PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B3 — 20. Festival Curiosity


1:  Rhea (Our Cute Honey Girl!)

2:  Amira (Our High-Class Redhead!)

Pokemon Map: 


I'd like to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Skia, JaPB, Vincent Bhushan, Lishmael, Philipp Schmalz, AI Simpson, Flaranor, Hampus Carlsson, Alex Griffin, Emjayw, Kriden, Exxator, Kyle Markman, and my other Patrons!

Family Tree / Characters


10:42 a.m. August 12th, Wednesday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 64.

Events:  Rhea won her Silver-tier Encrusted Badge after a tough battle!  Now, our girls are on their way to getting their four Encrusted Badges for the League.  Onward!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (114 days away).


Entering the bustling dock with Ash, Dawn, and her team, Rhea’s troubles melted away at the vibrant energy of the bustling city.  Everyone was so taken in by their own festivities that their very well-recognizable party didn’t so much as draw a second glance.

Shimmering azure petals occasionally drifted off the Kelpsy trees to sparkle in the light of the rising sun.  It was a beautiful day, and stalls selling traditional goods of Kanto’s historical culture lined the streets.  The smell from the many food stands made Rhea’s mouth water, even after she’d already eaten on the ship.

Amira took the lead to where she’d booked their stay; Rhea was a little curious due to the redhead’s mysterious silence on the topic as they wove through the complex streets.  Rhea was already lost, but Amira seemed to know exactly where she was going.

Dawn and Ash appeared to be growing more nervous as twenty minutes passed, and they started to leave the general bustle of Fuchsia.  They came to a path that paralleled an enclosure comprised of Razz wood and stone walls; running water, tall, maintained trees, and sharp-eyed Bird Pokemon seemed to patrol the divide.

Resituating her backpack, Rhea’s attention was caught by a sign as they turned a corner; they were now right on the cusp of leaving the city for Route 18, where the hidden Fuchsia Gym was somewhere located, and Rhea’s gut tightened.

Oh, no.  The cheap and cramped ship ride across Vermilion Bay…  Are we sleeping outside?  I mean, it’s a nice area, and the open forest is fine and well, but I wanted…

Her thoughts trailed off as they came to a fancy-looking gate entrance in the quiet neighborhood on the corner of the city.  Rhea was speechless as Amira marched them into it without a moment’s hesitation, three traditionally dressed men and women bowing their heads to her as they proceeded through a lush and well-maintained garden.

Lori’s violet eyes lit up as they saw the vibrant establishment and old wooden Kanto-style facility nestled at the foot of a nearby hill, lush with vegetation.  Two separated streams could be seen further up, one naturally heated and the other a pristine brook, weaved on either side of their path.

“No way!  Is this a spa?  This place looks top-class, Cherry!  I thought we were on a budget.  Oh…”  Lori trailed off as they entered and saw the Rocket family picture on the covered inner wall, surrounded by many awards given to the spa.

Amira sighed.  “I figured this would be a good way to make up for the terrible boat ride; I could see it was demanding on you, Rhea, and Lori was having stomach issues.”

“How did you know?”  Lori groaned, rubbing her stomach.  “I thought I did pretty well hiding it.”

“Dear,” Dawn said with a strained smile.  “When you spend three hours a day on the pot, it’s not that hard to spot.”

Ash walked off to the side, getting a call from someone.  By his frown, it seemed to be something important, and Dawn watched his exit as Piplup and Pikachu explored the pretty front garden with their Pokemon.

Rhea forced a laugh.  “Yeah, if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t notice… because I was too busy feeling cramped.  I think our last boat ride and the Sea Temple really altered my perception.  Thanks, Amira, so…  You own this place?”

 Amira giggled, stopping them in front of a part of the garden as one of the attendants went inside, probably to inform them of the Rocket princess’ arrival.

“My grandmother enjoys Fuchsia and used to spend quite some time here when Koga worked under my grandfather, managing Rocket affairs.  And don’t get your dirty mind elsewhere,” she warned, sharp red eyes darting to Lori, who held up her hands with an innocent smile.

