PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 22. Dads Plot, Too!


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1:  Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Bombshell Future Supervillain, Who Has A Boyfriend!)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


6:01 a.m. October 23rd, Friday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 136.

Events:  Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (42 days away).

Yawning as the first rays of the sun peeked through the paper walls of her room in Saffron’s dojo, she snuggled further under her covers.  The fluffy arm fuzzies tickled her arms and belly with Nova wrapped around her leg and Ambrosia having unconsciously crawled up to her stomach during the night.

Alice hugged her right, and the shockingly warm hug Mya gave her was firm.  To crown it all off, Lulu rested on her chest, her puffy arms spread out.  Totally trapped by the snuggly Pokemon, she smiled and settled in, taking it easy in the morning since she had a decent amount to do in the afternoon.

It didn’t take long to slip back into her dreams, knowing Amira would wake her up eventually.  However, it was her hyperactive bunny that nudged her awake an hour later, her paws holding up her phone with a beaming smile.


“Mmm?  Oh.  I got a message.  Let’s see…”

Yawning, she felt her other Pokemon rousing and Ambrosia wiggling down to bite her daughter’s ear.


“Pwe-pwe!  Pwe.”

Rhea giggled as the mother clamped down at the back of her daughter’s neck and dragged her out of the blankets, heading for the shower.

“Pwe-pwe?”  she asked her other Pokemon, seeing if they wanted to join them in getting ready.  Nova seemed paralyzed until her mom let her go and licked her cheek.  “Pwe-pwe.”

“Pwe.  Pweee!”

She jumped forward, tackling her mom with a sly smile, only for Ambrosia to easily flip her daughter around to land on top.  The mom had a smug look that said, ‘It’s a few decades too soon for you to be winning me, sweetie!’



Her Pokemon dove forward to support their teammate, only for each of them to end up on their backs and Ambrosia to continue showing her dominance.  Lulu jumped in soon after, wanting to get in on the wrestling match.

Opening her camera, she recorded it to post on Pikabook; Elaine would probably get a kick out of her Ace playing with her daughter and her friends.  It didn’t take long before the mother had the gang lined up like soldiers, and she marched them off to get ready.

Rhea’s belly hurt as she flipped to her belly, bunched her pillow under her chin, and went through her messages.  It was already turning out to be a great day.

5:55 a.m. Mankey Butt - Figured you’d be up soon enough.  I’ll be hanging with your dad for the next few hours.  He wanted to catch up with me and do some white water rafting.  Your dad can get extreme, and I’m here for it!  We’ll have to go again sometime soon.  Sound like a date?  Catch you around 12 p.m. for our big battle!  We’ll be ready to kick you off your web throne, Ms. Joltik!

“Oof!”  Rhea smirked and pulled her tied-up hair to the side as she flipped to her back, holding her phone up.  “Guess Dad is taking our relationship seriously.  He knows Jason, though!  It should be fine… right?  Yeah.  It’ll be fine!  They’re just… white water rafting.  Yeah…  I’m starting to see Joltik in a whole new light.”

She swapped to Pokedex to pull up the Attaching Pokemon, wondering if there was some kind of double meaning Jason put to it.  Blue eyes, cute, yellow…  Compound Eyes.  Ooh.  So I’ve got some sharp eyes to catch my prey, huh, lover boy?  Unnerve.  I just charge right ahead!  Swarm…

Her thoughts returned to when she’d tackled her tall boyfriend, cheeks coloring with a smile.  Yeah, I can be a little overwhelming at times, sure.  Mega Boost fits.  I can supercharge myself!  Sequence, huh?  Well, I guess when I’m around other girls like Amira and Lori, my attacks get stronger!  Wait… but don’t they want to lower my attack?  Hmm.  We’ll shelf that one for now.

Bringing her phone down to tap her chin with it, Joltik’s last Ability played on her thoughts.  Sponge, hmm?  I can attach a tether to my teammates and absorb some of the damage they take, restoring my defensive nexus.  Theoretically, I should be able to do that, but that’s some scary stuff!  I could absorb other people’s Fortitude.  Not exactly the same.  Bah.

