Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_6.3 (17)

Ritchie's shoulders sagged as he recalled Sparky back into its Pokéball. He hesitated for a moment, staring at the ball with a mixture of disappointment and resolve, before looking back at Caelan. His expression shifted, his earlier confidence now replaced with a more humble demeanor.

"If you don't mind…," Ritchie started, his voice soft but growing stronger with each word. "Can I… can I stay and watch you train?"

Caelan blinked in surprise, the request catching him off guard. He exchanged a glance with Rattata, who tilted her head slightly, her sharp eyes narrowing in curiosity. "Why?" Caelan asked, his tone neutral.

Ritchie's face flushed again, and he scratched the back of his head nervously. "My mom once said that defeats are invaluable to growth," he said, his voice shaking a little, but with an underlying determination. "So I just thought, y'know, maybe if I watched you and your Rattata, I could learn something valuable… pick up some techniques that could help Sparky and me."

Caelan raised an eyebrow, studying the boy with renewed interest. He wasn't used to this sort of reaction from challengers—especially not after a one-sided battle like that. Most kids just accepted the loss and slunk away, licking their wounds in silence. But this one…

'Maybe I should've expected that coming from a person who managed to reach the league in another life.'

Still, they didn't need extra eyes on them while training, and Ritchie seemed like the type to learn and assimilate his tactics into his own. And if he was aiming for a spot at the Champion's Festival, that'd only make things difficult down the line.

It would be like feeding a dragon they'd later have to slay.

But before Caelan could make up his mind, Ritchie blurted with a pleading edge to his voice, "I could pay double for the spar! No, triple! If that helps…?"

That caught Caelan's attention. He wasn't as hurting for cash as he once was, but more money was always a good thing. He paused, locking eyes with Rattata. The two of them exchanged a silent look, as if having an entire conversation without words. Rattata's nose twitched, her eyes flicking between Ritchie and Caelan before she gave a slight nod.

He knew that look, though. She wasn't being benevolent, she was being competitive.

Caelan let out a sigh, rolling his shoulders slightly before glancing back at Ritchie. "Alright. If you're that eager to learn, you can stick around," he said, his tone nonchalant. "But just so you know, we're diving straight into strength training today. It's not exactly going to be easy."

Ritchie's face lit up with excitement. "Really? Thanks, uh…" He hesitated for a moment, realizing he didn't know Caelan's name.

"Caelan," he said with a small smirk. "The name's Caelan."

"Right! Thanks, Caelan," Ritchie said quickly, his enthusiasm returning in full force.

Caelan gave him a quick once-over before offering some casual advice. "By the way," he added, "A bit of unsolicited advice but… it might help to keep 'Sparky' out of his Pokéball more often. Let him hang out with you, spend time together. It's a Pokémon that evolves with a strong bond, after all."

Ritchie blinked, taking in the suggestion. "Oh... I hadn't thought of that. Thanks! I'll try it out."

With that done, Caelan glanced at the clock on the wall, then jerked his head toward the door. "Come on," he said, walking ahead. "The training machines are in another room."

Ritchie didn't say a word, but Caelan could hear the eager footsteps following behind, practically feeling the boy's enthusiasm radiating off him. 

He almost sighed out loud. 'We are definitely gonna regret this later.'

After days of relentless training and battling, Caelan realized that both he and Rattata needed to actually have a rest day. The last break day they had Caelan had the 'bright' idea to use the resting time for tinkering with move combos.

The progress was undeniable, but burnout wasn't something he wanted to risk.

Besides, they were going to have to use the money they'd earned, so it was a chance to explore and recharge.

As he headed out, Caelan had a specific destination in mind. Saffron's open-air market was known for its variety, and he thought it might have something to both reduce the strain and add to their training later.

He snagged a quick breakfast from a local bakery—nothing fancy, just a couple muffins. As he walked through the city with Rattata perched comfortably on his shoulder, he offered her one for herself.

She squeaked, tilting her head at him as they walked past the Battle Club.

