Power Overwhelming

Chapter 163 - Succession


The two powerful beings had sat opposite each other for a couple of minutes now. Karna was content on waiting for the God of Artisans to start, while Vaul seemed to have trouble finding the right words. Silence had always been an efficient negotiating tactic, and just because someone was aware of it, that didn’t make it less effective It seemed Vaul finally managed to gather himself as he was the one to speak. “I know Eldrazor was behind Hoeth’s death, even if only through leaving him hanging. I suspect he might have arranged the ambush, but that’s not important at the moment. I’m not an expert when it comes to politics, but the reason why I originally supported Hoeth was because he seemed like the most likely candidate to rival Eldrazor, and I didn’t want Eldrazor to take the throne. I got my beliefs validated in that sense when Hoeth died. At least half of them.”

“The part about Eldrazor was confirmed while supporting Hoeth turned out less than stellar?” Karna asked, already knowing the answer. She just wanted to force him into saying it.

"At the time I pledged my support to him, he was the only real option. I knew Kurnous wasn't going to be able to resist Eldrazor, and while Khaine is powerful, she also has too many enemies in the family. At the time, I assumed the family would decide on the heir. That turned out to be only one of the options, though I think we all realized that killing the other candidates was also a possibility. One that we didn't want to become reality. Some in the family, Hoeth included, would think that the family tree could use a bit of trimming, but I was never an advocate of that path. Yet that is the direction we're headed. You took out Kurnous, while Eldrazor took care of Hoeth. I know I’ll either have to step down from the competition or one of you will take care of me sooner or later. At least unless I throw my support behind one of you.”

Vaul gathered his thoughts for a moment longer. “Supporting Eldrazor is still not something I’m willing to tolerate, and I still don’t think Khaine would be right for the throne either. Hekarti is not going to get anyone to vote for her. However, now it appears there's a new option. An option that I might actually prefer over Hoeth. An option I might've supported from the beginning if it had been properly presented before I had already thrown my lot behind Hoeth." He nodded towards her. "I've seen some of your work as an artisan. You could probably take my place as the God of Artisans if you wanted. That’s not my only consideration of course, but I’m not going to pretend that isn’t a good way to sway me.”

“You’re willing to vote for me then?” Karna confirmed. She had vaguely considered the possibility, but she had not really expected it. Had not planned on it, as the likelihood had been so small.

“If it is you I’ll be voting for and not your mother, then yes. In exchange for your protection. For me and most of the family. They are largely bystanders at this point.” He promised. “Also, I wouldn’t mind if Eldrazor got a knife in the back sooner rather than later, but that’s not a precondition.”

Karna snapped a messaging talisman faster than Vaul could see. “Mother, get Hekarti here this instant.” This changed everything. Sometimes karma was a fickle bitch, and sometimes solutions just fell in your lap. You just had to be ready to seize them. That’s what preparation was all about.

The talisman vanished, and soon enough burst of magic flashed in front of her, relaying the return message that simply said, “5 minutes.”

“You seem to be acting quickly.” Vaul pointed out. He had expected a fast response, but not quite this fast.

“With your vote, we can resolve this right now. We can have the whole thing decided today. Once the decision is made, there’s no longer a need to especially protect you. I will of course, but Eldrazor will not benefit from killing you anymore. In fact, he’ll only make more enemies that way.” Karna frowned. “It’s a bit of a shame you didn’t talk to me a few days ago. I already made some agreements for votes in the Assembly.”

She had only had to make two extra agreements in addition to the one with the House of Dragons that they’d been planning on anyway. They had been moving quickly, but setting up deals like these took a bit of time. She'd had very little intention of keeping to the agreements aside from the one with the dragons, and now she might not have to anyway. It was hard to hold her accountable for any agreement where the other side never got the chance to hold their end of the bargain. The rest of the plan remained generally the same anyway. They still had to deal with Pride, and even if Greed was out of running for the throne, he would not give up on the other goal this easily.

Vaul lifted an eyebrow. “I knew you were getting popular among the Assembly, just not to the extent of getting a large enough majority.”