“What?!  I wasn’t thinking anything…  Who’s Gym Leader Janine’s mother again?  Hmm.  Hey, hey!  I’m joking!”  she cried as Amber’s ears flames flared out near her hand.  “I mean, it’s gotta be sus, though.  C’mon!  Honey, back me up with your Ph.D. in Gossip!”

Rhea snickered at the nickname and shook her head.  “No gossip there, Velv; they come from a noble ninja clan, so they’re really secretive about family relations.  No one knew about Janine until she took over her father’s gym, not even the Master community.  Oh, speaking about gossip, I did meet Aya back in Cerulean.”

Lori’s face blanked, but Amira nodded.  “If I recall, she was there to speak to your brother.  I suppose everything worked out in the end, but it doesn’t really concern us.  As something that does concern us…  How does a full spa and salon treatment from some of the best experts in the field within Fuchsia sound?”

“Divine!”  Dawn drooled.  “I want to melt like butter.  Shopping in the morning, classy lunch here, hit up the Gym registry for Saturday, and then back here for a full-service makeover before enjoying the nighttime festivities?  Yes!”

Rhea’s mind went back to their Kanto spa day, but this time it was the total package with room service to boot.  Jumping forward with Lori and Dawn, Amira tried to fend off their hugs.

“Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!”

Their Pokemon soon jumped in, making Amber run away from Rhea’s grinning Mawile as her teammates gladly accepted the hugs and jumps of excitement.  Serenity was as oblivious to the affections as ever, but Amira said she was dancing inside to enjoy the waters.

Rhea was more blown away when they were guided to their own private rooms—all of them—that had a personal spa, a deck to overlook the forest, and a more modern interior with a sitting area, TV, private fridge, and a line to the kitchen to order whatever they wanted.

Amira ordered a massage, manicure, hair treatment, and the total service package that came on the house due to the Rocket family having a large stake in the establishment.  A fancy meal would be waiting for them at 2 p.m. after they finished their shopping.

After the energy of the festival, they could unwind in the silent and serene atmosphere of the spa and private stone-laid trails around the hill outside of town.  Rain was forecasted for Friday and Saturday, which had Dawn bummed, but that meant they could focus on training those days with their teams.

Rhea sent a message to Elaine to confirm the mother-daughter date with Ambrosia and Nova, hoping they would have enough time this week.  The woman’s response was as swift and on point as usual, answering within a minute of sending the message.


11:19 a.m. - Rhea: So… about Ambrosia and Nova.  Can they get together this week for some family time?  I get you must be busy with the United League and Paldea stuff going on.  We can reschedule if you need to.

11:20 a.m. - Elaine: Absolutely not!  Ambrosia would bite my ear if I tried to reschedule!  Lol.  She’s excited.  Friday morning should be good for us.  She wanted to do a little exploring with Nova in some… mystery location.  I’m not allowed to know because I’d spoil it.  Can you believe her?  Not trusting her Trainer >.>  I was the one that dealt with hair in my mouth every night for three years because someone always crawled onto my face as a pup!  We’re golden!


Stomach shaking at the random bit of info at the end, Rhea had no clue what that had to do with the trust part, but it looked like things were on the up.


11:22 a.m. - Rhea: I don’t know how you type so fast!  I suppose you’re not just the Kanto Champion but the speed-typing champion, too.  Isn’t it supposed to rain on Friday?  Nova can deal with it since she’s an official Water-Type now, but what about Ambrosia?

11:22 a.m. - Elaine: Wet Paws says no worries.  She has it all covered.  It’s so cute seeing her excited to be a mom!  She promised to take pictures.  I got her a Rotom Phone.  That’s right!  It’s back on the market and legal.  Your aunt even personally vetted the new owners.  All the homeless Rotoms will be happy again!

11:24 a.m. - Rhea: Gossip News Breaking: Elaine, Champion of Kanto, has been converted into an AI to text teenage Trainer upstart Rhea, a.k.a. Honey Pot!  An investigation is pending if AIs are allowed to retain the title.

