Power Overwhelming

Chapter 139 - Reunions


"This is problematic. Our previous strategy is now in jeopardy." The leader of the Mount Celestis team announced as the teams strategized and the first fighters entered the arena and exited it moments later as their fight took them into the void surrounding the arena. She wasn't even looking at the fight, knowing that Azazel was more than enough to deal with his current opponent. The angel with black wings was such a strong combatant that even she wouldn't take him lightly.

“How so Matriarch?” The lynchpin of their strategy asked in clear confusion. The female angel with pink ethereal-looking wings radiated kindness and care, though assuming she didn't have any bite would be the last mistake you made.

"Their last pick. I know her. Very well in fact. Our strategy will no longer work because if we pit you against Eldrazor, he'll just swap out to the Princess. And then you'll lose." The leader stated with certainty that didn't leave any room for doubt.

That didn’t mean her words were accepted without any question though. “Why? I don’t mean to doubt you Matriarch, but surely the young princess can’t have more positive karma than me? Challenging Eldrazor in a battle of Karma should still work. Unless…she’s like us, isn’t she?” The pink winged angel’s Name, Paragon, was well earned and she was confident in her strengths. She was so confident that they were banking on her challenging one of the most well-rounded reincarnators in her chosen field.

All the members of the team from Mount Celestis were reincarnators, albeit not all strong and old ones, but they still had to limit their words because there were people in the ‘audience’ capable of overhearing. “Very good. She’s a very old one, just like me. In fact, she’s much-much older. And one of her Names is Karma.”

Paragon groaned in realization. She might have been a paragon of virtue, but she couldn’t compete with someone literally Named Karma. “That means this competition hinges on us being able to take her out before Eldrazor. Only, I’m not sure they’d be silly enough to send her out if they realize what our plan is.”

The leading angel made a non-committal sound that somehow still managed to sound charming. "There are many factors at work here." She said, while a large explosion sounded above them. Azazel was trashing the True God that had changed into their phoenix form and tried burning down everything. "Her family is more than willing to throw her into the grinder, but Eldrazor will likely want to keep her back as a trump card. It is very unlikely he knows what our plan is though. However, we might not be any better off if she does get sent forth. If Eldrazor managed to bribe her into taking this seriously, I wouldn't give even Azazel very good odds of actually beating her in a fight, and she's unfortunately quite multitalented. Or fortunately, as it might turn out. The Asuryans made a mistake in their rules. They said we could sub out when challenged in a field we aren't confident in. However, they failed to limit that substitution to our team. Only the people on the two teams can take part, but there’s no real rule preventing us from subbing in one of their members. As long as she agrees, that is. I don’t think forceful substitutions would be accepted. Otherwise, both teams would keep subbing in the other team.”

“Will she though?” Paragon asked. She had another name among the angels, but it wasn’t used often as she was proud of her Name.

"That depends. She likes me more than she likes Eldrazor, but that might not be the only consideration." As she finished her words, the mangled body of the once proud phoenix crashed into the arena. The True God was still alive as immortals were quite difficult to kill, and True Gods even more so. However, he wouldn't be carrying on this fight.

“And the winner is Azazel of Mount Celestis! Addaioth is eliminated and may no longer take part! He’ll really need the famed rebirth powers of the phoenixes after that slaughter!” A female voice announced. Those taking part had no idea who was doing the job of an announcer, though many of the gods recognized the voice of one that used to be one of their strongest. “Next challenger step forward!”

“Now the real competition starts.” The leading angel stated, knowing this is where the strategizing started. The first fight was there just to set the stage.


“Well. That was one-sided.” Karna stated coldly, not caring that the one that was so thoroughly crushed was most likely an uncle of hers, or at least something similar.

She’d been absolutely right about the powers of fire being a rotten counter against gravity, and the angel known as Azazel was very crafty at using his powers. Even the divine powers of the True God had been thoroughly countered. The attack that had taken out the deity had been very similar to the main gun her old tower had used, though more powerful just due to sheer rank difference. The angel was very good though and would be a hard opponent in a fight. Certainly someone that had earned his rank.