She flipped back around and kicked her legs in the air.  Still, fun to think about!  And I get straight Paralyze when I evolve, huh?  Watch out, boy!  I’m a scary yellow spider, waiting to wrap you up in my web—what am I thinking?!

Squealing a little, she giggled and pushed herself up with another yawn.  I’m getting way too into this!  I’m just his cute little electric bug.  Stop with that image!

She tapped her phone against her head with a laugh, Butterfree in her belly.  You better win this battle!  How does he really see me?  I wish I had a mirror I could just look into and see what he sees…  I want to see what he sees in me.  Who am I when no one is watching?  I still don’t know myself that well after unlocking my Aura… so, how does he see me?

Thoughts taking a turn, her vision faded out while pondering the unusual question that filled her chest.  After a bit, she looked up and scanned the neat and tidy room.  Amira was gone and had left her a text, her Pokemon were off getting ready for the day, and in a rare moment these days, she was alone.

Hologram deactivating, she looked at her reflected face in the crystal device.  She held up the device, studying her own bright coral eyes, more green than blue right now since it swapped colors at times, usually only when she cried, though.

Jason loves this… loves me.  But who am I really?  He wants to be around me, and Amira and Lori like being around me.  What is special about Rhea?  Mmm.  Other than unique Aura stuff, I don’t know if I’m all that interesting.  I do like to do outdoor stuff, but I haven’t been able to do much of it in the last few months.  Amira and Lori are so much more interesting than me.

Falling to her side, she played with her toes, her left eye creasing in the reflection.  Weird thoughts.  If I want to know what Jason likes about me, then I should just ask him.  That song last night, though…  Smooth as Couriway whiskey, sweet as Mago wine, and warm as a glass of brandy.

Something tells me that song is more Serena’s favorite.  She probably played it over and over again, thinking about Ash, and it just got stuck in Jason’s head.  Let’s check her social…  Yup!  She raves about the song.  I knew I saw it somewhere.  She is a drinker, but that’s most of Kalos.  Bad influence!  I bet she got Jason to drink.  How is Jason when drunk?  Interesting.  Interesting.

Her focus shifted to her dad’s message before Jason’s, and she frowned, her lips creasing.  Oh, no.

5:25 a.m. Pappa Ursaluna - Heya, Ms. Joltik?  That’s a new one!  Jason has an intriguing new nickname for you.  I’m going to have to ask him about that.  So, I’m thinking maybe I should take Jason on a camping trip.  You know, catch up and hang for a bit as men!  He’s grown up a lot over the last few months.  He’s drinking now!  Wow.  Crazy.  I only told him we were going whitewater rafting, but… I wanted to make sure you were okay with it.

I know you have this big battle thing planned, but now that your mom is doing better, I’m comfortable leaving her with you to spend a little one-on-one time with your new boyfriend!  I never thought your mother would be right, and she kept teasing me about it all night!  It’s been on my mind, I guess you could say.  Thoughts?

“Yikes.”  Rhea hissed, closing her eyes and rubbing her cool device against her forehead.  “Camping trip with Dad?  Yeah, everyone knows what that means.  Jason’s known Dad all his life, though.  Hmm.  I guess this was eventually coming, knowing how protective Dad and Mom are toward me.  Would Mom have pushed for it?  No.  Well, maybe with all the teasing, knowing what Dad would do.  Mom, Mom, Mom…”

Sighing, she swapped to her belly again, mouth bunching to the side.  I could say yes and warn Jason—get ahead of it early, which is probably for the best.  Dad’s all hyped up on it, too, and it wouldn’t be good to stonewall him when he gets something on his mind.  I can also tease Jason about not beating me yet!  Ooh.  I can get behind that.  Maybe he’d buy me a surprise breakfast and challenge me out of the blue!  That’d be exciting.

“Cool down, girl!”  She chided, unable to restrain a rosy grin from the internal scene she was now playing inside her head.  “I’m totally invested, though.  New plan!  How will Jason respond?”  she cackled, writing out a text to her boyfriend first.