11:24 a.m. - Elaine: LMAO!  I have to be fast at typing.  There’s too much to see and do.  Gotta go-go-go!  Chase is calling for a battle date.  <3 from the Champion seat!  Let’s hope it’s not that seaweed place again *blah!*  I was in the toilet for hours!  He even laughed at my weak stomach!  I’ll make him pay tonight.  Ho-ho.  He will pay dearly!  Muahahaha!

11:25 a.m. - Rhea: Yikes!  GL, and don’t die!  Or, uh, catch a case after just becoming Champion.  Nova doesn’t need to visit a prison mama!

11:26 a.m. - Elaine: I’ve already been locked up four times!  I’m a vet, Honey Pot!  Trust!  Catch you Friday.  Kisses and hugs, Babe; date night calls my lonely heart!  Ack!  Ambrosia bit my ear!  Time for a tackle match!


Giggling at the woman’s wholesome and odd antics, Rhea grinned; the fact she typed out ‘ack’ said a lot about her fun personality.  She had similar energy as Lyra, which made her appreciate just how wide her circle had grown over the last two months.  Rhea swapped to her mother’s texting history to message her as Dawn took them to find their new outfits and headed out of the resort.


11:28 a.m. - Rhea: Hey, Mom.  I guess since you still haven’t called me, then you’re working on my results or the next Pokemon or something.  Just wanted to see if you had an update on those cool capsule backpacks, or whatever, that can store specific items.  Love you!


Putting her phone in her skirt pocket, Rhea got into the rhythm of the girls as they went out to shop for their hanbok for the festival.  Ash had some people to meet, saying he would find a store and dress up as a surprise before running off with Dawn’s teasing remarks nipping at his heels.

Rhea laughed with Lori at the comments she made about him not looking good in black and wearing something more ‘him.’  The blue-haired woman then directed them on a mission to impress; price wasn’t an issue since they were using her aunt’s card, and just to be a little cheeky, she sent the Sinnoh Champion a text as they entered the first store.


11:51 a.m. - Rhea: Hey, Auntie!  Just wanted to say thank you!

11:54 a.m. - Aunt Cynthia: ???


She didn’t respond, getting three more question marks after eight minutes; she knew it would play on her aunt’s overactive mind until she broke down and called.

That call came when Rhea was trying on a pretty white base and turquoise-themed hanbok with white patterned flow designs and a similarly designed belt to wrap under her bust.  Dawn was helping her learn the steps in putting it on when the ringtone went off.

Answering the video chat, she added a bright smile while holding out her arms, Dawn presenting her with a grin.  “Surprise!  What do you think?”

Her aunt blinked, taking a second before her confusion softened.  “You’re beautiful, Rhea.  It’s almost like I’m seeing my little sister before all the worry lines conquered her face.”

“Mean!”  Rhea snickered.  “Dawn said the white and blue would go well, and I’m loving it.  This pink undergarment that adds the V-shape is adorable and really draws the eye to my neck.”

“Hmm-hmm!”  Dawn puffed up her chest.  “What did I tell you?  You three will look stunning in these.  Pictures all day.  I know the drill,” she said with a wink at her master.

Cynthia’s lips curled.  “I see you’re trying to skip the details, Snowflake.  Who is footing the bill on this purchase?”

“S-Snowflake?!”  Dawn balked, likely a nickname similar to the one Ash used regarding her ‘hair trouble.’  “I haven’t had dandruff problems since I was a teenager!”

“So you think,” her aunt smugly smirked, eyes tilting to the side in a way that could infuriate everyone.  “Have you stopped using that special product I put you on when you came crying to me as a little girl?”

“I-I’ve been trying something new lately,” she whispered, darting left to look at herself in the mirror.  “Oh, you are evil!  I’m not a snowflake anymore.”

“Powdered sugar can be sweet, though.  Remember, one time you got top Contest marks and—”

“Nope!  I blocked that out of my memory…  Not listening!”

Rhea couldn’t help laughing at the teasing remarks.  Cynthia had been Dawn’s role model growing up, and she was living her dream of being mentored by her idol.

