Pokémon Master from Another World

Page 207

No one realizes that this small determination really makes Naye Inbas a true descendant of the dusk, and because of her powerful magic power and habitual bombardment attack, she is "kindly" by her enemies Call it "white tyrant"!

As for the trial space, it is the part of the afterlife world.The recent atmosphere has also become extremely weird, but no one has made Ye Bainian aware of this weird feeling. Although he himself felt something, he doesn't think it's a big deal what it is.It wasn't until later that he realized how wrong he was...

The origin of everything set the tone about two months ago——

"Sergeant Chitanda Eru, you came in 10 minutes ago. How many files are there on my desk?"

My wife Reina sat at the desk and looked at Hei Changzhi with a smile in front of me, and my wife Yuno was leaning on the armrest of the sofa next to him.

"Six. Four beige on the left, one red and one white on the right, instructor!"

With a curl of her lips, my wife Yuno interjected, "What do you think of me?"

"...The captain is a good girl with clear love and hate, but she always stares at Miria and Yan Ye's breasts from time to time! The moment I came in just now, the captain also looked at my breasts for 3 seconds."

"Hehe... Sergeant Chitanda Eru, you go out first."

My wife Rena couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, Instructor!"

When Chitanda Eru left the room, my wife Reina shrugged her shoulders towards my wife Yuno, and said, "I still won the bet this time, so make me a maid costume from next week———— I'll have to put on a maid's outfit, the miniskirt kind, with black silk stockings, just an inch or so below the hem of the skirt."

"Where did you come from, Uncle Xianshi?!" Tucao, my wife Yuno's complexion has turned dark, "Isn't it just a black and straight, who has become so observant, and usually looks familiar The appearance is fine..."

Listening to Yuno's broken thoughts, my wife Reina said: "It is suitable only if she is familiar with her. As I said, she is the most suitable to mix with 'them'."

"Okay, okay, I'm willing to bet - by the way, I will win next time!"

"Then I'll talk about it next time, but I remember you said this sentence 249 times, right?"

My wife Reina's gentle provocation made my wife Yuno's eyebrows twitch.

After more than half an hour, Chitanda Eru was called to this room again, and it was approaching dusk at this time, and a faint light was projected from the window.And it happened that Hei Changzhi was bathed in this burst of light, and he felt a little lewd when he was irradiated. In some people's words, it was the office|v|i.

"Sergeant Chitanda Eru, do you know what I called you here today?"

With his back to Hei Changzhi, my wife Reina's voice sounded very dignified.

"I don't know, captain!"

"Well... you completed all the items perfectly during the training period, especially the observation ability, which is the most outstanding. I am very pleased to be able to teach soldiers like you."

"Yes, Instructor!"

"So I specially entrust you with a task."


Next, my wife Reina turned around suddenly, stepped in front of Hei Changzhi, and reached out to grab a bunch of black hair.

"Beautiful black hair."

"Thank you for the compliment, instructor!"

"However, only your image and personality are suitable for this task..." In the silent office, my wife Reina explained the so-called "mission" to her, and finally said, "This is a long-term undercover plan. Only Your captain, my wife Yuno, and I know why you are so close to each other. During the period, your teammates may also be angry about this and make trouble for you, so do you still want to accept this mission?"

"..." Looking straight at my wife Rena, Chitanda Eru said without hesitation, "Yes, instructor!"

"Very well, tell me Sergeant Eru Chitanda, are you confident to complete this mission?" My wife Rena asked very seriously.

"Yes, my wife instructor!"

Standing at attention with her chest up, her abdomen in, her hips raised, Chitanda Eru was also very serious.

"Very well, then, please."

"Yes, Instructor!"

After a military salute, Chitanda Eru left the room, leaving only my wife Reina who remained silent.

At the same time, in another plane, something similar happened.

"...The fortune teller said that I am a one-time success, but I don't agree."

The slender legs wrapped in black silk were curled up in front of the desk, which happened to hide the scenery in the short skirt, and Nakamura Yuri looked at the person in front of him very playfully.

"I think those who come out to mess around have to decide whether they live or die!"


The legs exchanged positions, and Nakamura Yuri continued: "Since you are here, does it mean that you are enlightened? You are the first person I came into contact with, and I understand your temperament best. You choose your own way!"


In the dim light, Shiina Zhiri tucked her neck into the scarf, which was the first gift Ye Bainian gave her at the beginning - as a ninja, she would wear a mask habitually, and later in order to let her get rid of this habit, Ye Bainian just bought her this scarf.