7:23 a.m. Honey Tree - So, about that rafting trip.  Change of plans!  My dad sent me a text and wanted to have some personal time.  I think that’s great!  You know, one-on-one with you!  It’s been forever since you guys went out, and you can challenge me any time you want, but my dad’s time is limited.  I’ll hang with my mom today so she’s not lonely.  Good luck!  I can’t wait to hear about it.

A smirk lifted her eyes as she hit the send button.  Her devious thoughts came to a halt when he responded before she could finish her message to her dad.

7:23 a.m. Mankey Butt - I love it!  Also, what happens on boy’s night stays at boy’s night.  Kisses.  ;)  Enjoy the day babysitting Mom, Little Spider!  We’ll be out here scaling mountains.  Love from the peaks of victory!  <( ̄︶ ̄)>V

7:24 a.m. Honey Tree - Great!  We’ll have a girl’s night!  Girls gotta have their secrets, too.  (•̀ᴗ•́ )و   Have a fun time hiking, rafting, and sightseeing!

Puffing out her left cheek, she gave her phone a sour pout; it really did sound like fun, and her mom would not be up for physical stuff since she was a lab enthusiast.  Jason wasn’t finished teasing her, though.

7:25 a.m. Mankey Butt - I’ll bring back a souvenir for you to study and go crazy about, wondering the story behind it!  Hehehe.  Maybe you should spend some time with my mom next week?  She can be in Celadon City in minutes!

Rhea froze, suddenly starting to sweat for some reason, even though she’d known Annila all her life.  The blue-haired woman’s school classes flashed across her mind, and for some reason, the Grandmaster Water Specialist took on a whole new frightening image.

What would Annila even want to do with me?  Videos… home videos.  Oh, no.  I’ve awakened a boss fight!  It’s too late to back down now.  He expects me to trip, but I can meet this challenge!  Yikes, I can see where Kate gets some of her personality, though.  Annila can be terrifying.  No going back!

7:27 a.m. Honey Tree - Amazing idea!  I can’t wait to see your mom again.  You set it up?  Well, first, we need to figure out our schedule.  We may be flying to Cinnabar by that time.  Play it by ear?

7:28 a.m. Mankey Butt - Doesn’t matter where!  My mom can find us anywhere!  You should read some of the texts she’s been sending me recently.  My mom can be wild!  You know her.  Haha!

Rhea gulped, mysterious texts now rolling through her brain.  Apparently not enough!  What texts, Jason?  What texts?!  Head in a tizzy, she internally screamed at her boyfriend, wanting to strangle him.  Why is he so much better at teasing than me?  I need help!

Swapping to Lori’s number, she hastily typed:

7:29 a.m. Honey Tree - When you get back tonight, I need lessons!  Stat!  How to tease your boyfriend lessons!  Help!  I’m losing!  I’m not good at this stuff, and my mom is a total sucker for my dad—she’ll be no help—she has no game!  My mom’s jokes are lab jokes!  Only my dad loves them because he can tease her about them, and she totally eats it up!  She’s a SIMP.  I need help!

7:30 a.m. Big Boob  - ¬‿¬ I got you!

Relief flooded her system as her forehead plopped onto her pillow with the Unovan party girl’s rapid response.  Her head lifted as her boyfriend responded.

7:31 a.m. Mankey Butt - Picture this:  Me, an amazing sunset view of Sable National Park, and a warm body by my side.  Breakfast for dinner, hot chocolate, and a toast to the beautiful world below us.  I can’t wait for that warm body to be yours.  ;)  Have a fun day with your mom!  I know I’ll have a great time with your dad.  

Rhea choked.  At least she had a team that had her back because, as it stood, she was doomed!  Fanning her hot face, she pushed the message away to view Amira’s message.

6:17 a.m. Singing Ruby - I’m guessing you want to sleep in a bit.  Alice said she’d wake you up in an hour.  I’m going to take care of some morning errands.  Text me when you’re up, and we can meet up for breakfast.  I can hold off until you join me.

6:19 a.m. Singing Ruby - Actually, see if Kate wants to come.  It would be good for her to hang out and cool off before our meeting with Ayn Rand.  Give me a time to shoot him.  The ball is in our court.  He is trying to pull our talent.  Use that to our advantage.  He needs us.  We don’t need him.  Cheers.

