Pokémon: Kanto is strong? Infinite mythical beasts in Alola

Chapter 41

When Qi Yang and his friends returned to the hotel, the headquarters of the Malokomon Group in Gongmen City and the Galar region Elf Alliance branch.

Roz, who served as both the group president and the alliance president, looked at the secretary Oliver who walked into the president's office.

"How is it, have you figured it out?" asked Ross.

What he asked was about the shocking changes that happened in the Crown Tundra tonight.

Due to the existence of the Gigantamax energy point and the imprisonment of the infinite Taina in the energy factory under the Quanguan Arena.

The Galar region has developed a special energy detection instrument that can detect energy changes in the Galar region at any time.

Not long ago, they detected high energy movements in the Crown Tundra.

And it did not come from Gigantamax, but from the power of the elves themselves.

Only the elves at the level of mythical beasts can possess such power.

This reminded Ross of the various mythical beasts in the Crown Tundra, and he wanted to know what kind of big event happened in the Crown Tundra tonight.

The existence that would affect the peace and development of the Galar region was something he could not tolerate or be careless about.

"According to the satellite images, it seems that someone used an unknown spirit to fight the Flower Crown King in the Crown Temple of the Crown Snowfield."

"The final victory seemed to be a draw, but it is also possible that the Crown of Flowers and the unknown elf just fought to the bitter end."

"However, due to the dark sky, the trainer using the unknown Pokémon was not clearly photographed."

"However, an unexpected figure was captured."

Olivia said.

As she spoke, she handed her phone to Roz.

On it was a picture taken by the satellite.

"This is the sister of Nie Zi, the gym leader of Spike Town... Mary, right?"

Roz immediately recognized the figure that could be vaguely seen in the photo.

It was Mary on the back of the Phoenix King.

"Is Mary actually involved with the people who are fighting against the King of Flower Crown?"

"The elf under Mary doesn't seem to be an ordinary elf.……"

"Judging from the outline, it seems to be the mythical beast Ho-oh that circulates in the Kanto and Chengdu regions."

"The other party even subdued the Phoenix King. Could it be that he came for the Bud Crown but failed?"

Roz's expression kept changing.

The clues found in the photo brought him great shock.

I didn't expect that there was such an unknown trainer in the world who had at least two legendary beasts.

"Can we cooperate with each other?……"

Ross had this idea in his mind.

He had this idea because of the Infinite.

Although he found the Infinite that was severely injured by Cang Xiang and Zang Marant in the past, and successfully helped Infinite to recover, Infinite is still a very powerful beast.

Even the"undefeated champion" that the Galar region is proud of now, Dantei, may find it difficult to subdue Infinite.

In this way, it will be difficult for the Galar region to use the power of Infinite to avoid the problem of energy depletion in the Galar region after a thousand years.

However, if there is such a trainer who can compete with the beasts to help, maybe they can successfully achieve their goals.

As for the identity of the other party, and whether it is from an evil organization, Ross does not care.

As long as the other party can be of benefit to the Galar region, it is his"partner" and even the Galar region.

Thinking of this, Ross returned the phone to Oliver and asked,"Have you found out where the other party is?"

Although he did not know Qi Yang's identity, since the other party had contact with Mary.

As long as we find Mary, we will also find Qi Yang.

As if she had anticipated Roz's question, she operated her phone.

Olive nodded to Roz and said,"Mary is now in a hotel near Gongmen Airport. According to the hotel's surveillance, there are a man and two women besides Mary."

"Investigate the other party's identity"

"Also, prepare for tomorrow's visit."

Loz ordered.

He planned to meet with Qi Yang and then indirectly explore the possibility of cooperation between the two sides.


Olive nodded.

After that, she left Roz's office and started to make arrangements.

"I hope it will be what I want!"

Looking at the stars in the sky outside the window, Roz muttered to himself


The next day! At the hotel entrance.

After a comfortable night's rest in the hotel, Qi Yang and his four companions were about to leave for the airport.

However, before they could officially leave, two figures suddenly blocked their way.

These two figures were Roz and Oliver.


Mary was surprised to see Roz.

How could she not recognize the"number one person in Galar"?’

""Hello, Mary!"

Roz smiled and said hello to Mary.

If Roz knew about a"little person" like her before, Mary might be surprised.

But now, it seems very normal.

Because she already has someone she"admires" more.

""President, why are you here?"

Mary asked curiously.

She didn't think it was a surprise for Roz to be here.

Qi Yang, who was standing by, had roughly guessed the reason for Roz's visit.

He must have come for him.

In fact, it was true.

After a night, Olive successfully investigated the information of Qi Yang, Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang, and told Roz.

The information of Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang was not worthy of Roz's attention.

They were just an"ordinary person" from the Evergreen Forest and an"ordinary trainer" with a history of petty theft.

They could not be the trainer who mastered the legendary beast last night. Home.

On the contrary, Roz was quite interested in Qi Yang.

Although Qi Yang's information showed that he was just an"ordinary" trainer in the Alola region, he still found clues.

In particular, after Qi Yang followed Professor Kukui to the Kanto region a few days ago to apply for the Pokémon Alliance in the Alola region, the Kanto region actually agreed to this request.

Roz still knew about the"dispute" between the Kanto region and the Alola region.

The Kanto region looked down on the tiny Alola region.

In addition, the Ultra Beasts in the Alola region made the Kanto region not very interested in the Alola region. However

, in order not to leave the impression of"ruthlessness" and a handle for other regions, the Kanto region still gave the Alola region a hope.

As long as there is a trainer in the Alola region who can defeat Yulongdu, they will be allowed to establish a Pokémon League in the Alola region.

And now that the Alola region has been allowed to establish a Pokémon League.

Then, Yulongdu has obviously been defeated.

And the one who defeated Yulongdu may not be the strongest Kukui in the Alola region, but... Qi Yang.

This is the inference made by Luoz based on the events of last night.

He has ten He was sure that this was the truth.

A trainer who controlled a legendary beast and could fight against the king of Galar, how could Yulongdu stop him?

This was also the reason why he was extremely surprised.

How could a powerful trainer like Qi Yang appear in the Alola region, a place that even he looked down upon?

Considering the unknown legendary beast in Qi Yang's hand, it might be an Ultra Beast that only existed in the Alola region...?

A trainer who could control an Ultra Beast, compete with a legendary beast, and subdue the Phoenix King.

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