"Today's a break from training," Caelan said, watching as Rattata eagerly took a bite of the muffin. "We're going to check out the market and see if we can find something useful."

Rattata nuzzled against his cheek, clearly content with the snack. She glanced around with keen interest, her tiny paws clutching the muffin as if it were the most precious thing. Then she paused, as if just hearing what he said. 

Abruptly, her ears folded back, chittering something he vaguely interpreted as protest.

"Sure, but even the most dedicated Pokémon need rest," Caelan casually replied. "Besides, there's always something new to discover."

Caelan snorted as Rattata grumbled something under her breath. He knew she didn't actually mind that they were taking a break, Rattata was just on a long win-streak and wasn't expecting to have to put it on pause.

As they approached the market, the energy was immediately palpable. The market was a bustling hive of activity, with colorful stalls and enthusiastic vendors shouting their specials. The aroma of fresh produce and sizzling street food filled the air.

"This place is huge," Caelan remarked, surveying the lively scene. "Let's see what we can find. Maybe we'll stumble upon something interesting."

Rattata's nose twitched as she scanned the array of stalls. She hopped off Caelan's shoulder and landed gracefully on the ground, eager to explore. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she darted towards a stall overflowing with exotic fruits.

"Careful there," Caelan chuckled, following her lead. "Don't get too distracted."

At one of the booths, a vendor with a cheerful grin offered samples of freshly made Pokéblocks. Rattata's eyes widened at the colorful treats. The vendor, noticing her interest, handed her a small sample. Rattata sniffed it cautiously before taking a bite, her tail flicking in delight.

"Looks like you're a fan," Caelan said with a smile. "You've got good taste."

Rattata gave a contented squeak and bounced on her toes, clearly enjoying the treat. She darted off again, this time towards a booth selling various types of herbs and berries. Caelan couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm, dropping a few coins for the vendor as he passed by.

As they wandered through the market, Caelan found himself drawn to a booth with an array of curious items. It was manned by a middle-aged woman with a warm smile and an assortment of gadgets and accessories spread out in front of her.

"Hello there!" she greeted. "Looking for anything in particular?"

"Just exploring," Caelan said. "We're taking a break from training and thought we'd see what's interesting."

The woman's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Well, you've come to the right place. We have all sorts of unique items here. Feel free to browse!"

Caelan's gaze was drawn to a sleek device on the counter labeled "Apriblender." It was an intriguing contraption with a shiny exterior and a clear compartment for processing ingredients.

"What's this?" Caelan asked, pointing to the Apriblender.

The machine seemed familiar to him, but for once he wasn't sure. It was likely something Nolan glanced at once or twice but didn't delve into.

The vendor's smile widened. "Ah, that's the Apriblender! It's a new invention designed to turn Apricorns into Aprijuice. This juice is known for its ability to boost the training efficiency for Pokémon. It's quite the breakthrough for trainers looking to give their Pokémon a little extra edge."

Caelan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Boosting training efficiency, you say? How does it work?"

The vendor explained, "The Apriblender uses a special blend of mechanical and magical processes to extract the nutrients from Apricorns and enhance them into a juice that provides various benefits. Pokémon that consume it can experience a noticeable increase in their energy and overall performance. It's been getting rave reviews from trainers who've tried it."

Rattata's ears perked up at the mention of juice. She scampered over to the counter, her nose twitching as she sniffed the air. The vendor chuckled and placed a few small Apricorns into the machine. The device whirred and hummed, and within moments, a bottle of golden juice appeared.

Caelan watched in fascination as the vendor poured a little of the Aprijuice into a small dish and set it down for Rattata. She sniffed the juice cautiously before taking a tentative sip. Her eyes widened with delight, and she quickly finished the dish, her energy visibly renewed.

"It looks like she enjoys it," Caelan observed, smiling at Rattata's enthusiastic reaction.

The vendor nodded. "It might be new, but it's becoming a popular item among trainers for a reason."

"Sounds promising," Caelan said, considering the benefits. "Would you mind if I checked out more details about the Apriblender? I've got my Pokégear with me and it would help to have more information."