Her heart melted like a marshmallow as she reread Amira’s sweet texts.  I have such amazing friends.  She’s waiting to eat until we can meet up and helping me make Kate’s dream come true…  Well, Nova’s dream, too.  Great!  Let’s get ready for the day.

Getting up, she activated her portable wardrobe and pulled out a nice black and blue dress for the meeting.  Halfway through selecting her outfit, she cursed and hurriedly messaged her dad that the camping trip was on, wishing them a good time.

Excitement budded within her as today’s activities started lining up, and she messaged her mom on the way to the shower area in the dojo, waving and smiling at the martial artists who passed her.

7:40 a.m. Honey Tree - Hey, Mom!  Dad’s taking Jason camping, which… I bet you know already.  You’re so mean, putting Dad up to it!  Lol.  We’ll talk about the mess you’ve started, Ms. Stinker!  Anyway.  I’m going to have breakfast with Kate and Amira before heading to our meeting with the Hollywood people.  We can connect after that and have fun if you want.  Want to do anything?

She swapped to Kate’s number when her mother didn’t reply and invited the young woman to join them.

7:43 a.m. Honey Tree - I hope you’re excited about the meeting today!  Want to join Amira and me for breakfast?  My treat!  Some of my plans changed—Dad stuff—so I’ve kind of got the morning open.  No pressure—the opposite!  I just want you to feel comfortable around us.

She didn’t get a response before joining her Pokemon, just finishing their shower, having played around during much of it.  Getting ready, she even added a light touch of makeup, as Amira showed her, mainly on her eyes and lips.  Debating between a few hairstyles, she decided on a fishtail braid in the end.

Updating Ambrosia and her Pokemon on their change of plans, she learned that the Eevee mom wanted to take her Pokemon out on their own adventure today.  Rhea was all for it, but Ambrosia had to use her phone for a minute to call Elaine for a taxi ride.

It was on that call that she learned that the Champion was currently skipping out on duties, in her pajamas, and bumming the morning away with her husband on the couch.  It should have surprised her to hear her aunt in the background, munching on popcorn, but she connected the dots from similar events in her past—they were watching an old Champion classic that her aunt always watched with new Champions.  It just took a while to get to with her busy schedule.

“Hey, Aunt Cynthia!”

“Morning, Ms. Joltik!  I heard about your dad kidnapping your boyfriend.  Going to rescue him?”

“Auntie!  What are you even asking me to do—crash the camping trip?”

“Hehe.  I’d do it.  Wait, can only Jason call you Joltik?  Fair, fair.”

“No, it’s just…”

“Weird coming from other people?”  Elaine pipped up with a snicker.  “I totally understand.  Anyway, I’m totally for Ambrosia taking the crew on a little day trip to Mt. Silver.”

Rhea coughed, throat feeling a tad dry.  “Mt. Silver?!  I didn’t hear anything about that!”  she said, spotting her Pokemon jumping up and down with excitement.

Elaine waved her hand dismissively.  “Ambrosia likes to explore there from time to time.  All the Area Bosses know her.  It’s fine.  No one wants the smoke with her.”

“Right…”  Rhea mumbled, looking down at the little Eevee as she puffed up her chest.  “Well, if you’re okay with it.  Have a fun day watching that 14-hour marathon.”

Chase choked, spitting out his popcorn.  “14-hours, Cynthia?!  I thought—”

Rhea hung up with a chuckle; it was her aunt’s favorite series, and it was hard for her to watch it with people who didn’t understand the complexities of the amazing battles shot in it.

Waving her Pokemon off to have a fun time at Mt. Silver—Muking Mt. Silver—Rhea couldn’t help feeling a little nervous as Elaine’s Butterfree teleported in to take them to the towering mountainous zone.

“See you later tonight, girls.”






Her Cosmog was bouncing between their heads, thrilled at being invited to the big-girl party.  She was getting older, and in only a few months, the Legendary would be capable of joining official Gym and League matches since the experienced Leaders could compensate and were experienced against Legendaries.

“Have fun!”

