Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 129:

"Someone she likes has caught her eye?"

Yeo Jaeyoon furrowed his brow, thinking about men who could be around his daughter.

"Is it Reporter Kim? Lately, he seemed overly kind to Hyemin. Or maybe Chef Park? Well, he has a family, so probably not."

The first to come to mind were the male servants in the house. However, they were all more like ‘fathers' or ‘uncles' rather than potential suitors, so they were ruled out.

"Could it be Kang Jinseok…?"

Suddenly, one man came to mind. If it was Kang Jinseok, it was entirely possible.

As peers of the same age, the two had been shooting together for quite a long time, and it was common for actors to make eye contact on set.

"But I never expected Kang Jinseok to make the first move."

Since Jinseok always presented a professional demeanor on set, Yeo Jaeyoon hadn't thought he would be interested in anything other than acting.

No, even if they were close, Yeo Jaeyoon assumed it was because he had asked Jinseok to take care of her first.

When he agreed, Jinseok's expression was more like ‘colleague' than ‘romantic interest.'

"Wait. Come to think of it, he was quite guarded when other actresses approached. Could it be… Kang Jinseok has an interest in Hyemin?"

Normally, Yeo Jaeyoon didn't pay much attention to the personal lives or interests of other actors.

However, perhaps because it was related to his only daughter, for the first time in his decades-long directorial career, Yeo Jaeyoon found himself pondering such matters. Even if it was an acquaintance formed because he had asked first, the heart of a father with a daughter was not like that.


Yeo Jaeyoon recalled Jinseok along with a deep sigh.

"Well… that friend is indeed a good person. He acts well, looks good, is tall, and has a clean relationship with women. He's hardworking, has perseverance, and good manners, earns money quite well, and is a good person. However, no matter how good he is, my daughter… hmmm."

No matter how outstanding he might be, even if he acknowledged it himself, knowing that someone was eyeing his daughter made him uneasy.

As a father with a daughter, inevitable boundaries and prejudice arose.

As Yeo Jaeyoon was deeply immersed in these heavy considerations, Kim Seyeon spoke.

"So I asked Miss Yeo Hyemin directly. ‘In what situation did the man suggest having a meal together.'"

Snapping out of his reverie, Yeo Jaeyoon responded, "Oh, yes."

"She said, ‘After the actor finishes shooting.'"

With this statement, Yeo Jaeyoon became certain. The man who invited his daughter to a meal after the shooting was indeed Jinseok.


Yeo Jaeyoon made an uncomfortable sound again.

In his mind, thoughts like ‘Hmm. If it's Kang Jinseok, it might be okay' and ‘How dare he approach my daughter just because he acts well' clashed with each other.

However, gradually, the thought of ‘Hmm. If it's Kang Jinseok, I might be able to trust and leave my daughter to him' began to dominate Yeo Jaeyoon's mind.

But then, at that moment, Kim Seyeon sighed and spoke with a deflated voice.

"I thought that actor might be interested in Miss Yeo Hyemin, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case."

"Yes? What do you mean by that?"

"It turns out the male actor didn't suggest having a meal alone. He suggested eating together with his manager, a group of three."


When actors secretly date, friends or managers often act as a screen, ensuring that even if they are seen together, it doesn't lead to dating rumors.

But Jinseok's manager was there. The relationship between the two was already…

"It seems like he said it out of courtesy when parting ways. The patient attached meaning to it. The reason I asked you to watch closely was to control the situation on the set."

With Kim Seyeon's explanation, Yeo Jaeyoon felt relieved. Inviting his daughter to a meal was just a form of greeting. Yeo Jaeyoon felt embarrassed for having pondered it alone.

But only for a moment. Yeo Jaeyoon felt strangely upset. If Kim Seyeon's words were true, it meant that Jinseok had no particular interest in his daughter.


Yeo Jaeyoon sighed lightly, his expression slightly darkening.

For some reason, Yeo Jaeyoon's mood seemed quite sour, so Kim Seyeon cautiously asked, "Um… Director, did I make a mistake in my words?"

"No, no, Doctor. Anyway… does Hyemin have an interest in that male actor?"

"Yes. It's just that it's almost the first time she's shown interest in someone other than you, Director, so the patient seems quite bewildered."

"Hmm… Doctor, separating the two at the filming site is impossible. What should I do now? Is there anything I can do for Hyemin?"

This was a question Yeo Jaeyoon had asked Kim Seyeon every time he came for counseling. What he should do for Yeo Hyemin? Each time, Kim Seyeon would say, "Just wait."

But this time was a bit different.

"In that case, it's better to show your support."

Similar to saying ‘just wait,' but it felt different. While Yeo Jaeyoon was contemplating this difference, Kim Seyeon added,

"Actually, whether this emotion is the first friend's friendship, affection for the opposite sex, or another emotion, I don't know. Anyway, for the first time, the patient has opened the door to her feelings for someone else."


"I didn't mean to control the set by telling you to separate the two. On the contrary, I'd appreciate it if you could ensure that there's no problem even if your daughter releases her emotions during filming."