"Not at all," the vendor replied, waving a hand. "Feel free to look it up. I try and tell my son to do the same thing when he's out shopping—always make informed purchases, especially when it comes to something that can impact his Pokémon."

Caelan nodded in appreciation and pulled out his Pokégear. He quickly accessed the device's database, scanning for information on the Apriblender. As he read through the details, he found a range of user reviews and technical specifications, confirming the vendor's claims about the machine's effectiveness.

It seemed that while there were some trainers who used it for training, the majority only used it for sport. There was apparently already an argument about whether Pokéblocks or Poffins were better, and now Aprijuice was entering the fray. Caelan couldn't quite wrap his head around the debate. Why not just use all three?

He… couldn't quite wrap his head around the internet, sometimes. Why not just use all three?

Satisfied with the information, he looked up from his Pokégear and addressed the vendor. "Everything checks out. I think this will be a great addition to our training routine."

The vendor's smile widened. "Excellent! The Apriblender is priced at five-thousand Pokédollars. It's a bit of an investment, but it's worth it if you're serious about your Pokémon's training."

Caelan's eyes widened slightly at the price. The price online was a bit lower than that, but that didn't factor in the shipping fee. He winced, thinking about his budget and the cost of other necessities.

The vendor seemed to notice his hesitation. "But since your Rattata is such a cutie, I'll offer you a discount. How does thirty-seven fifty sound?"

Caelan's wince softened into a thoughtful frown. The discount was generous, but it was still a significant amount of money.

He mentally reviewed his recent expenses: the cost of Pokémon food, training gear, and other essentials. 'Can I even afford this?' On the other hand, the Apriblender was designed to turn Apricorns into energy-boosting juice, a tool that could potentially enhance Rattata's stamina for a short time. 

Caelan thought about Rattata's recent progress and how much more effective their training could become with the Apriblender. It wasn't just about the immediate benefits; it was an investment in Rattata's growth and their future challenges. More than that, he realized that boosting Rattata's stamina temporarily meant he could fit more battles into their daily schedule.

If Rattata could endure longer and recover faster, they'd be able to participate in more battles, earning additional money and experience. The increased efficiency in training could translate into more victories and a better chance at succeeding in upcoming challenges.

"Better performance in training," he muttered to himself, "means faster growth and better chances in battles. Plus, if Rattata can handle more battles, that's more income and opportunities for us."

His initial hesitation began to ease as he considered the broader benefits. If the Apriblender could make training more efficient and allow for more battles, it might well be worth the expense.

"Well," Caelan said, looking back at the vendor, "I… think it might be a worthwhile investment. I'll take it."

The vendor's eyes twinkled with approval as she prepared the Apriblender for him. "Great! I'm sure you and your Rattata will find it very useful."

As Caelan handed over the payment, he felt a twinge of relief that the discount had made the purchase more manageable. The vendor carefully wrapped up the Apriblender and handed it to him with a smile.

"Thank you for your business," she said warmly. "I hope the Apriblender proves useful for your training. If you need any more Apricorns or have questions about the product, don't hesitate to stop by."

Caelan nodded, giving a small smile. "I appreciate the help and the discount. Have a nice day."

Caelan thanked the vendor again, securing the Apriblender in his bag. With a satisfied nod, he and Rattata continued their exploration of the market. The variety of sights, sounds, and smells provided a refreshing break from their usual routine. 

As they strolled through the bustling aisles, Caelan felt a renewed sense of purpose. The market's lively atmosphere was a pleasant change of pace, and he looked forward to integrating the Apriblender into their training regimen.

Even if it wasn't much, this was what he wanted when he decided to become a trainer. For both him and Rattata to have the time to enjoy the little things. Despite other trainers thinking of him as a poser with a Rattata, most civilians usually didn't judge and treated him just like every other trainer.

One day, he promised to himself, they would have days like this every day. True freedom to do as they wished, something grasped after years of struggle.

It would all be worth it, in the end.

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