PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 30. I’m Here For Some Fun!

It's my birthday!

Also, I've created a 'Ask a Character' channel in the discord for $10+ patrons to ask whatever they want to the characters, and I'll respond in that character's pov. Some people suggested it and I thought it was a cool idea.


Author Note: As a reminder, next week there will be no public or $3 chapters but a chapter for the $5 and $10 patrons to elevate the $5 patrons to the same 2 ahead chapters as the $3 and $10 tiers.

ATM V1 Audiobook - (21 Hours Long)

ATM Kindle Book - (185k Words Long)

Patreon - Special Thanks To My 230+ Patrons!

Discord Link - Growing Community o7


1: Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Future Supervillain!)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


4:01 p.m. October 25th, Saturday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 138.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (40 days away).

Rhea sat on the Celadon Gym’s cushioned bench and stared around the locker room. It was a blend of functionality and elegance that reflected Erika’s taste; in fact, all the Gyms she’d entered had their own unique style. It was probably a point of pride for the Gyms.

She could see it was designed to cater to both the high stakes of intense battles and the relaxation needs of Trainers and their Pokemon. Classy wooden lockers lined one wall, polished to a gleam, reflecting the soft, ambient light from above.

Across from Amira and her were benches with plush cushions that provided a comfortable spot to rest or prepare, easily in sight of the current match. Unlike Saffron City’s fairly modern and sleek design, the flowery doors leading out of the main locker area to the showers were bright and welcoming, with far more privacy options. There was even a steam room and massaging area that a few girls were making use of. Erika really went all out.

Rhea released a small sigh, her legs crossed as she idly stroked Lulu. Beside her, Amira methodically checked her notes on Pokedex, her Pokemon gathered around her, studying the data intently.

She giggled inside when spotting the Braixen intensely examining the information, tapping her arm with her wand; it reminded her about the ransom note Lori showed them before going out. Mariah was on Amira’s lap, looking a tad concerned.

However, the moment Lori engaged Erika and they prepared for battle, every eye snapped to the large TV screens across the locker room. A bucket of cold water was dumped over Rhea’s head as Lori asked a question that affected them all—they could start using their Legendaries and Mythical Pokemon in Gyms.

“You have to be kidding me,” Rhea whispered, and several girls leaned in closer to gossip across the room, looking their way. “I can use Lulu?”

“Ne? Ne-ne-ne!”




Her Pokemon gathered around their excited puffball, throwing her into the air with congratulations. Beside them, Mariah’s reaction took on a whole different form, looking like she was about to throw up. Her teammates’ tried to comfort the nervous Meloetta.

Rhea didn’t miss the conditions that Erika laid out, though, and she glanced over at Amira, now conflicted. “Are…you going to give that a shot? Don’t they need a little practice in real combat before making it to the League… I guess we don’t even know if we can use them in the League, either. This could be their only way of learning.”

Amira gently stroked her nervous girl’s hair, the mythical songstress getting stage fright. “Hmm. It could be a good experience for them. Erika is tough, but from my research, she’s fair. I…don’t think Mariah is quite ready for this. Maybe in the upcoming Gym with some more prep.”

She smiled while looking over at Lulu’s gaseous form, shimmering with anticipation, her pink eyes twinkling with curiosity. “Your team has involved Lulu in all sorts of training exercises, though. I mean, don’t let my opinion sway you…but didn’t you tell Alice that you’d give her this battle? Wouldn’t it be better to have Nova be with Lulu for her first battle? Actually, I think a Double Battle would be most appropriate.”

“I did promise her,” Rhea calmly said, rubbing her suddenly worried bun. “I don’t see why Alice can’t be Lulu’s teammate. All of them have worked really hard together. Isn’t that right, girls?”

All of her Pokemon chirped their agreement, and Rhea felt a fire rising up within her.

“Nova did have a big show against Sabrina and the Impromptu Contest, as well. I think we need to share the love. Remember, girls, this is just a possibility. If Lulu is too amped up with power and breaks Gold-tier, then she can’t participate.”


Her Quirky cosmic ball lifted her hand in adorable acceptance, making Rhea coo and nuzzle her giggling Cosmog.

“Then Mya will join Alice if Lulu can’t. I’ve already gone over all your known Moves, too, Lulu. Remember everything your big sisters and I taught you. Even if we lose, we can always start again. We’ve been making decent money with Amira’s business plan of selling plushies of you girls!”

“Ne!” Lulu gave a serious and cute salute to each of her masters before jumping up to hug her neck. “Ne-ne-ne.”

