for? A hot chick?

I smile wryly and write back.

Zen: Hot in more than one way. But seriously, it’ll be much better if I searched for you. I wanna give you a surprise.

Alex: Sure. We’re right now in an inn next to Hunter’s Guild, we’ll be waiting inside for you. We’ve got a spirit, Blood Elf and me as a Wolfkin with dark blue fur, so you shouldn’t miss us.

Zen: Any clue where the thing is, relative to eastern gate?

Alex: Just follow the main road. It’s on the left just before the market.

Zen: I’ll get there in a few.

I close the chat windows and look at the gate. It’s much different than I would expect with around four meters tall wall from solid wooden logs, at least a meter wide each like all the trees in this forest. For some reason its wings are both open, their size enough for a typical carriage to pass through easily, and there are no guards visible at first glance.

I frown and bring up the chat window once again.

Zen: Kinda late to ask, but do you know why the gate is open and there are no guards?

Alex: No? The gates are generally open, but the guards should be there.

Zen: Well, no matter. At least there’s no one to stop me because of my looks.

I shut the window before Alex asks any unnecessary questions and walk through the gates, shrugging.

The sight behind them is very much as I expected. To put it simply, a town from medieval Earth. We had a bit of it at history and most of what I remember matches very well. At the edge closer to the walls some wooden huts in neat rows along the main road, deeper inside the buildings are built sturdier and larger and still further away I see some stone ones of larger importance, one of them I assume to be the Hunter’s Guild.

There are also some people around, but there is rather little of them and less than I thought there would be, not even enough to obstruct the view of the market I start to see. Most of them are just townspeople minding their own business, but there are also some that I recognize as adventurers and most likely players. Majority of them looks at me with either hidden hostility, fear or admiration, and considering my looks it’s nothing surprising. It's a bit flattering though that people pay so much attention to me, and I can't say I don't like it.

Fortunately no one raises a fuss about my looks, which is a huge relief. After what happened in Aver's Crossing, I half-expected people to attack a demon on sight. I suppose there are other players with interesting characters and mine doesn’t seem too strange or scary. Or just the guys back then were riled up and started considering anything nonhuman to be a threat.

There are also some guys, and one woman even, ogling me in unpleasant ways, but, as much as it repulses me, I ignore them since it’s impossible to get rid of people of this kind. And my looks certainly aren’t modest.

I walk down the main road as Alex told me to and pass many buildings I would like to visit later, just a few of them being clothes shop, blacksmith and what appears to be some kind of magic store, but continue forward till I get to the area with stone buildings and close to the market.

At this point I eye the buildings with more of a purpose and soon enough, just on the corner of the road, spot a building, a three-story gray stone block. It is one of the largest in vicinity, with visible at first glance simple logo reading ‘Hunter’s Guild Riverside Branch’ above the door.

I look around and don’t need to search to spot ‘Hunter’s Respite’ next to it. It’s two stories tall, but occupies larger area, and similarly gives a good impression. It has stone foundation and wooden walls that look worn down and old, and the large, solid door in the middle looks visibly worn-down. In case of such inn it is more of a good sign since it means a lot of people shuffle through there.

I check my inventory quickly and fish out a silver coin for a drink, then without hesitation approach the building and swing the door open, revealing the insides, as the rest of the town with nothing to surprise me with.

Counter on the far end with a middle-aged bartender eyeing me with a hint of suspicion, shelves with bottles and barrels behind it and a few stools before, occupied by a lively conversing pair of humans. Between it all and me there are fifteen or so wooden tables from one side of the room to another, around third of them filled with various people, both normal humans and more unique ones I can only see as players.

The whole room is mostly devoid of decorations past some engravings and patterns on the furniture or walls and pillars supporting the building. There are also stairs to the upper floor, most likely to the rooms you can rent, and another door by the counter leading most likely to owner's place. The whole room gives a feeling quite like a downtown bar, especially with the somewhat dim lighting, and is in no way crude or unkempt.

I get a few curious or judging stares, one of them belonging to a Wolfkin with dark blue fur and cutely large, pointed ears, sitting in the corner with two other people. She almost spits out her drink as she sees me, desperately keeping herself upright and trying to appear composed as she receives suspicious looks from her companions.

Heh, Alex, just that reaction was good enough for me to appear unannounced. Though I wonder what happened to our hot chick.

I confidently approach the counter while twirling the coin in my fingers, something I learned a long while back while sitting bored on economy classes. The bartender, a buff, a tad fatter man I now notice has multiple scars on his face and exposed arms, most likely a veteran hunter, is looking at me with suspicion and a hint of both fear and appreciation, but his expression is professional. Interesting.

“Something light, only a drink for now. Anything you can boast with?” I ask with a faint smile, leaning on the counter.

“Half beer, half citrine water with a drop of honey and booze, maybe?” He shifts to professional attitude and asks with raised eyebrows, turning to his side where drinks lay side by side. “Our speciality, doesn’t throw off your seat and good for a warm up, not like you look in need of one.”

The hell is citrine water? Eh, it can be poison as well and I'll live. “Sure, I’ll take one.” I place the silver coin on the counter with an amused smile, adjusting my position to a more comfortable one and stretching my hip, but not sitting down.

