Possessing Nothing

Chapter 371

TL: Yul

PR: Gort


Why would Wijihoyeon’s title come out of someone’s mouth? Especially in a place like this? 

Feeling slightly bewildered, Lee Sungmin walked toward the sound’s location. 

Like the other houses, a pungent stench was wafting out of the mansion. However, there was no smell of rotting corpses.

[Seems like he will die at any moment.]

Heoju commented. 

Lee Sungmin opened a half-open door fully and stepped inside. 

Kazuya, who was made of skin and bones, lay on a dirty bed. The floor, along with the bedsheets, was tainted with bodily fluids and filth. 

Rubia, who had walked into the room after Lee Sungmin, made a disgusted expression. 

“You… aren’t the Minor Heavenly Demon…”

Kazuya muttered, his voice barely audible. 

He opened his eyes with all his might, but his eyes were foggy. 

His sight wasn’t the only thing that deteriorated. Kazuya had been on the level of a Peak Martial Artist, but now…

It was all ruined. His eyes could not see anything before him, and his body was stiff. 

His once sharp senses were gone, and his dantian was crumpled up. Kazuya was dying. 

“…Do you… remember me?”

Lee Sungmin glanced at Rubia, who understood what he wanted, raised her arm, and opened her hand. 

A water droplet shot out in the middle of her palm with a satisfying sound. The droplet rose into the air, covering the entire room. Then, it disappeared, along with the filth and dirt covering the space. 


Kasuya had an astonished expression on his face. He squinted his eyebrows, but he didn’t seem to be able to identify who Lee Sungmin was. Kazuya spoke with a sigh. 

“Who are you?”

“15 years ago, I came to this forest to find where Envirus went.”

“Ah…yes. That was you. I remember now. You barged into our town and killed the tribe elder, right?”

That wasn’t your fault, though, Kazuya added before asking, “Why did you come here?”

“I wanted to check something in the forest…. But what happened here?”

It was doubtful that this was an attack on the tribe. It was also impossible for the tribe members to fight and kill each other. 

“This was bound to happen.” Kazuya let out a laugh. “It happened suddenly, but it wasn’t like there weren’t any signs. We… the tribe, all have the same blood running through our veins. Since the beginning, we have mixed and mixed and mixed, creating an incurable disease, not even with magic or Elixirs.”

A bloodline consisting only of incestuous relationships over numerous generations… (ED note: Roll Tide!)

“We knew this would happen, yet we couldn’t do anything about it. We had to for our clan’s wish, even if we didn’t know what it was. Everyone born in this tribe was brainwashed into doing anything and everything for that.”

Heoju had spoken earlier… that the purpose of the tribe’s existence was to maintain the barrier that covered the forest. 

Because of that, the clansmen couldn’t leave the boundary of the forest and had to inbreed. 

As Kazuya said, it was inevitable. 

But this was too sudden. 

“…When did the deaths start to happen?”

“Hmm… roughly about a month ago. They started to die suddenly. How many are dead?”

“Everyone other than you.” 

“I see.” 

Kazuya laughed and raised his frail body, shuddering. He sniffed but smiled slightly. 

“Thank you for the cleanup. I got used to the stench, but the clean air is much more refreshing.”

“…Do you know the Minor Heavenly Demon?”

Lee Sungmin asked the question that was on his mind. 

Kazuya reached for the nightstand near the bed and opened the drawer. He groped around, causing Lee Sungmin to peer inside the drawer. It was filled to the brim with medical pills. 

Kazuya shoved a handful into his mouth and swallowed. 

“Before disaster struck. Around a month ago, the Minor Heavenly Demon visited this town.”

One month ago.

Lee Sungmin swallowed. That was right after he broke free from his seal. 

While he was trying to figure out the situation in the world after opening his eyes in Germane, Wijihoyeon traveled to the Sleeping Forest to meet Kazuya.

“She asked me to let her into the Sleeping Forest, and I couldn’t decline. Her attitude was respectful, but her aura seeped out of her body. Well, I didn’t have a reason to decline in the first place.”

One month ago, Wijihoyeon had entered the Sleeping Forest. What happened after?

