Power Overwhelming

Chapter 166 - Escalation


“Finally.” Karna released a relieved breath. She had reached the point where she could rank up her Aura. Her mana would still need years of work, especially now that she’d ignored it in favor of her Aura, but at least she would be able to rank up one of her powers. The time of the supposed birth of her child was getting closer, and she had cut it a little too close, but she’d managed it. She had already dealt with the pregnancy, as the child would not survive her becoming rank 13. The child wouldn’t have survived it even under normal circumstances, and she had a feeling this increase in rank would be anything but normal.

“Guards.” She called out and all three of the Imperial Guards now protecting her appeared within seconds. Only one of them had been present earlier, but they could appear extremely quickly when necessary, as that was one of the most important enchantments on their gear.

“Mistress.” The leading female guard, whose name she still didn’t know as the guards usually shed their names and identities, bowed. “How may we serve?”

Karna waved her hand, and pre-prepared containment magic wove around all of them. It prevented all communication with the outside, as well as any attempts at spatial travel. Even after these months together, she couldn't be entirely sure that the three guards weren't sending information to Pride. In this case, it wouldn't be too much of a problem, because she almost wished Pride was stupid enough to attack her during her Awakening, as that was the moment she was at her strongest. However, she would also be hard-pressed to keep up the appearance of being pregnant, and that was information that she couldn't allow to get out.

“I need the three of you to use all of your power to make another containment field around me. And I do mean use all of your power.” She ordered.

“May I ask why? Just in case something goes wrong.” The guard nearly always acted without questions, though it was perhaps understandable in this case as it would leave them vulnerable and they didn’t see any threats.

“I believe you will soon figure it out. It is easier to just show you than try to explain.” She gave the impression that she wasn’t feeling like giving a long explanation. It wasn't untrue, and it also saved time. She was having a breakthrough moment and didn't want to chance losing it.

“As you command, mistress.” The guard acknowledged and all three of them wove a barrier of Qi that would be able to stop an attack even from a rank 14 being. As protection was their main purpose, they were quite adept at forming barriers. Knowing what was about to happen, Envy also decided to hop out of her shadow and instead chose to watch over the guards, just in case.

Karna wasn’t expecting this Awakening to be as explosive and destructive as the last, but that didn’t mean precautions weren’t in order. That’s why they were in her divine realm currently. It was by far the safest way to contain her own powers as she wouldn’t be able to unintentionally damage the realm even if she tried. She could also draw on the divine power present in the realm to feed her Awakening.

She was finally going to Awaken the mysterious bloodline that was less mysterious by now. They’d long since figured out that it was the blood of the One Above Everything running through the imperial family. The bloodline that also allowed you to become an emperor or empress. Why it was counted as a magical beast bloodline that could be Awakened was a mystery, but since the possibility existed, there was really no point in not doing it.

Unlike her previous Awakenings, she wasn’t planning on using the bloodline to gain another form and new powers. Instead, she was planning on doing something she had considered for a long time, even before this life. The bloodlines she’d Awakened were like pieces of something larger. Something whole. With her vast experience in Awakening the bloodlines to their greatest form, it was like pieces of a beautiful mosaic forming a picture. However, they were still separate pieces. What if, instead of Awakening a thirteenth bloodline into another form with its own set of powers, she used the somewhat special bloodline to merge the other bloodlines into a single whole? Instead of separate pieces that fit together, she'd have something complete. A singular bloodline the likes of which had not been seen before.

She’d already done something similar when she formed her old totems into something unified and unique. The totem allowed her powers beyond what was supposed to be possible. What would the unified bloodline allow?

It could of course also go horribly wrong. There was always that possibility. But that’s what the Tressym bloodline was for. Cosmic luck that would smooth over any imperfections and errors that might otherwise make what she was attempting impossible. That bloodline was such a cheat. No one understood the value of things just falling into place to your benefit. They enjoyed the benefits when it happened to them, and cursed when things didn't go their way, but they rarely went through the trouble of makings sure lady luck was on their side. She hadn't made the mistake of underestimating the value that it could bring. She also had the Name Karma. No one had positive karma like her. And no one could control karma like her. If it could be done, she would be the one to do it.

