Pokemon: I Can Deduce Everything!

Chapter Thirty: Xiao Liu: What's The Situation? As Soon As I Turn On The Camera, The Game Is Ov

"This president is really real, if he wants to watch the game, he can come by himself!"

"You still have to ask me to come over and take a video of him."

"It's so hot here, I don't know sympathizers at all."

"Emotions don't want to bask in the sun, so I have to run over here."

"It's such a good weather, it's a pity not to sleep late!"

At this moment, Xiao Liu, who is holding the camera, is also breathing with his mouth wide open, and is also muttering in his mouth.

However, Xiao Liu's complaints are all complaints, but he also knows that he is not a leader, but a humble worker.

So even though he was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, he still walked to the auditorium under the scorching sun.

In fact, it is said to be an auditorium, but there are not many audiences on it.

At a glance, the entire spectator seats are very empty.

As for the number of spectators, even the total number of Xiao Liu's two hands may not exceed.

The reason for this is not because the Baby Cup does not allow outsiders to watch the game.

Instead, the main reason is...

The gold content of the baby cup itself is indeed too low.

To put it simply, a group of Rookie Trainer+ freshman-level Pokémon...

In this kind of competition, if you say that it is for fame, it is full of Rookies, not even a little famous Trainer.

If it is said that you come here for the excitement of the game.

To be honest, what kind of flower can a group of freshman-level Pokémon play?

Instead of having that time to come and watch the game, why not just stay at home with a watermelon in your hands and blow the air conditioner to watch the fragrance of the Huaxia Alliance Tournament?

Therefore, the entire auditorium looked empty at first glance.

But just as Xiao Liu walked towards the audience with the camera in his arms.

Su Qinghe, who was sitting in the auditorium, also immediately noticed Xiao Liu holding the camera.

This is not to say that Xiao Liu is handsome and easy to notice.

Instead, Xiao Liu was the only one walking into the auditorium holding the camera.

Regardless of the fact that there are very few spectators in this auditorium, there are almost no media in Pingcheng.

Because the main baby cup itself is still not too hot.

After all, at the same time, some rookie trainers, even if the media reported it, almost no one would read it.

Although the championship rewards of the Baby Cup are very generous, logically speaking, there should be quite a few people paying attention.

However, since the opening of the Baby Cup, except for the second champion who was born in a Common family, the others are all children of rich families.

In this way, this year is the thirteenth edition of the Baby Cup, and the champion of the rich kids has won the championship for eleven consecutive times.

Moreover, the result of each competition is basically the ruthless crushing of the rich children.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the public for the baby cup is basically not much.

The Baby Cup has been in operation for more than ten years.

Whether it is people's enthusiasm for this baby cup or expectations, it is essentially constantly fading.

After all, this is not a national competition like the Huaxia Championship, almost all professional trainers participate in the competition.

The popularity itself was not high, and gradually, those media hardly reported on the Baby Cup.

At this moment, looking at Xiao Liu holding the camera, Su Qinghe also blinked a little.

In his mind, he also roughly felt that Xiao Liu holding the camera in front of him should be a certain media in Pingcheng.

Then, she also didn't pay attention to Xiao Liu, but continued to focus on the arena.

After all, Su Qinghe's temperament is not the lively type.

Even looking at the person she likes, she is the kind who likes to stay quietly in a corner and just watch silently.

For this kind of stuff in the media, she is not like those socially obsessive figures.

When I see a camera, I like the kind that leans on it.

But just after Su Qinghe's eyes gradually retracted.

Xiao Liu, who was carrying the camera, first stood panting in the auditorium, and first scanned the arena roughly.

After finding the location of Yan Jing, he also brought the camera to a location relatively close to Yan Jing's location.

Then the camera was put down.

"I'm really exhausted."

"I'm done with this job today, and I'm going to ask for a sick leave tomorrow."

"It's really hard to handle on such a hot day!"

At this moment, while Xiao Liu was complaining, his hands were not idle at all, so he began to spend time assembling the bracket of the camera in his hand.

And just when Xiao Liu was spending time to start assembling the bracket.

That's above field six.

The referee was also in place soon.

"Players on both sides, please pay attention to maintaining fairness and justice in this battle!"

"Once someone is found to use despicable means, the data will be recorded in the Alliance database, and such data will follow you for a lifetime!"

"At the same time, those who violate the circumstances seriously will be deprived of their Trainer status!"

"Competitor Yan Jing, contestant Zhou Tian, ​​do you two understand?"

The voice fell, accompanied by the referee's words.

Zhou Tian, ​​who was above the No. 6 arena, nodded his head immediately.

Not long after Zhou Tian nodded, Yan Jing's voice sounded.


At this moment, after seeing that both sides made clear gestures, the referee himself was not impressed.

After all, on such a hot day, he also wanted the game to end as soon as possible.

So the referee waved the red and white flag immediately.

"Pingcheng Baby Cup Round of 16!"

"Contestant Zhou Tian VS Contestant Yan Jing!"

"This battle adopts a 1V1 competition system, and the game will not end until one Pokémon loses the ability to fight or surrenders."

"Now on the 6th arena, the round of 16 has officially begun!"

The voice fell, accompanied by a whistle.

Xiao Liu, who had just finished tinkering with the bracket in the auditorium, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The game started so fast?"

"Fortunately, I have already fixed the bracket!"

"Now just turn on the camera to record the top 16 matches!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Liu's face was filled with a happy smile from the painful face just now.

Because he knows that the Baby Cup competition is generally very fast.

Almost the longest time in history was played for about three minutes.

It is almost incomparable to those tournaments where the main Pokémon battles between the two teams lasted for ten minutes.

So once the round of sixteen starts.

That means that the result of this game can basically be over in about two minutes.

And as long as two minutes, I can enjoy that happiness, and at the same time make myself feel comfortable with the air conditioner.

To be honest, Xiao Liu's heart is really beautiful now!

But just when Xiao Liu was turning on the camera switch with a happy face.

But there was only a not-so-loud rumbling sound in his ears.

And not long after the rumbling sound fell.

The referee's words that hadn't been heard for a long time just now sounded again.

"Oddish incapable of fighting!"

"So the winner of this competition is contestant Yan Jing."

"Congratulations to Yan Jing for successfully entering the quarterfinals of the Baby Cup!"

After the words fell, I heard the voice next to my ear, it was Xiao Liu who was still smiling happily on his face just now.

At this moment, the smile on that face seemed to travel through time and space, and the normal became frozen in an instant.

"Is this the end?"

"Fuck? Why so fast!"

At this moment, upon hearing the referee's words, Xiao Liu was in a bewildered contest condition.

After that, Xiao Liu also looked at the stadium in the distance with an expression of disbelief.

I saw that on the field, Yan Jing's Zigzagoon was still standing indifferently.

And in front of him was Oddish, who seemed to be full of fighting spirit just now.

But it has already collapsed on the ground and completely lost the ability to fight.

At this moment, seeing this scene in front of me...

This little Liu was immediately dumbfounded!

What do I rely on?

Nima, I just turned on the camera, and the game is already over? ! !

It is said that the Baby Cup competition is fast...

But this is a bit too fast, right? ! !

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