Rainbow lights carried them away, waving her goodbye.  Now alone, she puffed out a long stream of air as all of her Pokemon drew very far away from her spirit.  It almost induced a small panic attack as she breathed and let their absence settle in.  It was always hard when she didn’t have any Pokemon nearby; she couldn’t believe how different it was compared to when she wasn’t bonded to any Pokemon.

After quickly checking her hair, outfit, and makeup, she nodded.  Everything is in place; let’s have a good day!

Purse slung over her shoulder, Rhea exited the dojo at 8:35 a.m., letting Amira know she was on the move and any time before noon would be fine to meet with the Hollywood people.  The redhead shot back a message with GPS coordinates to a little café not that far away from the dojo.  She chuckled as Kate sent her a frantic text, responding to her while entering traffic.

8:39 a.m. Lady Raticate - I’m so sorry!  I couldn’t sleep and passed out at some point!  I’m throwing on some clothes now.  Sorry!  I’ll be there as soon as oi can!

8:40 a.m. Lady Raticate - No!  I’m crying right now.  I forgot to swap my clothes to the dryer last night.  I have to wait for them to dry out a bit.  I’m so sorry!

8:40 a.m. Honey Tree - Don’t sweat it, Kate!  How long do you need?

8:41 a.m. Lady Raticate - 30 minutes, probably.  I can wear them if they’re a little wet.  I’ll take a quick shower and tidy up.  Why did I leave such a mess yesterday?  I need to be out of the hotel in less than 50 minutes.  I’ll do my best to be there in 40 minutes.

8:41 a.m. Lady Raticate - Oh, that’s a little far from me.  48 minutes work?

Rhea’s smile turned to a depressed sigh.  Is she that strapped for money?  Does she not have a place to stay after today?

8:42 a.m. Honey Tree - Don’t wear wet clothes!  Take your time, get ready, and meet us when you’re able.  We have all the power in this deal!  We choose the time.  You’re fine.  Take a breath, slow down, and put a smile on your face!  Today is your day.  See you when you’re done.  No rush!

8:43 a.m. Lady Raticate - Thank you, Rhea.  See you soon.

She put away her phone, and it wasn’t until she neared the café that she got another message that vibrated her purse; it was her mother.

9:03 a.m. Innocent Victim - Oh, your dad is already gone?  I’m such a heavy sleeper, I swear.  How did I not hear him singing in the shower?  He always sings in the shower.  I must have been super exhausted after all that singing and drinking yesterday…  Aww.  Your dad is so sweet.  He cleaned up the whole hotel room.

Rhea’s left eye creased as she looked off to the side, one thought on her mind.  And why was it so dirty, Mom?  I got you home at like… midnight.  You did drink a lot of wine…  And there’s my mom.

9:04 a.m. Innocent Victim - You’ll really spend time with your old mom?  I’m crying!  It’s good you’re hanging out with your friend in the morning.  I’ll get this old body dolled up and ready for a wonderful day!  I have emails to get through and texts to answer anyway.  How about we go to an amusement park?  I had this dream of going to one with you!  I was always just too scared when you were a little girl.  Care to fulfill a mom’s dream?

Joy heated Rhea’s heart as she responded.

9:05 a.m. Honey Tree - I’d love to.  We can talk about the eggs while we explore!  I don’t know much about amusement parks here, so I’ll let you handle that.

9:06 a.m. Innocent Victim - On it!  Love you!

Rhea returned it and changed her mother’s nickname to ‘Wrinkles’ after her comment.  Her mom was so melodramatic; people would mistake her mom for her sister since she was a Master-tier Trainer.  Her fingers hovered over the keys after she confirmed the nickname change.

Wait… at this rate, I’ll reach Master in the next year or two…  I guess looking 18 or 19 for most of my life is better than Yellow, looking like a teenager.


Entering the building, she greeted Amira on the 2nd level, taking a seat and ordering a cup of hot chocolate after Jason’s earlier text returned.  She chatted with the redhead about her ‘boy troubles’ until Kate arrived.  In short, Amira’s advice was to just be herself.  Jason didn’t need a witty comeback; he liked her responses, whatever they were.  Sure, learning how to banter wasn’t a bad idea, but she shouldn’t think Jason needed it.  Rhea needed it, though!