Rubia mentioned earlier that Wijihoyeon had appeared in the Spirit Dimension 10 days ago. Was there a reason to come here before going there?

“Did she tell you why? A reason?”

“She said it was necessary. It was an ambiguous statement, but I didn’t dig for more. The reason wasn’t important to me.”

Kazuya finished muttering and slowly got out of bed. His body shook, but he straightened his back and breathed deeply. 

Lee Sungmin stepped closer and inspected his body. 

“I don’t know how long I’ll live now,” Kazuya said quietly, “Everyone from my tribe died, other than myself… If I die, the barrier around the forest will crumble away.”

“What happens then?”

“I don’t know. We just existed until now. No one knows what will happen when everyone in my tribe dies because it has never happened before.”

Lee Sungmin asked about the ancient monsters in the forest, but Kazuya shook his head. 

“I apologize for not being able to help.” 

“It’s fine.”

What happened to Kazuya was an unfortunate disaster. His people, who had lived for many generations, only living to keep the barrier alive, had all died. 

The End. 

This term had floated around inside Lee Sungmin’s head for a long time. Oslo had stated that this world was advancing closer and closer to the fate of the End. 

Even now, the world was inching closer to its end, never ceasing. 

During this time, the tribe maintaining the forest’s barrier was exterminated; only Kazuya remained. 

[This forest is probably related to the End.]

Heoju muttered. 

And Wijihoyeon had also ventured into the forest. 

Why would she go in here? Lee Sungmin thought of the last time he saw Wijihoyeon, at the Moon Palace. 

The Wijihoyeon he saw as the space around them collapsed. She, who had yet to conclude the fight against the Queen of Spirits, was swept away by the corroding space. 

Wijihoyeon had only stated that she “needed” to go into the Sleeping Forest; for no other reason than because she needed to. 

Did she come here to stop the End? 

Lee Sungmin felt frustrated at the lack of information. 


Lee Sungmin and Kazuya stopped in front of the entrance to the Sleeping Forest. Tree branches and vines chaotically crossed each other, creating a messy barrier. 

[It became weaker.]

Heoju was right. The barrier surrounding the Sleeping Forest looked weaker than the one 15 years ago; Lee Sungmin could see rotten branches and sections along the barrier. 

“It degraded a lot, didn’t it?”


“Yet, it will still stand as long as I live.”

Kazuya limped toward the mess of vines, making a cut on his palm. His hand, covered in blood, then touched the barrier. With a slithering sound, a tear* (결계) opened in space. 

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. This is my duty.”

Kazuya wiped his bloodied hand. 

Lee Sungmin bowed slightly to Kazuya and entered the rift. 


A strange sense of incongruity washed over Lee Sungmin. This was a place where the mighty Pegasus couldn’t travel to.

Lee Sungmin tried to summon the Pegasus, but it did not appear. It seemed that what Oslo said was right, that this place didn’t exist in reality. 

[It’s been a while, but I feel at home.]

Heoju spoke, cackling. 

[Well, I was contained here for over 300 years, so…]

‘What did you do for those years?’

[Just sleeping for the most part. Or thinking back on the past. It wasn’t that enjoyable, but the times I spent with you were much more entertaining.]

‘Don’t say such embarrassing words.’

[What’s so embarrassing about the truth? That’s why I helped you a lot in the past and even now. 10 years ago, if this old man didn’t step in, you would have been devoured by the Predator of Massacre.]

‘I… know that. Of course, I’m thankful.’

[It’s pretty funny hearing that from a man.] 

Lee Sungmin ignored Heoju’s laughter ringing in his ears and continued venturing into the forest. 

A sense of danger permeated the environment. His skin twitched, and he sensed eyes looking at him…

Lee Sungmin looked around. He could only see an ordinary forest and couldn’t see those that were looking at him. 

The result was the same, even by scanning the environment with his internal energy. He couldn’t sense them… only the gazes. 


It seemed that Rubia could sense the gazes as well. Lee Sungmin tapped the shuddering Rubia and pointed at his chest. 

Rubia nodded and, in an instant, transformed into a ball of light to hide inside Lee Sungmin. Lee Sungmin took out his spear just in case anything unexpected happened. 