"I must admit, I expected him to do better." Greed replied. The Royal Family was not made of weaklings, and a True God should be able to fair better against a similar rank non-divine opponent even if their strengths were not a good match.

"My turn then." Atharti stepped forward. The goddess clearly had something to prove. "I challenge you to a duel of seduction." The angel was rather handsome in a dignified sort of way, but he wasn't a match for the Goddess of Beauty.

“He’s just going to swap out you dolt.” Karna grimaced.

“She’s confident in beating anyone. Normally a good shout, but not with her on the other team.” Greed was just as unimpressed, though he wasn’t worried. He knew the real fight would be fought between him and the leader of the other team. Assuming she was willing to face him.

"I'm swapping out," Azazel announced.

"Who are you swapping with? No strategizing with your team." The announcer had clearly decided to make things interesting, though the teams involved were not obligated to follow the new instructions.

Azazel seemed confident in his decision though. “I choose the leader of our team, Temperance!” He declared loudly.

“Oh? She’s earned a new Name? And a Virtue at that?” Greed was caught off guard.

“You didn’t know?” Karna turned to look at Greed in surprise as ‘Temperance’ took the stage.

“I will admit you’re charming, but you’re competing against the Goddess of Beauty!” Atharti declared while gesturing dismissively at the angel, who was most likely the primary reason the goddess felt the need to prove something. This too was a fated encounter of sorts.


It took a moment to make arrangements for something as nebulous as a competition in seduction, but Temperance had full confidence. The little Goddess might be feeling confident, but she had no idea who she was up against. Both competitors were provided with a host of targets, and they had to lure the targets into their part of the arena. The targets were all provided with items against mind-altering magic just in case, though neither participant needed such assistance.

The goddess turned on her full charm of her Divinity and promised the world to her targets, and normally that would have been more than enough. Temperance on the other hand just unleashed the ability provided to her by her other Name, which allowed her to charm and persuade just about anyone to do her bidding. Her words seemed more reasonable and convincing than they actually were and her voice was something all the targets focused upon, despite the goddess’ attempts to the contrary. Soon enough the entire group of targets made their way to Temperance’s zone, marking her as a clear winner, and making the score a convincing 2-0.

“And the winner is Temperance of Mount Celestis! Atharti is eliminated in a rather humiliating fashion! Will the Royal House be able to recover from this bad start? We will find out! Next challenger!” The announcer didn’t miss the opportunity to make a dig at the goddess.

"Time to end this farce." Eldrazor declared and stepped into the ring. "I challenge you into a straight-up fight. We both know we'll face each other soon enough anyway. Might as well get it over with."

“Not quite yet. I’m swapping out.” Temperance announced, showing the clear weakness in being the challenger, even if you got to use your strengths.

“And who will be replacing you?” The announcer asked, a smile clear in her voice, signaling that she knew what was coming.

“I choose Princess Ynnead.” She looked at Greed, who was fuming, with a grin. “Enjoy your own mistake.”

“Ooh, a hole in the rules!” The announcer declared. “It is allowed by the wording, however. Substitutions were not limited by team. Will the substitute agree, though?”

Karna knew this was a good opportunity to spoil Greed’s plans and stepped up. “I think it’s only fair. These were the rules as defined by the challenged. And I will insist on reminding everyone that my participation was already a deviation from the original intent.”

As she gracefully sauntered to stand opposite Greed, she couldn't help grinning. "Still want me to go all out?" She asked.

“Hrrm. I think it’s better for everyone if neither of us did.” Greed grumbled at his plans being foiled. Most importantly though, he was blaming himself for not seeing this coming. Wrath certainly had, as she’d all but said as much.

“Your call. Should we at least put up a token fight, or should I just fold right away? While crushing you might be interesting, it would create more problems than it would solve.” Karna seriously considered fighting Greed at full power, but Greed wasn’t an enemy you could fight two ranks down without revealing most of your cards.

While he wasn't as strong in a fight as Pride, he was still a very old reincarnator with practically unlimited resources and who knows what kind of traps and surprises stored away. She'd once fought him in the past when he'd pulled out an entire fleet of AI-controlled ships from wherever he stored all of his treasures. That had been a less than pleasant surprise, and the man had only had more time since then to come up with something new and exciting.