"It's enough if you know...then—" Draw a blurred arc, and the swivel chair also turned. Nakamura Yuri stood lightly on the ground. She took the porcelain bottle on the table and poured it into two small plates He poured out some transparent liquid, "Come on, finish this cup."

Taking the small dish silently, Shiina Eri gestured and finished it in one gulp.

"Then, I look forward to your achievements!"

After Shiina Zhiri left, Nakamura Yuri sat back on the swivel chair again, this time there was no outsider, and she didn't bother to check whether she was naked or not.

However, my wife Reina and Nakamura Yuri seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding, and said to the air at the same time: "This is really a pleasant plan..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

Chapter 54 Marisa's Good Friday

We don’t know what pleasant games the girls in the plane world are playing, and we don’t know who will be unlucky in it—with Yuri Nakamura and my wife Reina, no matter how you think about it, someone will be unlucky!But one thing that is certain is that Marisa from Conferred God Continent is definitely one of the most unlucky ones.

Because she always eats toxin-containing mushrooms, Marisa has accumulated a lot of toxins in her body. Although she also uses this to stimulate her life potential, I don’t know why she didn’t die, but when her potential is fully tapped—maybe even just Digging another step, I'm afraid it will be life-threatening.

Under such circumstances, Ye Bainian and Paqiuli naturally need to groom Marisa, which is why Ye Bainian did not let Marisa participate more in the previous battles, not because she is better than Paqiuli. And Misaka Mikoto is weak, but because of the body.

In the space of Gensokyo, there is no need to worry about Paqiuli - Ye Bainian has already told her about Marisa's physical problems.

However, what Ye Bainian didn't expect was that so much toxin had accumulated in Marisa's body!The potion in the medicine barrel has to be changed almost three times a day, because it is infected by the toxins from Marisa's body and cannot be used.

"Hey, hey, no, you don't need to take off your clothes... Ahhh, at least, at least if you want to take off, let me take it off myself!"

Marisa, who is always carefree, is very shy about taking off her clothes in front of men, but when facing Ye Bainian and Paqiuli, she treats herself like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Something more tragic.

actually.Ye Bai completely regarded Marisa as a patient. His teacher Chaolong Duosun once said: "Before using a scalpel to cut open a patient's body, the first thing a surgeon should do is to forget to accept The one who performs the surgery is a living person." At a glance, this sentence seems to be the words of an unreasonable and cruel doctor, but only when you really understand it will you find that it is a truth hidden under the cruelty.

This sentence also had a great influence on Ye Bainian. He was able to become an excellent doctor thanks to the doctor's sense of responsibility to the patient hidden in that sentence—it is because a living person should do everything possible To forget, so that we can serve patients more intensively.

But Paqiuli simply took the stupid Marisa as a research object. She and Ye Bainian happened to be two completely different types, if viewed from the perspective of a doctor.She belongs to the kind of indifferent nature, everything is headed by reason.She doesn't care whether the person in front of her is dead or alive, all she cares about is her own attitude.Only doing what you can do is the most correct choice.

"No, don't keep looking at me. Do you want to watch me when I take off my clothes?" Marisa had just untied the tie on her chest when she subtly noticed that Ye Bainian was still looking at her face to face, which made her feel ashamed. Very angry.This is probably a very rare reaction.

"Oh..." Ye Bainian was stunned for a moment before he thought of this, and turned his back without any objection.

The medicinal soup in the medicated bath is an extension of Paqiuli and Ye Bainian based on the results of Ye Bainian's previous research in the No. 002 world. Compared with the previous medicinal soup, the medicinal effect is more specific, and the medicinal effect is more adaptable to the body. fit.

After the rustling sound, Marisa touched the medicinal soup.His hand was hot, and he shouted: "It's so hot! Woow, it's so hot, do you want to cook me? Ah, don't turn around!" Seeing Ye Bainian, he seemed to turn around.She hastened to stop.

"Huh..." Putting one hand on her chest, she saw that Ye Bainian hadn't turned to look at her.Marisa breathed a sigh of relief, she stared at Yao Tang and Ye Bai's backs for a while, and bit her teeth.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, let the temperature come more violently!Marisa suddenly jumped into the wooden medicine barrel.In the next second, she jumped up like a fish being put into a frying pan.

"Wow, it's hot!"

Ye Bainian heard the voice and asked, "Marisa, you must have jumped in, right?"

Paqiuli was not as tactful as Ye Bainian, and said directly: "Stupid Marisa, let yourself be impatient, don't you know that the human body is adaptable? It's easy to soak in after a little contact first."