When Kate ran through the front door, Rhea sighed, spotting her red face and ragged breathing; she seemed to have jogged the whole way there.  Ordering some pastries, coffee, and fruit for their breakfast, she felt for the slightly older Trainer as Kate tried to be as conservative as possible with allowing her to purchase her breakfast.

She managed to coax the woman into getting what she wanted with a few prompts.  Kate kept looking around, self-conscious about the whispers and pointing fingers that followed them.  Rhea had learned to ignore it at this point; Amira and her did draw attention.  Fortunately, few people were brave enough to actually interrupt them to ask for photos or say any snide remarks.

The serving boys brought them their food when it was ready, and Rhea probed to learn a bit more about Kate.  She felt a little bad about leaving the woman to Amira’s family during her surprise party—not that it was her birthday for another three months.

She had to question if it really was her birthday, though, since she was born in another world.  After a second’s thought, she realized she was an alien!  She was born in an artificial womb in another world as a science experiment, mixed with Pokemon DNA.  Yeah, maybe she was pretty unique, after all.  But no, Jason started to like her long before he knew about her alien status—her dad was an alien!  No, an alien clone!  Her family was pretty complicated.

The two girls with her gave Rhea confused looks as she silently laughed at her internal thoughts.  After eating, Amira took them to a local fashion show, totally not being the helpful redhead she was and pointing out various things to a studious Kate.  Rhea was sure Amira had added another girl to her fan club by the end of it, and Kate started to open up and ask questions.

The fancy restaurant Ayn Rand had set their meeting came next, and it was 11:36 a.m. when they finally walked through its doors.  Amira’s sharp-looking lawyer in his three-piece striped suit was already present, scanning a stack of papers that a slightly overweight woman handed him—Rand’s lawyer, who looked to be under the hot seat by the look on her face.

Amira smoothly sat as the attendant directed them to the spacy and fairly private eating area on the 36th floor of a skyscraper.  The other two men in their Contest seemed to have taken whatever deal Rand had offered because they were the only ones present, and their names were on the signature list.

Rhea ordered dessert, bringing Kate into the selection since Rand and his lawyer were engrossed by Amira’s legal council.  He had a copy of the contract highlighted, seemingly having gone over it throughout yesterday and this morning, making amendments.

Halfway through her Choux Au Craquelin—a fancy Kalos dish of ball-shaped, crispy cream puffs—Rand forced a laugh and turned to them.

“Your man is a Sharpedo, Ms. Rocket!  The amendments will be drawn up… as we’ve signed the confirmation contract he brought for the revisions.  I had not expected Ms. Everhart to take a step back and allow her Eevee to participate without her.  And… as for Ms. Goodfellow, is this still a non-starter without her participation in her role?”

“It is!”  Rhea said without hesitation.  Kate gulped and looked more than a little nervous; hopefully, she wouldn’t vomit, but her hands clasped at her stomach wasn’t a good sign.  “I’m not super close to Red, but Blue does owe me more than a few favors, and he’s Red’s best friend.  I can put in a good word, and I’m positive a lot of my family and their friends will come to the opening.  I have other connections that can help a lot, as well.”

She cheered inside as Amira gave her a small, proud smile.

Rand sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing down at the stack of papers in front of him before turning his attention to the fidgeting woman.

“Basically, make Ms. Goodfellow a star and give her every possible advantage, and you’ll pull in the heavy hitters for me.  Well, Muk…  I had plans for her actress… and not a Raticate, but I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t a huge deal breaker.  I am concerned about the asking signing bonus and royalties…”

Kate’s wide eyes shot to her, but Rhea had no clue what he was talking about as he slid out a paper to tap at the circled number; this had to be Amira’s plot.  “We can do the 850,000 credit sign-on and the 3,500,000 payout for the project’s completion if Rhea will be transferring her funds to her.  However, we’d need to cut Nova’s 2% royalty to 1% and give Kate the other 1%.”

