Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 46

After Jon took back the Bankiras, the team started to set off.

This time they didn't drive, because driving at night in the Wasteland Canyon would undoubtedly be a dead end.

Accidentally falling into a pit or crushing a resting Pokémon would be a major obstacle to the rescue.

Jon had hardly explored the Wasteland Canyon in depth.

He only built a simple shelter on the edge and successfully maintained a good state of peaceful coexistence with the Boskodora tribe.

Although the Wasteland Canyon is extremely vast, Jon doesn't think there will be more powerful Pokémon here than Boskodora.

After all, reality is not the kind of monster-killing and leveling game where the closer you get to the center, the stronger the Pokémon will be.

Even around the most powerful gym, there are still a large number of primary Pokémon in the forest outside, and there are also many elite ones.

Moreover, the quality of Pokémon there is not necessarily more than that in Kanaz City.

During the three-hour wait, the rangers have successfully obtained the "enthusiastic" assistance of many Pokémon.

These Pokémon temporarily acted as mounts, carrying everyone to speed up their pace.

Otherwise, if they only rely on their feet to walk, they really don't know when they can reach the location where the researcher lost contact.

Jon and Zheya sat on the back of a huge tropical dragon one after the other.

Although they can each summon their own Pokémon as a means of transportation, considering the unknown situation they will face next, the two wisely decided to save their energy.

"Zheya, didn't you participate in the Caiyou Conference?"

During the long journey, Jon had nothing to do, so he asked Zheya curiously with interest.

"I just returned from another area. The time was too hasty and I didn't have time to participate."

So that's the case. No wonder he would appear here when the Caiyou Conference is about to start.

"Zheya, do you mean that you will also participate in the Hoenn Alliance Caiyou Conference next year?"

"Also? It seems that we are likely to become strong competitors in the future."

Zheya quickly understood the meaning of Jon's words, and the two chatted very enthusiastically.

He was not nervous at all because he was about to step into an unknown area, even if it was only a little bit.

Jon was a little surprised. When he was on the periphery, there was no obvious wind and sand except that the air was a little dry.

However, the further he went inside, the stronger the wind and sand became.

"Because the development speed of the Hoenn region is too fast, it has seriously affected the balance of the ecology, so this is the punishment given to us by the God of the Earth-Grawdo."

Zheya saw Jon's inner doubts, so he explained to him.

Grawdo? Is it the first-level beast in the Hoenn region that is subconsciously ignored every time when the beasts fight?

Jon has never believed this kind of rhetoric.

After all, Groudon has been sleeping all the time, so how could he care about the development of human beings, right?

This is just a belief in the mythical beasts in the Hoenn region.

Jon would not forcefully correct Tetsuya's point of view. This was his personal belief issue, and Jon had no right to interfere. He just listened.

Fortunately, Shakiras evolved into Bangjiras. In such a place, the increase in Bangjiras' strength was extraordinary.

Jon and the others also gradually fell from the air. The strong wind and sand here were no longer suitable for continued flying.

I really can't imagine how the group of researchers found this place.


The captain of the forest rangers in the front suddenly raised his hand and shouted quickly.

After hearing his voice, all the Pokémon stopped in response.

"The road ahead is no longer suitable for these Pokémon. Xiaoya, Asi, you stay here, and the rest of you will explore in groups."

"Zheya, the five of you will follow me in a group."

The ranger said to Jon and the other five trainers who were summoned.

"No problem."

Zheya did not raise any objections, so Jon and the others would not say anything.

Moreover, Jon's live broadcasts in his previous life were mostly based on jungles. This was the first time he had set foot in a place like this in two lives.

It was obvious that he lacked experience and really needed the guidance and help of his predecessors.

"Please release your Pokémon that are suitable for this place."

For a while, everyone released their Pokémon one after another - Rhydon, Tyrannosaurus, Charmeleon, Nidoking, Metagross, and Banguirus.

What a coincidence!Coincidentally, everyone can ride on their own Pokémon.

After the team walked for a while, Jon gradually felt a little tired.

Although they had only advanced a short distance, the harsh environment around them had a bad impact on his psychology.

I believe that they all have this feeling more or less.

He took out a bottle of water from his backpack and drank it in big gulps, and by the way, he stuffed an energy block suitable for evil Pokémon into Bangilas.

Fortunately, the ranger had already prepared thick clothes for everyone.

The temperature difference between day and night here is very large, and Jon has experienced it a long time ago.

Moreover, in order to resist the wind and sand, helmets, goggles, masks, etc. have been prepared for everyone...

Six strong light flashlights are constantly searching for clues in this wind and sand.

"Captain, have we reached the place where those researchers disappeared?"

Zhe was obviously a little uncomfortable, and he immediately asked the captain of the ranger.

"It's nearby. Those of you who have traveled know that in places like this, the signal is often biased."

The captain of the rangers could only patiently explain to Jon and the others.

The captain of the rangers is called Ishida. He is already 35 years old and has been a ranger for 20 years. He is not uncomfortable with these harsh places.

However, among the trainers who were summoned, one of them, who was riding Nidoking, wailed in pain.

"I can't hold on any longer."

"Banguilas, have you learned any tricks to resist the wind and sand?"

Jon lowered his head and asked his mount, Banguilas.

There was cold sweat on Banguilas' forehead. How could there be such a trick? If there was, it would have been used long ago.

Realizing the look in Banguilas' eyes, Jon touched his head a little embarrassedly, no, he touched his helmet.

The trainer of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is Junko, who just helped Jon. She hid behind the Tyrannosaurus Rex and obviously heard what Jon said to Banguirus.

At this time, she was covering her mouth and smiling at Jon.

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