Pokemon Master

Chapter 85: Return

However, Fang Yuan was even more curious about its second attack than Frustration.

The second move used by Lopunny to protect Buneary was not weaker than Frustration, but the two moves gave people a completely different feeling. These moves contained an emotional blow. Fang Yuan thinks it may be the Return move.

Contrary to Frustration, Return means that the higher the friendship with the trainer, the greater the power, which uses another kind of emotional energy.

The only pokemon that could harness these two opposing emotional energies so freely was the Buenary evolution line.

After all, the only pokemon who can learn Frustration and Return through normal growth was Buneary and Lopunny. This was their special talent.


Fang Yuan's interest arose.

This move was related to Friendship, and Friendship was one of the requirements for Eevee to evolve into Espeon and Umbreon. Friendship was a vague concept that was difficult to visually see and quantify. Whether it was also a kind of energy or not? no one on earth has studied it, but Fang Yuan was sure that Friendship was also a kind of energy.

To describe it in a more popular way, Friendship was the bond between the trainer and the pokemon.

It could be friendship or other emotions.

Although this kind of bond was not obvious in most versions of the game, in "Let's Go! Pikachu/Let's Go! Eevee", Friendship could directly affect the abilities of the pokemon, and could even increase the overall strength of the pokemon by up to 10%, which was incredible.

And, it was also reflected in another group, that is, Mega evolution…

Mega evolution is a higher level of evolution that surpasses the boundaries where the pokemon could evolve so far.

Pokemon that Mega evolve would temporarily release their hidden powers, exerting abilities that could not be obtained through general evolution.

Whether in games or animations, Mega Evolution was the top method for trainers!

The general trainer needs two conditions to successfully master the Mega evolution.

The first condition was that the trainer must carry a special item called a keystone that resonates with the corresponding Mega stone carried by the pokemon.

The second condition was that there must be a deep bond between the pokemon and the trainer. The power of the bond was an important prerequisite for the two stones to resonate.

This shows that the bond between the trainer and the pokemon could affect the abilities of the pokemon.

The reason Fang Yuan became interested in this move was that he suddenly had the idea of ​​studying the power of bonds.

"Until now, I haven't heard of any trainer who has mastered mega evolution, not only in China but also abroad."

"This also shows that the mega-evolution has not yet entered the sight of the trainer in this world."

"So, have the Super Stone and Key Stone not been discovered?"

He didn't know these factors, but what he knew was that human research on the emotional power between trainers and pokemon so far has not been in-depth.

In the entire Pokemon series, the bond between the trainer and the pokemon has been emphasized most of the time, which must have its reason.

However, many trainers have ignored these.

"If Eevee has the opportunity to learn the Return move, I must carefully study and devise my own Skill around ‘Return' move that signifies the trainer’s bond with the pokemon! This idea seems to be good."

Fang Yuan thought about it carefully. This move was simply very strong. Using the bond between the trainer and the pokemon to enhance the Pokemon's abilities, sounded lofty.

"Let's rest here."

Before it got completely dark, Fang Yuan found a place where the environment was not too bad and put out his sleeping bag. To be honest, he doesn't like this kind of sleeping bag much, because it's difficult to get out of this kind of sleeping bag in an emergency.

After walking for a long time, Fang Yuan and Eevee still have more physical strength, but lack spirit.

Moreover, Fang Yuan and Eevee only ate some biscuits for half a day. At this time, their stomachs were very uncomfortable and they needed a rest.

Fang Yuan and Eevee, who were accustomed to drinking hot milk and eating hot meals every day, only have mineral water and dry biscuits for a time, they felt like they have fallen from heaven to hell.


"What are you looking for?"

After Fang Yuan set up his sleeping bag, Eevee was turning over Fang Yuan's survival backpack. Soon, it found the flare stick and began to signal Fang Yuan to ignite.

"Set the mountain on fire?"

"Vee!!" Eevee shook its head.

"Set fire on you?"

Eevee was angry.

"You mean…to make a campfire next to you?"

Eevee nodded. It was taught in the TV show that a campfire could effectively expel pests.

"That's right, I almost forgot. Although the mountain has been occupied by the pokemon, the annoying bugs have not been completely extinct…" Fang Yuan awakened.

"You are quite thoughtful." Fang Yuan praised Eevee, who deserved to be the pokemon he cultivated, it was really reliable.

Later, Fang Yuan also found out that a campfire could keep them warm.

As the sky got darker and darker, the weather finally wasn't as hot as during the day. Instead, it was surprisingly cold. The temperature difference between day and night directly made Fang Yuan and Eevee feel what was called fickleness.

"Actually… Flareon is also pretty good." Fang Yuan looked at Eevee.

Sleeping in the arms of the Flareon must be very relaxing, right?


Eevee was stunned. It was absolutely amazing. It was only one afternoon that Glaceon changed to Flareon?

This night… was destined to be difficult.

Early the next morning.

Eevee laid on Fang Yuan's shoulders without energy.

Without the soft big bed, neither Fang Yuan nor Eevee slept well.

To put it simply, they both suffered from insomnia.

However, they were lucky that at night, they didn't encounter any pokemon, and the surroundings were still peaceful.

"Let’s Go up the mountain as soon as possible." Fang Yuan sighed, this place was not as interesting as he imagined. He doesn't want to ask for trouble anymore.

The same was true for Eevee. After being disconnected for a day from the internet, it was also particularly unhappy.

Fang Yuan and Eevee continued to move forward.



But with a sound, Fang Yuan and Eevee immediately became alert. After a day, finally, there was another pokemon who wanted to attack?

Wait a moment!

After seeing the face of the pokemon, they hesitated.

Wasn't this Lopunny from yesterday?

Did it come back for revenge?

Soon, Fang Yuan found that he was thinking too much. At this time, Lopunny was holding four or five fruits and stood apologetically in front of Fang Yuan.

It could be seen that Lopunny had no consciousness of attack, and it was more like coming to send food to Fang Yuan and Eevee.

"Lopunny, what happened yesterday was just a misunderstanding, Buneary must have explained to you clearly, right?" Fang Yuan asked tentatively.

Opposite, Lopunny nodded, and gently put a few orange fruits on the ground, intending to use these fruits to repay Fang Yuan and Eevee for their kindness in rescuing Buneary.

Seeing a bunch of orange fruits, Eevee was naturally overjoyed and felt that its hard work was rewarded.

However, Fang Yuan didn't care about the orange fruits, but eagerly stopped Lopunny who was about to leave.

"Lopunny, wait a minute!"

He thought of an important thing.

"Well, can you teach us the move you used to protect Buneary yesterday? It doesn't matter if you simply say it, you just need to tell Eevee the feelings and the move you used." Fang Yuan said nervously. He was afraid that Lopunny would refuse.

This was an opportunity. Only Lopunny was the only one who could learn Return through growth. If you want to learn Return, the best way was to learn from Lopunny. Fang Yuan did not expect to see this Lopunny again. And the other party seems to come holding the idea of an apology, there was no need to think too much, the opportunity was now!

It's not a good idea to beg to repay the gentleman, but Fang Yuan was not a gentleman. Oranges were not necessary, but if Eevee could follow Lopunny to learn Return, then this trip would definitely be worthwhile.

Facing Fang Yuan's request, Lopunny was at a loss first but immediately understood what Fang Yuan's request meant.

Want to learn moves?

Considering that it was Fang Yuan and Eevee who rescued Buneary, Lopunny nodded without any hesitation at all, agreeing to Fang Yuan's request.

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