Amira nodded, looking a little more nervous now as she turned back to her Pokemon. “It isn’t just them. Your plushie is selling off the shelves, Rhea. Your collection, with you and your four Pokemon, are sold out until February in the store.”

“That’s so crazy!” she laughed. “You really are the business queen. Oh—Lori’s battle started! Roxie first…and a swap to Zyra. Uh-oh…a Sun Battle? Grassy Terrain?!”

Rhea’s throat became dry as every eye fixated on the TV, watching the live broadcast and the insane battle that took place.

“Solar Beam—at that strength?! It will kill Roxie!”

“No,” Amira swallowed, “not if she wakes up and—yes, Protect! It shattered the Protect and her defensive matrix…”

“Uh-hehe. Amira,” Rhea said with a strained laugh. They watched many of the other Silver-tier girls, now ashen-faced, with two walking out to resign after the deadly show. “I thought you said Erika was usually pretty fair…this looks like she was trying to kill Roxie…and now Zyra has to fight.”

The redhead pressed her knuckles against her nose while scrutinizing the replays on another monitor, third-party commentators going crazy, jumping up and down in their chairs.

“Gym Leaders personalize every match to the individual… Lori’s mom is in the crowd watching. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”

Rhea shook her head, holding Lulu tight as her little girl watched with big eyes. “Lori’s a gambler, sure, if that is what you’re saying. This is borderline illegal, though! That Solar Beam totally could have killed Roxie, and look at how powerful those Razor Leafs are under Grassy Terrain… Hang in there, Lori!”

She sat on the edge of her seat as the final clash between the black bird and sunflower came to a head, white-faced with everyone else in the room—Enhanced Sky Attack vs. Enhanced Solar Beam…and the Solar Beam won.

“No way…” Rhea slumped into her chair, feeling as if slapped across the face. After Lori sacrificed so much and called every bet, in the end, she’d lost. The Unovan Trainer quickly recalled Zyra to send her to the hospital, and Rhea’s nose burned upon seeing the frustration and sweat on her brow. “That looked so…brutal.”

Amira held up her hand. “Let’s hear the explanation… I thought so. It was about our Plasma encounter.”

It clicked in Rhea’s head, recalling everything Lori had told them in the past few months since the incident. She’d frozen under a life-and-death situation, and that had been killing her inside. Rhea’s focus snapped to Karen as the silver-haired supermodel got up from her feet and moved. Had her mother said something to Erika?

All attention returned to Erika as the Gym Leader said, “You have passed my test, Lori. You may pick up your badge at the front. I hope to see you continue to grow as you reach new heights. Many can learn from your example… It is a hard one to follow.”

Vision widening, Rhea’s determination set as she glanced toward her cosmic cloud. We’re going to give it everything we have!

“Rhea Everhart, please report to the stage.”

Amira scooted over to hug her. “You’ll do great. Just keep calm, and don’t doubt yourself.”

A small smile lifted Rhea’s eyes as she returned the embrace. “I learned that lesson against Sabrina…or to doubt my Pokemon. I guess that is something Erika was teaching Lori. Erika and Sabrina are BFFs, so it makes sense.”

“Something…I hope we can become over time,” Amira hesitantly whispered, her cheeks flushing a bit in embarrassment. “I know a few months isn’t going to cut it.”

“It’s not about time,” Rhea giggled, squeezing tighter before letting go, flashing her teeth, and standing up with her team. “In my book, we’re already BFFs. Now, I’ll leave our sweaty and exhausted troublemaker in your capable hands! Don’t let her leave without cleaning up—maybe take a quick nap!”

Her thick golden braid bounced behind her as she jogged toward the exit, recalling her Pokemon to their Poke Balls on her way. “I’m following my aunt’s advice to have fun! Battles can’t be serious all the time. You gotta have a balance, right?”

She loved seeing the relief and smile on Amira’s face upon exiting. Gym Battles were all about learning and growing; if you didn’t have the heart to grow or face the walls the Gym Leaders saw blocking your way, then you weren’t ready for the next stage.

Over the last few Gym Challenges, she’d learned that there really was a stark difference between the tiers, and they were nearing the War-tier: Gold. No, there was a big difference now since they needed four Encrusted Badges to be considered Gold. From here, the Gyms would be much less forgiving, and they had to adapt, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun.

Lulu bobbed up and down on her head, cheering her on. It was time to go to battle; it was time for Lulu to taste real combat!