Snapping a few pictures and trying to fight back on Dawn’s behalf, Rhea told a few embarrassing stories her mother revealed to her about her aunt as a teenager.  Dawn particularly enjoyed the part about the burnt hair story on her first attempt at using a curler or the stray mascara mark on her cheek she hadn’t noticed during a Contest.

After waving her off and finishing her outfit with a floral hairpiece for her bun, she exited to her Pokemon and team’s claps.  Lori got Dawn’s attention next as Amira searched for her own outfit, plucking between styles in the diverse store.

Mallory’s became more galaxy themed with a pink top mixed with yellow, white, and black; she even added little star bobbles to her sash.  Amira, independent as always, wanted to try her own fashion, so they all waited outside since she knew how to step in dressing in the traditional way.

The redhead came out with a yellow top that showed parts of the white undergarment in the sleeves, belly, and near her neck.  A pink tie was used near her bust to keep it together instead of a sash or belt, and it was surprisingly plain compared to the designs Rhea or Lori had.

Still, the maroon skirt went well with her more free-styled hair that framed her back, and she’d tied her bangs into a braid around the back of her head to keep the long locks in place.  As always, Amira had a way of stunning them with her fashion choices, intricate or simple.

A swipe of her aunt’s card later, and they were out and in the festive spirit.  Lori couldn’t help but sample a few of the food carts on the way back to the hillside resort, and Rhea smiled as she got a text from her best friend.


1:40 p.m. - Jason: Hey, cute pictures!  You’re actually in Fuchsia, then?  We were just about to leave, but we had to hit up the Safari Zone.  Want to hang later tonight?  It’s been a while, and Sunny is slapping my leg to see Alice again.  Haha!  Len wants to chill with Lori, too, and, umm, hear me out…  kind of an odd request, I know, but Lucian wanted to talk to Amira.


Rhea’s eyebrows came together, lips drawing in as she glanced left at the redhead before looking back at the message.  Pewter had been a disaster.  Cerulean, they didn’t even talk.  Now he wanted to have a random chat?  Sure, she’d liked his mom and all, but a nervous itch scratched in her belly.


1:43 p.m. - Rhea: I don’t know if that’s a good idea.  I’m cool to hang, I mean, but Lucian and Amira?  That’s an Explosion waiting to happen that will blow up in all our faces.

1:47 p.m. - Jason: No, I get it!  I’m just the messenger.  He just wants to know if she’ll make the time.  It ‘sounds’ like he doesn’t care if she accepts or not, but yeah.  He wants to say something, and he’s been acting kind of weird lately…  Not so much of a Pinsir when her song comes up on the radio.  Yeah, he listens to the radio.  Weird, I know.  Lowkey, I think I heard him listening to the hit she made not that long ago.  You didn’t hear it from me!  Just for context.


Not sure how to bring it up, Rhea nudged Amira as they turned the corner to the spa area.


Lori and Dawn slowed a bit as she cleared her throat, now having everyone’s attention.

“So… Jason’s team wants to know if they can hang.”

“Hold up!”  Lori pulled her phone out of a bag that held her Trainer outfit.  “Len didn’t tell me he was still in Fuchsia.  That punk!  Yes, I want to hang!”

Dawn looked between them, clearly bewildered by who they were talking about, but Rhea plowed on, knowing by Amira’s scowl and crossed arms she knew what the unspoken Mamoswine was.

“It would be nice to see Jason again.  It’s just…  Here, read it yourself.”

At a total loss, with Amira’s red eyes burning into hers, Rhea broke down and held up her phone to show her the message.  Lori and Dawn pushed in to read it with her.

Dawn’s head tilted to the left.  “Lucian is Diane’s son if I recall.  By that face, I’m guessing there is some history between you two, Amira?”

Lori snickered.  “A bit more than that.  The guy’s a total Slowpoke.  I’d blow him off if I were you, Red.”

“Normally, I would,” Amira returned as she handed Rhea’s phone back, nibbling on her bottom lip.  Amber’s cheeks were puffed out and her trainer’s hands were on her hips as they communicated privately.  “I’m curious, though.  Why would he reach out?”