Rhea’s eyes bugged out at the numbers he was throwing around, but she responded without thinking.  “That’s fine.  If Mr. Lawyer here is fine with the contract, then I’m good to sign it.  Oh, but Nova is kind of, hehe, indisposed,” she said, taking the contract the frowning director handed her; he hadn’t been able to swindle them with Amira involved.  “She’s kind of having an adventure with her mom on Mt. Silver right now.”

Rand’s brow furrowed as he mouthed the word, and his smile returned, no doubt remembering who he was acquiring for this movie and who her parents were.  “Excellent!  You can take this with you—I have an express delivery envelope prepared here—just have her sign her paw print… here when she’s back, and mail that in!”

He pulled back, spreading out the documents and sliding separate sheets to each of them.  “I think we’re done…  Well, after you three sign.  I’m sad to hear that you won’t be joining the product yourself, Ms. Rocket.”

Amira had been going over the contract notes her lawyer had made herself and set them down before signing her name in elegant cursive.  “It isn’t in my taste.  Music is the most I’ll do on stage, and I primarily do that for my own enjoyment.  I’ve selected the charity to put my portion of the royalties toward.  It was our pleasure, Mr. Rand,” she said, smoothly rising to her feet and shaking his hand.

“I look forward to speaking to your grandfather when his schedule frees, Ms. Rocket.”

The redhead chuckled.  “You may be waiting a while, Mr. Rand.  My grandfather is a busy man, and his schedule is generally filled months in advance.  I wish you luck.  Rhea, Kate.  They will bring a box,” she said, looking toward the attentive servers, who were already producing a plastic container.

Rhea stood at the prompt; it all happened so fast as Amira’s lawyer shook Rand and the female lawyer’s hands.  After a few more bits of information passed between them—such as Kate’s banking info—they left.  As she expected, the young woman had to stop by the bathroom to empty her stomach.

Amira waved her off to meet her mother as she got a text that she was on her way toward her GPS—her mom was one of the few people who would have access to that—and Kate reassured her that she would be alright.

Once again feeling a little bad, she left the stomach-sick girl in Amira’s hands now that everything was over.  That being said, her heart sang, knowing that Kate would have a place to stay tonight, and she wouldn’t be left without a roof over her head from here on out.  Amira really was an amazing woman; without her, Rhea knew she couldn’t have gotten this far.

Skipping through Saffron’s streets, she met up with her mom, a beaming smile brightening her face upon seeing her radiant mother.  Looking bright and colorful with her reddish-orange knee-length dress and wedged heels, her mother adjusted her straw hat and closed in to hug her.

“There’s my little girl!”

“Mom!  You’re looking cute.  I like the topaz pendant.  I haven’t seen that one before.”

Her mom winked.  “Your dad got it for me after we told you about our past as a reminder of our little topaz!  I heard down the grapevine that Nova and the girls are exploring Mt. Silver.  It’s a big step for them, seeing all those dangerous wild Pokemon.  It will help with their growth.  So, want to talk about what I’ve learned in regard to your team’s future Pokemon?  I may have a few extra little girls that need adopting in the future, too!  Have any friends?” she asked.

Rhea couldn’t help but pull her mom down to kiss her cheek and hug her tight.  “Maybe not too soon since they’re still struggling to get through Silver, but you’re the best, Mom!”

“And your hugs and love are the best payment a mother could ask for!  I’m just so happy that my work can finally help you… that we’ve moved past all that pain in our past.”  She held out a hand.  “So, ready to bum around an amusement park with your old lady?”

“My old lady who looks like maybe my twin sister!”

“No, don’t make me blush and cry—you’ll smear my makeup—bad daughter!”  she chortled, swinging their intertwined fingers as she guided her toward the place she’d picked out.  “Let’s talk about your future girl because there are a few things you should know about her!”

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+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) ahead in A Tail's Misfortune

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in The Oscillation Rewrite

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in UE Rewrite

+ 10 Chapters (10 Weeks) Ahead in PokéSync (Pokemon Fanfic)

- 8 Chapters in The Power Of Cuteness And Positivity

- Soul's Requiem - Getting ready for Amazon Release (whenever I get the cover art T_T)

+ Random stories, such as Mystic:  My First Attempt At A Male Protag Isekai

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