“Fine.” He stated with a long sigh before making a loud announcement. “I give you permission to withdraw.”

“I didn’t really need your permission but seeing as you’re the one who pulled me into it, I shall abide. For now. I yield!” Karna folded out.

“Aww, I was looking forward to a fight between those two.” The announcer wasn’t the only one disappointed. “We’ll get a chance in the future, I’m sure. Next challenger!”

The remaining part of the challenge proceeded largely just like the angels had expected. With a 3-0 lead, they could tactically lose a couple of fights while forcing their more powerful opponents into traps they had prepared beforehand. Greed alone managed to take down 3 of the angels, but was in the end the last one standing and forced to accept the challenge of positive karma against Paragon, which he obviously lost. Hoeth, Kurnous, and Vaul all managed to win at least one duel as well, keeping up the house’s reputation to an extent. At least the challenge didn't turn into a full blowout despite the bad start. However, the strength of the reincarnators on Mount Celestis' team was simply too much, and Temperance didn't even have to take the stage again. Instead, she approached Karna just as the contest was concluding.

"Wrath my darling!" She greeted her with a gorgeous smile that caused even Karna's heart to skip a beat.

"Lust. I consider the favor I owed to Mount Celestis repaid with that." She quickly crushed any effect the other woman's gift had on her. She knew getting involved with Lust was dangerous, to say the least.

“Please, it’s Temperance nowadays.” The other Sin continued smiling, noting her influence being resisted. “I believe that makes us the same. Are we the only Sins that are also Virtues, or have any of the others managed?”

“I don’t think they have. I know of Wisdom, Hope, Mercy, Temperance, and Valor. I also know the whereabouts of us, Envy, and Greed, so we’re missing Pride, Sloth, and Gluttony. I doubt any of those three managed, though you never know with Pride.” She didn’t mind sharing information with Lust as their relationship had always been at least cordial.

“Ah, yes. Envy. How is the old girl?” Lust’s relationship with Envy on the other hand had always been a little iffy.

“Fine. You know her.” Karna shrugged simply, not going into details. While sharing general information was fine, she wasn’t going to gossip about her ally.

Lust noticed the slight dodge but blithely ignored it. "Well, you can add Pride to your list. I've seen him, and he certainly hasn't become a Virtue. Incidentally, he might be our biggest problem."

“Our?” Karna asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, knowing you, I know you’re not too eager to win this whole thing, whatever it is, though even if you are, I’m not really hung up on it either. So, our interests need not be in conflict. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure we can both agree on Greed and Pride being very bad choices.”

“Where is he?” Karna asked with a deep sigh. She wasn’t sure Lust would be a great choice either, though at least she was better than Greed or Pride. Temperance was a Name she’d earned through hard work after all.

“Last I saw, he was guarding the emperor.” Lust dropped the bomb.

“Wait. He’s a member of the imperial guard? Which means he wouldn’t settle for anything besides leading it. That…is a problem.” The guards of the emperor were the most powerful force in the Divine Planes, aside maybe from the gods themselves if the discordant divines ever managed to unite their forces, and their purpose and origin were quite mysterious. Pride had chosen well.

“Right? That’s why I’m making a gambit like this. I’m pretty sure he’s pulling strings behind the scenes, stirring up trouble, so I need a bit of unity from the gods so that he’ll have to make his moves more openly.” Lust explained.

"You do know that this can't last, right? Even with the Royal Family cowed, for now, the others will not be able to tolerate things for too long." Karna knew the other Sin understood but wanted a confirmation anyway.

“I'm aware. I don't need it to last though. Besides, a bit more unity will help with dealing with the scourges as well. You should make the most of this opportunity. I heard of your exploits already. You could always join Mount Celestis you know. We have a spot for you. I made sure of that. I think we both know your alliance with the titans is iffy at best." Lust suggested, not really expecting Wrath to bite right now, just planting the seeds for the future.

"I'll keep what you said in mind," Karna replied without committing to anything. That was the safest path with Lust.

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