Pokémon Master from Another World

Page 138

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Chapter 15 The dawn of a girl with aphasia

"So, tell me, this is the first person you 'picked up'?" Yuko hugged her chest in dissatisfaction, looking down at Furukawa Akizuki who was forced to sit on the ground.

And the future on the other side also imitated her snort, and echoed: "9494!"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it..." Furukawa Qiuyue retorted softly.

"What did you say?" x2

"No, no!"

"That's right! Although you kept this matter from us, it's still a good thing, and the parents would be angry!" Yuko unexpectedly "pardoned" Furukawa Akizuki's "crime".

"Yeah, if I see it, I will definitely go up and knock their heads with scallions to let them know why the scallions are so fresh!" Future clenched his small fists, looking extremely amused.

As for why?The main reason is that Furukawa Akizuki brought the girl with aphasia back home. There is no way that aphasia is actually very ineffective in the hospital, not to mention that the girl's aphasia is caused by old injuries. Aphasia is much more complicated—by the way, I forgot to mention one thing. Generally, diseases that cannot be solved by ordinary doctors in Qinyin Hakuba General Hospital will be handed over to Furukawa Qiuyue and a small number of elite doctors.This is mainly to find the solution to the disease more accurately, not to say that they will definitely be able to complete the treatment.

Yuyi's paralysis and the girl's aphasia are the problems Furukawa Akizuki is currently trying to tackle. In addition, he has to accept the occasional "study test" and some medical affairs invitations from his teacher, Chaolong Duohun.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Did it surprise you? I'm Yuko Amamiya, you can just call me Yuko." Yuko said to the aphasic girl in the wheelchair, but the girl still stared blankly. Ahead - the out-of-focus of her eyes showed that she wasn't seeing anything at all.

"Yuko, people with aphasia can hardly understand what you are saying even if they hear what you say." Furukawa Akizuki stood up and patted Yuko on the shoulder, "And what they want to express will be because of their supernatural thinking. If you stutter and stutter, that's fine. Often people with aphasia can't articulate a sentence or even a single word at all."

"Hey, isn't this cruel?" Future exclaimed, then ran to the girl with aphasia and squatted down to hold her hand, "Don't be afraid, sister will protect you."

"Idiot Mirai. He is older than you!" Furukawa Qiuyue reminded "kindly". "Besides, how should I put it, her sense of survival is extremely weak. Apart from not committing suicide, she is no different from a dying old man. That's why I let her sit in a wheelchair. Of course, I also want her to be careful."

"Survival consciousness? She shouldn't be that serious, right?" Yuko was a little puzzled.

Shaking his head, Furukawa Akizuki explained: "I met her three years ago, and she often went to the mall I opened before to look at musical instruments and listen to music. When I first saw her, I found that there was no one in her eyes at all. The vitality that a girl in the blooming season should have, but lifeless as if nothing can attract her attention. But after listening to the future songs played on the headphones in the mall, her whole person has changed, and she has become full of fighting spirit. "

"What does that have to do with survival awareness?"

"My lord, the meaning should be that this girl takes music as the goal of her struggle?" Shiina Zhiri, who had been standing behind Furukawa Akizuki, suddenly interjected, "Isn't the music now for singing? Losing the singing is not good for her. It’s a huge blow, right?” After getting along for a long time, she also learned some things about modern society, and because of the existence of the future, she also knows a lot about music and singing.

Furukawa Akizuki added: "What Zhili said is correct, but there is still a little less. In her family, her parents don't care about her, she just keeps quarreling and scolding. And I heard from her high school teacher that she plans to graduate after graduation. She is independent and no longer depends on her parents. It is conceivable that family may be just hell for her.

You also know the virtues of the parents. Now they have aphasia and have lost their free-flying wings. This is an extremely cruel thing for a bird that has always longed for the sky.Music is her wings for her! "Aphasia is not a simple communication disorder. This disease will affect the patient's own thinking logic to a certain extent, and will also affect reading, dictation, etc. It can be said that it is like a deaf-mute with "normal" hearing and vision.

