Pokémon: The Greatest Gourmet

Chapter 50

Around 4am...

Mo Yuchen was lying on the bed in his room, but he didn't fall asleep.

At that moment, all he could think about was the 'glowing food' that Rotom had mentioned.

After he asked Rotom about it, he found out that food could actually change the color of Pokémon.

That is, it could turn ordinary Pokémon into rare 'glittering' Pokémon.

"I'll have time to look for those materials later.……"

Mo Yuchen looked up at the ceiling and murmured.

He had been thinking that if he could make glowing food in the future and let the elves take it, then... when all the"shining" elves stood in front of the opponent, I'm afraid the opponent's face would be very interesting.

Unfortunately, Mo Yuchen didn't have the materials for glowing food at the moment.

From what Rotom said, those materials were not food ingredients, but some special things.

For this reason, Mo Yuchen was not in a hurry, because he knew that those things would be available sooner or later.

Just as Mo Yuchen was thinking this, the door of the room he was staying in suddenly opened.

Mo Yuchen turned over and saw that it was Nancy who opened the door. From her expression, it seemed strange. He immediately asked,"Huh? Why don't you go to bed?"

There were several empty rooms in this house, so after Gengar took the energy block, Mo Yuchen was asked by Rotom to arrange a room for Nancy.

But Nancy's sudden appearance here made Mo Yuchen frown slightly.

At this moment, Nancy suddenly stretched out her right hand, and her palm was facing Mo Yuchen.

The next moment, Nancy's eyes sparkled with a purple glow.

""Immobilization technique?"

Mo Yuchen felt that he couldn't move, and he knew that Nancy had used her superpower to seal his movements.

After all, he had already experienced this trick when he was in the Golden City Gym.

However, the immobilization technique alone could not restrain Mo Yuchen, although he didn't know why Nancy suddenly immobilized him.

However, just when Mo Yuchen was about to exert his strength...

Nancy took a step forward and approached him, and when their faces were touching, her pale pink lips even moved directly forward.

"Shit… What’s going on? ? ? I was forced to kiss again? ?" At this moment, Mo Yuchen was confused.

This scene reminded him of the time not long ago when Kona also forcefully kissed him.

The difference now was that he was forced to kiss after his movements were blocked, which… This was simply intolerable.

But so what? During this whole minute, Mo Yuchen was confused.

When Nazi slowly moved her pink lips away, Mo Yuchen felt that his hands and feet had regained their freedom of movement.

Of course, he could have forcibly broken free from the restraints of the immobilization spell before, but in that situation… Regardless of whether he was willing to do so or not, he didn’t want to hurt Nazi accidentally.

And just when he was about to ask, Nazi, who was sitting on him, seemed to have turned back into the little girl and spoke first.

""Yuchen, can I sleep at your place tonight?"

Mo Yuchen was stunned, and then his face was full of embarrassment. It seemed that he had not explained clearly what he had just said to him?

Why did it get worse again?

However, when he saw the innocence on Nazi's face, he immediately understood that Nazi just wanted to find stability with him, and it was not that matter.

Maybe it was because of Nazi's childhood, which made her feel insecure, and now she just wanted Mo Yuchen to be with her.

Because when she left Jinhuang City, she did not bring the doll that she had always carried with her.

Despite this, Mo Yuchen still said angrily:"This is not good, I don't think your parents will agree."

However, Nazi said seriously:"No, they will agree."

Mo Yuchen was speechless.

Indeed, based on the previous attitude of the couple, I am afraid they would really agree.


Looking at Nazi's watery eyes, Mo Yuchen's mouth twitched, making it impossible to refuse.

"Well, okay, you can sleep here tonight."

In the end, Mo Yuchen could only sigh and agreed to let Nazi stay.

But this sleep might not be easy.……

"Great, I knew you were the best."

Sure enough, after Mo Yuchen agreed, Nazi threw herself on him again and said,"Yuchen, I want to be your woman like Kona in the future."

"Cough cough cough……"

After hearing this, Mo Yuchen was choked a few times on the spot, and he felt even more bitter in his heart:"Does she know what this sentence means?"

Helplessly, Mo Yuchen could only sigh.

It didn't take long... Ziyuan Town welcomed a ray of clear sunshine in the morning.

Because Nazi had Mo Yuchen by her side, she did not forget to reveal a reassuring smile while sleeping.

But Mo Yuchen couldn't fall asleep at all...

After all, having such a beautiful girl sleeping in his bed, he always felt that this night was very long.

However, when he saw Nazi's sweet and reassuring smile while sleeping, Mo Yuchen couldn't help but reveal a cordial smile.

"Sleep peacefully, with me here, no one will think you are a monster anymore."

Time passed, and soon it was the night that he had agreed to meet with Kikuko...

Mo Yuchen, with dark circles under his eyes, rode Charizard again with Nancy to a place not far from the Pokémon Tower.

When he arrived, in addition to Kikuko who was invited, there was another person.

When Mo Yuchen glanced at the man……

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