Pokemon Master

Chapter 62: The Final Results

"Very good! Abra's reaction speed and the speed of telekinetic powers are getting slower and slower."

"It'll probably run out of steam before Eevee!"

"So, Eevee and I just need to stabilize the current rhythm."

Fang Yuan paid attention to the battle while predicting the situation.

Before the match, the reason why he tested the limits of Eevee twice was to better deal with this situation.

Now that they plan to engage in a war of attrition, they must understand the limits of Pokemon.

If the opponent couldn’t support it first, then it's naturally better.

But if the situation was reversed and one's own side couldn't support it first, if you knew where the limit of the pokemon was, you could use some risky tactics to increase your winning rate before reaching the limit.

Fang Yuan knows where Eevee's limit was, so he now has a general judgment on the match situation in his mind.

As expected at the beginning, the war of attrition has an advantage for Eevee. Eevee's current state was obviously more stable than Abra's, and there was more energy.

Although it seems that the initiative lies with Abra, it was difficult for it to cause any substantial harm to Eevee.

As long as Eevee successfully interrupted Abra's Calm Mind, Abra would never be able to make a comeback.

"Is this still a newcomer!"

Looking at the confrontation between the two sides on the field, Lu Hai in the guest seat couldn't help but anxiously say.

Is it useless to use Calm Mind to induce?

At such a close distance, Eevee was able to use the power of Double Team and Sand-Attack to relieve Psychic many times, which really exceeded his and Xu Jing's expectations.

It could only be said that Fang Yuan and Eevee have prepared too well, and this was the advantage of a detailed investigation before the match.

That being said.

But at this time Fang Yuan's palms were all sweaty, and the battle between Eevee and Abra on the field made him quite nervous.

He was worried whether Eevee would make mistakes due to fatigue.

A little mistake could break the rhythm of the match and let Abra seize the opportunity.

Fortunately, until now, although the consumption was increasing, there was always a belief that Eevee could maintain a high level of concentration.

"The situation is already obvious. Xu Jing and Abra are being led by Fang Yuan and Eevee. The physical advantage will eventually become a key factor in Eevee's victory."

"Unless there is a change."

Suddenly, the representative of the Shanghai Trainers Association spoke.

Abra of the Psychic department, has Teleport and Psychic, this coordination was certainly a BUG, ​​but compared to Eevee, who has all-around development of various qualities, it still lacks something.

Moreover, Fang Yuan was even better in the choice of tactics and in preparation for the battle.

"It's not good to go on like this."

"But it's not that there is no hope of reversal…" Lu Hai also frowned at the same time.

Abra's advantage was teleportation and powerful Psychic.

As long as Abra could seize the opportunity, teleport to Eevee, and directly hit Eevee with a Psychic, then it would be able to win.

This was also Abra's previous fighting style, simple and rude.

However, when it came to Fang Yuan, Xu Jing flinched and did not dare to use this attack method.

Instead, she took a step back and chose to use Calm Mind to induce Eevee to attack, and then use Psychic to attack at close range.

Lu Hai understood Xu Jing's concerns.

She did this because she was worried about Eevee's Rotating sand Attack, which was Counter-Shield

If Abra teleports near Eevee and carries out a sneak attack at close range, Xu Jing couldn't guarantee whether Eevee would be the first to use the Counter-Shield, or Abra would be the first to use its Psychic.

The risk of doing so was great.

If Eevee responded first and was one step faster than Abra, then with Abra's defensive power, it would instantly be caught by the flaw and head toward failure.

Xu Jing was not too sure about such gambling.

Therefore, before she fell into desperation, she also chose to let Abra and Eevee engage in a war of attrition and tried to find a chance to defeat Eevee safely in one swoop in the process.

It could be said that for this duel, both Fang Yuan and Xu Jing conducted a quite thorough investigation of their opponents.

But right now, because Eevee did not make a mistake, it was Abra who was at a disadvantage.

Xu Jing bit her lip, obviously a little unwilling to continue like this, she didn't want to lose.

She also has a full understanding of her own Abra. After a little longer, Abra will probably be exhausted and fall asleep.

Although Eevee's body has been scarred and Abra had not been attacked yet, Abra’s energy consumption was huge, and the consumption of Teleport and Psychic was not comparable to that of a Quick Attack and a Sand Attack, so Abra would definitely fall first.

Xu Jing knew this very well.

"Eevee's state has also declined, maybe we can fight it."

Xu Jing clenched her fists and didn't plan to accompany Fang Yuan in the consumption showdown anymore. She wanted to decide the outcome of this battle in the simplest way.

Abra, Teleport to Eevee!

Then use Psychic!

Two simple commands, before the battle, were designed by Xu Jing to tell Abra in the form of a secret signal, in order to prevent Fang Yuan and Eevee from responding immediately.

They did not dare to underestimate Eevee's sixth sense and reaction speed, and direct orders would undoubtedly give Eevee a longer reaction time.

Teleport, Psychic.

In the most critical part of the battle, Abra did not use Teleport to open the distance but approached Eevee by teleportation.

Seeing this, whether it was the guests or Fang Yuan, they thought in their hearts.

The final outcome is finally about to be decided.

Just above the moving Eevee, Abra's figure appeared instantaneously. At the same time, Eevee also changed its movements. The high-speed rotating Sand Attack, accompanied by an updraft, directly formed a Counter-shield.

Eevee has been waiting too long for this moment.

Eevee’s speed was faster and the Sand Attack like a sand rope flew off, interrupting Abra’s Psychic, causing Abra to fall into short-term pain, but only using Sand Attack, even if Abra’s defensive power was low, it couldn't directly lose its combat ability, so taking this opportunity, Eevee did not continue to maintain the Counter-Shield, but jumped up, took advantage of this short time difference, and used the Bite move.

However, there are disadvantages to doing so, as there could be too many changes.

Abra recovered.

Moreover, it did not give up condensing the Psychic move. As Eevee jumped up, it interrupted the process of cohesion and started again. As Eevee bitAbra's body, the powerful Psychic also blasted on Eevee.


In the dust and fog, two Pokemon fell from midair at the same time.

The collision happened in a moment, before everyone could react, the two pokemon landed back

Did they lose the ability to fight at the same time?

This question appeared in everyone's mind.

A draw in the finals, it seems that it hasn't happened in the Young Phoenix King Cup.

"No, there are still a few seconds!" The commentator said at this moment, and everyone's eyes turned to the referee.

At this time, Fang Yuan and Xu Jing also quickly looked at their Pokemon and called together.

In the next ten seconds, either Eevee or Abra could stand up and insist until the referee announces the result, that pokemon will be the final winner.

It's just the state of these two pokemon, it doesn’t seem they would be able to stand up again.

The audience couldn't help feeling pity for a while.

A draw, maybe the Draw was also a good result… Fang Yuan and Xu Jing also planned to give up.

However, at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something.

He gave up the shout of "Stand up!"

Instead, he shouted at Eevee: "Two, two smartphones!"

As soon as the voice fell, Eevee’s vague consciousness seemed to be stimulated. First, its ears moved first, and then a leg twitched slightly. Then Eevee opened its eyes with difficulty and gave a weak cry.


In this way, before the last few seconds of the referee's countdown, Eevee stood up slowly, dragging its seriously injured body, and showed firm eyes.

The audience was shocked.

"Oh my God! What a strong will, under the cries of concern from contestant Fang Yuan, Eevee… Eevee, who was seriously injured, stood up. Is this the power of friendship?!"

"The final winner…has been decided!!" the commentator shouted.

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