This time, instead of drawing the power of an element or a concept from her surroundings, she turned her gaze inwards. Instead of attempting to reach a huge power-up, she brought the pieces of her Aura cultivation together, and applied the new bloodline into the gaps, merging it all together. That wasn't to say she didn't think there would be a power-up. She knew the bloodline was inherently tied to the being that controlled the Great Formation, and as the bloodline Awakened inside her, she reached for the formation again. This time the formation didn't struggle against her. It didn't overwhelm her either. It simply let her in and allowed her to drink her fill.

As the bloodlines came together, it was a feeling like being reforged. Every cell inside her body was blasted apart and remade. Instead of being remade as they had been, or simply improving them, she was almost completely changed. No longer was she a being of flesh and blood, but a being of pure Aura. She became a being of pure energy, just like those that ascended to the 14th rank. Except her energy was much more tangible than if she’d been remade with the power Qi, mana, or psionics. Aura was at its very base, power derived from blood. That made her transformation more grounded. More physical. Yet it was beyond what was normally possible in the physical world.

She had been a rank 14 Aura cultivator before. And this wasn’t quite it. This time she was different. Something new. Something better. She could tell immediately. She had created something that should not be possible. Something superior. The power of every bloodline inside her was combined. It wasn't a simple case of taking the best parts of every bloodline. The bloodlines resonated and multiplied each other's strength. As the bloodlines combined, she felt her power soar.

Unknown to her, her transformation was definitely being sensed outside her divine realm. Just like when a rank 14 being was born, waves of power radiated outwards from her realm, washing over the Divine Planes. The feeling was similar enough that those that had experienced the birth of a rank 14 being before assumed that the waves of power were from just such an event. Yet it was also subtly different. Those most sensitive could tell. This was something that had not happened before.

Another obvious change was that her Divine Realm suddenly expanded, and not just a little. Theoretically, these kinds of realms could be the size their owner wanted, but it rarely happened that a realm suddenly expanded so violently that it pushed other realms aside. This was the birth of a new True God and a powerful one at that. The two realms that had already been pushing together, Karna's current divinity and that of the Sacred Lady suddenly merged completely. No one with any senses could miss that something major was happening.

“Wrath said that her Awakening wouldn’t be as explosive this time. I’m fairly sure she was lying.” Valor commented. “She might not have destroyed an entire world, but the effects can certainly be felt everywhere.”

"She really doesn't like doing things halfway." Hope laughed. The two of them were staying with the Titans to take care of their own duties. “Then again, she wouldn’t have become who she is if she was the type to settle for using half-measures.”

Karna’s transformation didn’t last long. Unlike the previous times, she wasn’t in some huge form glowing with power. On the surface, it looked like her old body. Not exactly the same, but the differences were subtle. The glow inherent to all gods had become a natural part of her, and she had more presence. Her features might have sharpened just a little, but barely enough to be noticeable. Inside though, the differences were massive. Every fiber of her being was filled with barely contained power. She also felt that she could access any of the powers of her various forms without changing her current form. She also felt that the abilities would be much stronger. She had been fairly sturdy before, but now she felt almost indestructible. Almost. Nothing was truly indestructible. However, she also felt that any damage that could be done would be almost irrelevant, as her various bloodlines had combined to grant her regeneration that would put trolls and hydras to shame.

Usually, when she went through an Awakening, she had a brief period where her power was at its height, and where she'd be able to do more than she normally should. Now she felt that state was permanent. She couldn't be sure without testing things, but she was fairly confident she was powerful enough to match almost any rank 14 being, further evidenced by her transformation to an energy being just like them. She might not have quite the power of someone like Pride, but that didn't matter. She had a way around that. Now she was ready. She was prepared to face her greatest adversary and be confident about winning. Now all she needed to do was to set the battleground and hook the bait.

As the storm of power subsided, she addressed the three guards. “We will be going into isolation right after this moment. Until I’m finished, there’s going to be a complete communications blackout.” She turned to Envy. “Initiate plan Omega.”

Envy grinned wickedly. “It’s finally time.” She then suddenly vanished. She was the only one able to leave the isolation barrier without breaking it.

The three guards felt Karna’s power wrap around them, and they all vanished in a burst of flames, as she used her phoenix ability to teleport over long distances. Her range had increased by a phenomenal margin, and she could reach their destination in a single jump. The four of them ended up inside a vault heavily reinforced by magic.