Her dress bounced as she jogged down the hall, bumping arms with her tired violet-haired teammate in passing.

“Show them the sunshine, Honeypot,” she tiredly laughed.

Rhea skipped backward, pointing at her. “And you take a shower and let Amira fuss over you; your mom can wait!”

“I doubt that. She’ll be in the locker room to fuss over me herself. Bet.”

Rhea held up her thumb and slowed down upon reaching the blinding spotlight. She winced as the light hit her, and the large holographic displays above the stadium brought her front and center. Her bright golden locks gleamed under the rays, shimmering under the radiance.

She blinked, a little surprised by how bright her coral-blue eyes were on the big screen, bringing her back to Jason’s text that she’d got just before entering the locker room. A smile came on just thinking about it:

3:45 p.m. Mankey Butt - Just texting to remind you, your coral-blue eyes are like the sun breaking through the clouds on a rainy day, illuminating everything around you with their breathtaking brightness and warmth. They hold the depth of the ocean and the sparkle of the clearest summer sky, making it impossible not to get lost in their mesmerizing beauty.

It came with an attached picture, her pouty, accusatory face, still in her pajamas with ice cream on her nose—a moment in the time she’d snuck out in Fuchsia City to talk to him when he asked her to meet him and talk. He’d been the one to bump the ice cream he’d bought her into her face to snap this photo; now it all made sense. He was planning this from the beginning!

The sappy message followed by the slap in the face. He’s such a Jynx!

Walking onto the platform, the gate locked behind her before it lifted her over the grass-themed stadium. She couldn’t help but blush as the female announcer rang out compliments.

“Would you look at her! I think we know who taught this young lady how to fashion because that soft blue fabric brings out the hues of her eyes and contrasts that beautiful hair like Water and Thunder Stones! Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce your entertainers this fine afternoon…”

Erika knelt gracefully on her comfortable-looking cushion, sipping delicately from a tiny cup. Her amiable smile exuded a serene confidence, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy that filled the stadium.

“She needs no introduction; the grace and elegance of the flowers in her night-black locks could swallow the stars… The Grandmaster of Grass-type Pokemon, Erika, Gym Leader of Celadon City-State.

“Facing her today is Rhea Everhart, the famous upstart with her unique Eevee, who can transform into multiple Eeveelutions. What will she show us today? Oh, there has been a discussion throughout the Gym today. Flareon, Vaporeon, no…maybe Glaceon seems more likely, or perhaps another form yet to be unveiled?!”

Rhea chuckled internally, feeling her Pokemon joining her. None of the above. Right, girls? The mirth was soon diminished by Alice and Mya’s playful glares directed at Nova, who felt a bit embarrassed about being singled out. Lulu was still waiting to see if she’d get her debut.

The announcer continued, her voice laced with humor and admiration, making Rhea’s cheeks redden further. “And let’s not forget Rhea’s impressive lineage! With an aunt who is the Pokemon World Champion, a mother who leads the world in genetics and breeding research, and other powerful family members, she’s certainly one to watch!”

What, Rhea internally cried, did someone pay her to glaze me for five minutes before the battle? What’s the deal?! Calm down! Breathe… Just place Lulu on the device, and move on…

“I’ve recently joined her fan club to see what new surprises she drops, and you can’t make some of this stuff up! You should see the recent photos Lori posted on their social media. The relationship she has with her mother is one to be envied; mother-daughter goals!”

I mean, my boyfriend is one thing, but what is up with this lady! Say what about my mom?! What is going on inside her headcanon?

Trying to cool her frantic mind, she cleared her throat and put Lulu on the scanner device beside the platform before placing her Poke Balls into the slots. “Excuse me, Gym Leader Erika. Can I ask a question?”

The noisy announcer finally shut her mouth as all eyes went to the serene lady across the stadium. Her light-green eyes lifted on the digital display in front of Rhea to look at her.

“Ask away.”

“Can I use Lulu in this battle?” she asked, her voice steady despite the anticipation thrumming through her veins.

A gasp rippled through the audience, and the announcer’s excitement spiked. “Are we going to witness the first-ever official Gym Battle with Legendary Pokemon since the mysterious Tobias? The only one I’ve ever witnessed in battle was Inspector Joy’s Latias when she tested Lady Erika’s aptitude last year!”

The stadium fell into a hushed silence as everyone awaited Erika’s verdict. The Gym Leader set her cup down with an elegant motion, her eyes calm as she studied the board. The device analyzing Lulu’s data, in conjunction with her other Pokemon, flashed across the display: Gold 3.