"Then..." Yuko was about to say something, but her eyes widened in surprise, and she pointed forward.

Furukawa Akizuki looked over and showed the same expression—the girl with aphasia was trembling with excitement at this time, tears were streaming down her cheeks like running water, she opened and closed her mouth, and said with all her strength : "Wei, wei, ah...ask, ah..."

This phenomenon made Mirai at a loss as to what to do. She looked at other people for help: "Qiuyue, sister Yuko, sister Zhili, I, I didn't do anything bad, I just held her hand, she, she just Crying, it really has nothing to do with me!"

Immediately thinking of something, Furukawa Qiuyue said: "In the future, you, no, your singing and music are the sunshine of dawn for her. She may regain hope in life when she sees you, so don't be nervous now , comfort her well—your every move is more effective than us and medicine!"

After hearing his words, Future looked at the girl's excited appearance again, her eyes were sore, she stretched out her other hand and patted her hand gently, and said softly: "I'm here, my sister is already an adult, So don't cry!"

I don't know if she understands the words of the future. In theory, it should be impossible to understand, but the girl miraculously tried to wipe away her tears, and still said with all her strength: "Wei, wei, the future... wei, ah ..." People with aphasia, due to their thinking disorder, language characters, etc., which are the usual tools of expression, will be completely broken when expressing, so it is extremely difficult for them to communicate, that is, to speak. A single sentence takes a lot of effort.

"Great!" Yuko clapped her hands happily, tears flashed from the corners of her eyes, and Shiinaeda, who was a ninja, was somewhat moved.

Sure enough, the future is a booster for her!Or should it be said that it is the music represented by the future? !Furukawa Qiuyue evoked a smile. In fact, there was a reason why he brought this aphasic girl home. Now it seems that his prediction was not wrong!

After this little episode, the girl became much more active. Although she usually has someone to follow her to take care of everyone in her family, at least the recovery of her mentality is the most successful and important thing!You should know that a good mentality will often help the recovery of the disease, such as the rumored cases of terminally ill people gaining new life because of correcting their mentality.

"Yo, hello, my name is Yuko Nakamura, Yuko and Future's friend!" Yuri Nakamura greeted the girl sitting in the courtyard, "Future, Yuko, do you think she will understand my name? what?"

"...No, what is it?" The girl tilted her head, as if she was trying to make sure she was right. Of course, according to the normal logic, it should be: Hello, can I call you Yuri?However, due to her ability to receive information, she can only understand a few words intermittently, so her current answers are all based on her own understanding of the environment—simply speaking, "talking to myself".

"Hey hey!" On the way, Yuko instilled precautions for a large number of patients with aphasia, Nakamura Yuri could only giggle and give a thumbs up - girls still need encouragement!

She also smiled back, the girl seemed very happy, her eyebrows were crooked when she smiled, which made several people smile with relief when they looked at each other.In fact, in terms of age, Mirai is the youngest, followed by Yuko and Nakamura Yuri, but the age of the girl is the oldest - Yui is the same age as Mirai.However, at this moment, the girl is more like a little sister being taken care of by her older sisters.

"You guys are laughing so happily, what are you talking about?" A vigorous voice rang out, but Yuyi was pushed over by Shiinaeri in a wheelchair, behind Sanae and Furukawa Akizuki were talking and laughing.

During this period of time, Sanae has finally returned to normal since she was ashamed to see people at the beginning, but it is obvious that she listens to Akizuki Furukawa's words very much now, just worried that she will do something shy again.And considering that both Yui and the girl with aphasia were seriously ill patients, Furukawa Akizuki took Yui home without paying attention to Sanae's intentions, which made Sanae have no choice but to follow.

In this way, Furukawa Qiuyue's family has seven people, which is quite a large number. In addition, Nakamura Yuri often comes to play or even stay overnight, which makes it extremely lively.

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No.16: Yui Meow and Hatsune Miku's Band Plan in Rehabilitation Practice

An ordinary day is not so worth looking forward to for many people, but a habitual daily life.Of course, for those who strive hard every hour and every minute of every day as capital, the time of day is sometimes too short.

