Pokémon: The Greatest Gourmet

Chapter 175

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: 0.055s Scan: 0.023sAn isolated island not far from Duskwater Town...

If there are outsiders present at this time, they will probably be scared to death.

Because on this isolated island, not only Ho-Oh and Mewtwo are gathered, but even Rayquaza is present.

This lineup can be called"terrifying", and it is not an exaggeration.

At this time, a young man was half-crouching on the ground, it was Mo Yuchen.

At this moment, he was staring at a comatose Beedrill in front of him with a worried look on his face, and asked:"Ho-Oh, how is Beedrill?"

Originally, after Ho-Oh's treatment, Beedrill's injuries have gradually improved.

But so far, it still seems that there is no way to wake up, which makes Mo Yuchen worried.

As for taking Beedrill to the Pokémon Treatment Center?

Don't make a fuss, if Beedrill's injuries can't even be cured by Ho-Oh, it's useless to go anywhere.

Because of this, Mo Yuchen chose such an uninhabited place.


Rotom will immediately translate the response of Ho-Oh flapping his wings

"Master, what the Ho-Oh means is that Beedrill's injuries are no longer a problem, but it has been invaded by the evil divinity of Dark Lugia. If you want it to wake up, you need something that can drive away the evil."

Mo Yuchen asked,"Something that drives away the evil? What is that?"

The Ho-Oh thought for a moment, and then translated it through Rotom:"For example, a deified spirit or an item that possesses light."

Mo Yuchen pondered for a moment, and immediately said to himself:"The spirit of light... The only ones I know should be Reshiram or Ultra Necrozma. As for the objects that can drive away evil, I really don't know what they are."

The Ho-Oh also said that he didn't know.

At this time, Mo Yuchen didn't know where to find Reshiram or Ultra Necrozma.

Just when Mo Yuchen was thinking hard, Rotom suddenly suggested:"Master, maybe you can ask Miss Kona or Miss Sirona, maybe they will know something."

"Well, Rotom, you reminded me that one of them is a champion and the other is the leader of the Ice Hidden Clan. Maybe they really know something that can exorcise evil spirits."

After saying that, Mo Yuchen immediately asked Rotom to contact Kona first.

"Drip, drip, drip……"

Along with several voices from Rotom,


It didn't take long for the other end to pick up the call, and this familiar voice was Kona.

Mo Yuchen hurriedly asked,"Kona! I need your help to check something."

It seemed that Mo Yuchen was very flustered, and Kona seemed to be worried and asked,"What's the urgent matter?"

Mo Yuchen said frankly,"Beedrill is injured and unconscious now. I want you to help me find something that can drive away the evil."

Just as Mo Yuchen's voice fell.

Kona immediately let out a nervous scream. What!!! Beedrill is injured? ? ?"

It's no wonder she would be like this. You have to know that Beedrill's strength is beyond Koch.

Now that she heard that he was injured and unconscious, it can be seen how surprised she is.

"Yuchen, are you okay? Where are you now? I'll come right over."

After hearing these words, Mo Yuchen's heart suddenly warmed up. After all, he had no relatives or friends in this world, and there were only a few people who could worry about him. He immediately replied:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. You know, there aren't many things that can hurt me."

"Where are you now?"It seems that Kona is still worried.

At this time, Rotom thoughtfully opened the map displayed on the screen.

After Mo Yuchen took a look, he replied:"Well, I should be on an isolated island near Mushui Town."

"Ah, I'm in Mushui Town now."

When Kona announced his location, it was Mo Yuchen's turn to be surprised.

"Why are you in Duskwater Town?

After all, he thought Kona was still on the Frozen Island, so why did he suddenly come to the Hoenn area?

And he happened to be in Duskwater Town.

"I ran away from the tribe secretly. I knew you were in the Hoenn area, so I wanted to give you a surprise. I didn't expect to receive your communication just after I arrived in Mushui Town."

Hearing Kona's explanation, Mo Yuchen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Sometimes, things just happen to be so coincidental.

But now that things have come to this, what else can he say?

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Charizard to pick you up from Duskwater Town."


After that, Mo Yuchen exchanged the Poké Balls, summoned Charizard, and asked it to go to Mushui Town to pick up Kona.

Charizard had seen Kona several times, so Mo Yuchen didn't have to explain it.


Time passed, and Charizard soon brought Kona back from Duskwater Town.

But when Kona saw the lineup of the elves around Mo Yuchen...

As you can imagine, her mouth was wide open for a long time.

Aside from Mewtwo, although she had never seen Ho-Oh and Rayquaza, she knew of their existence.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the champion of the king, it is extremely difficult to see any of them in this lifetime.

And now these two legendary elves landed respectfully beside Mo Yuchen, this visual impact is absolutely awesome.

Kona couldn't help but licked her lips that had become dry due to surprise, and then asked stutteringly:"Oh, my God... Yu, Yuchen, what have you been doing these past few months?"

Mo Yuchen naturally knew what Kona was referring to, and immediately sighed:"It's a long story... Let's talk about it slowly later. First, tell me, is there anything in this world that can drive away evil?"

After Kona landed on the isolated island, she saw the unconscious giant bee, and knew that now was not the time to be surprised.

So when Mo Yuchen talked about business, she immediately nodded and fell into deep thought.

But after thinking about it over and over again, she couldn't seem to think of anything that could drive away evil.

However, she did not give up, but picked up the communicator to contact the elders of the Bingyin tribe.

Although she was once the king of heaven and is now the leader of the Bingyin tribe, she still has too little experience, and naturally does not know as much as those older generations.

"Uncle Leo……"

Just when Kona was about to ask, an old man on the communicator suddenly shouted at him:"Kona!!! You actually threw the tribe's affairs to me and ran away secretly!!!!"

Kona smiled bitterly:"Uncle Leo, calm down, I just came out for some fresh air."

However, the man named Leo said unhappily:"You did come out to get some fresh air, but I, an old man, have to deal with the tribe's affairs for you!"

Kona had no choice but to bring up Mo Yuchen and said:"Okay, okay, don't be angry, first help Yuchen find out if there is anything that can drive away evil spirits"

"Yuchen? You're with that...?"

"Wait, wait, I'll check it right away, it'll be quick, and I'll send you a message as soon as I'm done"


The communication was cut off instantly. It can be imagined that the old men from Leo were looking for information for Mo Yuchen.

At this time,

Mo Yuchen was confused.

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