Rhea’s heart sank, but Erika pressed a few buttons on the console built into the floor on her platform. One of the three unknown Poke Balls on the display vanished, and the rank changed: Silver 8+.

“I will allow it on one condition,” Erika said, her voice serene yet carrying a hint of challenge as her smiling irises met hers. “But it may be more difficult than you realize. The only reason it is Gold 3 is due to the potential combination of Lulu and Nova, with your Eevee’s unique transformations. If you take Nova out of the lineup, it would be acceptable.”

For real? Rhea internally mumbled to her shocked Pokemon. Nova plus Lulu is Gold 3? I guess that makes sense. Their synergy could be terrifying, with the support Lulu can provide through her Legendary Pokemon abilities…their power. Her mass Teleport alone could be broken due to its abilitiy to snatch opponents, as well.

Nova’s voice echoed in Rhea’s soul, reassuring, and she spoke her team’s answer. “We’re fine with that.”

Erika’s expression grew more serious as she slowly straightened on her cushion. “There is a lot of wiggle room when it comes to Silver 8+, Rhea, as you learned when facing Gym Leader Sabrina…and she went far more easy on you than you may realize. You saw what Lori faced at Silver 7. Are you prepared to lose?”

Rhea could practically hear the audience’s gulps, mumbling to one another. She caught several people who were on their way out, probably to the restroom, pause and wait with bated breath. Yet, she couldn’t help a short laugh that rolled through her stomach. She reached out to allow Lulu the chance to climb onto her hand and hug her wrist.

“I mainly want to help my Pokemon gain battle experience. Of course, I want to win, but I’ve already secured my place in the Silver Conference with four Encrusted Badges—not that I’m trying to brag! It’s just… Now, it’s about making my little girls as strong and ready as they can be. And if this is the only way Lulu can gain that real battle experience, then I’ll gladly accept a loss.”

Erika’s smile returned, a gentle acknowledgment in her tone. “I will give you this warning then, Rhea, revealing a Pokemon you intend to use…in addition to excluding one of your remaining three Pokemon is a significant risk, giving your opponent room to plan a counter. You accept that?”

Rhea’s stomach twisted a little at the ominous warning. “Something tells me that you’re saying that to have the chance to bump up the difficulty further… Still, I accept that risk.”

She held up her little, proud puffball to the world. “I know Cosmog don’t have the best look around the world…but my little Cosmog is the best!”


Rhea could see smiles and laughter come from some of the crowd at her little space cloud’s adorable roar. Erika placed a hand against her chest and released a soft sigh before pressing a few more buttons, and the Poke Ball selection on her left side retracted before revealing a new lineup.

“Very well, Rhea. I accept that challenge. The stage has been reset, conditions locked in, and an outcome decided. Let the countdown begin.”

Lulu puffed herself up, but Rhea winked at her and placed her on the console. Not yet. One of your big sisters is going to start things off.

Her Cosmog nodded emphatically, hugging the Poke Ball and kissing it for good luck, making Alice’s heart melt. She had to show a good battle for her little sis.

The announcer’s voice rose in excitement as the crowd cheered, not a soul leaving for bathroom breaks, snacks, or otherwise. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and Rhea’s heart raced, but a calm fervor settled over her—a drive to have fun. This was their moment, a chance to prove their growth and strength, even if they lost.

As the countdown began, the lights flashing red, Rhea felt a surge of confidence from her Pokemon, their bond tightening. She was ready. They were ready. The battle was on!

The anticipation ignited the air as almost palpable as the stadium lights flickered, transitioning from red to yellow, and then, green fell over them. The woman over the speakers tried her best to remain calm, but it was obvious how enthralled she was with the upcoming match.

“Trainers, ready your Pokemon. Battle…start!”

Rhea’s eyes sparkled with determination as she threw her Poke Ball into the field of violet flowers. Her bun burst out of her capsule, her salt-and-pepper Lopunny emerging with a graceful leap. She landed lightly on her feet, her fur glistening in the spotlight. Alice spun in a circle, kicking the air with agility and precision, hyping herself up.

“Look at that form and unique color!” the woman exclaimed, her voice filled with envy. “Alice, the Lopunny, known for her speed and agility, is ready to take on the Gym!”

Across the field, near Erika, a big pumpkin appeared in the air, its big blue eyes glowed with delight.


The announcer quickly identified her.

“And you locals will know him well! Facing Alice, we have Cherry, the Pumpkaboo, Gym Leader Erika’s little trickster!”