"Come on, come on, Yui, come on!" Future strongly cheered.

And everyone else looked nervously at Yuyi who was supported on the two horizontal bars. Today may be a particularly important step in her successful rehabilitation!

"I, I will work hard!" The two little hands holding the branches were trembling, but Yui still took a step forward, "I will definitely succeed!"

"Yu, yo... level..." The girl with aphasia sitting in a wheelchair barely opened her mouth, but she obviously couldn't speak very clearly as she hadn't received a very satisfactory treatment effect, but it was enough to see that she was very interested in it. Yui's concerned.

Speaking of which, that’s how people get along with each other—even if they can’t communicate in words, a trusting look and a caring handshake are enough to warm each other’s heart.And the girls and a young woman in Furukawa Qiuyue's family are all gentle women down to the bone, even if they usually have a little temper, it is because they are in such a gentle environment.

Therefore, during this period of time, although the condition of the aphasic girl still remained at the same place, and there was almost no progress, it could not prevent her from absorbing the strength from them, nor could it prevent her from becoming stronger and stronger.

The camera turned around, and the girl with long pink hair was taking one step at a time, almost trembling every time she took a small step.But she persisted.Those who have not experienced this feeling will not know the uncontrollable fatigue of the body!

"Hoohoo!" In fact, Yuyi seems to have walked for a long time, but the two branches are only 1 meter long, so she has not walked to 1 meter. Of course, for her, being able to walk means success .

Come on, it's almost there!Everyone thought so in their hearts, and everyone clenched their hands tightly, especially Sanae who was extremely nervous.

"Don't worry, Yui will be fine, Sanae." Furukawa Akizuki patted Sanae's shoulder.

"Well, thank you Akizuki." Sanae nodded firmly.

And at this time.Yui finally took the last step.She smiled and opened her hands and shouted, "Mom, I made it!"

Carefully embracing her daughter, Sanae wept with joy, choked up and said, "Yeah. Yui can walk now. Yui is amazing. Huh..."

"Mom, don't cry!" Yui frantically tried to wipe the tears off Sanae's face, but she ran out of strength with both hands.Now it's just hanging limply on both sides of the shoulders, "You, if you cry, Yui, Yui will cry too, woo woo woo..."

All the bitterness and suffering, in the torrent of tears, turned into emotions and memories flowing in everyone's hearts, branded in the breasts of mother and daughter, and people couldn't help being moved.

Next, Yui came to the aphasic girl with the support of Sanae, clenched her small fist and made a "come on" gesture, saying: "I will continue to work hard, so sister, don't give up, let's fight together!"

Seemingly understanding what she said, the girl smiled brightly.

In fact, everyone didn't take the initiative to ask her name, because they all hoped that she could say it by herself - shouting her name out loud again in front of everyone.

However, sometimes recovering means that the patient will re-enter the society, which can be very subtle in some things. For example, Yui was immediately arrested by Yuko and sent to tutoring: "Oh, I don't want it, study What a hassle!"

"That's not okay. If Yui recovers, she has to go to school. Then you don't want to go to elementary school alone, do you?" Yuko nodded her chin, showing a dark expression, "Of course, I don't I would mind. However, I feel very ashamed when I think of Qiuyue going to the elementary school to pick up an older elementary school student every day~!"

"Hey? Hey! Well, I, I'd better study." As if thinking of some terrible picture, Yui's small face immediately twisted.

"That's right!" Yuko clapped her hands together and smiled.

Yuko-san is really scary!Youyi thought of it.

While preparing for the resumption of school here, the other side is not idle—perhaps inspired by Yui, the girl has become more active in the treatment of aphasia, and usually asks for various recovery matters. Of course That's what she managed to convey through staccato words and body language.

However, both sides are busy, but Furukawa Qiuyue, who is the "attendant doctor", was arrested by the future to become a young man: "Qiuyue, this is my three-year debut concert, you are not allowed to postpone it!"