"Why is that?"

"Human emotions and thoughts are complex. Since we can't always have good thoughts and emotions, it might be good for her to be exposed to various emotions this time."


"Don't try to find out who the patient is interested in or reveal it even if you know. Don't put pressure on the other party. Do you understand?"

Yeo Jaeyoon felt a bit embarrassed inwardly at Kim Seyeon's words. Everything Kim Seyeon was advised not to do, Yeo Jaeyoon either had done or was planning to do.

"It's all for your daughter."

With the words for his daughter, Yeo Jaeyoon slowly, reluctantly nodded heavily.

"What would it be like for the chairman who entrusted his daughter to a con artist? Somehow today, he could fully understand the heart of the chairman in the scenario he had written."


OS Entertainment headquarters, top floor restroom.

"Sigh. Why am I so nervous?"

Like most interviewees before an interview, Go Seoyoung came to the restroom. But as she looked at herself in the mirror, she still felt something was lacking.

She had gone to an expensive salon for makeup and hair, which she usually didn't do. Why did she do that?

If it were another interview, Go Seoyoung probably wouldn't have gone to such lengths.

But this interview was suggested by Jang Sunho, so maybe, just maybe, she might meet Jang Sunho…

"No, it's just an interview. I dressed up for it."

Sorting out her minor thoughts, Go Seoyoung adjusted her appearance. Then she took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's go."

Confidently, Go Seoyoung walked down the hallway after leaving the restroom. Soon, she saw a well-decorated door with the sign ‘Conference Room.'

Go Seoyoung hesitated in front of the door. However, thinking about someone waiting on the other side, she knocked vigorously.

"I'm Go Seoyoung."

"Come in."

From inside the room, Jang Sunho's dry voice could be heard. Upon hearing that voice, for some reason, Go Seoyoung started to feel tense again.

To regain her composure, Go Seoyoung tilted her head slightly. It didn't help much.

"Excuse me."

Go Seoyoung opened the door and entered. However, the scene inside the room was very different from what Go Seoyoung had imagined.


Adequate refreshments, beverages, and Jang Sunho. The atmosphere in the room felt more like a conference room than an interview room.

Seeing Go Seoyoung standing there awkwardly, Jang Sunho spoke, "Thank you for coming. Go Journalist, please have a seat."

"Oh, yes…"

Go Seoyoung sat in the chair Jang Sunho indicated, looking somewhat flustered.

"You seem more nervous than usual, Go Journalist. Is it because you're dressed up in a suit?"


"Did you dress up specifically for the interview? Including your hair."

Although it might have been just a casual greeting, Jang Sunho's words made Go Seoyoung prick up her ears. Internally, she wondered what evaluation Jang Sunho might make upon seeing her today.

"It suits you."

Receiving a positive comment, Go Seoyoung felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

"Oh, if you thought it sounded like an appearance evaluation, I apologize."

Rather not say anything at all. Go Seoyoung's momentary joy dissipated at Jang Sunho's words.

"…Well, yes. It's just that. Like this person would give me compliments."

Go Seoyoung opened her eyes wide and stared at Jang Sunho. She hadn't dared to scrutinize or stare at him during the interview.

Seemingly pleased with her gaze, Jang Sunho smiled slightly and said, "You've returned to your usual self, Go Journalist."


"Good. Since the interview is just a formality, let's not waste time and get straight to the point."

At that, Go Seoyoung, unknowingly anxious, asked hurriedly, "What? You're skipping the interview. What do you mean?"

"Anyway, you've worked with me for more than a day or two. The interview is meaningless, isn't it? And the fact that you came for the interview means you have intentions to work with me, so I don't need to convince you."

"Oh, well, but…"

"Moreover, all the authority in the ‘Kang Jinseok team' is in my hands. So there won't be any procedural issues."

Seemingly indifferent, even saying it as if to say, ‘You knew all this, right?' Go Seoyoung felt frustrated again at Jang Sunho's tone.

"No, then just tell me to start working. I didn't know that…"

Excellent. What a commendable attitude for a new employee's first day. Shall we move on to the work talk? There are some urgent matters to handle."

Go Seoyoung had many things she wanted to say to Jang Sunho. However, that was strictly within the ‘personal domain.'

Jang Sunho brought up work-related matters, and given the urgency, Go Seoyoung couldn't bring up her personal concerns.

"It seems there might be a scandal involving Kang Jinseok."

"A scandal?"

"Yes, so I think we should handle it before it breaks."

A scandal, is something that almost every celebrity experiences at least once. But a scandal involving Jinseok, who was well-known for being amiable in the industry?

Go Seoyoung looked at Jang Sunho with a face that showed she couldn't comprehend. Instead of worrying about tomorrow morning's headlines, concern for Jinseok took precedence in her mind.

At this moment, Jang Sunho seemed to realize that she was not just a ‘journalist' but a member of the ‘Kang Jinseok team.' He nodded heavily and handed her some documents.

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