A collective gasp erupted from the audience and Rhea leaned forward in confusion as the snickering ghost slipped into the shadows of a nearby tree.

Well, Muk, Rhea internally hissed, all the memories of her prankster babysitter growing up flooding back. A Ghost-type is tricky, but at least you’re…wait.

Her eyes widened as flickering white flame formed from within the darkness within the tree’s shadow, the images of jack-o’-lanterns and laughter whipping up a haunting wind around it.

Trick-or-treat! Rhea shouted, but multiple white ghosts released from the sphere and flew toward Alice; it wasn’t the type of Move one could easily dodge, even for her quick bun. Two of the three ghosts slipped into the ground with wicked cackles.

Rhea felt as if she’d been struck by Confusion as her gaze darted to Pokedex, the site’s information popping up. If a Pumpkaboo had blue-colored eyes, then it had Insomnia—its Dream Ability. Just like Mimi, this Pokemon was born with an Ability it shouldn’t have. Alice’s Sleep Charm was useless against him. There was hope, though: Alice also had Cute Charm.

“Our Super Sized orange ghost is playing his games!”

Alice’s eyes glinted, leaving a trail of light as she launched into a blur, easily evading the approaching white ghost. However, the second emerged from the ground as she neared the tree’s shadow. Alice leaped into the air to dodge it and land against the trunk, only for the final one to reach out and hug her surprised bun. They had no experience fighting Ghosts, and Rhea could tell it was hard for her big bunny.

The only way to stop it is to break the caster’s concentration! It gains more ghosts the stronger it gets—there’s probably three… I was too slow. Sorry, Alice.

“Cherry just raises the stakes, folks—Trick-or-Treat lands! How quickly can Alice learn to fight like a Ghost?!”

Her Lopunny tried to kick off the trunk, only for her now ethereal feet to slip right through, and she tumbled down to the grass. For the first time in her life, the ground wasn’t solid for her, and the pumpkin’s shadowy form detached from the shadows behind Alice with an ominous laugh, the bun still trying to recover.


The shell surrounded Alice, taking the brunt of the Super-Effective attack. Within the first few seconds of the match, Alice was now weak to ghost-type moves, Trick-or-Treat cutting through her Normal immunity; things couldn’t be worse. Yet, a smile lifted Rhea’s lips, her heart pounding with anticipation.

We’re not out yet, Alice; let’s have some fun and learn from this! Get out of the shadows fast! You okay?


Alice seemed to find her feet, a burst of momentum and white light launching her away from the tree, Quick Attack taking her away from the darkness in an instant to recover. The haunting pumpkin’s rapid shadow halted at the edge of the shade; his ghostly abilities were limited, and Rhea knew that well from Franky.

We got this! 

“Our elegant Gym Leader knew exactly what she was doing—Normal vs. Ghost, but there is no telling how things will end up. What surprises will Lady Erika pull from her second Pokemon, I wonder? Let’s find out!”

Rhea swiftly scanned over the immediate information on Pokedex:

Given it’s Silver 8+, I wouldn’t doubt we’re dealing with a Pokemon with Breeding and TM Moves, maybe a second Ability. Pickup or Frisk… No, Swap+ or Risk-Taker, probably, since its genetics are on the mutated side. Oh, no… Destiny Bond and Disable. That’s a scary combo…

Rhea felt the anticipation Ash and her aunt talked about before. We’re not out of this yet. Let’s show Erika what we have!

“Neeee! Ne-ne-ne!”

Lulu threw her arms up in the air, cheering on her big sis as Alice tested her new ethereal form away from the shadows. It would take some getting used to the new weight distribution and random ghostly abilities that could pop-up, but they could use this to their advantage, too. Rhea had seen Grandmasters use this Move, after all.

Thanks, Franky, your tricks growing up are going to help us beat this pumpkin! Alright, girls. Even if this looks scary… Let’s have some fun!

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+ 5 Chapters (5 Weeks) ahead in A Tail's Misfortune

+ 5 Chapters (5 Weeks) Ahead in The Oscillation Rewrite

+ 5 Chapters (5 Weeks) Ahead in UE Rewrite

+ 11 Chapters (11 Weeks) Ahead in PokéSync (Pokemon Fanfic)

- 8 Chapters in The Power Of Cuteness And Positivity

- Soul's Requiem - Getting ready for Amazon Release (whenever I get the cover art T_T)

+ Ask a Character any question you want and they'll respond in-character!

+ Random stories, such as Mystic:  My First Attempt At A Male Protag Isekai

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