“You new in Riverside? Not many like you I see here, and I would remember.” The bartender asks offhandedly.

“Yeah, I got here just now, and will stay for a while.” I shrug. “Anything happening in town? There were no guards at the eastern gate.”

The bartender looks at me with momentary surprise as he prepares the drink quickly and efficiently. “Not in town that I know of, but people say that Aver’s Crossing was destroyed a week back. Some soldiers were sent to investigate and haven’t come back yet, but that shouldn’t make them loose the posts. Makes you wonder though why they didn't put up a request in the Guild.”

“Where did you come from, may I ask? Through eastern gate, so maybe you know something about Aver's Crossing?” One of the men on my side looks at me inquisitively.

I take a look at him and notice he gives the impression of a typical hunter. Short brown hair, rough face and body with a few scars and light leather armor with sword on his hip.

“Aver’s Crossing is done for from what I know.” I take a sip from the drink the bartender gives me – tastes rather good, has strong, distinct flavor and feels a bit hot to the tongue – and take six large copper coins he puts on the counter, ignoring the surprised looks from all three men.

“What happened?” The second man, similar in his looks and behavior to the first, merely donned with some more metal, asks with a frown, alarmed.

“Monster attack apparently. I passed through there, it was burned down with barely few buildings still standing, the bridge among those fortunately. There were some survivors, they should be getting round to restoring it all.”

The bartender shakes his head solemnly. “Knew it will fall sometime, but no one was interested in reinforcing the place. A pity though, it was a good village, and good people.”

“Hope they’ll rebuild it better, not all died there.” I say, standing upright and taking my drink.

I nod appreciatively, looking the bartender into his eyes, and walk away, looking around the room and taking in all the people inside.

From what I see there are six of the tables occupied, making it over twenty people in total. I briefly focus on my magic sight and notice that everyone here seems weaker than me. Some of them have a lot more energy, like that one ogre-looking guy sitting alone in the corner who seems to have around ten times the base here, but they all just seem… weak. Seven or so of them are nonhuman, but all of them are humanoid at least, including the group of three in the corner I noticed earlier that instantly attracts my attention.

It consists of a spirit in the shape that brings to mind a young academy student in long, blue robes, a tall elf with long, black hair, pale skin and sharp features and a short, slightly childish Wolfkin with dark blue hair, including that on large ears and long, fluffy tail she is covering her face with, all the way to her eyes. The two former meanwhile are sneaking glances at me and talking in hushed voices about something, most likely me, above their drinks.

I start walking in their direction with a smile, ignoring the calls from a few other, more daring people, and prompting surprised and somewhat excited expressions on the two’s faces along with a resigned sigh from the Wolfkin.

Oh, Alex, Alex, what you've gotten yourself into, huh?

“Mind if I sit here?” I ask, approaching the table.

“Of course not, come on in. We’re waiting for someone, but you’ll fit, and it will always be livelier with another face.” The spirit says with a friendly smile. Now that I look at her, I notice that her partly transparent and somehow blue figure is that of a short, young girl with curly hair and round glasses. The loose robe she wears that covers her whole arms and flows down to her ankles only furthers the impression of a student or a young scholar.

“Nice to meet you then. You can call me Helia.” I reply, sitting next to the Wolfkin and placing my drink on the table, not before retracting my wings since it would be seriously uncomfortable to have them out and pressed against the bench. Not like I’m comfortable hiding what should be there, but it’s at least the smaller evil.

“I’m Daria, an elemental spirit. These two are Crimson, a Blood Elf, and Catherine, a Wolfkin. Nice to meet you.” Daria introduces everyone politely.

Derrie it is then, as expected. Makes me wonder why she is blue, but I don’t pay it any mind. Crimson, or David, also isn’t surprising, though I don’t see any sword with him. Alex meanwhile went far off from what I expected, more in small and cute girl direction than hot and confident woman. I wonder what prompted that.

“Hello.” Catherine squeaks out somewhat meekly and very hesitantly, averting her eyes. Uhuh, what you’re gonna say now.

Now that I look at her, she is almost the archetype of a cute, small, playful and slightly dumb wolf from anime. I don't watch it personally, but David sure does and I saw my share of what he showed us. Catherine's face is round, her eyes large and ears even larger with white tufts of fur inside, and her dark blue bordering on midnight blue hair long and fluffy. Everything you need from a hug pillow.

“Nice to meet you.” – Crimson says, looking at me curiously. – “You are a demon, correct?”

“Yep, Star Demoness to be exact. And you chunni as always, David, huh?” I ask with a grin.

“Huh? What? How do you know my name…?” Crimson asks, looking at me with mouth wide open as he tries and fails to process the implications of what I just said.

I watch with amusement as it takes Daria around two seconds to go from eyes wide open in surprise and suspicion to even wider in shock as she comes to the realization and loses her voice, her drink halfway to her mouth. How does she even drink it, huh? Catherine meanwhile looks between me and the two and starts giggling cutely, then bursts out laughing loudly, exposing her long, sharp fangs as she sees their reactions.

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