Pokemon Master

Chapter 59: Before The Decisive Battle

The ice field meticulously designed for Fang Yuan and Eevee had no effect, which made Xu Lan silent.

After seeing Eevee's past performance, she knew from the start that this would be a hard fight.

With Snorunt’s current level of training, it could only rely on the venue to restrict Eevee’s actions and win.

However, Xu Lan never expected that Eevee would crack the ice field in this way.

The ice girl suspected that Fang Yuan was cheating, but there was no evidence.

(TN:开挂: this word is used which actually means cheating in an online game, that is, a person seems unbelievably powerful/lucky, almost as if cheating)

"Stopped at the top four…"

Xu Lan was not very satisfied with the results that she envied. After taking back Snorunt, she said to the other side: "If there is the next match, I will win against you."

"A good trainer is not afraid of any challenge." Fang Yuan grinned, showing a smile that asked for a beating.

Eevee is really awesome!

The battle was all led by Eevee, and he almost shouted "666" to Eevee.

Entering the finals, Eevee was also very happy and excitedly jumped into Fang Yuan's arms, only one step away from the phone.

When Fang Yuan and Xu Lan were off the court, the commentator was still doing retrospective explanations based on the match video, while the guests in the guest seat looked at each other.

"Pokemon figure skating, I have watched two related competitions, which tests the Pokemon’s control over the body, which is a quality rarely required by public trainers."

"Although compared with the Pokemon of professional skaters, the skill of this Eevee was too simple and there were no difficult moves, but this is, after all, a battle between newcomer trainers, and Eevee has not gone through professional training. …"

"It can adapt to the ice surface. It can only be said that this Eevee's physical coordination ability is too good."

"Just don't know where they came into contact with these things…"

In this world, there is no gorgeous competition or coordination trainer, a profession derived from the trainer, but there were other areas, which also required the ability of Pokemon, and were closely related to coordination…

Skating, table tennis, baseball, swimming, manned fancy flying…

Not only do humans carry out these sports, but also there are corresponding Pokemon Sports events.

Compared with the battle, although the visual effects of these games were not good, they are also quite competitive. The competitive skills in them have quite high requirements for the Pokemon themselves.

The world champion of these sports, placed in the Pokemon world, may also be able to earn the reputation of a top coordinator.

It could be said that Eevee quickly adapted to the ice, thanks to Fang Yuan not neglecting coordination training, miracles are often reserved for those who are prepared.

Fang Yuan returned to the contestant platform, and Lin Jing once again respectfully handed the ice coke to Fang Yuan, just like a fan sister.

Now, even if Fang Yuan won the Young Phoenix King Cup directly, Lin Jing wouldn't be surprised.

She felt that with Fang Yuan and Eevee, anything was possible…

There was another match in the semi-finals, Xu Jing VS Xiao Wenyu.

This match was also very important for Fang Yuan because the result of the match would determine his opponent in the final.

On the field, flames rose, and a Torkoal with coal-burning was menacing. A small hole at the top of its black-gray tortoiseshell continuously sprayed out smoke, creating a high-temperature flame vortex in its mouth, creating a whirlpool of hot flames that swept the other side

This Torkoal was one of the rare Pokemon who has mastered an AOE attack in the Young Phoenix King Cup.

In this kind of newcomer trainer's event, everyone was using "Tackle" to collide and "water gun" for range but you use a fierce Fire Spin covering a large area, which was really bullying.

So even if a speed Pokemon encounters this Torkoal, it would be restrained.

"Xiao Wenyu, Xiao… he is a relative of the flame trainer guarding the secret realm of Harsh Mountain, right? Although he is very strong, it is a pity that he met my junior sister. "Lu Hai looked at the venue with a smile.

After Xu Jing's superpower nourishment, Abra's sleepiness has improved.

On this basis, and in conjunction with the special meditation methods of Tianxin Dojo, Abra also successfully learned the attacking moves in advance, and the strength was definitely BUG-level for the Pokemons at this stage.

He might be wrong about other battle trends, but here, Lu Hai could safely predict.

Because he believes very much in the strength of Xu Jing and Abra.

He didn't want to brag, but although he was surprised by Eevee's ability to predict danger and the speed of reaction to danger, Lu Hai knew that there was another one who was even more astonishing.

That was Xu Jing's Abra.

A Pokemon like Abra sleeps for 18 hours a day, but even when it is asleep, Abra could detect the breath of the enemy and use teleportation to escape. This was a talent of Abra, and it could also be said to be a kind of instinctive protection for itself.

With teleportation as an escape method, it was difficult for the enemy to meet Abra.

Just like the current battle…

Facing the incoming Fire Spin, under Xu Jing's order, Abra disappeared in an instant, appeared behind the Torkoal, and the Fire Spin rushed directly into the air!

Seeing this, Xiao Wenyu was a little desperate.

The speed of Torkoal was very slow, even worse than some of the Pokemon that were eliminated in the preliminary rounds, it only got here by defending and attacking,  a very different fighting style from Eevee.

Therefore, in the face of Abra’s attack, Torkoal could only passively defend.

"Abra can repeatedly use Teleport at will. It is very difficult to deal with, but it consumes a lot of energy. After continuous use of Psychic powers, its brain will be over fatigued and mental power will be exhausted. In addition, this Abra will also use Psychic powers to attack, the mental power should be consumed very quickly, and prolonged battles are quite detrimental to Abra."

"There is a breakthrough."

On the contestant's Platform, looking at the Torkoal trying to get rid of the telekinetic power on the body through high-speed rotation, Fang Yuan was suddenly surprised by this tactic.


The body was bound by the telekinetic power, there was nothing wrong with the power of high-speed rotation to break free from the telekinetic force, and it was also a kind of like Counter-Shield, but Xu Jing's brain was too clever.

She directly let Abra speed up the rotation of the Torkoal with Telekinetic force. The Torkoal spinning at super high speed couldn't control the speed of rotation beyond its own limit. In the end, it turned dizzy.

"Oh, man." On the court, Xiao Wenyu slapped his forehead. It was just a Young Phoenix King Cup. Why were the contestants so unpredictable?

Fortunately, Torkoal still has somewhat tolerance for rotation, unlike Eevee's initial training of the Counter-Shield where it almost spat out fresh milk after a few turns.

It was just dizzy for a moment, and it regained consciousness.

However, the Confusion was coming again.

Fang Yuan stopped the phone's timer and was lost in thought.

From the first time he watched this Xu Jing match, Fang Yuan has collected a lot of data.

He had almost figured out the time required from Xu Jing's command to the activation of the Confusion and then the start of the Confusion on the opponent's body.

The time was short, but if Eevee could react fast enough, it could still avoid it.

However, Eevee’s attack was also easy for Abra to dodge.

The speed of Teleport was much faster than the Eevee's Quick Attack.

Therefore, Eevee's close moves were almost impossible to hit, so in the end, it has to rely on Counter-Shield.

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