Rhea shrugged.  “Another battle?  He could be listening to your song to hype himself up for it or something.”

“Innocent Rhea,” Lori teased, poking her cheek.  “You need to think of the darker side, Sunshine!  Lure Amira into a compromising situation to embarrass her?  Sounds like something a humiliated guy would do or something more sinister.”

Amira pulled out her own phone, increasing their pace to reach their scheduled lunch on time.  “I think you’re a little too dark, Lori.  We have to take into consideration him being in a new region that already sees Kalos unfavorably, mixed with his team’s influence and events that have transpired since our last meeting.”

Dawn whistled.  “You really are a thinker, Amira.  You’re going to meet with him?”

“Why not?  I’m curious.”  A small tilt came to her full lips as she glanced toward each of them, phone tapping against her chin.  “Plus, why dispense with an opportunity for more ammunition?  Keep your enemies close.”

Rhea laughed at the unusual glint in her ruby eyes; there was something she wasn’t quite getting.  “So you think of us as your greatest enemies, huh?  Do you think he might be developing feelings for you?”

Lori lifted an eye and bent down to pat Mariah’s head.  “I mean, have you seen this Meloetta?  Hehe.  Who wouldn’t?  And I’m not talking about our shy girl here.  Do you have any idea how many people are demanding I make Amira start a MemeStar account?”

“I get enough attention in the media as it is,” Amira whispered, wearing a cryptic smile Rhea had seen before but couldn’t place.  “The cold shoulder is something expected from our last encounter…  But to swallow his pride to share a festival night with me?  Hmm.  Isn’t that puzzling?

By the looks of it, she’d gotten Lucian’s number from Len, yet after a second’s thought, she put her red crystal device away.  “I’ll… give him an answer after lunch.”

“Absolute savage!”  Mallory’s teeth flashed as she skipped forward to the entrance of the spa gates.  “I swear, Red, I gotta learn that Sharpedo instinct because you’ve got teeth, girl!”

Rhea’s mind was blank.  “Wait, how does answering him after lunch make her a savage?  Wouldn’t not answering at all and ghosting him be more?”

She groaned internally at the look Dawn and Lori gave her; Amira didn’t seem all that interested in their reactions, seemingly looking inward.

“What am I missing?”

Dawn giggled and bumped into her as an attendant gestured for them to follow him to their dining area.  “It’s a game, Rhea.  Lucian asked Jason to put the question to you instead of calling Amira himself.  It’s a shy and unsure move that shows his insecurity.”

“Mhm-mhm!”  Lori chimed.  “Len will totally let that Slowpoke know Amira asked for his number—bro code as teammates—and Amira’s gonna make him strew in a boiling pot for the spice!  That’s our red-hot chili pepper!”

“Hehe.  Quite the image there, Velv.”  Dawn’s expression demanded more details.  “Boys break down shockingly fast in the right pressure cooker.  What kind of dish are we making, girls—softening the meat up for a tender late-night meal, or is it more of a snack?”

“Let’s not hope it’s too soft,” Lori winked, making Rhea’s face burn; this was not the kind of conversation she had had growing up with her brother, father, or best friend, but it almost seemed natural to the girls.  “I mean, I’m a total Heatran if a boy burns me—scorched earth—but Amira’s far more of a lady than me, so…”

Luckily, Amira reigned the Unovan girl and conversation in.  “I have no expectations.  Isn’t that the best way to be happily surprised?  In addition, if he causes my opinion of him to drop further, Lucian would have to have real talent.”

“Ouch!  What did this guy do to you?”  Dawn asked, taking off her shoes at the appropriate place as they followed her lead.  “Spill the details.”

Lori and Dawn got into a discussion on the whole history, but Amira’s attention was on her as they took their seats to be served.

“You met his mother, Rhea.  What is your opinion on Lucian overall?  I recall you telling me that you talked to her about some of the troubles we had.”

Rhea only remembered glazing over their time together at random points in their journey, so something in that must have sparked the redhead’s interest.  She went over her discussion with the Kalos Champion and what she’d learned from the experience.