"Hey, is that so? It's so hot! Why didn't you say it earlier, Patch! Woohoo, it's so hot!" Marisa complained while jumping around in the medicine bucket.

"Who made you so stupid."

"Well, that's okay, there's no way!" Marisa stared at Ye Bainian's back resentfully, which made him feel a chill.

I don’t know who once said such a sentence: Human beings have the strongest adaptability—under harsh environmental changes, human beings will always continue, even if they are in a situation where they are trained, they will rely on Stockholm syndrome to survive the danger (occasionally The author who came out once: It seems that something is not right, ahaha).

After more than ten minutes, Marisa was almost used to the temperature of the medicinal soup.

"Okay, okay, you can turn around."

Hearing this, Ye Bainian and the two looked at each other, smiled lightly and turned around at the same time.What catches the eye is Marisa, whose face is flushed as much as possible and her whole body is immersed in the medicinal soup. Under the moisture of high temperature, her skin becomes tender, white and rosy.The shoulders that appear and disappear from time to time also look smooth and round, and the texture seems to be very good.

"It really looks like a turtle!" Paqiuli said with a poisonous tongue.

"Hundan, is that what you want to say?" Marisa was a little annoyed and ashamed, "How long will I stay here?"

"You should be used to it, right?"

"Huh? It should be." Marisa replied blankly.

"That's it." Paqiuli said indifferently, "Anyway, your monkey temper should be cured, so as not to suffer from the problem of bear children in the future, it is really hopeless!"

Hearing Paqiuli's tone of "I'm thinking of you", Ye Bainian couldn't help laughing.Marisa, on the other hand, was unexpectedly and keenly aware of Patchouli's malice, and shouted very dissatisfied: "Patch, we are still best friends, is this how you treat your best friend? It's too vicious! "

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, so we are close friends?" Paqiuli opened her mouth exaggeratedly, "Why don't I remember this. Besides, I'm very vicious anyway, so I'll let you stay a little longer Months, Edward, you shouldn't object, right?"

"Of course, Paqi." Ye Bainian said with a sunny face.

"Ah, don't, don't, I, I was wrong!" Seeing this, Marisa admitted his mistake very spinelessly, and said, "Patch, don't do this, since we slept in the same shop..."

"Ah, I know, I know, really, I'm just a good person!" Blushing, Paqiuli thought of a terrible experience, and even felt a dull pain somewhere.

What Marisa said about sleeping in a shop actually happened when the two were fleeing, but Marisa has a very bad habit of sleeping and holding things.It would be fine if she was alone, but it's a pity that Paqiuli got off her bed without knowing it.You know, in the sleep state, people's strength will be much stronger than usual, so Paqiuli decisively declared the tragedy.

On the second day, Paqiuli looked at the two clear and unusual palm prints on her chest without tears, and she would never sleep with Marisa again—they were still so clear on the second day, which shows that Marisa's strength is so great, and Patchouli's tragedy is so deep! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

Chapter 55 Marisa's Desire

The disappearance of Marisa's illness and being forcibly soaked in a medicine barrel quickly reached the ears of the girls around Ye Bainian, and everyone came to observe with great interest.For example, Qiong and Naye are okay, both of them are relatively straightforward people, unlike other people who express their concern in a way that is more provocative than caring.

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, I'm so surprised, what kind of cooking is this? The master has finally embarked on this road of no return, sister Marisa, I will be the number one in this dish for you It’s an ingredient and I’ll keep it in my heart.” Guinevere said and wiped away the tears that didn’t exist at the corner of her eyes, making the corners of the mouths of the people around her twitch.

"Hmm~ This is the so-called medicated bath, right? This is the first time I've seen it. Also, it's quite embarrassing, Marisa, you are actually pretty good at this point!" Misaka Mikoto blushed slightly, her eyes wandering I don't know where to put it.

"This Marisa looks delicious, (ˉ﹃ˉ) drool!" Attracted by Marisa's incomparably delicate side, Artoria resumed her foodie behavior, while the scarred eyes on one side slightly With any dangerous signal flashing, almost everyone could foresee the tragic ending after Arturia.

"Big brother, big brother, Fran also wants to take a bath like the idiot Marisa!" Pulling the corner of Ye Bainian's clothes, Flandre looked enviously at the medicine barrel that she thought was very big.

"This is a medicated bath for sick people. Fran is not sick, so there is no need for this."

"Huh? Is Marisa sick?" Hearing Ye Bainian's reply, Flandre looked at Marisa with sympathy. "My sister said that being sick is a very painful thing, Marisa is really unlucky!"

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