"In the future, don't you have a portable band? Why do you want me to go there!"

"That band was arranged by the company, and it's not my own. I want to create my own band—well, or I want to create a special band." After thinking for a while, Future said, "Furthermore , I've already chosen the number one candidate for the band, and it's someone you know too!"

"Someone I know too? Are you a music player?" After thinking for a long time, Furukawa Qiuyue suddenly had a person in his head, "You mean patrol?"

"Stupid Qiuyue, you mean that person!" Future gave him an angry look.

"That person? Who is it?"

"It's the big sister you brought home!"

I brought it home?Furukawa Qiuyue finally understood, and said, "Are you talking about her? But she hasn't recovered yet, so it's impossible for her to promise you?"

"Well, let me decide for myself first, okay?"

"Not really, but although you may be very important to her, perhaps because of this she might not be willing to join your band plan..."


After pondering for a moment, Furukawa Qiuyue organized her words and said: "That child is actually a very independent girl, otherwise she would not have decided her future early, so I think she would choose to create music by herself, even if I will organize a band or come by myself.”

"Hey, is that so? Well, then it's fine as an internship." Mirai didn't mind it, "Being with people who like music is a kind of enjoyment anyway. Besides, everyone's music The collision will produce a new melody, and it will make people intoxicated!" As she said, she bent over and showed a bright smile.

As soon as he saw it, Furukawa Qiuyue suddenly felt astonished as never before, and only at this time did he realize that the little girl who was shaking her head and clinging to her back then had gradually grown up, and she had grown up extremely beautifully.

"What's the matter, why are you staring at my face all the time!"

"Oh, I just suddenly realized that the future seems to be very beautiful!" Furukawa Akizuki sighed.

Hearing this, Future blushed, and said, "Wow, what's happening—hmph, Qiuyue teased me again, I must report to Sister Yuzi!"

"Hey, don't, I shouldn't have said anything excessive, right? Also, what is it!"

"Hey hey, I lied to you." Turning her head and making a face, the girl laughed and ran away, "Qiuyue is really fun!"

"Am I a toy?!" Furukawa Qiuyue felt more and more the greatness of those parents. They want to raise a baby who can only "babble" into a little kid who needs to be worried all day long. Worry will not decrease much as children grow up. Even in the future, those ordinary and great parents are still concerned about those "not sensible" children.

In the eyes of parents, children are always ignorant.But this kind of ignorance has changed into another meaning as the child grows up. "They" say that the child is not sensible, and what they are talking about is their worry and concern.

And with these years of experience, Furukawa Qiuyue also understood this point to some extent, but these bits and pieces were gathered in his heart on weekdays, and he had no chance to understand it.

"It seems a bit literary?" Looking at the blue sky, Furukawa Akizuki couldn't help sighing, "The wind is a bit noisy today~!"

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Chapter No.16 The Beginning of Dog Blood and Let’s Go to the Hotel

It was indeed an ordinary life at first, but after one thing happened, it seemed that everyone became strange, or it made Furukawa Qiuyue feel strange—and he was also in an extremely embarrassing situation. Location, I don't know what to do.

The cause of the incident was Akiyoshi Amamiya, a new art teacher from Otowa no Hikari Academy. This art teacher usually has a gentle and gentle appearance. No matter who asks questions, he will patiently and try his best to answer each other's questions, so even though he looks That kind of premature aging type, but it is still very popular with students.

This kind of him made Yuko feel a little uncomfortable. Every time she saw him, Yuko tried to avoid communicating with him as much as possible, which was extremely strange to her.And this relationship, when she learned of Amamiya Mingliang's life experience in an "accident", Yuko unilaterally relieved herself of the inexplicable guard.

It turned out that Amamiya Mingliang was also a survivor of the big earthquake a few years ago, but unfortunately his sister was not rescued because of this, but that little life was mercilessly swallowed by the disaster.

She is the kind of gentle and gentle married woman, Yuko inevitably has some maternal instincts, and occasionally takes the initiative to chat with Amamiya Akira, and later became the class representative of the art class.

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