“I may have been forced to promise certain concessions, but now this makes those concessions moot.” She explained curtly. “We’ll declare our votes in front of the Grand Assembly as soon as we get Hekarti on board.”

“You think you’ll be able to?” Vaul asked, warily.

“She’ll oblige. She knows that with you in my corner, she can either trade with me for her vote, or her life is forfeit. Or at least that’s what she’ll assume. I won’t be as crass as to put it in those terms of course, but that’s how she’ll see it anyway.” She felt confident of her conclusion and had it soon confirmed.

As soon as Khaine and Hekarti entered the secret room they were occupying, the Goddess of Dark Magic stopped and many emotions flicked through her face, shifting from realization, to anger, to calculation, and finally settling on resignation. “I see. The time for games is over then?” She stated.

"One way or another," Karna replied simply, allowing a small smile to play on her face. The smile could be interpreted in many ways, and Hekarti would see what she wanted to see.

“It’s funny. Had you waited for a few more days, things would’ve gone the opposite way.” Hekarti admitted with pursed lips, before looking at Vaul. “Your fate was supposed to be sealed.”

"I had a feeling," Vaul replied through gritted teeth. "Which is largely why I'm here."

Hekarti nodded. “He didn’t believe you had it in you.” She told the smithing god with a voice that was almost gentle. “It seems he was wrong.” She didn’t need to say Greed’s public name for everyone to understand who she was referring to.

“Out of curiosity, what was the price of your vote?” Karna asked. “We might be able to match it.”

"Carrot and stick. In that, the two of you are similar at least." It was clear the goddess was unsure if she should answer but finally did. "Khaine is not the only one that has…strayed over the millennia. Unlike her though, I was never liked, so it was easy to hide my transgression. I had thought I'd done a good job of hiding it too, but he found out. Everyone has a price, and sometimes that price is not material.” She released a deep breath. “He did also promise me an artifact powerful enough to elevate me into the top echelon of all gods. That was his carrot. Not very imaginative but there it is anyway.”

"Oh, sister," Khaine said sympathetically.

“Don’t. Just don’t. I don’t need your pity, nor do I accept it as genuine. Even if you haven’t been as against me as my other siblings and cousins, it’s not like you’ve defended me before either.” The goddess sounded both bitter and tired.

“Well.” Karna started off, wanting to avoid family drama. “I’m more partial to carrot instead of the stick, so what would it take for you to vote for me?”

“I’m not sure if Eldrazor will go through with his threat, but saving my son would be nice. Aside from that, I’d like the future empress’ permission to research more deeply into the origins of the Underworld. There’s something odd about the scourge, and I’ve always wanted to find out what. However, the topic has been forbidden for a very long time. Multiple generations of emperors in fact.” The goddess surprised everyone with her request.

“You have the two greatest artisans in the Divine Planes in the same room, and you don’t want us to make that artifact Eldrazor promised you?” Vaul asked in surprise. He had expected something similar at least. The two of them could create artifacts the likes of which had never been seen together.

“I’m already one of the most powerful goddesses in the entire universe. I don’t need an artifact for that.” Hekarti retorted almost bitterly. “In fact, having an artifact like that would only make everyone think my power was all due to the artifact instead of my own effort.”

“I can agree to your condition, and can even do you one better. I happen to have some information that could help you in your research.” Karna said, and clearly got the goddess’ interest. “For your son, I cannot promise you anything, but I’ll see what I can do. I have some ideas, but if Eldrazor has him, then those ideas might not be feasible.”

“Good enough.” The goddess acquiesced. She knew just this was already plenty when the three others could’ve just killed her to achieve the same goal.

“In that case…” Karna stood up regally and led them all into the large hall of the Grand Assembly, which still looked like a magnificent pillow fort to her. There was currently an ongoing debate about rebuilding some of the damaged worlds, but all the voices quieted as they noticed the identities of those that had just arrived.

