Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 64

The next day, Jon's promise was not fulfilled after all.

Just because Xiaosheng and the others were taken back to Chenghua City by Qianli early in the morning.

The alliance's action has been launched, and Qianli stayed for Jon for one night.

After waking up, he contacted the vehicle and hurried back to Chenghua City.

Since Qianli did not mention when to leave, Jon foolishly waited for Xiaosheng for a long time, and finally only waited for Xiaosheng's complaining call and the request to take good care of the baby dragon.

Jon's body has fully recovered. Seeing Ishida's discharge from the hospital, he couldn't wait to start packing his luggage.

At noon, the four of them (Jon, Tetsuya, Ishida, Junko) gathered together for a meal. After leaving each other's contact information, they began to go their separate ways and walked firmly towards their respective goals.

Jon ran to the breeding house as soon as possible. This was his first time to set foot here. The Pokémon was raised here by Tetsuya when he was in the hospital.

Relying on the Pokémon navigator borrowed from Qianli, Jon walked along the bustling streets, gradually moving away from the bustling and noisy downtown areas.

The Pokémon navigator was quite similar to the navigation in his previous life, but the only drawback was that it did not provide the distance and estimated time required, causing Jon to walk until dusk before slowly arriving at the place called "Changsheng Breeding House".

Although the name is not very colorful, the breeding house covers a really large area, and is surrounded by many insect-type Pokémon as patrol guards.

No wonder it is far away from the city. There are really few people who have such strength and courage to open such a large breeding house in the city center.

Walking slowly along the fence, I finally saw a single-story house.

Jon gently pushed open the door, and in front of him was a spacious hall, which was empty, but it could not be said to be completely empty. At least there was a young and beautiful girl at the front desk.

The girl at the front desk smiled sweetly when she saw Jon, "Welcome."

"Hello, I'm here to retrieve my Pokémon."

Jon also smiled and nodded, without too much greeting, he directly stated his purpose.

"Okay, please provide your ID."

Jon raised his hand and asked the girl to scan his trainer watch.

"Hello, Mr. Jon, please follow me."

"Is it okay to leave like this?"

Jon slightly turned his face to indicate that there was no one here, and the girl still smiled, "It's okay, Amei will come to replace me soon."

After that, a figure really walked out from the other side - Sister Michun.

"Amei, I'll take the customer to retrieve his partner, and I'll leave this to you first."

Sister Michun squinted her eyes and waved, then walked to the front desk and began to look after the store skillfully.

"Amei, you are really unique."

Jon couldn't help but sigh. Under the guidance of the girl, Jon finally met his partners whom he had not seen for several days.

Seeing Jon, whose body had recovered, they were also very excited. Each of them was full of energy, especially Baby Dragon. This was the first time it had left Jon since its birth.

At this time, it had hugged Jon tightly, muttering in its mouth, as if it was venting its anxiety.

In the Pokémon Ball, it saw its partners and the scene where Jon was ruthlessly crushed by Gengar. It had been suppressed for a long time.

Seeing that his Pokémon were in good condition, Jon paid the money happily.

However, the beautiful night sky had appeared at this time, and it seemed quite far away from the Pokémon Center.

In desperation, Jon successfully found a small lake with the help of Toucans and prepared to camp there for the night.

"Companions, come out!"

After setting up a bonfire, the six Pokémon appeared in front of Jon again.

In the breeding house, they could not vent their emotions as freely as Baby Dragon, but at this time and place, they and Jon were the only ones left, and they could finally rush over without reservation.

The wolfhound and Hound ran over first, rubbing Jon's legs affectionately.

Then Bankiras quickly pushed them away and hugged Jon tightly, just like the posture of protecting Jon in the ruins.

Baby Dragon was so anxious that he kept spinning behind Bankiras, and he found that he couldn't squeeze in at all.

In the end, Gyarados slowly crawled over, pushed Bankiras away with his huge head, let Baby Dragon enter Jon's arms first, and then leaned his head over.

From beginning to end, Toucan kept circling above Jon's head.

After venting their emotions, Jon and Gyarados quickly entered the camping state.There was not much food left in Jon's backpack. He had planned to go back to town to buy some, but he ran into a mission and had to stay in the hospital for a few days.

He could only make do at night. This place was too close to where humans lived, and there was almost nothing valuable.

Jon didn't want to waste time at night, so he began to plan the tricks they needed to learn later for the existing lineup.

Now that he had the support of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jon seemed a bit rich.

However, he was still quite confident in his ability to make money, so he only asked for resources and he could buy them at the original price.

The more equal the benefits he got from them, the less passive he would be in the future.

Although it was the original price, Jon had no way to buy these things, such as carrying props, precious energy blocks, special tree fruits and ores, etc.

Although Gyarados was quickly defeated in the battle with the king-level Pokémon, it was indeed a great improvement in its fighting spirit.

If Pokémon had only two attributes at most, Gyarados' third attribute would definitely be dragon. It's strange that it has a flying attribute even though it doesn't have many flying skills.

However, Jon is going to use the dragon energy block to activate its dragon attribute first, just like Xiaochun's Gyarados in the Yanmo Gym, which is not afraid of lightning.

There is nothing special to say about the Gyarados and Houndoom. They are still the same, with speed as the main focus. Gyarados has more close-range skills, while Houndoom has more long-range skills of the fire and dark types.

Bankiras needs to be both offensive and defensive. It needs to learn some defensive moves and other skills to prevent being restrained due to slow action.

Don't be like Xiaozhi's Tortoise. No matter how agile it is, it can't be faster than the small and agile Pokémon. It's better to focus on attack and defense and give up speed first.

Baby Dragon should eat nutritional supplements and develop well.

Toucan should exercise its wings and take Baby Dragon and Jon to fly.

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