They had prepared the battleground in secret long before this. After the Netherworld had withdrawn, some of the worlds they had left behind remained empty. Karna's allies had taken one of those worlds and turned it into a fortress. All her allies were now getting word to move to that world and protect it. She was calling in all the favors and connections. And she was certain someone would leak the location to Pride. If not, she had made sure the Harpy would do it soon, implying that she would be giving birth. It was feasible enough, especially after everyone had felt her ranking up, as such events, even if proper precautions were taken, could induce labor.

The defensive magical formations around the world were impressive. As they were hastily made, they didn’t quite have the power that some of the older fortified positions around the Divine Planes, but they could rival the defenses around most Houses. She could also sense the number of defenders slowly appearing to defend the place. They would need to get here the slow way. It would be interesting to see how many would get here before Pride, or even if all of them would show up. The important part was that they would be able to slow Pride’s allies. She might have been confident in confronting him, but the inclusion of a dozen royal guards would still make things more difficult than they needed to be. The defenses wouldn’t be able to stop him anyway.

Perhaps fortunately, she didn’t have to wait for more than an hour before Pride’s allies attacked. Only a portion of the defenders had managed to arrive in time. Fortunately, it also seemed that either Pride had also moved in a hurry, or had not managed to sway too many of the guard to his side, as the man arrived with only three dozen guards, who wasted no time in assaulting the defenses. As both Selendil and Dee were present, the defenders could make a very powerful stand even with lacking numbers, so the two sides were rather evenly matched.

“Time for the three of you to leave.” Envy declared to the guards as she appeared out of Karna’s shadow again.

The three guards had been busy trying to recover their spent Qi. “We can’t leave now! We’re under attack!” The leading guard protested fairly. “This is why we’re here. To protect mistress Ynnead.”

“And as the attackers are guards, you’ll understand our reticence. You can prove your loyalty by joining in the defense. I will be leaving as well. Don’t worry. Your mistress has a plan. And you’d be in the way.” Envy explained curtly, but she wasn’t giving them any choices and practically forced them out.

At the same time, Pride was easily weaving his way through the battle. No one could hit him with any attacks, as they either fizzled out or just missed. He didn't waste any time fighting the defenders either, as it seemed he didn't have to. It was like he was just as content in leaving his forces to occupy the defenders. Pride had always stayed true to his Name, and was confident in being able to win against Karna on his own. He too wanted no distractions as they fought.

The defenses crumbled in front of the man as it took him less than a minute to break through everything. With a grand gesture, he swung his long and curved sword, breaking apart the doors standing between him and Karna. With a single glance, he absorbed the situation. "I see. Not pregnant. Not anymore or not ever?" The extremely handsome man with sharp and well-defined facial features asked, a mere hint of curiosity in his voice.

“Not anymore. Not that you really expected it.” Karna countered.

“No, but it would’ve been handy if it had been true. We both know that playing into your little plan was the best way to get this confrontation. It’s a bit of a shame though.” The man used a hand to remove some imaginary speck of dust on his pure-white armor.

“What is?” Karna played along.

"It would've been interesting to see your reaction when I reunited your child with the child's father in death." He carelessly materialized the head of a titan and tossed it on the ground. Despite all the damage, she could still recognize Hyperion. "I paid him a visit while you were busy ranking up."

“That’s a shame.” His death really was, as he was mostly innocent in all this. She knew Pride was trying to goad her. Both because it would make things more interesting in his mind, as well as because he likely thought the fight would be easier if she wasn’t rational. “He was quite good in bed. Now I’ll have to find someone to replace him.” She stated simply.

Pride laughed nastily. “I suspected he wasn’t going to be enough. You might hide it better, but you’re almost as jaded as we all are. Well, we’ll have to see how you’ll react to my other presents. I’ve been busy as well.”

Karna couldn’t quite stop her eyes from narrowing. “This is a rather nasty path you’ve chosen. I would’ve thought it below you, but apparently not.”

Pride snorted at that. “We both know that to beat each other, nothing is below us.”

“Well, we both wanted a fight, so let’s get to it.” Karna materialized her hammer and appeared in front of him with the speed of a Kun-Peng amplified many times.

Pride easily deflected the blow. He was one of the most skilled sword masters she'd ever fought. He would've been the perfect Kensei if he had decided to focus on the path, just like her. And just like her, he had decided to not dedicate himself to the singular path. He still had the skills of a Kensei though. "That's more like it. Let's make this a good one. A last hurrah before my ascension to become the supreme being. Once I claim your head, the others will know to give up.” Pride grinned in joy. He’d always enjoyed a good fight, and Wrath always provided the best fights.

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