“Your attention please!” Khaine took the lead with her declaration. Now everyone was paying attention while frantically sending message talismans to invite all their associates back to attend. They could all sense something was happening, and it wasn’t difficult to figure out what. “I wish to cast my vote for the next Heavenly Emperor. My vote is for Princess Ynnead.”

“I wish to cast my vote for the next Heavenly Emperor. My vote is also for Princess Ynnead.” Vaul repeated.

“I wish to cast my vote for the next Heavenly Emperor. My vote is for Princess Ynnead.” Hekarti echoed the words of the two before her.

Now everyone knew what was going on and could do the math. They knew they were witnessing a historic moment. As it happened, most of the notable people were already present as the topic of conversation was important, but a few late arrivals straggled in just in time as well. The Assembly was only a step away after all.

Karna slowly stepped forward and looked straight at Greed, who had just arrived in a rush. “I wish to cast my vote for the Heavenly Emperor as well. As uncouth as it is to vote for myself, my vote goes for myself.” Her voice echoed in the completely quiet room, as no one dared to even whisper anything. They all felt the change though.

A heavenly decree suddenly appeared in front of everyone. “The Heavenly Emperor recognizes the result and decrees that the next Heavenly Empress is to be Princess Ynnead. may her reign be long and prosperous. From this moment forth, she shall be afforded all the rights and responsibilities of the empress-to-be. The struggle for succession is over, and the Heavens decree that any candidates must cease their attempts and plots to recognize the rightful new Empress. Anyone caught attempting to assassinate the new empress-to-be will face the strictest possible punishment.”

Everyone read the decree slowly, but they all stood up in order to clap and cheer before they were pre-empted by Khaine. “For formality’s sake, I call for a vote in the Grand Assembly to recognize the succession.”

This request was a bit of a surprise but, as the vote had been called, everyone cast their vote. As the emperor had already given a decree, no one dared to go against it, even Greed and his supporters, and the vote passed unanimously, doubly confirming Karna’s ascension. Now, even if something were to happen to Vaul or Hekarti, it would be entirely irrelevant, as Karna had completed two of the three victory conditions, and Greed wasn’t willing to go for the last one anyway.

The heir to the Heavenly Throne didn't have the direct authority to give out decrees, but their orders were usually considered to be almost equal, as they could always just give the order again once they got the throne and might carry a grudge against those that went against their order before. Karna decided to take advantage of that. "As the first order of business, I call upon everyone here to halt any retaliations against anyone that voted this day. Any retaliation will be viewed most unfavorably in the future. Mount Celestis called a moratorium against political machinations of that kind in the not-too-distant past, and I think in this case it would be a good idea."

Her declaration was taken as one of mercy and well received by most of those present. They all thought she was mostly stopping her own supporters from striking against those that had supported Hoeth or Greed, but mostly she was hoping to deter Greed from striking at Vaul or Hekarti’s son. The gathered gods all cheered at the declaration, and while the cheering was ongoing, she turned towards Envy. “Can you track him and see if he’ll lead you to Hekarti’s son?”

Envy frowned a little. “I can try. It’s hard to tell what he can detect with all the secrets he’s hidden away.” She considered for a moment. “If things go south, am I allowed to kill him?”

Karna lifted an eyebrow. “Allowed? Since when have you needed my permission? I trust your judgement. Most of the time.” She hesitated for a moment. “Well, in this case at least.”

“Wow. Such a vote of confidence.” Envy retorted sarcastically, but couldn’t help the grin on her face before she seemed to vanish.

The clamor went on for a long time, and Karna knew there would be a lot of pomp and ceremony in her close future. You couldn’t have a moment like this without a lot of both. The coronation itself wouldn’t happen until the previous emperor gave up his position, but that didn’t mean the festivities would be any less. In fact, she could already hear calls for a celebration through the entire Divine Planes, which was met with the argument that the problem with the Growth was still not dealt with, so having a celebration while people were dying would be a little macabre.

She did realize a problem though. Now that she was the empress-to-be, she’d likely be assigned a personal guard from the Imperial Guard. That would be a problem indeed.

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