Something was definitely staring at them. However, it only gazed from afar and did not act. 

Was it an ancient being that was imprisoned years ago?

Lee Sungmin ignored the eeriness and continued walking. Soon, he reached the boulder where he first met Heoju. 

Lee Sungmin stared at the boulder. Many years ago, Heoju had appeared in front of Lee Sungmin in a form of a giant flame atop the boulder. 

Heoju snickered. 

They passed the boulder. Lee Sungmin had never explored ahead of this point, and the sense of danger increased as he passed. 

His vision darkened. The forest became darker, and the sun seemed to be extinguished. Lee Sungmin stopped walking. 

What could he say?

Lee Sungmin stood stiffly, looking in front of him. In the shadows, hidden by the dark forest, something was staring at him.

No, it wasn’t just ‘something.’ Lee Sungmin knew exactly who that was.

Lee Sungmin slowly headed toward the figure. The woman in the shadow did not move but instead continued to look at him. 

His heart ached. 

It beat so fast that he feared it might explode. 

She did not say anything. 

He had so much to say. 

He had so much to ask. 

It’s probably not just me.

Lee Sungmin thought, clenching his shaking hands. 

They both knew each other well. 

Lee Sungmin gazed at Wijihoyeon’s face, almost hidden in the darkness. He wanted to see if she was happy, sad, angry, or everything all at once…

Wijihoyeon was looking at him with a complicated expression. The distance between them closed rapidly.

Lee Sungmin raised and reached out to her, but his hand passed through her body. 

He knew that would happen. He could see her, but her body wasn’t in the physical realm. He saw her with his eyes, but his energy and senses told him that there was nothing in front of him. 

Lee Sungmin laughed bitterly. Looking at him laughing, Wijihoyeon also laughed. 

Could she hear him?

There was only one way to check. Lee Sungmin opened his mouth and spoke to her. 

“I wanted to see you.” 

After a short silence, she replied. 

“Me too.”

Her voice rang throughout the air. Hearing those words made Lee Sungmin’s heart thump faster. Lee Sungmin raised his hand and pressed firmly on his chest. 

“…What… are you doing here?”

“It’s a pretty funny story. I went to the Spirit Realm to kill the Queen of Spirits, but I guess I wasn’t strong enough.”

“What happened to the Queen?”

“Stuck in a different dimension, although her situation is much better than mine. After all, I’m completely trapped between the cracks of reality while that bitch found a way to escape.” 

Wijihoyeon spoke with a relaxed expression, but Lee Sungmin couldn’t take it calmly. She was stuck between the cracks of reality…

“How do I get you out? How can I help you escape?”

“It’s impossible.”

Wijihoyeon spoke casually, shrugging her shoulders. Lee Sungmin’s vision shook, but he focused and looked past her figure. Behind her, mountains of corpses were piled on top of one another. 

“It took less time than I thought, but it was something I had to do.”

“…What were you doing?”

“Killing monsters,” Wijihoyeon replied, “This forest contains many monsters. Because of that bitch, the Queen of Spirits, I was able to come here by luck.”

Well, because of that, I can’t touch you…” Wijihoyeon muttered and raised her hand. Just like what happened when Lee Sungmin had tried, her hand passed through Lee Sungmin’s face. 

“But… it’s okay because I got to see you again and got to talk to you again.”

Wijihoyeon smiled faintly. 

“Because I’m doing this for you.”


TL Note: 

Hey guys, it’s your favorite (and slowest) translator Yul here. 

It’s been a while, but here it is after 2 months. 

The translation quality probably decreased a lot, but I’m going to try to keep translating to get it better and to give you guys more chapters. 

Wijihoyeon is doing it for Lee Sungmin, and I’m doing it for you guys. 

See y’all later. 

ED Note:

If anyone remembers whether or not Kazuya was the name the previous translators used for the tribe member, let us know in the comments or on the NU forums (I couldn’t find the relevant chapter). Also, let us know if you have any suggestions for formatting! We can’t promise speed, but if any of you are like me and have been following this novel since even before the Centinni days, you’ll be used to waiting, and I hope we haven’t disappointed you.

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