Dawn and Lori jumped in as they ate, looking for more spicy points to liven up the conversation.  It was a joke to the Unovan girl, yet Rhea got the impression that Amira was truly interested in learning everything she could about Lucian.  Of course, that was the redhead’s strategic brain, so Rhea tried her best to articulate her time with Diane.

The meals brought to them made Rhea want to die because she knew she wouldn’t be able to eat this way very often; Amira was spoiling them.  It also made Rhea realize that the Rocket Girl could adapt to almost anything.  She was perfectly comfortable in a cramped passenger ship that should be condemned or a five-star spa.

Gossip painted her teammate as a prissy and conceited rich girl, held up by her infamous family, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Amira was quite conservative and shockingly caring in her own assertive and opinionative way.

Rhea couldn’t imagine her journey without the responsible and well-educated redhead’s guidance.  Out of everyone in her life—the Masters, Champions, and Legends—Amira had been the mentor she looked to for answers.  The redhead always had an answer or would work with her to find it.

Sure, she was cautious and guarded, but Lori was helping to break down those walls while trying to help Rhea put up her own boundaries.  Once again, she was reminded of how amazing her teammates were.

Instead of having an uncomfortable and spiteful lunch conversation about how stupid and rude Lucian was, it was lighthearted and inquisitive.

Ash joined them partway through, wearing a Pikachu-themed dark blue kimono; when he grinned and pointed at the color and Dawn’s hair as they matched made Rhea’s heart burn.  It was crazy how cute Ash could be.

Settling in to eat after some adorable banter with Dawn, he let them know he’d found someone to help her that could temper her Shamanistic side to allow her to grow into it more naturally.  They’d set up an appointment tomorrow night, so the rest of the day was clear.

Lori was already on the phone with Len, making plans for everyone.  Apparently, they were splitting up into groups: Ash and Dawn.  Rhea and Jason.  Lori and Len.  Amira and Lucian.  Rhea giggled at the ‘really’ look that the redhead gave the snickering violet-haired girl.  Still, Amira went along with it, making Lori even more curious as to what she was plotting, but she’d already put them in their own groups.

Freshening up a bit after lunch, they got their full spa treatment before Ash guided them to the Gym registration building in the city, enjoying the energy of the locals.  The Gym itself was outside of town, and buses brought people to the private location of the ninja school.  It wasn’t so much a secret as it was an off-limits zone.

Waiting in line, she was happily surprised when Lori and Amira signed up with her.  They’d all have a matching badge, and hopefully, this would be better than Pewter went.  Rhea was determined to win this battle and obtain her second Encrusted Badge.

The hours of the day went by, and eventually, the time came for their meetup.  Rhea couldn’t wait to spend more time with Jason; it had been weeks since she’d last seen him, which was something unheard of growing up.

Rhea had to take pictures of Alice as they went to an accessory shop, and she pointed at a pink bow and red flower to put on.  She was trying to copy what she saw humans did when they went out together, which was so cute.  Sunny would be blown away by her gorgeous evolved bunny.  He was so overwhelmed, in fact, that he surprised all of them.


* * *


Checking her outfit and hair in the Center bathroom as they waited for the boys to arrive, Amira chuckled at Amber, mirroring her.  A few other ladies were doing the same or fixing their traditional outfits; some of the locals were being nice and helping the tourists that didn’t tie their knots right.

Going on a date with Gables, hmm?

“Xen-xen.  Braixen,” she hummed, combing out her ear tufts and trying to find a cute position to place her wand in her tail.  “Braixen?”

Hmm.  Yeah, a little to the right works, and having it sway will draw eyes, but you don’t want it to fall out.  That would be embarrassing.

“B-Braix-xen?!  Xen-xen!”  she worried, shaking her head and securing it more.  “Braixen?”

No, you don’t need to trim your side fluff.  Don’t be self-conscious.  You’re cute, and he probably won’t even notice.  He’ll be too focused on your ears or tail.


Hehe.  Yes, boys do have a fixation on certain things that you think are weird, but just try it.  Move your tail a little away and watch him notice.  Hehe.  Let your ears fall back a little when looking at him, and he’ll trip on his face.  He acts all cool, but I’m telling you, you have more power over him than you think.

