Pokémon: The Greatest Gourmet

Chapter 43

"Come, have a lollipop.……"

If there is anything that can evoke childhood memories, lollipops are definitely one of the options.

When Mo Yuchen forced the lollipop into Nazi's mouth, her first reaction was to spit it out...

However, the moment her taste buds touched the lollipop, her body suddenly trembled slightly.

At this moment, the indifference and arrogance on her face melted like ice and snow, and was replaced by a full sense of happiness.

At this moment, she had long forgotten that this was a lollipop given by a stranger, and the urge to spit it out just now had long disappeared.

This is the charm of food.

Seeing this, Mo Yuchen smiled and asked,"Is it delicious?" Nazi nodded without hesitation, and at this moment she was like a girl next door, simple and cute.

Only this kind of simple and cute personality is the best match for her appearance.

"What is the first reddit in this room?"

Listening to Nazi's unclear words, Mo Yuchen immediately patted her little head and said with a smile:"Take your time, no rush."

In terms of age, Nazi is one or two years older than Mo Yuchen.

And at this moment, Mo Yuchen looks more like a brother coaxing his sister.

In fact, this is not surprising. Nazi's psychological shadow comes from her childhood.

She has been treated as a monster since she was a child, so her personality has naturally become distorted.

And this lollipop just awakened one of the emotions hidden deep in her heart.

This emotion is not like being amused, but feeling happy.

So, at this moment she is like returning to her childhood, the Nazi before her character changed.

Because of this, now it seems that her character is ten years younger than Mo Yuchen.

"How is this made? Will I be able to eat it in the future?"

This time, Nazi reluctantly took the lollipop out of her mouth and made her words clear.


Mo Yuchen was a little helpless, mainly because Nazi's expectant eyes made it difficult for him to speak.

But in the end he still said apologetically:"Sorry, only I can make this taste, and I will leave here after I get the gold badge."



Nazi's eyes suddenly turned red, and she seemed to have the urge to burst into tears.

Seeing this, Mo Yuchen's face froze, and he quickly said:"……Hey, hey, if you cry, you won't have anything to eat in the future."

I have to say, this threat is definitely strong enough.

After hearing this, Nazi tried hard to hold back the moisture in her eyes, and then said very aggrievedly:"Okay……"


At this moment, a heavy voice suddenly came from the door.

When Nazi looked over, she couldn't stop the tears in her eyes:"Dad……"

After the father and daughter reunited, Mo Yuchen sighed softly, then put Golduck back into the Poké Ball, and then slowly walked out of the gym.

"I'd better wait until next time to get it.……"

In this situation, he did not intend to destroy the warm atmosphere, and he was also planning to go to Ziyuan Town, and when he returned, he would take the gold badge.

However, just as he walked to the door, he suddenly heard the sound of running behind him.

Mo Yuchen immediately turned his head and saw that the person running was Nazi.

Mo Yuchen frowned and asked,"What's the matter?" Nazi asked,"Where are you going?"

Mo Yuchen was silent for a moment, and only answered two words.


Unexpectedly, Nazi said without hesitation:"I want to go with you……"

"You? Travel with me?"Mo Yuchen had never expected that Nazi would suddenly say this, and was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, I want to travel with you, and my superpowers will definitely be of great help to you."

Nazi said sincerely, revealing infinite expectations in her words.

"It's over, I shouldn't have meddled in other people's business."

Mo Yuchen thought so in his heart, his face full of regret.

If it were someone else, Mo Yuchen would definitely refuse directly, but facing this kind of temperament and lovely girl, he couldn't open his mouth.

At this moment, Mo Yuchen found an excuse and said,"You just reunited with your family. Isn't it a bad idea to travel with me now?" As soon as the words fell.

Before Nazi could answer, two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared in the passage.

They were Nazi's parents.

Among them, her mother had always been in Nazi's doll world.

And her appearance at this time must have been released by Nazi when Mo Yuchen turned around and left just now.

At this time.

Nazi's parents walked up to Mo Yuchen to express their gratitude.

Immediately asked the name of the benefactor in their eyes.

Mo Yuchen raised his eyebrows, and a bad premonition rose in his heart, but out of politeness, he still reported his name

"Mo Yuchen.

As expected, Mo Yuchen's premonition was very accurate.

After he gave his name, Nazi's father patted his shoulder and said

"I would like to thank you again for helping Nazi walk out of the shadows, but... my husband and I want to be thick-skinned and ask you to take Nazi to the outside world. As she said, her superpowers will definitely help you a lot."

After speaking, Mo Yuchen's mouth twitched, and then looking at Nazi's full of expectations, he asked the couple:"……Are you willing to take your beautiful daughter away from me?"

The couple looked at each other, then looked at Mo Yuchen and nodded solemnly at the same time.

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