Amber smiled, turning to the side and bobbing her purple tail, and letting her flaming tip flicker left and right.  “Xen-xen…”

She looked down with a short sigh.  Yes, of course, you’re pretty.  I know you’re a little self-conscious because you’re Shiny and don’t look like the other girls, but that’s a good thing.  And you can’t compare yourself to the rest of the girls.  You’re you, and you’re gorgeous.  Is Gabs looking at them?

“Braixen…”  she whispered, swallowing and getting closer to the mirror to brush her fur.

Right.  He is always sneaking peeks at you.  Why’s that?


That’s right!  Because you’re fine.  Shake that tail fire and watch him melt.

“Bra-bra-bra,” she giggled.

Plus, it’s not just your fur, silly.  He likes that attitude and sass.  Be yourself.  He likes you for you.  Okay?  Everything about you.

Amber nodded, confidence and determination filling her red eyes.

Good.  Pikachu is going to hang with everyone else, so you don’t need to worry about Mariah.  Have a fun time.  Okay?

“Braixen.”  Her teenage fox turned to hug her, making Amira kneel down to touch her up and fix the bow tied around her neck.

“I want to hear all about it later.  Let’s go.”

Going outside of the bathroom, she saw Lori had already skipped out on them with Len, taking to the streets to dance and party with her bestie.  Dawn and Ash waved at her and went to the door, but they paused as a commotion came from where Rhea, Jason, and Lucian sat.

Amira’s gaze was instantly snatched by Alice and Sunny, Jason’s Scorbunny, as the stunned bunny looked up at the grinning, much larger Lopunny; eyes wide and practically stupified, his fur exploded with light.

Jason choked, fumbling with his phone and dropping it, but Rhea was swift to start the recording as Sunny evolved into a Raboot.  What was the first action anyone took?  Alice jumped forward with a cheer to poke and explore her bouncy friend’s new evolution.

Naturally, Sunny’s face turned bright pink, and he jumped away, pulling up his scarf.  Unfortunately, he ran right past them into the girl’s bathroom by mistake.  Alice chased after him as if they were playing a game.  Rhea and Jason ran after them, Pikachu and the rest of the gang in pursuit.

Amber hissed next to her, calling after Sunny, but his mind was already steaming by this point.  Gables hopped over to join them, showing a strained smile and complimenting her nervous fox; at least Sunny’s embarrassing scene had helped to calm her nerves.  So, there was a small bright side.

Poor guy, Amira sighed, shaking her head with a sad chuckle.  Lucian stood in the same spot she’d seen him in when exiting.

A small smile lifting her cheeks, she went to meet him, expecting quite a fun night of poking and prodding to see what the boy’s intentions were.  Amira didn’t like to waste her time, but this was a turn of events she hadn’t expected, and that made her curious.

“Braixen?”  her unsure fox whispered, watching her leave.

Amira had an unusual jitter in her stomach she hadn’t experienced in a while; cautious anticipation for the unknown.

You know, Amber, they say curiosity kills the Skitty, but oddly, I can’t seem to help myself.

Standing in front of Lucian, her head tilted to the right as he put his hands in his pockets and turned away a bit, not looking at her; she figured he was roughly six inches taller than her.  He had even dispensed with the usual suit for the festival.

Okay.  You reached out.  I’m here.  Well, the ball’s in your court, bucko.  Upside down and inside out, all you have to do is not disappoint me.  Still, I won’t make this easy on you.  What roller coaster ride are you here to take me on?

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+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) ahead in A Tail's Misfortune

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in The Oscillation Rewrite

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in UE Rewrite

+ 10 Chapters (10 Weeks) Ahead in PokéSync (Pokemon Fanfic)

- 8 Chapters in The Power Of Cuteness And Positivity

- Soul's Requiem - Getting ready for Amazon Release

+ Random stories, such as Mystic:  My First Attempt At A Male Protag Isekai

+ Access to Polls

+ All my commissioned artwork is up for free on my Patreon!

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